5 research outputs found

    Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks

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    The main problem faced by naval radars is the elimination of the clutter input which is a distortion signal appearing mixed with target reflections. Recently, the Pareto distribution has been related to sea clutter measurements suggesting that it may provide a better fit than other traditional distributions. The authors propose a new method for estimating the Pareto shape parameter based on artificial neural networks. The solution achieves a precise estimation of the parameter, having a low computational cost, and outperforming the classic method which uses Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE). The presented scheme contributes to the development of the NATE detector for Pareto clutter, which uses the knowledge of clutter statistics for improving the stability of the detection, among other applications

    CA-CFAR Adjustment Factor Correction with a priori Knowledge of the Clutter Distribution Shape Parameter

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    Oceanic and coastal radars operation is affected because the targets information is received mixed with and undesired contribution called sea clutter. Specifically, the popular CA-CFAR processor is incapable of maintaining its design false alarm probability when facing clutter with statistical variations. In opposition to the classic alternative suggesting the use of a fixed adjustment factor, the authors propose a modification of the CA- CFAR scheme where the factor is constantly corrected according on the background signal statistical changes. Mathematically translated as a variation in the shape parameter of the clutter distribution, the background signal changes were simulated through the Weibull, Log-Normal and K distributions, deriving expressions which allow choosing an appropriate factor for each possible statistical state. The investigation contributes to the improvement of radar detection by suggesting the application of an adaptive scheme which assumes the clutter shape parameter is known a priori. The offered mathematical expressions are valid for three false alarm probabilities and several windows sizes, covering also a wide range of clutter conditions

    Modelación estadística de la textura del clutter marino en Matlab

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    Context: The statistical modeling of the interference signal known as sea clutter is achieved assuming the input results from the combination of two components: one for the speckle and another for the texture. The Gamma distribution is the more widely applied for the texture component. Nevertheless, several authors have defended the idea of using the Inverse Gamma and Inverse Gaussian instead.Method: In order to provide an easy access to the handling of the models and the execution of comparisons between them, the authors of the current paper simulated in MATLAB the main characteristics of these distributions. In addition, the Root-Gamma model was also included because it replaces the Gamma distribution when samples are processed in the amplitude domain. The applied method consisted in a deep bibliography review for finding the corresponding expressions for each simulated model; the method also included additional computational simulations that allowed to identify occasional errors that were committed by different authors when characterizing the models.Results: A small framework was created for stochastic simulation containing density and distribution functions, mechanisms for random variable generation, parameter estimation methods and statistical moment closed expressions, among others. Besides, complementary functions were prepared for guaranteeing the validation by comparison with results provided by third parties and through the interaction between the different components of the library.Conclusions: The created library enables the use of multiple distributions for the modeling of the electromagnetic echo received from the sea surface. This will certainly motivate the creation of new radar detectors adapted to heterogeneous conditions such as the ones existing in Cuban coastal regions, where one may find different depth levels, mangrove swamps, brackish water, islets, prominent aquatic vegetation, among others.Contexto: La modelación estadística de la señal interferente conocida como clutter marino se efectúa a través de dos componentes: uno de capilaridad y otro de textura. La distribución más utilizada para la textura es la gamma. No obstante, varios autores han defendido el uso alternativo de la inversa gamma y la inversa gaussiana.Método: Con el objetivo de brindar un acceso fácil a la manipulación de los modelos y a la realización de comparaciones entre ellos, los autores del presente artículo simularon en Matlab las características principales de estas tres distribuciones. Adicionalmente, se agregó la distribución raíz gamma que sustituye a la gamma cuando se trabaja con muestras de amplitud. El método aplicado consistió en la revisión bibliográfica para encontrar las expresiones de cada uno de los parámetros modelados, y la posterior simulación computacional que permitió detectar errores ocasionales que surgen al consultar diferentes estudios.Resultados: Se creó una pequeña librería de simulación estocástica que incluye funciones de densidad y distribución, generación de variables aleatorias, estimación de parámetros y cálculo de momentos estadísticos, entre otros. Además, se elaboraron funciones informáticas complementarias que permitieron la validación por comparación con resultados dados por terceros y mediante la interacción de los diferentes componentes de la librería.Conclusiones: La librería creada habilita el uso de múltiples distribuciones, para la modelación del eco electromagnético de la superficie marina. Esto permitirá generar nuevos detectores de radar que se adapten a condiciones heterogéneas como las encontradas en las costas cubanas, donde alternan distintos niveles de profundidad, manglares, aguas salobres, islotes, vegetación acuática prominente, entre otras

    Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks

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    Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks

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    The main problem faced by naval radars is the elimination of the clutter input which is a distortion signal appearing mixed with target reflections. Recently, the Pareto distribution has been related to sea clutter measurements suggesting that it may provide a better fit than other traditional distributions. The authors propose a new method for estimating the Pareto shape parameter based on artificial neural networks. The solution achieves a precise estimation of the parameter, having a low computational cost, and outperforming the classic method which uses Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE). The presented scheme contributes to the development of the NATE detector for Pareto clutter, which uses the knowledge of clutter statistics for improving the stability of the detection, among other applications