845 research outputs found

    Variable power transmission in highly Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks pose challenges in terms of power control, due to their fixed transmission power, the mobility of nodes and a constantly changing topology. High levels of power are needed in wireless networks, particularly for routing. As a result of the increase in the number of communication devices being used, there is the challenge of increased density within these networks, and a need to extend the battery life of communication devices. In order to address this challenge, this thesis presents the development of a new protocol (Dynamic Power AODV), which is an enhancement of the Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. The new protocol dynamically adjusts the transmission power based on the range, which depends on node density. This thesis provides a systematic evaluation of the performance of DP-AODV, in a high speed and high density environment, in comparison with three other routing protocols. The experiments demonstrated that DP-AODV performed better than two of the protocols in all scenarios. As compared to the third protocol (AOMDV), DP-AODV gave better performance results for throughput and Power Consumption, but AOMDV performed better in terms of Packet Delivery Fraction rate and End-to-End Delay in some cases

    Reducing energy consumption in mobile ad-hoc sensor networks

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    PhD ThesisRecent rapid development of wireless communication technologies and portable mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones and wireless sensors bring the best out of mobile computing, particularly Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks (MASNETs). MASNETs are types of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) that are designed to consider energy in mind because they have severe resource constraints due to their lack of processing power, limited memory, and bandwidth as in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Hence, they have the characteristics, requirements, and limitations of both MANETs and WSNs. There are many potential applications of MASNETs such as a real-time target tracking and an ocean temperature monitoring. In these applications, mobility is the fundamental characteristic of the sensor nodes, and it poses many challenges to the routing algorithm. One of the greatest challenge is to provide a routing algorithm that is capable of dynamically changing its topology in the mobile environment with minimal consumption of energy. In MASNETs, the main reason of the topology change is because of the movement of mobile sensor nodes and not the node failure due to energy depletion. Since these sensor nodes are limited in power supply and have low radio frequency coverage, they easily lose their connection with neighbours, and face diffi culties in updating their routing tables. The switching process from one coverage area to another consumes more energy. This network must be able to adaptively alter the routing paths to minimize the effects of variable wireless link quality, topological changes, and transmission power levels on energy consumption of the network. Hence, nodes prefer to use as little transmission power as necessary and transmit control packets as infrequently as possible in energy constrained MASNETs. Therefore, in this thesis we propose a new dynamic energy-aware routing algorithm based on the trans- mission power control (TPC). This method effectively decreases the average percentage of packet loss and reduces the average total energy consumption which indirectly pro- long the network lifetime of MASNETs. To validate the proposed protocol, we ran the simulation on the Avrora simulator and varied speed, density, and route update interval of mobile nodes. Finally, the performance of the proposed routing algorithm was measured and compared against the basic Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing algorithm in MASNETs.The Ministry of Education of Malaysia: The Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

    A design of variable transmission power control for wireless ad-hoc network

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    Includes bibliography.Wireless Ad-hoc Network has emanated to be a promising network paradigm that can handle last mile technology due to unprecedented growth of internet users. This network is promising because it extends network to remote areas such as congested environments, rural environments etc. It is known that nodes involved in Wireless Ad-hoc Network rely on battery energy as their source of power. Energy consumption has become one of the major challenges experienced in Wireless Ad-hoc Network, which must be properly tackled. This could be traced to the effect of transmission power on the nodes in the network. Transmission power largely determines the amount of energy consumed by each node in the network. Therefore, a power control technique must be adopted in order to manage and select the optimal transmission power with respect to distance. This transmission power must be sufficient to transfer information from one node to another. Literature have proposed different algorithms for power control technique in Wireless Ad-hoc Network. Some researchers looked at the power control technique in terms of minimising energy consumed from different perspectives, which include power aware routing and power control topology management. However, most of these algorithms were applied at different layers in OSI model such as physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer. To achieve a reduced energy consumption at each node in the network, a novel algorithm for transmission power control was designed to select optimal transmission power. The proposed algorithm was designed in such a way that it selects transmission power based on the distance between the nodes without affecting the network throughput. Graph theory is used in this research to model the network topology, and transmission power with respect to the distance

