284 research outputs found

    Situational Awareness Enhancement for Connected and Automated Vehicle Systems

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    Recent developments in the area of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) have boosted the interest in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs). While ITS is intended to resolve and mitigate serious traffic issues such as passenger and pedestrian fatalities, accidents, and traffic congestion; these goals are only achievable by vehicles that are fully aware of their situation and surroundings in real-time. Therefore, connected and automated vehicle systems heavily rely on communication technologies to create a real-time map of their surrounding environment and extend their range of situational awareness. In this dissertation, we propose novel approaches to enhance situational awareness, its applications, and effective sharing of information among vehicles.;The communication technology for CAVs is known as vehicle-to-everything (V2x) communication, in which vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) have been targeted for the first round of deployment based on dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) devices for vehicles and road-side transportation infrastructures. Wireless communication among these entities creates self-organizing networks, known as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Due to the mobile, rapidly changing, and intrinsically error-prone nature of VANETs, traditional network architectures are generally unsatisfactory to address VANETs fundamental performance requirements. Therefore, we first investigate imperfections of the vehicular communication channel and propose a new modeling scheme for large-scale and small-scale components of the communication channel in dense vehicular networks. Subsequently, we introduce an innovative method for a joint modeling of the situational awareness and networking components of CAVs in a single framework. Based on these two models, we propose a novel network-aware broadcast protocol for fast broadcasting of information over multiple hops to extend the range of situational awareness. Afterward, motivated by the most common and injury-prone pedestrian crash scenarios, we extend our work by proposing an end-to-end Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) framework to provide situational awareness and hazard detection for vulnerable road users. Finally, as humans are the most spontaneous and influential entity for transportation systems, we design a learning-based driver behavior model and integrate it into our situational awareness component. Consequently, higher accuracy of situational awareness and overall system performance are achieved by exchange of more useful information

    Comparing and Improving the Accuracy of Nonprobability Samples: Profiling Australian Surveys

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    There has been a great deal of debate in the survey research community about the accuracy of nonprobability sample surveys. This work aims to provide empirical evidence about the accuracy of nonprobability samples and to investigate the performance of a range of post-survey adjustment approaches (calibration or matching methods) to reduce bias, and lead to enhanced inference. We use data from five nonprobability online panel surveys and com­pare their accuracy (pre- and post-survey adjustment) to four probability surveys, including data from a probability online panel. This article adds value to the existing research by assessing methods for causal inference not previously applied for this purpose and dem­onstrates the value of various types of covariates in mitigation of bias in nonprobability online panels. Investigating different post-survey adjustment scenarios based on the avail­ability of auxiliary data, we demonstrated how carefully designed post-survey adjustment can reduce some bias in survey research using nonprobability samples. The results show that the quality of post-survey adjustments is, first and foremost, dependent on the avail­ability of relevant high-quality covariates which come from a representative large-scale probability-based survey data and match those in nonprobability data. Second, we found little difference in the efficiency of different post-survey adjustment methods, and inconsis­tent evidence on the suitability of 'webographics' and other internet-associated covariates for mitigating bias in nonprobability samples

    Design of an adaptive congestion control protocol for reliable vehicle safety communication

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    Connecting Vehicles to the Internet - Strategic Data Transmission for Mobile Nodes using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    With the advent of autonomous driving, the driving experience for users of connected vehicles changes, as they may enjoy their travel time with entertainment, or work productively. In our modern society, both require a stable Internet access. However, future mobile networks are not expected to be able to satisfy application Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as needed, e.g. during rush hours. To address this problem, this dissertation investigates data transmission strategies that exploit the potential of using a heterogeneous wireless network environment. To this end, we combine two so far distinct concepts, firstly, network selection and, secondly, transmission time selection, creating a joint time-network selection strategy. It allows a vehicle to plan delay-tolerant data transmissions ahead, favoring transmission opportunities with the best prospective flow-network matches. In this context, our first contribution is a novel rating model for perceived transmission quality, which assesses transmission opportunities with respect to application QoS requirement violations, traded off by monetary cost. To enable unified assessment of all data transmissions, it generalizes existing specialized rating models from network selection and transmission time selection and extends them with a novel throughput requirement model. Based on that, we develop a novel joint time-network selection strategy, Joint Transmission Planning (JTP), as our second contribution, planning optimized data transmissions within a defined time horizon. We compare its transmission quality to that of three predominant state-of-the-art transmission strategies, revealing that JTP outperforms the others significantly by up to 26%. Due to extensive scenario variation, we discover broad stability of JTP reaching 87-91% of the optimum. As JTP is a planning approach relying on prediction data, the transmission quality is strongly impaired when executing its plans under environmental changes. To mitigate this impact, we develop a transmission plan adaptation as our third contribution, modifying the planned current transmission online in order to comply with the changes. Even under strong changes of the vehicle movement and the network environment, it sustains 57%, respectively 36%, of the performance gain from planning. Finally, we present our protocol Mobility management for Vehicular Networking (MoVeNet), pooling available network resources of the environment to enable flexible packet dispatching without breaking connections. Its distributed architecture provides broad scalability and robustness against node failures. It complements control mechanisms that allow a demand-based and connection-specific trade-off between overhead and latency. Less than 9 ms additional round trip time in our tests, instant handover and 0 to 4 bytes per-packet overhead prove its efficiency. Employing the presented strategies and mechanisms jointly, users of connected vehicles and other mobile devices can significantly profit from the demonstrated improvements in application QoS satisfaction and reduced monetary cost

