746 research outputs found

    Development of type II superlattice infrared detectors monolithically integrated on silicon substrates

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    The project’s objective is the development of an InAs/GaSb type II superlattice (T2SL) medium wavelength infrared photodiode directly grown on Si substrate for the use of an infrared single pixel photodiode. The T2SL has been selected as the replacement for the state-of-the-art CdHgTe (CMT). The use of Si substrate will help with the integration into the Si-based technology by reducing the fabrication process and costs. The T2SL is a photon detector with overlapping multiple quantum well structure and a type 2 bandgap alignment. The T2SL are fabricated using a combination of materials from the group III-V in order to achieve a well-controlled ultra-thin heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy as a growth technique. The structure within the active region is designed to enhance the performance of the T2SL architecture by manipulating the thickness and doping of each layer. The direct growth of a T2SL structure on the Si substrate has achieved similar structural and optical properties when compared to that grown on the GaAs substrate. The Si architecture has an absorption edge of 5.365μm when measured at 70K: dark current density at -1V is 4x101A/cm2; responsivity (R) peak is 1.2A/W; quantum efficiency (QE) at -0.1V is 32.5%; and specific detectivity (D*) peak is 1x109cmHz½/W. The pπBn has best architecture over GaAs substrate due to the wide bandgap unipolar barrier. The pπBn has an absorption edge of 6.5 μm when measured at 77K: dark current density under -0.6V is 5x10-3A/cm2; R peak is 0.6A/W; QE at 0V and 3.25μm is 23%; and D* peak is 1x1011cmHz½/W. These results demonstrate that the D* of the pπBn structure is just one order of magnitude smaller than the state-of-the-art CMT detector which is 2x1012cmHz1/2W


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    In this book some recent advances in development of photodetectors and photodetection systems for specific applications are included. In the first section of the book nine different types of photodetectors and their characteristics are presented. Next, some theoretical aspects and simulations are discussed. The last eight chapters are devoted to the development of photodetection systems for imaging, particle size analysis, transfers of time, measurement of vibrations, magnetic field, polarization of light, and particle energy. The book is addressed to students, engineers, and researchers working in the field of photonics and advanced technologies

    Resonant tunnelling diode optoelectronic receivers and transmitters

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    This thesis describes the research work on double barrier quantum well (DBQW) resonant tunneling diode (RTD) based optoelectronic transmitters and receivers, focused on the design and characterization of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors (RTD-PD) implemented in the In53Ga47As/InP material system for operation at 1.55 μm and 1.31 μm wavelengths, and evaluate numerically the merits of the integration of an RTD/RTD-PD with a laser diode (LDs) to act as simple optoelectronic transmitters. The aim of the work was to investigate simple, low-cost, high-speed transmitter and receiver architectures taking advantage of RTDs properties such as the structural simplicity, high frequency (up to terahertz), and wide-bandwidth built-in electrical gain (roughly, from dc to terahertz). Also described are the preliminary studies of RTD-PDs operation as single photon detector at room temperature utilizing the excitability property. In this work, we evaluate which factors affect the bandwidth of RTD-PDs. Knowing the answer to this, we propose rules and optimizations necessary to achieving high bandwidth (>10 GHz) RTD-PDs. Furthermore, we show how to utilize the built-in amplification, arising from the RTD non-linear current-voltage (IV) curve and the presence of a negative differential resistance region (NDR) to building high responsivity photodetectors that can outperform current commercial technologies, particularly PIN photodiodes, in novel applications. The design and modeling work relied on numerical simulations utilizing the nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism (NEGF), which we implement using Silvaco ATLAS. We briefly introduce the NEGF method and Silvaco ATLAS and utilize them to do the design of the epitaxial structure of novel devices. The results of which are novel models which allow us to predict the effect that the RTD structural parameters (doping concentration and the lengths of both the emitter and collector) have on the peak voltage of the RTD. We study experimentally the factors affecting the bandwidth by optical characterization of several epitaxial layer stacks and propose hypotheses that help to explain the measured bandwidths. We show that for high-speed RTD-PDs (sub nanosecond), the light absorption layers should be confined to the locations where the electric field is sufficiently high and avoiding highly doped thick contact layers with band gap energies below the energy of the photons being detected. Additionally, we outline a set of rules for the design of RTD-PD detectors based on ni-n and p-i-n heterostructures, where the length, location, and doping level of the absorption regions are the relevant parameters to be considered in determining the bandwidth and responsivity of the devices. Moreover, we measure and report on the responsivity of RTDPDs under both DC and AC optical excitation. We show that RTD-PDs can have very high responsivity values reaching up to 1×107 A/W, and electrical bandwidth of around 1.26 GHz (1.75 GHz optical) that is limited by the lifetime of the photo-generated minority carriers (the holes). The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of RTD-PD circuits, where the integration between an RTD-PD and a laser diode (LD) is thoroughly examined. The LD acts as a load that is driven by the RTD-PD current. We derive and investigate the equivalent circuit for such a system incorporating the Schulman function for the RTD-PD IV, using the solution to study several operation regimes using MATLAB code. These regimes include the RTD-PD biased in the positive differential resistance region (PDR), when it is biased in the NDR region, and when induced to switch between the PDR and NDR regions. We also show how the excitability property of the RTD-PD can be used for detecting very low signal intensity levels, and the ability of RTDs to operate as voltage-controlled oscillators while biased in the NDR region

