27 research outputs found

    Mentoring English Senior High School Teachers in EFL Reading Class using collaborative Pamanpintermu at SMAM Bungah Gresik

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    This community engagement is implemented as result of research dissemination on EFL teaching reading. This paper attempts to assist senior high school teachers in implementing the teaching of reading using collaborative Pamanpintermu reading software in EFL classroom. The mentoring program was conducted for six weeks at SMAM Bungah Gresik. Mentoring and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is employed for the method of the community engagement. The results of Pamanpintermu implementation in the teaching and learning of EFL reading showed positive response from both teachers and students. Through Pamanpintermu, the teachers could monitor students’ reading progress and they could more effectively address students’ problems in reading class. In the long-term program, it is hoped that Pamanpintermu can be integrated in EFL curriculum at Senior High School in Gresik


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    Media online adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan di seluruh internet untuk mengambil manfaat darinya: seperti memposting, bertukar, dan mencari materi online menggunakan simbol, teks, suara, dan lainnya. Media online dikenal sebagai media yang dipublikasikan melalui internet, seperti di situs web, media sosial, dan blog (Law Insider, 2022). Namun, terbukti dengan sendirinya bahwa internet tidak hanya menghubungkan orang dan menghibur mereka, tetapi juga memberikan pengetahuan intelektual dan ilmiah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan media online untuk kegiatan pembelajaran mereka dan persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan media pembelajaran online terhadap perkembangan pemahaman membaca mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain kualitatif untuk mengamati dan memperoleh informasi sebanyak mungkin tentang suatu fenomena yang sedang terjadi. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah wawancara semi terstruktur dan kuesioner. Untuk pengumpulan data, peneliti memberikan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai wawancara dan penjelasan tentang cara menjawab kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media online terbukti membantu siswa dalam memahami pelajaran. Dari angket yang telah disampaikan dapat disimpulkan bahwa media online sangat berpengaruh dalam proses pembelajaran karena memudahkan guru dalam menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan siswa, menarik perhatian siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran

    ICT4ELT: A Study with Reference to Kashmir

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    AbstractBenefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially the web 2.0 tools, like blogs and podcasts in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms have been confirmed by research conducted in the context of developed countries. Lack of infrastructure and a forward looking policy is hampering developing countries like India to reap the benefits of ICT. The present study reports the outcome of a survey conducted to find out the available ICT infrastructure and its use in colleges of one of Kashmir division of the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir of India. It further aims to highlight the benefits of using blogs and podcasts in ELT

    A integração das TIC na aprendizagem e avaliação da língua inglesa no Ensino Superior em Portugal

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    Esta comunicação visa descrever as práticas de lecionação de língua inglesa com recurso à tecnologia, no ensino superior público universitário e politécnico, e a sua relevância decorre da inexistência de trabalhos prévios que incidam sobre esta problemática em Portugal. O problema de investigação subdivide-se em dois e consiste, assim, no seguinte enunciado: ‘Qual o uso que os docentes de língua estrangeira do ensino superior português fazem das TIC e de que forma são trabalhadas as quatro principais competências de comunicação em língua estrangeira (ouvir/falar/ler/escrever) e a avaliação com o recurso à tecnologia? E de que modo a efetiva integração das TIC pode contribuir, na perspetiva dos docentes e estudantes, para a construção de um guia que inclua as melhores práticas do presencial e do regime EaD?’ Recorrendo a um design metodológico de cariz quantitativo procura-se dar resposta à primeira questão enunciada através do recurso a um questionário online, a aplicar aos docentes do ensino superior que lecionem língua inglesa em unidades curriculares obrigatórias dos cursos de licenciatura, numa primeira fase. Posteriormente, serão inquiridos os alunos e entrevistados alguns docentes, de modo a analisarem-se, em maior profundidade, as práticas docentes e os resultados de aprendizagem percecionados, de modo a poder responder-se à segunda questão do problema. Através dos resultados previstos, espera-se contribuir para a sistematização de um conjunto de boas práticas para o ensino da língua inglesa no ensino superior e, em última análise, contribuir para promover melhoria das práticas docentes com recurso à tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Língua inglesa no Ensino Superior: Aprendizagem e avaliação com recurso à tecnologia

