131 research outputs found

    Avian Immunome DB: an example of a user-friendly interface for extracting genetic information

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    BackgroundGenomic and genetic studies often require a target list of genes before conducting any hypothesis testing or experimental verification. With the ever-growing number of sequenced genomes and a variety of different annotation strategies, comes the potential for ambiguous gene symbols, making it cumbersome to capture the “correct” set of genes. In this article, we present and describe the Avian Immunome DB (Avimm) for easy gene property extraction as exemplified by avian immune genes. The avian immune system is characterised by a cascade of complex biological processes underlaid by more than 1000 different genes. It is a vital trait to study particularly in birds considering that they are a significant driver in spreading zoonotic diseases. With the completion of phase II of the B10K (“Bird 10,000 Genomes”) consortium’s whole-genome sequencing effort, we have included 363 annotated bird genomes in addition to other publicly available bird genome data which serve as a valuable foundation for Avimm.Construction and contentA relational database with avian immune gene evidence from Gene Ontology, Ensembl, UniProt and the B10K consortium has been designed and set up. The foundation stone or the “seed” for the initial set of avian immune genes is based on the well-studied model organism chicken (Gallus gallus). Gene annotations, different transcript isoforms, nucleotide sequences and protein information, including amino acid sequences, are included. Ambiguous gene names (symbols) are resolved within the database and linked to their canonical gene symbol. Avimm is supplemented by a command-line interface and a web front-end to query the database.Utility and discussionThe internal mapping of unique gene symbol identifiers to canonical gene symbols allows for an ambiguous gene property search. The database is organised within core and feature tables, which makes it straightforward to extend for future purposes. The database design is ready to be applied to other taxa or biological processes. Currently, the database contains 1170 distinct avian immune genes with canonical gene symbols and 612 synonyms across 363 bird species. While the command-line interface readily integrates into bioinformatics pipelines, the intuitive web front-end with download functionality offers sophisticated search functionalities and tracks the origin for each record. Avimm is publicly accessible at https://avimm.ab.mpg.de.publishe

    Information Extraction from Text for Improving Research on Small Molecules and Histone Modifications

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    The cumulative number of publications, in particular in the life sciences, requires efficient methods for the automated extraction of information and semantic information retrieval. The recognition and identification of information-carrying units in text – concept denominations and named entities – relevant to a certain domain is a fundamental step. The focus of this thesis lies on the recognition of chemical entities and the new biological named entity type histone modifications, which are both important in the field of drug discovery. As the emergence of new research fields as well as the discovery and generation of novel entities goes along with the coinage of new terms, the perpetual adaptation of respective named entity recognition approaches to new domains is an important step for information extraction. Two methodologies have been investigated in this concern: the state-of-the-art machine learning method, Conditional Random Fields (CRF), and an approximate string search method based on dictionaries. Recognition methods that rely on dictionaries are strongly dependent on the availability of entity terminology collections as well as on its quality. In the case of chemical entities the terminology is distributed over more than 7 publicly available data sources. The join of entries and accompanied terminology from selected resources enables the generation of a new dictionary comprising chemical named entities. Combined with the automatic processing of respective terminology – the dictionary curation – the recognition performance reached an F1 measure of 0.54. That is an improvement by 29 % in comparison to the raw dictionary. The highest recall was achieved for the class of TRIVIAL-names with 0.79. The recognition and identification of chemical named entities provides a prerequisite for the extraction of related pharmacological relevant information from literature data. Therefore, lexico-syntactic patterns were defined that support the automated extraction of hypernymic phrases comprising pharmacological function terminology related to chemical compounds. It was shown that 29-50 % of the automatically extracted terms can be proposed for novel functional annotation of chemical entities provided by the reference database DrugBank. Furthermore, they are a basis for building up concept hierarchies and ontologies or for extending existing ones. Successively, the pharmacological function and biological activity concepts obtained from text were included into a novel descriptor for chemical compounds. Its successful application for the prediction of pharmacological function of molecules and the extension of chemical classification schemes, such as the the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC), is demonstrated. In contrast to chemical entities, no comprehensive terminology resource has been available for histone modifications. Thus, histone modification concept terminology was primary recognized in text via CRFs with a F1 measure of 0.86. Subsequent, linguistic variants of extracted histone modification terms were mapped to standard representations that were organized into a newly assembled histone modification hierarchy. The mapping was accomplished by a novel developed term mapping approach described in the thesis. The combination of term recognition and term variant resolution builds up a new procedure for the assembly of novel terminology collections. It supports the generation of a term list that is applicable in dictionary-based methods. For the recognition of histone modification in text it could be shown that the named entity recognition method based on dictionaries is superior to the used machine learning approach. In conclusion, the present thesis provides techniques which enable an enhanced utilization of textual data, hence, supporting research in epigenomics and drug discovery