    InAs avalanche photodiodes

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    The ability to efficiently detect low-level light in the infrared above wavelengths of 1.7 μm is becoming increasingly important for many applications such as gas sensing, defence/geoscience ranging and clinical thermography. The III-V narrow gap semiconductor InAs, with a bandgap of 0.36 eV, is well known for its use as a conventional photodiode. The aim of this thesis was to design, build and test InAs devices for use as reverse biased avalanche photodiodes. In order to fabricate a lownoise detector, a passivation study was conducted. For the first time we report the achievement of high quality single crystal II-VI passivation layers on InAs mesa structures. Pre-growth surface oxide removal processes were developed to improve surface morphology of II-VI layers grown on InAs samples. ZnSe and ZnTe successfully terminate the InAs mesa devices preventing atmospheric oxidation. Low surface leakage currents are observed at low reverse bias and at room temperature for both materials. LIDAR at wavelengths greater than 2 μm was studied using these InAs mesa photodiodes, showing potential to take advantage of the low solar background at these wavelengths. For the first time, laboratory based LIDAR experiments, with ranges of around 0.5 metre stand-off distance, were performed with InAs n-i-p edge illuminated mesa photodiodes, used in linear multiplication mode. Time-of-flight measurements were demonstrated at wavelengths from 1.3 μm to 2.365 μm. A 6 mm ranging error was observed in these short range measurements

