31 research outputs found

    Comparison of cube attacks over different vector spaces

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    We generalise the cube attack of Dinur and Shamir (and the similar AIDA attack of Vielhaber) to a more general higher order differentiation attack, by summing over an arbitrary subspace of the space of initialisation vectors. The Moebius transform can be used for efficiently examining all the subspaces of a big space, similar to the method used by Fouque and Vannet for the usual cube attack. Secondly we propose replacing the Generalised Linearity Test proposed by Dinur and Shamir with a test based on higher order differentiation/Moebius transform. We show that the proposed test provides all the information provided by the Generalised Linearity Test, at the same computational cost. In addition, for functions that do not pass the linearity test it also provides, at no extra cost, an estimate of the degree of the function. This is useful for guiding the heuristics for the cube/AIDA attacks

    A New Framework for Finding Nonlinear Superpolies in Cube Attacks against Trivium-Like Ciphers

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    In this paper, we study experimental cube attacks against Trivium-like ciphers and we focus on improving nonlinear superpolies recovery. We first present a general framework in cube attacks to test nonlinear superpolies, by exploiting a kind of linearization technique. It worth noting that, in the new framework, the complexities of testing and recovering nonlinear superpolies are almost the same as those of testing and recovering linear superpolies. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our new attack framework, we do extensive experiments on Trivium, Kreyvium, and TriviA-SC-v2 respectively. We obtain several linear and quadratic superpolies for the 802-round Trivium, which is the best experimental results against Trivium regarding the number of initialization rounds. For Kreyvium, it is shown that the probability of finding a quadratic superpoly using the new framework is twice as large as finding a linear superpoly. Hopefully, this new framework would provide some new insights on cube attacks against NFSR-based ciphers, and in particular make nonlinear superpolies potentially useful in the future cube attacks

    Stream ciphers: A Practical Solution for Efficient Homomorphic-Ciphertext Compression

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    International audienceIn typical applications of homomorphic encryption, the first step consists for Alice to encrypt some plaintext m under Bob’s public key pk and to send the ciphertext c = HEpk(m) to some third-party evaluator Charlie. This paper specifically considers that first step, i.e. the problem of transmitting c as efficiently as possible from Alice to Charlie. As previously noted, a form of compression is achieved using hybrid encryption. Given a symmetric encryption scheme E, Alice picks a random key k and sends a much smaller ciphertext c′ = (HEpk(k), Ek(m)) that Charlie decompresses homomorphically into the original c using a decryption circuit CE−1 .In this paper, we revisit that paradigm in light of its concrete implemen- tation constraints; in particular E is chosen to be an additive IV-based stream cipher. We investigate the performances offered in this context by Trivium, which belongs to the eSTREAM portfolio, and we also pro- pose a variant with 128-bit security: Kreyvium. We show that Trivium, whose security has been firmly established for over a decade, and the new variant Kreyvium have an excellent performance

    Algebraic analysis of Trivium-like ciphers

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    Trivium is a bit-based stream cipher in the final portfolio of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we apply the approach of Berbain et al. to Trivium-like ciphers and perform new algebraic analyses on them, namely Trivium and its reduced versions: Trivium-N, Bivium-A and Bivium-B. In doing so, we answer an open question in the literature. We demonstrate a new algebraic attack on Bivium-A. This attack requires less time and memory than previous techniques which use the F4 algorithm to recover Bivium-A's initial state. Though our attacks on Bivium-B, Trivium and Trivium-N are worse than exhaustive keysearch, the systems of equations which are constructed are smaller and less complex compared to previous algebraic analysis. Factors which can affect the complexity of our attack on Trivium-like ciphers are discussed in detail

    Advanced Algebraic Attack on Trivium

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    This paper presents an algebraic attack against Trivium that breaks 625 rounds using only 40964096 bits of output in an overall time complexity of 242.22^{42.2} Trivium computations. While other attacks can do better in terms of rounds (799799), this is a practical attack with a very low data usage (down from 2402^{40} output bits) and low computation time (down from 2622^{62}). From another angle, our attack can be seen as a proof of concept: how far can algebraic attacks can be pushed when several known techniques are combined into one implementation? All attacks have been fully implemented and tested; our figures are therefore not the result of any potentially error-prone extrapolation, but results of practical experiments

    On Selection of Samples in Algebraic Attacks and a New Technique to Find Hidden Low Degree Equations

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    The best way of selecting samples in algebraic attacks against block ciphers is not well explored and understood. We introduce a simple strategy for selecting the plaintexts and demonstrate its strength by breaking reduced-round KATAN32 and LBlock. In both cases, we present a practical attack which outperforms previous attempts of algebraic cryptanalysis whose complexities were close to exhaustive search. The attack is based on the selection of samples using cube attack and ElimLin which was presented at FSE’12, and a new technique called Universal Proning. In the case of LBlock, we break 10 out of 32 rounds. In KATAN32, we break 78 out of 254 rounds. Unlike previous attempts which break smaller number of rounds, we do not guess any bit of the key and we only use structural properties of the cipher to be able to break a higher number of rounds with much lower complexity. We show that cube attacks owe their success to the same properties and therefore, can be used as a heuristic for selecting the samples in an algebraic attack. The performance of ElimLin is further enhanced by the new Universal Proning technique, which allows to discover linear equations that are not found by ElimLin

    An Experimentally Verified Attack on 820-Round Trivium (Full Version)

