13,355 research outputs found

    Improving approximation of domain-focused, corpus-based, lexical semantic relatedness

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    Semantic relatedness is a measure that quantifies the strength of a semantic link between two concepts. Often, it can be efficiently approximated with methods that operate on words, which represent these concepts. Approximating semantic relatedness between texts and concepts represented by these texts is an important part of many text and knowledge processing tasks of crucial importance in many domain-specific scenarios. The problem of most state-of-the-art methods for calculating domain-specific semantic relatedness is their dependence on highly specialized, structured knowledge resources, which makes these methods poorly adaptable for many usage scenarios. On the other hand, the domain knowledge in the fields such as Life Sciences has become more and more accessible, but mostly in its unstructured form - as texts in large document collections, which makes its use more challenging for automated processing. In this dissertation, three new corpus-based methods for approximating domain-specific textual semantic relatedness are presented and evaluated with a set of standard benchmarks focused on the field of biomedicine. Nonetheless, the proposed measures are general enough to be adapted to other domain-focused scenarios. The evaluation involves comparisons with other relevant state-of-the-art measures for calculating semantic relatedness and the results suggest that the methods presented here perform comparably or better than other approaches. Additionally, the dissertation also presents an experiment, in which one of the proposed methods is applied within an ontology matching system, DisMatch. The performance of the system was evaluated externally on a biomedically themed ‘Phenotype’ track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2016 campaign. The results of the track indicate, that the use distributional semantic relatedness for ontology matching is promising, as the system presented in this thesis did stand out in detecting correct mappings that were not detected by any other systems participating in the track. The work presented in the dissertation indicates an improvement achieved w.r.t. the stat-of-the-art through the domain adapted use of the distributional principle (i.e. the presented methods are corpus-based and do not require additional resources). The ontology matching experiment showcases practical implications of the presented theoretical body of work

    Automatic coding of short text responses via clustering in educational assessment

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    Automatic coding of short text responses opens new doors in assessment. We implemented and integrated baseline methods of natural language processing and statistical modelling by means of software components that are available under open licenses. The accuracy of automatic text coding is demonstrated by using data collected in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 in Germany. Free text responses of 10 items with Formula responses in total were analyzed. We further examined the effect of different methods, parameter values, and sample sizes on performance of the implemented system. The system reached fair to good up to excellent agreement with human codings Formula Especially items that are solved by naming specific semantic concepts appeared properly coded. The system performed equally well with Formula and somewhat poorer but still acceptable down to Formula Based on our findings, we discuss potential innovations for assessment that are enabled by automatic coding of short text responses. (DIPF/Orig.

    Thematically Reinforced Explicit Semantic Analysis

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    We present an extended, thematically reinforced version of Gabrilovich and Markovitch's Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA), where we obtain thematic information through the category structure of Wikipedia. For this we first define a notion of categorical tfidf which measures the relevance of terms in categories. Using this measure as a weight we calculate a maximal spanning tree of the Wikipedia corpus considered as a directed graph of pages and categories. This tree provides us with a unique path of "most related categories" between each page and the top of the hierarchy. We reinforce tfidf of words in a page by aggregating it with categorical tfidfs of the nodes of these paths, and define a thematically reinforced ESA semantic relatedness measure which is more robust than standard ESA and less sensitive to noise caused by out-of-context words. We apply our method to the French Wikipedia corpus, evaluate it through a text classification on a 37.5 MB corpus of 20 French newsgroups and obtain a precision increase of 9-10% compared with standard ESA.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, presented at CICLing 201

    Crosslingual Document Embedding as Reduced-Rank Ridge Regression

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    There has recently been much interest in extending vector-based word representations to multiple languages, such that words can be compared across languages. In this paper, we shift the focus from words to documents and introduce a method for embedding documents written in any language into a single, language-independent vector space. For training, our approach leverages a multilingual corpus where the same concept is covered in multiple languages (but not necessarily via exact translations), such as Wikipedia. Our method, Cr5 (Crosslingual reduced-rank ridge regression), starts by training a ridge-regression-based classifier that uses language-specific bag-of-word features in order to predict the concept that a given document is about. We show that, when constraining the learned weight matrix to be of low rank, it can be factored to obtain the desired mappings from language-specific bags-of-words to language-independent embeddings. As opposed to most prior methods, which use pretrained monolingual word vectors, postprocess them to make them crosslingual, and finally average word vectors to obtain document vectors, Cr5 is trained end-to-end and is thus natively crosslingual as well as document-level. Moreover, since our algorithm uses the singular value decomposition as its core operation, it is highly scalable. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on a crosslingual document retrieval task. Finally, although not trained for embedding sentences and words, it also achieves competitive performance on crosslingual sentence and word retrieval tasks.Comment: In The Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '19

    NASARI: a novel approach to a Semantically-Aware Representation of items

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    The semantic representation of individual word senses and concepts is of fundamental importance to several applications in Natural Language Processing. To date, concept modeling techniques have in the main based their representation either on lexicographic resources, such as WordNet, or on encyclopedic resources, such as Wikipedia. We propose a vector representation technique that combines the complementary knowledge of both these types of resource. Thanks to its use of explicit semantics combined with a novel cluster-based dimensionality reduction and an effective weighting scheme, our representation attains state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets in two standard benchmarks: word similarity and sense clustering. We are releasing our vector representations at http://lcl.uniroma1.it/nasari/
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