    Longwave and bi-color type-II InAs/(In)GaSb superlattice infrared detectors

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    Infrared (IR) photodetectors are useful for a variety of military and civil applications such as target acquisition, medical diagnostics, pollution monitoring, to name just a few. Presently photonic IR detectors are based on interband transitions in low bandgap semiconductors such as mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) or InSb or in intersubband transitions in hetero-engineered structures such as quantum well or quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QWIPs or QDIPs). These detectors operate at low temperatures (77 K-200 K) in order to obtain high signal to noise ratio. The cooling requirement limits the lifetime, increases the weight and the total cost, as well as the power budget, of the whole infrared system. There is a concerted effort to develop photonic detectors operating at higher temperatures. In the past few years, interband transitions in type II InAs/GaSb strain layer superlattices (SL)have emerged as a competing technology among other IR systems. Although MCT and QWIP technologies are relatively more mature than the SL technology, the SL technology has potential to enhance performance in several key areas. One of the main advantages of this system lies in the fact that the effective band gap of the SL can be tailored over a wide range (3 μm \u3c λc \u3c 30 μm) by varying the thickness of two mid bandgap\u27 constituent materials, namely GaSb and InAs. Tunneling currents in SL are reduced due to a larger electron effective mass. Large splitting between heavy-hole and light-hole valence subbands due to strain in the SLs contributes to the suppression of Auger recombination. Moreover, the band structure of the SL can be engineered to enhance carrier lifetimes and reduce noise at higher temperatures. SL based IR detectors have demonstrated high quantum efficiency, high temperature operation, and are suitable for incorporation in focal plane arrays (FPA) by tapping into the mature III-V based growth and fabrication processes. The recently proposed nBn heterostructure design has demonstrated a 100 K increase in background-limited infrared photodetection (BLIP) for InAs-based device, by decreasing Shockley-Read-Hall generation currents and by suppressing surface currents using specific processing. Third generation IR detectors have three main emphases, high operating temperature (HOT), multicolor capability, and large format arrays. This work concentrates on multicolor and HOT IR detectors based on nBn design. Contributions of this thesis include 1. Development of design and growth procedure for the long-wave (LW) SL detectors leading to an improved detector performance: 13 MLs of InAs and 7 MLs of GaSb with InSb strain compensating layer were designed and optimized for LW SL detectors. LWIR pin and nBn detectors were introduced and their optical and electrical properties were compared. LW nBn detectors show higher device performance in terms of lower dark current density and higher responsivity as compared to the LW pin detectors. The reduction in dark current in LW nBn detector is due to reduction of SRH centers as well as surface leakage currents. The increase in responsivity for LW nBn detectors is due to reduction non-radiative SRH recombination. 2. Design, growth and characterization of bi-color nBn detectors: Present day two color SL detectors require two contacts per pixel leading to a complicated processing scheme and expensive read out integrated circuits (ROICs). The nBn architecture was modified to realize a dual-band response by changing the polarity of applied bias using single contact processing. The spectral response shows a significant change in the LWIR to MWIR ratio within a very small bias range ( 3c100 mV ) making it compatible with commercially available ROICs. 3. Investigation of background carrier concentration in SLs: The electrical transport in SLs was investigated in order to improve the collection efficiency and understand SL devices performance operating at ambient temperature. For this purpose background carrier concentration of type-II InAs/GaSb SLs on GaAs substrates are studied. The hall measurements on mid-wave SLs revealed that the conduction in the MWIR SLs is dominated by holes at low temperatures (\u3c 200 K) and by electrons at high temperatures (\u3e 200 K) and is dominated by electrons at all temperatures for LWIR SLs possibly due to the thicker InAs (residually n-type) and thinner GaSb (residually p-type) layers. By studying the in-plane transport characteristics of LW SLs grown at different temperatures, it was shown that interface roughness scattering is the dominant scattering mechanism at higher temperatures (200 K- 300 K).\u2

    Investigation and suppression of semiconductor–oxide related defect states : from surface science to device tests

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    Many present challenges in semiconductor technology are related to utilizing solid structures with atomic scale dimensions and materials with higher charge carrier mobility and/or other readily controllable properties. These include many surface-related problems because the ratio of surface parts of devices to the whole material volume increases all the time in practical device structures. One of the major problems has been oxidation of semiconductor surfaces during the manufacturing of devices. This PhD work deals with the surface and oxide interface properties of different III–V semiconductors induced by the oxidation, the study of which is imperative in realizing devices with desired characteristics. The general goal has been in finding answers to these problematic issues on atomic scale, and whether they can be resolved with simple parameter control of a thermal oxidation treatment. Much of the work leans on a previous novel finding of crystalline oxide phases on indium-containing III–V semiconductor (100) surfaces. Various aspects of applicability of such a structure in real semiconductor devices are considered in this work. Common denominator in all of the experiments and studies is that the initial investigations were carried out in very controlled environment in ultrahigh-vacuum: detailed basics and initial characterizations were carried out with high resolution and precision surface science methods. In particular, this work has resulted in novel crystalline oxide phases observed on GaSb(100) and InSb(111)B semiconductor surfaces. They have been extensively discussed from an applied point of view as well as their fundamental characteristics, relating to their already previously studied counterpart, InSb(100). Furthermore, beneficial passivating characteristics of a stabilizing crystalline InOx interfacial layer beneath an Al2O3 and reasons behind such behavior are demonstrated for InGaAs IR detector device structure. This thesis provides background of semiconductors, their surfaces, interfaces, and semiconductor technology as appropriate, research methods utilized, and briefly summarizes the findings of the work