    Text Mining and Gene Expression Analysis Towards Combined Interpretation of High Throughput Data

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    Microarrays can capture gene expression activity for thousands of genes simultaneously and thus make it possible to analyze cell physiology and disease processes on molecular level. The interpretation of microarray gene expression experiments profits from knowledge on the analyzed genes and proteins and the biochemical networks in which they play a role. The trend is towards the development of data analysis methods that integrate diverse data types. Currently, the most comprehensive biomedical knowledge source is a large repository of free text articles. Text mining makes it possible to automatically extract and use information from texts. This thesis addresses two key aspects, biomedical text mining and gene expression data analysis, with the focus on providing high-quality methods and data that contribute to the development of integrated analysis approaches. The work is structured in three parts. Each part begins by providing the relevant background, and each chapter describes the developed methods as well as applications and results. Part I deals with biomedical text mining: Chapter 2 summarizes the relevant background of text mining; it describes text mining fundamentals, important text mining tasks, applications and particularities of text mining in the biomedical domain, and evaluation issues. In Chapter 3, a method for generating high-quality gene and protein name dictionaries is described. The analysis of the generated dictionaries revealed important properties of individual nomenclatures and the used databases (Fundel and Zimmer, 2006). The dictionaries are publicly available via a Wiki, a web service, and several client applications (Szugat et al., 2005). In Chapter 4, methods for the dictionary-based recognition of gene and protein names in texts and their mapping onto unique database identifiers are described. These methods make it possible to extract information from texts and to integrate text-derived information with data from other sources. Three named entity identification systems have been set up, two of them building upon the previously existing tool ProMiner (Hanisch et al., 2003). All of them have shown very good performance in the BioCreAtIvE challenges (Fundel et al., 2005a; Hanisch et al., 2005; Fundel and Zimmer, 2007). In Chapter 5, a new method for relation extraction (Fundel et al., 2007) is presented. It was applied on the largest collection of biomedical literature abstracts, and thus a comprehensive network of human gene and protein relations has been generated. A classification approach (Küffner et al., 2006) can be used to specify relation types further; e. g., as activating, direct physical, or gene regulatory relation. Part II deals with gene expression data analysis: Gene expression data needs to be processed so that differentially expressed genes can be identified. Gene expression data processing consists of several sequential steps. Two important steps are normalization, which aims at removing systematic variances between measurements, and quantification of differential expression by p-value and fold change determination. Numerous methods exist for these tasks. Chapter 6 describes the relevant background of gene expression data analysis; it presents the biological and technical principles of microarrays and gives an overview of the most relevant data processing steps. Finally, it provides a short introduction to osteoarthritis, which is in the focus of the analyzed gene expression data sets. In Chapter 7, quality criteria for the selection of normalization methods are described, and a method for the identification of differentially expressed genes is proposed, which is appropriate for data with large intensity variances between spots representing the same gene (Fundel et al., 2005b). Furthermore, a system is described that selects an appropriate combination of feature selection method and classifier, and thus identifies genes which lead to good classification results and show consistent behavior in different sample subgroups (Davis et al., 2006). The analysis of several gene expression data sets dealing with osteoarthritis is described in Chapter 8. This chapter contains the biomedical analysis of relevant disease processes and distinct disease stages (Aigner et al., 2006a), and a comparison of various microarray platforms and osteoarthritis models. Part III deals with integrated approaches and thus provides the connection between parts I and II: Chapter 9 gives an overview of different types of integrated data analysis approaches, with a focus on approaches that integrate gene expression data with manually compiled data, large-scale networks, or text mining. In Chapter 10, a method for the identification of genes which are consistently regulated and have a coherent literature background (Küffner et al., 2005) is described. This method indicates how gene and protein name identification and gene expression data can be integrated to return clusters which contain genes that are relevant for the respective experiment together with literature information that supports interpretation. Finally, in Chapter 11 ideas on how the described methods can contribute to current research and possible future directions are presented

