11 research outputs found

    Relationships between Connectedness, Performance Proficiency, Satisfaction, and Online Learning Continuance

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    Maintaining momentum is vital in terms of how soon students can complete a program, especially for those who are in the early stage of taking online courses. This study attempted to extend the existing literature by examining the influence of online students’ perceived sense of connectedness, performance proficiency, and satisfaction on their intentions to continue an online learning course. A quantitative survey approach was adopted to test our hypothesized structural model. Three hundred and sixty-nine students who had taken fewer than three fully online courses participated in this study. The results revealed that three out of four testing hypotheses were all supported at the 0.01 significance level, and one of the path coefficients indicated that online students’ confidence in their ability or competency to perform academic tasks did not directly influence their intention to take future online courses. Instead, the influence of performance proficiency on online learning continuance intention was mediated through the factor of satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction was found to have a significantly direct impact on online learning continuance intention, suggesting that when students taking online courses are satisfied with their online learning experience, the likelihood for them to continue taking other online courses is higher

    Students’ Satisfaction on the Students’ Support System on Distance Learning: Basis for Development Programs

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship of self-determined competency of graduate students to Open and Distance Learning (ODL) to their satisfaction in the Students Support System of Open University System (OUS) of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. A descriptive and correlational study were employed from the data collected from 454 respondents from all centres of OUS. The salient findings of the study showed that respondents are competent for ODE and that they are also satisfied to the service provided by OUS for student services in terms of people providing the service, pedagogical aspect, and technology being utilized for ODL. It also manifests that there is strong relationship betweenself-determined competency of students and their satisfaction to the service support system of PUP OUS, thus, it is recommended to develop programs that will increase the level of satisfaction on student services and improve the competency of the ODL students.  The obtained data can help in the formulation of policies that would help improve the support system being provided to students

    Relationships between Connectedness, Performance Proficiency, Satisfaction, and Online Learning Continuance

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    Maintaining momentum is vital in terms of how soon students can complete a program, especially for those who are in the early stage of taking online courses. This study attempted to extend the existing literature by examining the influence of online students’ perceived sense of connectedness, performance proficiency, and satisfaction on their intentions to continue an online learning course. A quantitative survey approach was adopted to test our hypothesized structural model. Three hundred and sixty-nine students who had taken fewer than three fully online courses participated in this study. The results revealed that three out of four testing hypotheses were all supported at the 0.01 significance level, and one of the path coefficients indicated that online students’ confidence in their ability or competency to perform academic tasks did not directly influence their intention to take future online courses. Instead, the influence of performance proficiency on online learning continuance intention was mediated through the factor of satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction was found to have a significantly direct impact on online learning continuance intention, suggesting that when students taking online courses are satisfied with their online learning experience, the likelihood for them to continue taking other online courses is higher.

    Improving distance student retention through satisfaction and authentic experiences

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    As attrition rates of Australian undergraduate distance programs are consistently high, this article investigates whether retention can be increased by increasing the students' satisfaction through improving the student experience. This project examines the distance student experience informed by students' satisfaction with already identified crucial program factors. The authors propose that the Experience Economy model, utilised in tourism studies and general economics, is also relevant to education. An online survey collected data from 75 undergraduate distance students. Gathered data was analysed using two simple mediation models. The distance student experience and the students' satisfaction with crucial program factors were strongly indirectly related to the students' intention to persist through the students' overall satisfaction. The results indicate that designers of tertiary distance courses should consider program factors and the characteristics of the distance student experience to ensure high levels of student satisfaction and to increase the students' intention to persist

    Improving distance student retention through satisfaction and authentic experiences

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    As attrition rates of Australian undergraduate distance programs are consistently high, this article investigates whether retention can be increased by increasing the students' satisfaction through improving the student experience. This project examines the distance student experience informed by students' satisfaction with already identified crucial program factors. The authors propose that the Experience Economy model, utilised in tourism studies and general economics, is also relevant to education. An online survey collected data from 75 undergraduate distance students. Gathered data was analysed using two simple mediation models. The distance student experience and the students' satisfaction with crucial program factors were strongly indirectly related to the students' intention to persist through the students' overall satisfaction. The results indicate that designers of tertiary distance courses should consider program factors and the characteristics of the distance student experience to ensure high levels of student satisfaction and to increase the students' intention to persist

    Dropout, persistence, and retention on online higher education: The case of the Open University of Catalonia

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on student dropout in online higher education (OHE), with a focus on the experience of students and faculty at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). The thesis is presented as a compendium of six publications that address issues related to dropout, persistence and retention in OHE. A qualitative and exploratory descriptive research design is used that includes in-depth open interviews and qualitative content analysis. The findings highlight the importance of the first year for dropout and persistence, with time-related factors being the main barriers to persistence and reasons for dropout. In addition, persistent students presented different characteristics and dynamics compared to students who dropped out. Various theoretical and practical implications derived from the integrated findings are discussed, including a series of practical recommendations and possible interventions.Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el abandono de estudiantes en la educación superior en línea (ESL), con un enfoque en la experiencia de los estudiantes y profesores en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). La tesis se presenta como un compendio de seis publicaciones que abordan temas relacionados con el abandono, la persistencia y la retención en la ESL. Se utiliza un diseño de investigación cualitativo y exploratorio-descriptivo que incluye entrevistas abiertas en profundidad y análisis de contenido cualitativo. Los hallazgos destacan la importancia del primer año para el abandono y la persistencia, con factores relacionados con el tiempo como las principales barreras para la persistencia y razones para el abandono. Además, los estudiantes persistentes presentan características y dinámicas distintas en comparación con los estudiantes que abandonan. Se discuten varias implicaciones teóricas y prácticas derivadas de los hallazgos integrados, incluyendo una serie de recomendaciones prácticas y posibles intervenciones.Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'abandó d'estudiants a l'educació superior en línia (ESL), amb un enfocament a l'experiència dels estudiants i professors a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). La tesi es presenta com un compendi de sis publicacions que aborden temes relacionats amb l'abandó, la persistència i la retenció a l'ESL. S'utilitza un disseny de recerca qualitatiu i exploratori-descriptiu que inclou entrevistes obertes en profunditat i anàlisi de contingut qualitatiu. Els resultats destaquen la importància del primer any per a l'abandó i la persistència, amb factors relacionats amb el temps com les barreres principals per a la persistència i raons per a l'abandó. A més, els estudiants persistents presenten característiques i dinàmiques diferents en comparació amb els estudiants que abandonen. Es discuteixen diverses implicacions teòriques i pràctiques derivades dels resultats integrats, incloent-hi una sèrie de recomanacions pràctiques i possibles intervencions.e-learnin