    Surface plasmons for enhanced metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors

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    Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs) are quantized charge density oscillations that occur when a photon couples to the free electron gas of the metal at the interface between a metal and a dielectric. The extraordinary properties of SPP allow for sub-diffraction limit waveguiding and localized field enhancement. The emerging field of surface plasmonics has applied SPP coupling to a number of new and interesting applications, such as: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), super lenses, nano-scale optical circuits, optical filters and SPP enhanced photodetectors. In the past decade, there have been several experimental and theoretical research and development activities which reported on the extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength metallic apertures as well as through periodic metal grating structures. The use of SPP for light absorption enhancement using sub-wavelength metal gratings promises an increased enhancement in light collection efficiency of photovoltaic devices. A subwavelength plasmonic nanostructure grating interacts strongly with the incident light and potentially traps it inside the subsurface region of semiconductor substrates. Among all photodetectors, the Metal-Semiconductor-Metal photodetector (MSM-PD) is the simplest structure. Moreover, due to the lateral geometry of the MSM-PDs, the capacitance of an MSM-PD is much lower than capacitances of p-i-n PDs and Avalanche PDs, making its response time in the range of a few tens of picoseconds for nano-scale spacing between the electrode fingers. These features of simple fabrication and high speed make MSM-PDs attractive and essential devices for high-speed optical interconnects, highsensitivity optical samplers and ultra-wide bandwidth optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC) receivers for fibre optic communication systems. However, while MSM-PDs offer faster response than their p-i-n PD and avalanche PD counterparts, their most significant drawbacks are the high reflectivity of the metal fingers and the very-low light transmission through the spacing between the fingers, leading to very low photodetector sensitivity. This thesis proposes, designs and demonstrates the concept of a novel plasmonicbased MSM-PD employing metal nano-gratings and sub-wavelength slits. Various metal nano-gratings are designed on top of the gold fingers of an MSM-PD based on gallium arsenide (GaAs) for an operating wavelength of 830 nm to create SPP-enhanced MSM-PDs. Both the geometry and light absorption near the designed wavelength are theoretically and experimentally investigated. Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulation is used to simulate and design plasmonic MSM-PDs devices for maximal field enhancement. The simulation results show more than 10 times enhancement for the plasmonic nano-grating MSM-PD compared with the device without the metal nano-gratings, for 100 nm slit difference, due to the improved optical signal propagation through the nano-gratings. A dual beam FIB/ SEM is employed for the fabrication of metal nano-gratings and the sub-wavelength slit of the MSM-PD. Experimentally, we demonstrate the principle of plasmonics-based MSM-PDs and attain a measured photodetector responsivity that is 4 times better than that of conventional single-slit MSM-PDs. We observe reduction in the responsivity as the bias voltage increases and the input light polarization varies. Our experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of developing high-responsivity, low bias-voltage high-speed MSM-PDs. A novel multi-finger plasmonics-based GaAs MSM-PD structure is optimized geometrically using the 2-D FDTD method and developed, leading to more than 7 times enhancement in photocurrent in comparison with the conventional MSM-PD of similar dimensions at a bias voltage as low as 0.3V. This enhancement is attributed to the coupling of SPPs with the incident light through the nano-structured metal fingers. Moreover, the plasmonic-based MSM-PD shows high sensitivity to the incident light polarization states. Combining the polarization sensitivity and the wavelength selective guiding nature of the nano-gratings, the plasmonic MSM-PD can be used to design high-sensitivity polarization diversity receivers, integrating polarization splitters and polarization CMOS imaging sensors. We also propose and demonstrate a plasmonic-based GaAs balanced metalsemiconductor- metal photodetector (B-MSM-PD) structure and we measure a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) value less than 25 dB at 830nm wavelength. This efficient CMRR value makes our B-MSM-PD structure suitable for ultra-high-speed optical telecommunication systems. In addition, this work paves the way for the monolithic integration of B-MSM-PDs into large scale semiconductor circuits. This thesis demonstrates several new opportunities for resonant plasmonic nanostructures able to enhance the responsivity of the MSM-PD. The presented concepts and insights hold great promise for new applications in integrated optics, photovoltaics, solidstate lighting and imaging below the diffraction limit. In Chapter 10 we conclude this thesis by summarizing and discussing some possible applications and future research directions based on SPP field concentration