    A hop-count and node energy based manet routing protocol

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    Mobile ad hoc network is a self-configuring network in which all participating nodes are mobile and consist of limited channel bandwidth and energy. Mobile devices are battery operated, and energy efficiency is a major issue for battery-operated devices in mobile ad hoc networks. Routing data packets from source to destination is the challenging task in mobile ad hoc networks due to node mobility and dynamic topology change in the network. Link failure or node energy depletion causes re-routing and establishing a new route from the source node to destination node which consumes extra node energy, reduces connectivity of the network and early partition of the network. Energy-related parameters consideration in routing is an important solution to enhance network lifetime. Several better performing routing schemes are presented and implemented for MANETs. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol is one which performs well among similar routing protocols for MANET. AODV route selection base on either lowest hop-count or fresh sequence number. Many enhancements to AODV are proposed, which represents a better performance in comparison with original protocol. However, in a large network different paths to the destination could be found with the same hop-count. When efficiency is deliberated for those paths in quickly data transmission, each path performance varies in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio due to the mobility of the nodes in the network. AODV routing protocol and enhancements suggested by other researchers do not give attention to such cases, and this paper proposes Hop-count and Node Energy based Routing Protocol (HNERP) which uses a multi-function routing strategy that incorporates with hop-count and node energy while making the routing decision. The proposed protocol is simulated by using NS2 and results show that HNERP performs better in term of packet delivery ratio and throughput, moreover it increases network lifetime and reduces end-to-end delay

    Traffic locality oriented route discovery algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks

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    There has been a growing interest in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) motivated by the advances in wireless technology and the range of potential applications that might be realised with such technology. Due to the lack of an infrastructure and their dynamic nature, MANETs demand a new set of networking protocols to harness the full benefits of these versatile communication systems. Great deals of research activities have been devoted to develop on-demand routing algorithms for MANETs. The route discovery processes used in most on-demand routing algorithms, such as the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), rely on simple flooding as a broadcasting technique for route discovery. Although simple flooding is simple to implement, it dominates the routing overhead, leading to the well-known broadcast storm problem that results in packet congestion and excessive collisions. A number of routing techniques have been proposed to alleviate this problem, some of which aim to improve the route discovery process by restricting the broadcast of route request packets to only the essential part of the network. Ideally, a route discovery should stop when a receiving node reports a route to the required destination. However, this cannot be achieved efficiently without the use of external resources; such as GPS location devices. In this thesis, a new locality-oriented route discovery approach is proposed and exploited to develop three new algorithms to improve the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols. The proposal of our algorithms is motivated by the fact that various patterns of traffic locality occur quite naturally in MANETs since groups of nodes communicate frequently with each other to accomplish common tasks. Some of these algorithms manage to reduce end-to-end delay while incurring lower routing overhead compared to some of the existing algorithms such as simple flooding used in AODV. The three algorithms are based on a revised concept of traffic locality in MANETs which relies on identifying a dynamic zone around a source node where the zone radius depends on the distribution of the nodes with which that the source is “mostly” communicating. The traffic locality concept developed in this research form the basis of our Traffic Locality Route Discovery Approach (TLRDA) that aims to improve the routing discovery process in on-demand routing protocols. A neighbourhood region is generated for each active source node, containing “most” of its destinations, thus the whole network being divided into two non-overlapping regions, neighbourhood and beyond-neighbourhood, centred at the source node from that source node prospective. Route requests are processed normally in the neighbourhood region according to the routing algorithm used. However, outside this region various measures are taken to impede such broadcasts and, ultimately, stop them when they have outlived their usefulness. The approach is adaptive where the boundary of each source node’s neighbourhood is continuously updated to reflect the communication behaviour of the source node. TLRDA is the basis for the new three route discovery algorithms; notably: Traffic Locality Route Discovery Algorithm with Delay (TLRDA D), Traffic Locality Route Discovery Algorithm with Chase (TLRDA-C), and Traffic Locality Expanding Ring Search (TL-ERS). In TLRDA-D, any route request that is currently travelling in its source node’s beyond-neighbourhood region is deliberately delayed to give priority to unfulfilled route requests. In TLRDA-C, this approach is augmented by using chase packets to target the route requests associated with them after the requested route has been discovered. In TL-ERS, the search is conducted by covering three successive rings. The first ring covers the source node neighbourhood region and unsatisfied route requests in this ring trigger the generation of the second ring which is double that of the first. Otherwise, the third ring covers the whole network and the algorithm finally resorts to flooding. Detailed performance evaluations are provided using both mathematical and simulation modelling to investigate the performance behaviour of the TLRDA D, TLRDA-C, and TL-ERS algorithms and demonstrate their relative effectiveness against the existing approaches. Our results reveal that TLRDA D and TLRDA C manage to minimize end-to-end packet delays while TLRDA-C and TL-ERS exhibit low routing overhead. Moreover, the results indicate that equipping AODV with our new route discovery algorithms greatly enhance the performance of AODV in terms of end to end delay, routing overhead, and packet loss

