757 research outputs found

    Error estimates for the approximation of the velocity tracking problem with Bang-Bang controls

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    The velocity tracking problem for the evolutionary Navierā€“Stokes equations in 2d is studied. The controls are of distributed type but the cost functional does not involve the usual quadratic term for the control. As a consequence the resulting controls can be of bang-bang type. First and second order necessary and suļ¬ƒcient conditions are proved. A fully-discrete scheme based on discontinuous (in time) Galerkin approach combined with conforming ļ¬nite element subspaces in space, is proposed and analyzed. Provided that the time and space discretization parameters, Ļ„ and h respectively, satisfy Ļ„ ā‰¤ Ch2 , then L2 error estimates are proved for the diļ¬€erence between the states corresponding to locally optimal controls and their discrete approximations.The first author was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĆ­a y Competitividad under projects MTM2011-22711 and MTM2014-57531-P

    Numerical optimal control with applications in aerospace

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    This thesis explores various computational aspects of solving nonlinear, continuous-time dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) numerically. Firstly, a direct transcription method for solving DOPs is proposed, named the integrated residual method (IRM). Instead of forcing the dynamic constraints to be satisfied only at a selected number of points as in direct collocation, this new approach alternates between minimizing and constraining the squared norm of the dynamic constraint residuals integrated along the whole solution trajectories. The method is capable of obtaining solutions of higher accuracy for the same mesh compared to direct collocation methods, enabling a flexible trade-off between solution accuracy and optimality, and providing reliable solutions for challenging problems, including those with singular arcs and high-index differential-algebraic equations. A number of techniques have also been proposed in this work for efficient numerical solution of large scale and challenging DOPs. A general approach for direct implementation of rate constraints on the discretization mesh is proposed. Unlike conventional approaches that may lead to singular control arcs, the solution of this on-mesh implementation has better numerical properties, while achieving computational speedups. Another development is related to the handling of inactive constraints, which do not contribute to the solution of DOPs, but increase the problem size and burden the numerical computations. A strategy to systematically remove the inactive and redundant constraints under a mesh refinement framework is proposed. The last part of this work focuses on the use of DOPs in aerospace applications, with a number of topics studied. Using example scenarios of intercontinental flights, the benefits of formulating DOPs directly according to problem specifications are demonstrated, with notable savings in fuel usage. The numerical challenges with direct collocation are also identified, with the IRM obtaining solutions of higher accuracy, and at the same time suppressing the singular arc fluctuations.Open Acces

    Numerical Methods for Continuous Time Mean Variance Type Asset Allocation

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    Many optimal stochastic control problems in finance can be formulated in the form of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) partial differential equations (PDEs). In this thesis, a general framework for solutions of HJB PDEs in finance is developed, with application to asset allocation. The numerical scheme has the following properties: it is unconditionally stable; convergence to the viscosity solution is guaranteed; there are no restrictions on the underlying stochastic process; it can be easily extended to include features as needed such as uncertain volatility and transaction costs; and central differencing is used as much as possible so that use of a locally second order method is maximized. In this thesis, continuous time mean variance type strategies for dynamic asset allocation problems are studied. Three mean variance type strategies: pre-commitment mean variance, time-consistent mean variance, and mean quadratic variation, are investigated. The numerical method can handle various constraints on the control policy. The following cases are studied: allowing bankruptcy (unconstrained case), no bankruptcy, and bounded control. In some special cases where analytic solutions are available, the numerical results agree with the analytic solutions. These three mean variance type strategies are compared. For the allowing bankruptcy case, analytic solutions exist for all strategies. However, when additional constraints are applied to the control policy, analytic solutions do not exist for all strategies. After realistic constraints are applied, the efficient frontiers for all three strategies are very similar. However, the investment policies are quite different. These results show that, in deciding which objective function is appropriate for a given economic problem, it is not sufficient to simply examine the efficient frontiers. Instead, the actual investment policies need to be studied in order to determine if a particular strategy is applicable to specific investment problem

    Optimal control and robust estimation for ocean wave energy converters

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    This thesis deals with the optimal control of wave energy converters and some associated observer design problems. The first part of the thesis will investigate model predictive control of an ocean wave energy converter to maximize extracted power. A generic heaving converter that can have both linear dampers and active elements as a power take-off system is considered and an efficient optimal control algorithm is developed for use within a receding horizon control framework. The optimal control is also characterized analytically. A direct transcription of the optimal control problem is also considered as a general nonlinear program. A variation of the projected gradient optimization scheme is formulated and shown to be feasible and computationally inexpensive compared to a standard nonlinear program solver. Since the system model is bilinear and the cost function is not convex quadratic, the resulting optimization problem is shown not to be a quadratic program. Results are compared with other methods like optimal latching to demonstrate the improvement in absorbed power under irregular sea condition simulations. In the second part, robust estimation of the radiation forces and states inherent in the optimal control of wave energy converters is considered. Motivated by this, low order Hāˆž observer design for bilinear systems with input constraints is investigated and numerically tractable methods for design are developed. A bilinear Luenberger type observer is formulated and the resulting synthesis problem reformulated as that for a linear parameter varying system. A bilinear matrix inequality problem is then solved to find nominal and robust quadratically stable observers. The performance of these observers is compared with that of an extended Kalman filter. The robustness of the observers to parameter uncertainty and to variation in the radiation subsystem model order is also investigated. This thesis also explores the numerical integration of bilinear control systems with zero-order hold on the control inputs. Making use of exponential integrators, exact to high accuracy integration is proposed for such systems. New a priori bounds are derived on the computational complexity of integrating bilinear systems with a given error tolerance. Employing our new bounds on computational complexity, we propose a direct exponential integrator to solve bilinear ODEs via the solution of sparse linear systems of equations. Based on this, a novel sparse direct collocation of bilinear systems for optimal control is proposed. These integration schemes are also used within the indirect optimal control method discussed in the first part.Open Acces

    Time-optimality by distance-optimality for parabolic control systems

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    The equivalence of time-optimal and distance-optimal control problems is shown for a class of parabolic control systems. Based on this equivalence, an approach for the efficient algorithmic solution of time-optimal control problems is investigated. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate that the approach works well is practice
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