    Optimization of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Semiconductor Sensors via On-Chip Signal Amplification and Interface-Induced Noise Suppression.

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    Radiation detectors are now used in a large variety of fields in science and technology, and the number of applications is growing continually. This thesis presents the development of a wide band-gap solid state photomultiplier (SSPM) and the performance improvement of Si radiation detector with respect to noise suppression and resolution enhancement. Recently developed advanced scintillators, which have the ability to distinguish gamma-ray interaction events from those that accompany neutron impact, require improved quantum efficiency in the blue or near UV region of the spectrum. We utilize AlGaAs photodiode elements as components in a wide band-gap SSPM as a lower-cost, lower logistical burden and higher quantum efficiency replacement for the photomultiplier tube (PMT). We demonstrate that the diodes are responsive to blue and near UV in both linear and breakdown modes with robust electrical characteristics, which includes the leakage current and the onset of breakdown against geometric alteration in the diode design. For semiconductor direct-conversion radiation detectors, we investigated the performance enhancement of the detector via the suppression of noise induced from the semiconductor interface and the resolution improvement with on-chip amplification. The properties of the phonon-based noise are studied and methods to quench the charge mobility fluctuation via surface control, evaluating acoustic reflectance at the semiconductor metal interface by calculating reflectance coefficient via the roaming phonon microgradient (RPMG) model. Si radiation detectors are fabricated and the hypotheses evaluated with different geometries and metal types. In addition to the noise suppression, we also sought to increase the device signal by integrating an amplifying junction as part of the detector topology so that the SNR could be maximized. From this research, we demonstrated the feasibility of improving the energy resolution relative to those low-noise designs that don’t possess on-chip amplification by modeling, fabricating, and characterizing proof-of-concept planar and partitioned detectors. From the fabricated detectors, a semi-empirical result shows that the energy resolution for 81 keV gamma-rays can be reduced from 2.12 % to 0.96 % (for a k = 0.2) with a gain of ~8, which shows the best SNR optimization from our modeling.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111488/1/thnkang_1.pd