    Text-derived concept profiles support assessment of DNA microarray data for acute myeloid leukemia and for androgen receptor stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: High-throughput experiments, such as with DNA microarrays, typically result in hundreds of genes potentially relevant to the process under study, rendering the interpretation of these experiments problematic. Here, we propose and evaluate an approach to find functional associations between large numbers of genes and other biomedical concepts from free-text literature. For each gene, a profile of related concepts is constructed that summarizes the context in which the gene is mentioned in literature. We assign a weight to each concept in the profile based on a likelihood ratio measure. Gene concept profiles can then be clustered to find related genes and other concepts. RESULTS: The experimental validation was done in two steps. We first applied our method on a controlled test set. After this proved to be successful the datasets from two DNA microarray experiments were analyzed in the same way and the results were evaluated by domain experts. The first dataset was a gene-expression profile that characterizes the cancer cells of a group of acute myeloid leukemia patients. For this group of patients the biological background of the cancer cells is largely unknown. Using our methodology we found an association of these cells to monocytes, which agreed with other experimental evidence. The second data set consisted of differentially expressed genes following androgen receptor stimulation in a prostate cancer cell line. Based on the analysis we put forward a hypothesis about the biological processes induced in these studied cells: secretory lysosomes are involved in the production of prostatic fluid and their development and/or secretion are androgen-regulated processes. CONCLUSION: Our method can be used to analyze DNA microarray datasets based on information explicitly and implicitly available in the literature. We provide a publicly available tool, dubbed Anni, for this purpose

    Development of a text mining approach to disease network discovery

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    Scientific literature is one of the major sources of knowledge for systems biology, in the form of papers, patents and other types of written reports. Text mining methods aim at automatically extracting relevant information from the literature. The hypothesis of this thesis was that biological systems could be elucidated by the development of text mining solutions that can automatically extract relevant information from documents. The first objective consisted in developing software components to recognize biomedical entities in text, which is the first step to generate a network about a biological system. To this end, a machine learning solution was developed, which can be trained for specific biological entities using an annotated dataset, obtaining high-quality results. Additionally, a rule-based solution was developed, which can be easily adapted to various types of entities. The second objective consisted in developing an automatic approach to link the recognized entities to a reference knowledge base. A solution based on the PageRank algorithm was developed in order to match the entities to the concepts that most contribute to the overall coherence. The third objective consisted in automatically extracting relations between entities, to generate knowledge graphs about biological systems. Due to the lack of annotated datasets available for this task, distant supervision was employed to train a relation classifier on a corpus of documents and a knowledge base. The applicability of this approach was demonstrated in two case studies: microRNAgene relations for cystic fibrosis, obtaining a network of 27 relations using the abstracts of 51 recently published papers; and cell-cytokine relations for tolerogenic cell therapies, obtaining a network of 647 relations from 3264 abstracts. Through a manual evaluation, the information contained in these networks was determined to be relevant. Additionally, a solution combining deep learning techniques with ontology information was developed, to take advantage of the domain knowledge provided by ontologies. This thesis contributed with several solutions that demonstrate the usefulness of text mining methods to systems biology by extracting domain-specific information from the literature. These solutions make it easier to integrate various areas of research, leading to a better understanding of biological systems

    Semi-automated framework for the analytical use of gene-centric data with biological ontologies

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    Motivation Translational bioinformatics(TBI) has been defined as ‘the development and application of informatics methods that connect molecular entities to clinical entities’ [1], which has emerged as a systems theory approach to bridge the huge wealth of biomedical data into clinical actions using a combination of innovations and resources across the entire spectrum of biomedical informatics approaches [2]. The challenge for TBI is the availability of both comprehensive knowledge based on genes and the corresponding tools that allow their analysis and exploitation. Traditionally, biological researchers usually study one or only a few genes at a time, but in recent years high throughput technologies such as gene expression microarrays, protein mass-spectrometry and next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing have emerged that allow the simultaneous measurement of changes on a genome-wide scale. These technologies usually result in large lists of interesting genes, but meaningful biological interpretation remains a major challenge. Over the last decade, enrichment analysis has become standard practice in the analysis of such gene lists, enabling systematic assessment of the likelihood of differential representation of defined groups of genes compared to suitably annotated background knowledge. The success of such analyses are highly dependent on the availability and quality of the gene annotation data. For many years, genes were annotated by different experts using inconsistent, non-standard terminologies. Large amounts of variation and duplication in these unstructured annotation sets, made them unsuitable for principled quantitative analysis. More recently, a lot of effort has been put into the development and use of structured, domain specific vocabularies to annotate genes. The Gene Ontology is one of the most successful examples of this where genes are annotated with terms from three main clades; biological process, molecular function and cellular component. However, there are many other established and emerging ontologies to aid biological data interpretation, but are rarely used. For the same reason, many bioinformatic tools only support analysis analysis using the Gene Ontology. The lack of annotation coverage and the support for them in existing analytical tools to aid biological interpretation of data has become a major limitation to their utility and uptake. Thus, automatic approaches are needed to facilitate the transformation of unstructured data to unlock the potential of all ontologies, with corresponding bioinformatics tools to support their interpretation. Approaches In this thesis, firstly, similar to the approach in [3,4], I propose a series of computational approaches implemented in a new tool OntoSuite-Miner to address the ontology based gene association data integration challenge. This approach uses NLP based text mining methods for ontology based biomedical text mining. What differentiates my approach from other approaches is that I integrate two of the most wildly used NLP modules into the framework, not only increasing the confidence of the text mining results, but also providing an annotation score for each mapping, based on the number of pieces of evidence in the literature and the number of NLP modules that agreed with the mapping. Since heterogeneous data is important in understanding human disease, the approach was designed to be generic, thus the ontology based annotation generation can be applied to different sources and can be repeated with different ontologies. Secondly, in respect of the second challenge proposed by TBI, to increase the statistical power of the annotation enrichment analysis, I propose OntoSuite-Analytics, which integrates a collection of enrichment analysis methods into a unified open-source software package named topOnto, in the statistical programming language R. The package supports enrichment analysis across multiple ontologies with a set of implemented statistical/topological algorithms, allowing the comparison of enrichment results across multiple ontologies and between different algorithms. Results The methodologies described above were implemented and a Human Disease Ontology (HDO) based gene annotation database was generated by mining three publicly available database, OMIM, GeneRIF and Ensembl variation. With the availability of the HDO annotation and the corresponding ontology enrichment analysis tools in topOnto, I profiled 277 gene classes with human diseases and generated ‘disease environments’ for 1310 human diseases. The exploration of the disease profiles and disease environment provides an overview of known disease knowledge and provides new insights into disease mechanisms. The integration of multiple ontologies into a disease context demonstrates how ‘orthogonal’ ontologies can lead to biological insight that would have been missed by more traditional single ontology analysis