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    The cube attack is one of the most important cryptanalytic techniques against Trivium. As the method of recovering superpolies becomes more and more effective, another problem of cube attacks, i.e., how to select cubes corresponding to balanced superpolies, is attracting more and more attention. It is well-known that a balanced superpoly could be used in both theoretical and practical analyses. In this paper, we present a novel framework to search for valuable cubes whose superpolies have an independent secret variable each, i.e., a linear variable not appearing in any nonlinear term. To control online complexity, valuable cubes are selected from very few large cubes. New ideas are given on the large cube construction and the subcube sieve. For the verification of this new algorithm, we apply it to Trivium. For 815-round Trivium, using one cube of size 47, we obtain more than 200 balanced superpolies containing 68 different independent secret variables. To make a trade-off between the number of cubes and computation complexity, we choose 35 balanced superpolies and mount a key-recovery attack on 815-round Trivium with a complexity of 247.322^{47.32}. For 820-round Trivium, using two cubes of size 52, we obtain more than 100 balanced superpolies, which contain 54 different independent secret variables. With 30 balanced superpolies, we mount a key-recovery attack on 820-round Trivium with a complexity of 253.172^{53.17}. Strong experimental evidence shows that the full key-recovery attacks on 815- and 820-round Trivium could be completed within six hours and two weeks on a PC with two RTX3090 GPUs, respectively

    Correlation Cube Attacks: From Weak-Key Distinguisher to Key Recovery

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    In this paper, we describe a new variant of cube attacks called correlation cube attack. The new attack recovers the secret key of a cryptosystem by exploiting conditional correlation properties between the superpoly of a cube and a specific set of low-degree polynomials that we call a basis, which satisfies that the superpoly is a zero constant when all the polynomials in the basis are zeros. We present a detailed procedure of correlation cube attack for the general case, including how to find a basis of the superpoly of a given cube. One of the most significant advantages of this new analysis technique over other variants of cube attacks is that it converts from a weak-key distinguisher to a key recovery attack. As an illustration, we apply the attack to round-reduced variants of the stream cipher Trivium. Based on the tool of numeric mapping introduced by Liu at CRYPTO 2017, we develop a specific technique to efficiently find a basis of the superpoly of a given cube as well as a large set of potentially good cubes used in the attack on Trivium variants, and further set up deterministic or probabilistic equations on the key bits according to the conditional correlation properties between the superpolys of the cubes and their bases. For a variant when the number of initialization rounds is reduced from 1152 to 805, we can recover about 7-bit key information on average with time complexity 2442^{44}, using 2452^{45} keystream bits and preprocessing time 2512^{51}. For a variant of Trivium reduced to 835 rounds, we can recover about 5-bit key information on average with the same complexity. All the attacks are practical and fully verified by experiments. To the best of our knowledge, they are thus far the best known key recovery attacks for these variants of Trivium, and this is the first time that a weak-key distinguisher on Trivium stream cipher can be converted to a key recovery attack

    More Balanced Polynomials: Cube Attacks on 810- and 825-Round Trivium with Practical Complexities

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    The key step of the cube attack is to recover the special polynomial, the superpoly, of the target cipher. In particular, the balanced superpoly, in which there exists at least one secret variable as a single monomial and none of the other monomials contain this variable, can be exploited to reveal one-bit information about the key bits. However, as the number of rounds grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to find such balanced superpolies. Consequently, traditional methods of searching for balanced superpolies soon hit a bottleneck. Aiming at performing a cube attack on more rounds of Trivium with a practical complexity, in this paper, we present three techniques to obtain sufficient balanced polynomials. 1. Based on the structure of Trivium, we propose a variable substitution technique to simplify the superpoly. 2. Obtaining the additional balanced polynomial by combining two superpolies to cancel the two-degree terms. 3. We propose an experimental approach to construct high-quality large cubes which may contain more subcubes with balanced superpolies and a heuristic search strategy for their subcubes whose superpolies are balanced. To illustrate the power of our techniques, we search for balanced polynomials for 810- and 825-round Trivium. As a result, we can mount cube attacks against 810- and 825-round Trivium with the time complexity of 244.172^{44.17} and 253.172^{53.17} round-reduced Trivium initializations, respectively, which can be verified in 48 minutes and 18 days on a PC with one A100 GPU. For the same level of time complexity, this improves the previous best results by 22 and 55 rounds, respectively

    A Practical Key-Recovery Attack on 805-Round Trivium

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    The cube attack is one of the most important cryptanalytic techniques against Trivium. Many improvements have been proposed and lots of key-recovery attacks based on cube attacks have been established. However, among these key-recovery attacks, few attacks can recover the 80-bit full key practically. In particular, the previous best practical key-recovery attack was on 784-round Trivium proposed by Fouque and Vannet at FSE 2013 with on-line complexity about 2392^{39}. To mount a practical key-recovery attack against Trivium on a PC, a sufficient number of low-degree superpolies should be recovered, which is around 40. This is a difficult task both for experimental cube attacks and division property based cube attacks with randomly selected cubes due to lack of efficiency. In this paper, we give a new algorithm to construct candidate cubes targeting at linear superpolies in cube attacks. It is shown by our experiments that the new algorithm is very effective. In our experiments, the success probability is 100% 100\% for finding linear superpolies using the constructed cubes. As a result, we mount a practical key-recovery attack on 805-round Trivium, which increases the number of attacked initialisation rounds by 21. We obtain over 1000 cubes with linear superpolies for 805-round Trivium, where 42 linearly independent ones could be selected. With these superpolies, for 805-round Trivium, the 80-bit key could be recovered within on-line complexity 241.40 2^{41.40} , which could be carried out on a single PC equipped with a GTX-1080 GPU in several hours. Furthermore, the new algorithm is applied to 810-round Trivium, a cube of size 43 is constructed and two subcubes of size 42 with linear superpolies for 810-round Trivium are found