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    O propósito desta comunicação consiste em proceder a um enquadramento teórico das iniciativas de integração da tecnologia na aprendizagem e avaliação da língua inglesa no ensino superior. A presente comunicação enquadra-se num projeto de doutoramento a ser desenvolvido atualmente, cuja relevância decorre da inexistência de estudos que incidam sobre esta temática no contexto nacional, apesar das diretrizes europeias que enfatizam a importância da competência digital e da proficiência em línguas estrangeiras para o cidadão atual. A abordagem metodológica do trabalho seguirá várias fases de desenvolvimento. Inicialmente, através de um estudo de matriz quantitativa, materializado na aplicação de um questionário a docentes de universidades e institutos politécnicos portugueses, procura-se identificar o uso que os docentes fazem das várias ferramentas tecnológicas, de modo a promover o desenvolvimento das quatro competências de comunicação em Inglês Língua Estrangeira e suportar atividades de avaliação. Posteriormente, os estudantes serão inquiridos acerca da sua perceção relativa à integração da tecnologia. Numa terceira fase, um grupo específico de docentes será confrontado com a visão dos estudantes em processo de entrevista. A análise de dados será feita à luz da distinção entre o regime presencial e o regime a distância. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, caracterizar o perfil do docente de língua inglesa no ensino superior, no que respeita ao uso que faz da tecnologia e eventuais necessidades formativas; identificar as ferramentas e metodologias que mais concorrem para a aprendizagem e avaliação de uma língua estrangeira e, em última análise, sinalizar um conjunto de boas práticas de lecionação e avaliação neste domínio.In this paper, we intend to present a theoretical framework of the current situation regarding the use of technology in English learning and assessment, in higher education. It is part of a PhD project that is currently being developed and its relevance derives from the lack of studies in the area in Portugal, in spite of the European guidelines that emphasize the importance of digital competence and foreign language proficiency. 1464 The methodological approach will include different stages. Firstly, Portuguese faculty will be surveyed so as to identify the use of technology in the development of English as a Foreign Language communications skills, as well as in evaluation. Secondly, higher education students will be surveyed regarding their views on technology integration. Thirdly, a specific faculty group will be interviewed, as they are expected to analyse the perspective of their students on the use of technology, as well as to express their personal views in detail. Data analysis will be carried out regarding face-to-face and distance education. In conclusion, we intend to identify Portuguese faculty’s use of technology in language instruction and possible training needs; to point out the technological tools and methods that are most suitable for language learning; and to identify good practice in teaching and assessment with the use of technology.http://ticeduca2016.ie.ulisboa.pt/?page_id=136

    School Factors Influencing Indonesian Student Reading Literacy based on PIRLS Data 2006 and 2011

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    The study was aimed at (1) examining school factors (school sector, teaching and instruction, schoolresources and technology, school climate, school teachers and leadership activities) influenced readingliteracy, and (2) investigating how the factor interacts with reading aspects (reading experience, process and comprehension, and reading attitudes and behaviours). The study used Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) 2006 and 2011 data that was categorized as secondary data. The study was quantitative research and employed Rasch and hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) analyses. The subjects of data 2006 were 4774 and 2011 were 4779 Primary-School students nested within 158 schools sampled using a random sampling technique. Findings of the study revealed that only some school factors were influential. There were identifiable significant correlations between reading literacy and school factors such as school sector and teaching instruction in 2006, and between school sector, teaching instruction and leadership activities in2011

    Pre-service English teachers' experience with various CALL applications: Hindrances and reflection

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    Computer assisted language learning (CALL) is one of the alternative ways used by teachers in teaching English. This research aims to find out various CALL applications used by the pre-service English teachers, the difficult skills faced by students, hindrances, and pre-service teachers’ reflection. A mixed-method approach with questionnaires, interviews guideline, and observation checklist were employed by the researchers. The sample consisted of 30 pre-service English teachers and 750 students. The data analyses were done by using simple statistics calculations, codes, and categories. The results showed that pre-service English teachers applied various CALL applications, in which the majority of them used Hello English for speaking in the classroom because of the ease of use of the application. The most difficult skills learned by students were listening, and the easiest skill was reading. Another finding is related to hindrances during CALL applications which included internet connection, material understanding, CALL application procedures, assessment, discipline, cost, and learning style. However, those problems were eventually solved by pre-service English teachers. Furthermore, pre-service teachers wrote their teaching reflection to know their evaluation of their teaching. The reflections showed that they could solve the problems, made, and revised lesson plans, and brought good role models in the classroom

    E-assessment through Tablets and Smart phones: An attitudinal assessment of teachers

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    This research assess the effects of training program based on the usage of the digital learning objects in teaching practice at the Northern Borders University staff. E Assessment through the tablets and smart phones and the teachers’ attitudes towards such way of evaluation is the major objective of this study as the researcher expects that the assessment mechanism in the university through utilization of tablets and smart phones and its application will inevitably bring in a systematic improvement in the assessment and evaluation process of the curricula. Moreover, making use of the e learning objects in training will make a significant change in e training program of the university.Hence, the researcher has chosen voluntary random samples from the university teaching staff (men\women) from various different faculties (medicine, medical sciences, science, education and arts, business administration, home economics, and science and literature). These samples included 300 members of the teaching staff. In a group of 20 to 25 members, a personal training was conducted regarding the usage of tablets and smart phones and its applications in the assessment process. Each group participated by producing a complete e-assessment for their students in the Northern Borders University and by the e learning system i.e. Blackboard and Question Mark.  The research also depends on the semi-experimental design of multiple groups and on testing the groups’ pre and post achievement tests. In addition, the research identifies the level of the university teaching staff in using the tablets and the smartphones and its applications in the assessment process by the note card that the individuals have during the test

    Using Explicit and Implicit Instruction to Develop Pragmatic Ability in Non-Urban Classrooms in South Africa

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    Language learners’ pragmatic ability enables them to interact competently in communication events. Pragmatics main distinguishing feature from other branches of language study is that it portrays how language is used in real social interactions. Pragmatics ability has a broad base as it requires knowledge not only in theoretical content such as phonology, semantics, speech acts, but also in applied language subjects like sociolinguistics, cultural studies and communication. This inclusive nature of pragmatics poses some challenges in the type of instruction which will ensure the acquisition and demonstration of pragmatic competence. The debate is usually between teaching strategies falling under two paradigms of instructions – explicit and implicit. This is a reflective paper and its objective is to discuss two teaching activities role plays (implicit instruction) and e-learning (explicit learning) as possible ways of enhancing English second language pragmatic development, in a rural classroom, in South Africa. The conclusion reached is that due to conceptual and practical challenges associated with role plays and e-learning, these approaches to pragmatic development may not produce dramatic results as may be wished. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p123

    Breaking down the Classroom Walls: Augmented Reality Effect on EFL Reading Comprehension, Self-Efficacy, Autonomy and Attitudes

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    This study aimed at investigating the effect of Augmented Reality (AR) on college-level EFL students’ reading comprehension, self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes. It also examined the relationships between self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes. The sample consisted of (59) male students: an experimental group (n=30) and a control group (n=29), studying English for Academic Purposes at Taif University, Saudi Arabia. The study employed the quasi-experimental approach using a pre-post, nonequivalent control group design. A reading comprehension test, a self-efficacy scale, an autonomy scale and a questionnaire for attitudes were designed to gather the data. The findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in the reading comprehension post-test in favor of the experimental group. Also, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of the pre and post administration of the self-efficacy scale in favor of the post administration. Besides, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of the pre and post administration of the autonomy scale in favor of the post administration. The results of one-sample T Test showed that all attitudes items were statistically significant and the grand mean score was statistically significant which indicated that students had positive attitudes towards using Augmented Reality in language learning. Finally, positive significant relationships between students’ self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes were found