227 research outputs found

    Towards Debugging and Improving Adversarial Robustness Evaluations ​

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    Despite exhibiting unprecedented success in many application domains, machine‐learning models have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, i.e., maliciously perturbed inputs that are able to subvert their predictions at test time. Rigorous testing against such perturbations requires enumerating all possible outputs for all possible inputs, and despite impressive results in this field, these methods remain still difficult to scale to modern deep learning systems. For these reasons, empirical methods are often used. These adversarial perturbations are optimized via gradient descent, minimizing a loss function that aims to increase the probability of misleading the model’s predictions. To understand the sensitivity of the model to such attacks, and to counter the effects, machine-learning model designers craft worst-case adversarial perturbations and test them against the model they are evaluating. However, many of the proposed defenses have been shown to provide a false sense of security due to failures of the attacks, rather than actual improvements in the machine‐learning models’ robustness. They have been broken indeed under more rigorous evaluations. Although guidelines and best practices have been suggested to improve current adversarial robustness evaluations, the lack of automatic testing and debugging tools makes it difficult to apply these recommendations in a systematic and automated manner. To this end, we tackle three different challenges: (1) we investigate how adversarial robustness evaluations can be performed efficiently, by proposing a novel attack that can be used to find minimum-norm adversarial perturbations; (2) we propose a framework for debugging adversarial robustness evaluations, by defining metrics that reveal faulty evaluations as well as mitigations to patch the detected problems; and (3) we show how to employ a surrogate model for improving the success of transfer-based attacks, that are useful when gradient-based attacks are failing due to problems in the gradient information. To improve the quality of robustness evaluations, we propose a novel attack, referred to as Fast Minimum‐Norm (FMN) attack, which competes with state‐of‐the‐art attacks in terms of quality of the solution while outperforming them in terms of computational complexity and robustness to sub‐optimal configurations of the attack hyperparameters. These are all desirable characteristics of attacks used in robustness evaluations, as the aforementioned problems often arise from the use of sub‐optimal attack hyperparameters, including, e.g., the number of attack iterations, the step size, and the use of an inappropriate loss function. The correct refinement of these variables is often neglected, hence we designed a novel framework that helps debug the optimization process of adversarial examples, by means of quantitative indicators that unveil common problems and failures during the attack optimization process, e.g., in the configuration of the hyperparameters. Commonly accepted best practices suggest further validating the target model with alternative strategies, among which is the usage of a surrogate model to craft the adversarial examples to transfer to the model being evaluated is useful to check for gradient obfuscation. However, how to effectively create transferable adversarial examples is not an easy process, as many factors influence the success of this strategy. In the context of this research, we utilize a first-order model to show what are the main underlying phenomena that affect transferability and suggest best practices to create adversarial examples that transfer well to the target models.

    Adversarial Robustness via Fisher-Rao Regularization

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    Adversarial robustness has become a topic of growing interest in machine learning since it was observed that neural networks tend to be brittle. We propose an information-geometric formulation of adversarial defense and introduce FIRE, a new Fisher-Rao regularization for the categorical cross-entropy loss, which is based on the geodesic distance between natural and perturbed input features. Based on the information-geometric properties of the class of softmax distributions, we derive an explicit characterization of the Fisher-Rao Distance (FRD) for the binary and multiclass cases, and draw some interesting properties as well as connections with standard regularization metrics. Furthermore, for a simple linear and Gaussian model, we show that all Pareto-optimal points in the accuracy-robustness region can be reached by FIRE while other state-of-the-art methods fail. Empirically, we evaluate the performance of various classifiers trained with the proposed loss on standard datasets, showing up to 2\% of improvements in terms of robustness while reducing the training time by 20\% over the best-performing methods.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Changeset-based Retrieval of Source Code Artifacts for Bug Localization

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    Modern software development is extremely collaborative and agile, with unprecedented speed and scale of activity. Popular trends like continuous delivery and continuous deployment aim at building, fixing, and releasing software with greater speed and frequency. Bug localization, which aims to automatically localize bug reports to relevant software artifacts, has the potential to improve software developer efficiency by reducing the time spent on debugging and examining code. To date, this problem has been primarily addressed by applying information retrieval techniques based on static code elements, which are intrinsically unable to reflect how software evolves over time. Furthermore, as prior approaches frequently rely on exact term matching to measure relatedness between a bug report and a software artifact, they are prone to be affected by the lexical gap that exists between natural and programming language. This thesis explores using software changes (i.e., changesets), instead of static code elements, as the primary data unit to construct an information retrieval model toward bug localization. Changesets, which represent the differences between two consecutive versions of the source code, provide a natural representation of a software change, and allow to capture both the semantics of the source code, and the semantics of the code modification. To bridge the lexical gap between source code and natural language, this thesis investigates using topic modeling and deep learning architectures that enable creating semantically rich data representation with the goal of identifying latent connection between bug reports and source code. To show the feasibility of the proposed approaches, this thesis also investigates practical aspects related to using a bug localization tool, such retrieval delay and training data availability. The results indicate that the proposed techniques effectively leverage historical data about bugs and their related source code components to improve retrieval accuracy, especially for bug reports that are expressed in natural language, with little to no explicit code references. Further improvement in accuracy is observed when the size of the training dataset is increased through data augmentation and data balancing strategies proposed in this thesis, although depending on the model architecture the magnitude of the improvement varies. In terms of retrieval delay, the results indicate that the proposed deep learning architecture significantly outperforms prior work, and scales up with respect to search space size

    Utilizing public repositories to improve the decision process for security defect resolution and information reuse in the development environment

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    Security risks are contained in solutions in software systems that could have been avoided if the design choices were analyzed by using public information security data sources. Public security sources have been shown to contain more relevant and recent information on current technologies than any textbook or research article, and these sources are often used by developers for solving software related problems. However, solutions copied from public discussion forums such as StackOverflow may contain security implications when copied directly into the developers environment. Several different methods to identify security bugs are being implemented, and recent efforts are looking into identifying security bugs from communication artifacts during software development lifecycle as well as using public security information sources to support secure design and development. The primary goal of this thesis is to investigate how to utilize public information sources to reduce security defects in software artifacts through improving the decision process for defect resolution and information reuse in the development environment. We build a data collection tool for collecting data from public information security sources and public discussion forums, construct machine learning models for classifying discussion forum posts and bug reports as security or not-security related, as well as word embedding models for finding matches between public security sources and public discussion forum posts or bug reports. The results of this thesis demonstrate that using public information security sources can provide additional validation layers for defect classification models, as well as provide additional security context for public discussion forum posts. The contributions of this thesis are to provide understanding of how public information security sources can better provide context for bug reports and discussion forums. Additionally, we provide data collection APIs for collecting datasets from these sources, and classification and word embedding models for recommending related security sources for bug reports and public discussion forum posts.Masteroppgave i Programutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO

    Robust Aggregation for Federated Learning

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    We present a robust aggregation approach to make federated learning robust to settings when a fraction of the devices may be sending corrupted updates to the server. The proposed approach relies on a robust secure aggregation oracle based on the geometric median, which returns a robust aggregate using a constant number of calls to a regular non-robust secure average oracle. The robust aggregation oracle is privacy-preserving, similar to the secure average oracle it builds upon. We provide experimental results of the proposed approach with linear models and deep networks for two tasks in computer vision and natural language processing. The robust aggregation approach is agnostic to the level of corruption; it outperforms the classical aggregation approach in terms of robustness when the level of corruption is high, while being competitive in the regime of low corruption