    Digital research data: from analysis of existing standards to a scientific foundation for a modular metadata schema in nanosafety

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    Background: Assessing the safety of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) is an interdisciplinary and complex process producing huge amounts of information and data. To make such data and metadata reusable for researchers, manufacturers, and regulatory authorities, there is an urgent need to record and provide this information in a structured, harmonized, and digitized way. Results: This study aimed to identify appropriate description standards and quality criteria for the special use in nanosafety. There are many existing standards and guidelines designed for collecting data and metadata, ranging from regulatory guidelines to specific databases. Most of them are incomplete or not specifically designed for ENM research. However, by merging the content of several existing standards and guidelines, a basic catalogue of descriptive information and quality criteria was generated. In an iterative process, our interdisciplinary team identified deficits and added missing information into a comprehensive schema. Subsequently, this overview was externally evaluated by a panel of experts during a workshop. This whole process resulted in a minimum information table (MIT), specifying necessary minimum information to be provided along with experimental results on effects of ENMs in the biological context in a flexible and modular manner. The MIT is divided into six modules: general information, material information, biological model information, exposure information, endpoint read out information and analysis and statistics. These modules are further partitioned into module subdivisions serving to include more detailed information. A comparison with existing ontologies, which also aim to electronically collect data and metadata on nanosafety studies, showed that the newly developed MIT exhibits a higher level of detail compared to those existing schemas, making it more usable to prevent gaps in the communication of information. Conclusion: Implementing the requirements of the MIT into e.g., electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) would make the collection of all necessary data and metadata a daily routine and thereby would improve the reproducibility and reusability of experiments. Furthermore, this approach is particularly beneficial regarding the rapidly expanding developments and applications of novel non-animal alternative testing methods

    Gene prioritization and clustering by multi-view text mining

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Text mining has become a useful tool for biologists trying to understand the genetics of diseases. In particular, it can help identify the most interesting candidate genes for a disease for further experimental analysis. Many text mining approaches have been introduced, but the effect of disease-gene identification varies in different text mining models. Thus, the idea of incorporating more text mining models may be beneficial to obtain more refined and accurate knowledge. However, how to effectively combine these models still remains a challenging question in machine learning. In particular, it is a non-trivial issue to guarantee that the integrated model performs better than the best individual model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a multi-view approach to retrieve biomedical knowledge using different controlled vocabularies. These controlled vocabularies are selected on the basis of nine well-known bio-ontologies and are applied to index the vast amounts of gene-based free-text information available in the MEDLINE repository. The text mining result specified by a vocabulary is considered as a view and the obtained multiple views are integrated by multi-source learning algorithms. We investigate the effect of integration in two fundamental computational disease gene identification tasks: gene prioritization and gene clustering. The performance of the proposed approach is systematically evaluated and compared on real benchmark data sets. In both tasks, the multi-view approach demonstrates significantly better performance than other comparing methods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In practical research, the relevance of specific vocabulary pertaining to the task is usually unknown. In such case, multi-view text mining is a superior and promising strategy for text-based disease gene identification.</p

    Exploratory pathway analysis

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