1,145 research outputs found

    Noble gas as a functional dopant in ZnO

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    Owing to fully occupied orbitals, noble gases are considered to be chemically inert and to have limited effect on materials properties under standard conditions. However, using first-principles calculations, we demonstrate herein that the insertion of noble gas (i.e., He, Ne, or Ar) in ZnO results in local destabilization of electron density of the material driven by minimization of an unfavorable overlap of atomic orbitals of the noble gas and its surrounding atoms. Specifically, the noble gas defect (interstitial or substitutional) in ZnO pushes the electron density of its surrounding atoms away from the defect. Simultaneously, the host material confines the electron density of the noble gas. As a consequence, the interaction of He, Ne, or Ar with O vacancies of ZnO in different charge states q (ZnO:VOq) affects the vacancy stability and their electronic structures. Remarkably, we find that the noble gas is a functional dopant that can delocalize the deep in-gap VOq states and lift electrons associated with the vacancy to the conduction band.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Better force fields start with better data: A data set of cation dipeptide interactions

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    We present a data set from a first-principles study of amino-methylated and acetylated (capped) dipeptides of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids – including alternative possible side chain protonation states and their interactions with selected divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+). The data covers 21,909 stationary points on the respective potential-energy surfaces in a wide relative energy range of up to 4 eV (390 kJ/mol). Relevant properties of interest, like partial charges, were derived for the conformers. The motivation was to provide a solid data basis for force field parameterization and further applications like machine learning or benchmarking. In particular the process of creating all this data on the same first-principles footing, i.e. density-functional theory calculations employing the generalized gradient approximation with a van der Waals correction, makes this data suitable for first principles data-driven force field development. To make the data accessible across domain borders and to machines, we formalized the metadata in an ontology

    Stability of charges in titanium compounds and charge transfer to oxygen in titanium dioxide

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    We investigate the charge density distribution in titanium dioxide, molecular titanium complexes and a variety of periodic titanium compounds using delocalization indices and Bader charge analysis. Our results are in agreement with previous experimental and theoretical investigations on the charge stability and deviation from formal oxidation states in transition metal compounds. We present examples for practically relevant redox processes, using molecular titanium dioxide model systems, that illustrate the failure of formal oxidation states to account for some redox phenomena. We observe a pronounced charge stability on titanium for trial systems which are expected to be mainly ionic. No environment tested by us is capable to reduce the local titanium charge remainder below one electron.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, CCP2017 conference (Paris, France, July 9-13, 2017

    2D KBr/Graphene Heterostructures-Influence on Work Function and Friction

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    The intercalation of graphene is an effective approach to modify the electronic properties of two-dimensional heterostructures for attractive phenomena and applications. In this work, we characterize the growth and surface properties of ionic KBr layers altered by graphene using ultra-high vacuum atomic force microscopy at room temperature. We observed a strong rippling of the KBr islands on Ir(111), which is induced by a specific layer reconstruction but disappears when graphene is introduced in between. The latter causes a consistent change in both the work function and the frictional forces measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy and frictional force microscopy, respectively. Systematic density functional theory calculations of the different systems show that the change in work function is induced by the formation of a surface dipole moment while the friction force is dominated by adhesion forces