2 research outputs found

    Improved Firefly Algorithm for the Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays

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    The Coordination Of Dual Setting Directional Overcurrent Relay In PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Ring System Using Adaptive Modified Firefly Algorithm

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    Directional Overcurrent Relays (DOCRs) play an essential role in the power system protection to guarantee the reliability, speed of relay operation and avoiding mal-trip in the primary and backup relays when unintentional fault conditions occur in the system. Moreover, the dual setting protection scheme is more efficient protection schemes for offering fast response protection and providing flexibility in the coordination of relay. The Adaptive Modified Firefly Algorithm (AMFA) is used to determine the optimal coordination of dual setting DOCRs in the ring distribution system. The AMFA is completed by choosing the minimum value of the pickup current (Ip) and time dial setting (TDS). On the other hand, dual setting DOCRs protection scheme also proposed for operating in both forward and reverse directions that consisted of individual time current characteristics (TCC) curve for each direction. The AMFA method is applied to the ring distribution system network of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja by considering the fault on each bus. Then, the result is illustrated that the AMFA within dual setting protection scheme is significantly reaching the optimized coordination and the relay coordination is certain for all simulation scenarios with the minimum value of the total operating time (TOP). The CTI of each pairs relay is no less than 0.2s. Also, the comparison of converges iteration shown that the AMFA method is faster than the original FA method. The AMFA has been successfully implemented in MATLAB 2018b software and the relay coordination can be verified by using ETAP 12.6.0. ================================================================================================================================ Directional Overcurrent Relays (DOCRs) memainkan peran penting dalam perlindungan sistem tenaga untuk menjamin keandalan, kecepatan operasi rele dan menghindari mal-trip pada rele primer dan cadangan saat kondisi gangguan yang tidak disengaja terjadi dalam system. Selain itu, skema perlindungan pengaturan ganda adalah skema perlindungan yang lebih efisien untuk menawarkan perlindungan respons cepat dan memberikan fleksibilitas dalam koordinasi rele. Algoritma Adaptive Modified Firefly (AMFA) digunakan untuk menentukan koordinasi optimal DOCRs dalam sistem distribusi cincin. AMFA diselesaikan dengan memilih nilai minimum Pickup Current (Ip) dan Time Dial Setting (TDS). Di sisi lain, skema perlindungan DOCR juga diusulkan untuk beroperasi di arah maju dan mundur yang terdiri dari kurva individu Time Current Characteristics (TCC) untuk setiap arah. Metode AMFA diterapkan pada jaringan sistem distribusi cincin PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja dengan mempertimbangkan kesalahan pada setiap bus. Kemudian, hasilnya diilustrasikan bahwa AMFA dalam skema perlindungan pengaturan ganda secara signifikan mencapai koordinasi optimal dan koordinasi rele pasti untuk semua skenario simulasi dengan nilai minimum Total Operating Time (TOP). CTI dari masing-masing pasangan relay tidak kurang dari 0,2s. Juga, perbandingan iterasi konvergen menunjukkan bahwa metode AMFA lebih cepat daripada metode FA asli. AMFA telah berhasil diimplementasikan dalam perangkat lunak MATLAB 2018b dan koordinasi rele dapat diverifikasi dengan menggunakan ETAP 12.6.0