    Recolección de luz mediante cristales fotónicos para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Óptica, leída el 14/12/2016Photovoltaic solar cells base their operation on the efficient light absorption and the subsequent conversion into electricity by separation of electric charges. Generally, solar cells use interferencial layers and/or thick absorbers to minimize the optical losses. In recent years, the photovoltaic community has a growing interest in using various types of nanostructures to increase the efficiency, minimizing either the reflectivity and/or increasing the absorption. These techniques are known as light trapping. The use of nanostructures with periodic permittivity, i.e. photonic crystals, can be very beneficial compared to the conventional interferential layers and this enhancement justifies the possible disadvantage of requiring a more complex fabrication. Indeed, photonic crystals have great flexibility in designing the optical response of a system, namely the reflection, transmission and absorption. This flexibility allows to improve efficiency, either by reducing the reflection of the cell and/or increasing the absorption by increasing the effective optical path. This thesis focuses on the design of photonic crystals for 111-V solar cells. These cells achieve the greatest efficiency in converting light to electricity. There is a high interest in improving the already high efficiency to reduce the cost of the produced electricity in terms of kWh/.Thesematerialsaregenerallyusedwithopticalconcentrationsystems,withtheconsequencethatthesurfaceofthesemiconductorlayercanbereducedthreeordersofmagnitudeincomparisontoconventionalsolarcells.Thisfactorobviouslylowersthecostofusingnanostructuresinconcentrationtechnology...Lasceˊlulasfotovoltaicasbasansufuncionamientoenelatrapamientoeficientedeluzparasuposteriorconversioˊnenenergıˊaeleˊctricamediantelaseparacioˊndecargas.Habitualmente,lossistemasusadosparaminimizarlasperdidasporfotonesnoabsorbidossebasanenlaˊminasdelgadasinterferencialesy/oenaumentarelespesordelmedioactivo.Enlosuˊltimosan~osdentrodelacomunidadfotovoltaicaexisteunintereˊscrecienteenusardiversostiposdenanoestructurasparaaumentarlaeficiencia,yaseaminimizandolareflexioˊnoaumentandolaabsorcioˊn.Estasteˊcnicassonconocidascomolighttrappingodeatrapamientodeluz.Elusodenanostructurasoˊpticasperioˊdicas,esdecircristalesfotoˊnicos,puedesermuybeneficiosofrentealaslaminasinterferencialesconvencionalesyasıˊjustificarlasposiblesdesventajasderivadasdenecesitarunafabricacioˊnmaˊscompleja.Dehecho,loscristalesfotoˊnicospresentanunamayorflexibilidadalahoradedisen~arlarespuestaoˊpticadelsistema:reflexioˊn,transmisioˊnyabsorcioˊn.Estopermitemejorarlaeficiencia,yaseareduciendolareflexioˊndelsistemay/oincrementandolaabsorcioˊnmedianteelaumentodelcaminooˊpticoefectivo.Estatesissecentraeneldisen~odecristalesfotoˊnicosparaceˊlulasbasadasenmaterialesIIIV.Estosmaterialessonlosquealcanzanunamayoreficienciaenlaconversioˊndeluzaelectricidad.Existeunaltointereˊsenmejorarlayadeporsielevadaeficienciadeestatecnologıˊa,conelobjetivodereducirelcostedelaelectricidadproducidaenterminosdekWh/. These materials are generally used with optical concentration systems, with the consequence that the surface of the semiconductor layer can be reduced three orders of magnitude in comparison to conventional solar cells. This factor obviously lowers the cost of using nanostructures in concentration technology...Las células fotovoltaicas basan su funcionamiento en el atrapamiento eficiente de luz para su posterior conversión en energía eléctrica mediante la separación de cargas. Habitualmente, los sistemas usados paraminimizar las perdidas por fotones no absorbidos se basan en láminas delgadas interferenciales y/o en aumentar el espesor del medio activo. En los últimos años dentro de la comunidad fotovoltaica existe un interés creciente en usar diversos tipos de nanoestructuras para aumentar la eficiencia, ya sea minimizando la reflexión o aumentando la absorción. Estas técnicas son conocidas como light-trapping o de atrapamiento de luz. El uso de nanostructuras ópticas periódicas, es decir cristales fotónicos, puede ser muy beneficioso frente a las laminas interferenciales convencionales y así justificar las posibles desventajas derivadas de necesitar una fabricación más compleja. De hecho, los cristales fotónicos presentan una mayor flexibilidad a la hora de diseñar la respuesta óptica del sistema: reflexión, transmisión y absorción. Esto permite mejorar la eficiencia, ya sea reduciendo la reflexión del sistema y/o incrementando la absorción mediante el aumento del camino óptico efectivo. Esta tesis se centra en el diseño de cristales fotónicos para células basadas en materiales III-V. Estos materiales son los que alcanzan una mayor eficiencia en la conversión de luz a electricidad. Existe un alto interés en mejorar la ya de por si elevada eficiencia de esta tecnología, con el objetivo de reducir el coste de la electricidad producida en terminos de kWh/. Una característica importante a tener en cuenta es que estos materiales son usados de forma habitual en sistemas ópticos de concentración, con la consecuencia de que la superficie de la capa semiconductora puede reducirse tres ordenes de magnitud con respecto a la de módulos convencionales. Esto obviamente abarata el coste de introducir nanoestructuras en el proceso de fabricación...Depto. de ÓpticaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu