6 research outputs found

    Random forest application on cognitive level classification of E-learning content

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    The e-learning is the primary method of learning for most learners after the regular academics studies. The knowledge delivery through e-learning technologies increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. Knowledge delivery to some people would never have been possible without the e-learning technologies. Most of the working professional do focused studies for carrier advancement, promotion or to improve the domain knowledge. These learner can find many free e-learning web sites from the internet easily in the domain of interest. However it is quite difficult to find the best e-learning content suitable for their learning based on their domain knowledge level. User spent most of the time figuring out the right content from a plethora of available content and end up learning nothing. An intelligent framework using machine learning algorithms with Random Forest Classifier is proposed to address this issue, which classifies the e-learning content based on its difficulty levels and provide the learner the best content suitable based on the knowledge level .The frame work is trained with the data set collected from multiple popular e-learning web sites. The model is tested with real time e-learning web sites links and found that the e-contents in the web sites are recommended to the user based on its difficulty levels as beginner level, intermediate level and advanced level


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    本研究では、学生の自立学習を支援するWebアプリケーションPersonalized Teaching Material Generator(PTMG)のために作成したプロトタイプシステムのユーザビリティデザインに関する考察を行った。このシステムは英話学習の初心者を対象としているため、システムの操作を複雑にして自律学習に悪影響を与えないように、操作、見た目ともにユーザビリティ理論をもとにして、シンプルなサイトデザインを採用した。しかし、シンプルなサイトデザインにも関わらず、操作方法に質問がで、学習を継統する気が出ないなどの声が学生から多数あげられた。そこで、 Webデザイナーと相談し、アプリケーションの機能をほぼそのままにしてカラフルで明るい感じのサイトテザインを採用しシステムデザインの改良を行った。新たなサイトデザインで利用実験を行い、アンケートを取った。新しいデザインは多くの学生に受け入れられ、学生はカラフルで動くキャラクターを好むことがわかった。In this paper, we developed, investigated, and discussed a new usability design of the prototype system of our proposed web-application named Personalized Teaching Material Generator(PTMG). We had employed a simple web design for novice learners of English who cannot devote their resources to learning a complicated user interface, where the simple web design by the usability theory. However, the students asked many questions about the operations in the system and many of them could not keep their motivation to learn. In order to solve such dissatisfaction of students, we consulted professional web designers and employed a more colorful and brighter web design with keeping the fundamental functions of the system. Then, we investigated the effects of the new design by a questionnaire survey of the students. Many students preferred the new design. Especially, they liked a moving colorful mascot character included in the design

    Sebastiano del Piombo and his Collaboration with Michelangelo: Distance and Proximity to the Divine in Catholic Reformation Rome

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    This dissertation is structured around seven paintings that mark decisive moments in Sebastiano del Piombo’s Roman career (1511-47) and his collaboration with Michelangelo. Scholarship on Sebastiano’s collaborative works with Michelangelo typically concentrates on the artists’ division of labor and explains the works as a reconciliation of Venetian colorito (coloring) and Tuscan disegno (design). Consequently, discourses of interregional rivalry, center and periphery, and the normativity of the Roman High Renaissance become the overriding terms in which Sebastiano’s work is discussed. What has been overlooked is Sebastiano’s own visual intelligence, his active rather than passive use of Michelangelo’s skills, and the novelty of his works, made in response to reform currents of the early sixteenth century. This study investigates the significance behind Sebastiano’s repeating, slowing down, and narrowing in on the figure of Christ in his Roman works. The dissertation begins by addressing Sebastiano’s use of Michelangelo’s drawings as catalysts for his own inventions, demonstrating his investment in collaboration and strategies of citation as tools for artistic image-making. Focusing on Sebastiano’s reinvention of his partner’s drawings, it then looks at the ways in which the artist engaged with the central debates of the Catholic Reformation – debates on the Church’s mediation of the divine, the role of the individual in the path to personal salvation, and the increasingly problematic distance between the layperson and God. I show that his works reveal a rethinking of how to depict Christ’s body and its accessibility to the viewer; an exploration of effects of distance and proximity to the divine lies at the heart of Sebastiano’s project. One key outcome of this research is a reevaluation and deconstruction of the current terms in which Renaissance artistic collaboration is typically understood, that is, through such binary oppositions as drawing/color, Rome/Venice, center/periphery, and giver/receiver. Additionally, by examining the problematics of image-based devotion, as they play out in Sebastiano’s work, this study contributes to a more precise, historically-grounded understanding of the artist’s response to pressing questions of his day regarding reform of the Church and personal devotion