    TriFlow: Triaging Android Applications using Speculative Information Flows

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    Information flows in Android can be effectively used to give an informative summary of an application’s behavior, showing how and for what purpose apps use specific pieces of information. This has been shown to be extremely useful to characterize risky behaviors and, ultimately, to identify unwanted or malicious applications in Android. However, identifying information flows in an application is computationally highly expensive and, with more than one million apps in the Google Play market, it is critical to prioritize applications that are likely to pose a risk. In this work, we develop a triage mechanism to rank applications considering their potential risk. Our approach, called TRIFLOW, relies on static features that are quick to obtain. TRIFLOW combines a probabilistic model to predict the existence of information flows with a metric of how significant a flow is in benign and malicious apps. Based on this, TRIFLOW provides a score for each application that can be used to prioritize analysis. TRIFLOW also provides an explanatory report of the associated risk. We evaluate our tool with a representative dataset of benign and malicious Android apps. Our results show that it can predict the presence of information flows very accurately and that the overall triage mechanism enables significant resource saving.This work was supported by the MINECO grants TIN2013-46469-R and TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R, and by the CAM grant S2013/ICE-3095

    Towards reliable geographic broadcasting in vehicular networks

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    In Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs), safety-related messages are broadcasted amongst cars, helping to improve drivers' awareness of the road situation. VANETs’ reliability are highly affected by channel contention. This thesis first addresses the issue of channel use efficiency in geographical broadcasts (geocasts). Constant connectivity changes inside a VANET make the existing routing algorithms unsuitable. This thesis presents a geocast algorithm that uses a metric to estimate the ratio of useful to useless packet received. Simulations showed that this algorithm is more channel-efficient than the farthest-first strategy. It also exposes a parameter, allowing it to adapt to channel load. Second, this thesis presents a method of estimating channel load for providing feedback to moderate the offered load. A theoretical model showing the relationship between channel load and the idle time between transmissions is presented and used to estimate channel contention. Unsaturated stations on the network were shown to have small but observable effects on this relationship. In simulations, channel estimators based on this model show higher accuracy and faster convergence time than by observing packet collisions. These estimators are also less affected by unsaturated stations than by observing packet collisions. Third, this thesis couples the channel estimator to the geocast algorithm, producing a closed-loop load-reactive system that allows geocasts to adapt to instantaneous channel conditions. Simulations showed that this system is not only shown to be more efficient in channel use and be able to adapt to channel contention, but is also able to self-correct suboptimal retransmission decisions. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that all tested network simulators exhibit unexpected behaviours when simulating broadcasts. This thesis describes in depth the error in ns-3, leading to a set of workarounds that allows results from most versions of ns-3 to be interpreted correctly

    Towards Supporting Visual Question and Answering Applications

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    abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a new research area involving technologies ranging from computer vision, natural language processing, to other sub-fields of artificial intelligence such as knowledge representation. The fundamental task is to take as input one image and one question (in text) related to the given image, and to generate a textual answer to the input question. There are two key research problems in VQA: image understanding and the question answering. My research mainly focuses on developing solutions to support solving these two problems. In image understanding, one important research area is semantic segmentation, which takes images as input and output the label of each pixel. As much manual work is needed to label a useful training set, typical training sets for such supervised approaches are always small. There are also approaches with relaxed labeling requirement, called weakly supervised semantic segmentation, where only image-level labels are needed. With the development of social media, there are more and more user-uploaded images available on-line. Such user-generated content often comes with labels like tags and may be coarsely labelled by various tools. To use these information for computer vision tasks, I propose a new graphic model by considering the neighborhood information and their interactions to obtain the pixel-level labels of the images with only incomplete image-level labels. The method was evaluated on both synthetic and real images. In question answering, my research centers on best answer prediction, which addressed two main research topics: feature design and model construction. In the feature design part, most existing work discussed how to design effective features for answer quality / best answer prediction. However, little work mentioned how to design features by considering the relationship between answers of one given question. To fill this research gap, I designed new features to help improve the prediction performance. In the modeling part, to employ the structure of the feature space, I proposed an innovative learning-to-rank model by considering the hierarchical lasso. Experiments with comparison with the state-of-the-art in the best answer prediction literature have confirmed that the proposed methods are effective and suitable for solving the research task.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201
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