    An energy-aware and QOS assured wireless multi-hop transmission protocol

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    A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by researchThe Ad-hoc network is set up with multiple wireless devices without any pre-existing infrastructure. It usually supports best-effort traffic and occasionally some kinds of Quality of Service (QoS). However, there are some applications with real-time traffic requirements where deadlines must be met. To meet deadlines, the communication network has to support the timely delivery of inter-task messages. Furthermore, energy efficiency is a critical issue for battery-powered mobile devices in ad-hoc networks. Thus, A QoS guaranteed and energy-aware transmission scheme is one hot of research topics in the research area. The MSc research work is based on the idea of Real-Time Wireless Multi-hop Protocol (RT-WMP). RT-WMP is a well known protocol originally used in the robots control area. It allows wireless real-time traffic in relatively small mobile ad-hoc networks using the low-cost commercial IEEE 802.11 technology. The proposed scheme is based on a token-passing approach and message exchange is priority based. The idea of energy-aware routing mechanism is based on the AODV protocol. This energy-saving mechanism is analysed and simulated in our study as an extension of the RT-WMP. From the simulation results and analysis, it has been shown that adding energy-aware mechanism to RT-WMP is meaningful to optimise the performance of traffic on the network

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Routing Optimizing Decisions in MANET: The Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) with Adaptive Routing based on Network Situation

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks that operate without a fixed infrastructure or base station. In MANETs, each node acts as a data source and a router, establishing connections with its neighboring nodes to facilitate communication. This research has introduced the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP), which combines the OLSR, AOMDV, and AODV routing protocols while considering the network situation for improved performance. The EHRP protocol begins by broadcasting a RREP (Route Reply) packet to discover a route. The selection of routing options is based on the current network situation. To determine the distance between the source and destination nodes, the proposed EHRP initiates a RREQ (Route Request) packet. In situations where network mobility exceeds the capabilities of the AODV protocol, the EHRP protocol can utilize the OLSR routing protocol for route selection and data transmission, provided that at least 70% of the network nodes remain stable. Additionally, the EHRP protocol effectively handles network load and congestion control through the utilization of the AOMDV routing protocol. Compared to the hybrid routing protocol, the enhanced hybrid routing protocol (EHRP) demonstrates superior performance. Its incorporation of the OLSR, AOMDV, and AODV protocols, along with its adaptive routing adaptation based on network conditions, allows for efficient network management and improved overall network performance. The analysis of packet delivery ratio for EHRP and ZRP reveals that EHRP achieves a packet delivery ratio of 98.01%, while ZRP achieves a packet delivery ratio of 89.99%. These results indicate that the enhanced hybrid routing protocol (EHRP) outperforms the hybrid routing protocol (ZRP) in terms of packet delivery ratio. EHRP demonstrates a higher level of success in delivering packets to their intended destinations compared to ZRP. The analysis of normal routing load for EHRP and ZRP reveals that EHRP exhibits a normal routing load of 0.13%, while ZRP exhibits a higher normal routing load of 0.50%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the performance of the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) is significantly better than that of the Hybrid Routing Protocol (ZRP) when considering the normal routing load. EHRP demonstrates a lower level of routing overhead and more efficient resource utilization compared to ZRP in scenarios with normal routing load. When comparing the average end-to-end delay between the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) and ZRP, the analysis reveals that EHRP achieves an average delay of 0.06, while ZRP exhibits a higher average delay of 0.23. These findings indicate that the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) performs better than ZRP in terms of average end-to-end delay. EHRP exhibits lower delay, resulting in faster and more efficient transmission of data packets from source to destination compared to ZRP. After considering the overall parameter matrix, which includes factors such as normal routing load, data send and receive throughput, packet delivery ratio, and average end-to-end delay, it becomes evident that the performance of the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) surpasses that of the current hybrid routing protocol (ZRP). Across these metrics, EHRP consistently outperforms ZRP, demonstrating superior performance and efficiency. The Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) exhibits better results in terms of normal routing load, higher throughput for data transmission and reception, improved packet delivery ratio, and lower average end-to-end delay. Overall, EHRP offers enhanced performance and effectiveness compared to the existing hybrid routing protocol (ZRP)