8 research outputs found

    Improved Approximation for the Directed Spanner Problem

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    We prove that the size of the sparsest directed k-spanner of a graph can be approximated in polynomial time to within a factor of O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}), for all k >= 3. This improves the O~(n2/3)\tilde{O}(n^{2/3})-approximation recently shown by Dinitz and Krauthgamer

    Roundtrip Spanners with (2k-1) Stretch

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    A roundtrip spanner of a directed graph GG is a subgraph of GG preserving roundtrip distances approximately for all pairs of vertices. Despite extensive research, there is still a small stretch gap between roundtrip spanners in directed graphs and undirected graphs. For a directed graph with real edge weights in [1,W][1,W], we first propose a new deterministic algorithm that constructs a roundtrip spanner with (2k1)(2k-1) stretch and O(kn1+1/klog(nW))O(k n^{1+1/k}\log (nW)) edges for every integer k>1k> 1, then remove the dependence of size on WW to give a roundtrip spanner with (2k1)(2k-1) stretch and O(kn1+1/klogn)O(k n^{1+1/k}\log n) edges. While keeping the edge size small, our result improves the previous 2k+ϵ2k+\epsilon stretch roundtrip spanners in directed graphs [Roditty, Thorup, Zwick'02; Zhu, Lam'18], and almost matches the undirected (2k1)(2k-1)-spanner with O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}) edges [Alth\"ofer et al. '93] when kk is a constant, which is optimal under Erd\"os conjecture.Comment: 12 page

    Lowest Degree k-Spanner: Approximation and Hardness

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    A k-spanner is a subgraph in which distances are approximately preserved, up to some given stretch factor k. We focus on the following problem: Given a graph and a value k, can we find a k-spanner that minimizes the maximum degree? While reasonably strong bounds are known for some spanner problems, they almost all involve minimizing the total number of edges. Switching the objective to the degree introduces significant new challenges, and currently the only known approximation bound is an O~(Delta^(3-2*sqrt(2)))-approximation for the special case when k = 2 [Chlamtac, Dinitz, Krauthgamer FOCS 2012] (where Delta is the maximum degree in the input graph). In this paper we give the first non-trivial algorithm and polynomial-factor hardness of approximation for the case of general k. Specifically, we give an LP-based O~(Delta^((1-1/k)^2) )-approximation and prove that it is hard to approximate the optimum to within Delta^Omega(1/k) when the graph is undirected, and to within Delta^Omega(1) when it is directed

    Distributed Distance-Bounded Network Design Through Distributed Convex Programming

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    Solving linear programs is often a challenging task in distributed settings. While there are good algorithms for solving packing and covering linear programs in a distributed manner (Kuhn et al.~2006), this is essentially the only class of linear programs for which such an algorithm is known. In this work we provide a distributed algorithm for solving a different class of convex programs which we call "distance-bounded network design convex programs". These can be thought of as relaxations of network design problems in which the connectivity requirement includes a distance constraint (most notably, graph spanners). Our algorithm runs in O((D/ϵ)logn)O( (D/\epsilon) \log n) rounds in the LOCAL\mathcal{LOCAL} model and finds a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation to the optimal LP solution for any 0<ϵ10 < \epsilon \leq 1, where DD is the largest distance constraint. While solving linear programs in a distributed setting is interesting in its own right, this class of convex programs is particularly important because solving them is often a crucial step when designing approximation algorithms. Hence we almost immediately obtain new and improved distributed approximation algorithms for a variety of network design problems, including Basic 33- and 44-Spanner, Directed kk-Spanner, Lowest Degree kk-Spanner, and Shallow-Light Steiner Network Design with a spanning demand graph. Our algorithms do not require any "heavy" computation and essentially match the best-known centralized approximation algorithms, while previous approaches which do not use heavy computation give approximations which are worse than the best-known centralized bounds


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    Many fundamental computational tasks can be modeled by distances on a graph. This has inspired studying various structures that preserve approximate distances, but trade off this approximation factor with size, running time, or the number of hops on the approximate shortest paths. Our focus is on three important objects involving preservation of graph distances: hopsets, in which our goal is to ensure that small-hop paths also provide approximate shortest paths; distance oracles, in which we build a small data structure that supports efficient distance queries; and spanners, in which we find a sparse subgraph that approximately preserves all distances. We study efficient constructions and applications of these structures in various models of computation that capture different aspects of computational systems. Specifically, we propose new algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles in two modern distributed models: the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) and the Congested Clique model. These models have received significant attention recently due to their close connection to present-day big data platforms. In a different direction, we consider a centralized dynamic model in which the input changes over time. We propose new dynamic algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles that lead to state-of-the-art approximate single-source, multi-source and all-pairs shortest path algorithms with respect to update-time. Finally, we study the problem of finding optimal spanners in a different distributed model, the LOCAL model. Unlike our other results, for this problem our goal is to find the best solution for a specific input graph rather than giving a general guarantee that holds for all inputs. One contribution of this work is to emphasize the significance of the tools and the techniques used for these distance problems rather than heavily focusing on a specific model. In other words, we show that our techniques are broad enough that they can be extended to different models