79 research outputs found

    On the numerical stability of Fourier extensions

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    An effective means to approximate an analytic, nonperiodic function on a bounded interval is by using a Fourier series on a larger domain. When constructed appropriately, this so-called Fourier extension is known to converge geometrically fast in the truncation parameter. Unfortunately, computing a Fourier extension requires solving an ill-conditioned linear system, and hence one might expect such rapid convergence to be destroyed when carrying out computations in finite precision. The purpose of this paper is to show that this is not the case. Specifically, we show that Fourier extensions are actually numerically stable when implemented in finite arithmetic, and achieve a convergence rate that is at least superalgebraic. Thus, in this instance, ill-conditioning of the linear system does not prohibit a good approximation. In the second part of this paper we consider the issue of computing Fourier extensions from equispaced data. A result of Platte, Trefethen & Kuijlaars states that no method for this problem can be both numerically stable and exponentially convergent. We explain how Fourier extensions relate to this theoretical barrier, and demonstrate that they are particularly well suited for this problem: namely, they obtain at least superalgebraic convergence in a numerically stable manner

    Convergence of linear barycentric rational interpolation for analytic functions

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    Polynomial interpolation to analytic functions can be very accurate, depending on the distribution of the interpolation nodes. However, in equispaced nodes and the like, besides being badly conditioned, these interpolants fail to converge even in exact arithmetic in some cases. Linear barycentric rational interpolation with the weights presented by Floater and Hormann can be viewed as blended polynomial interpolation and often yields better approximation in such cases. This has been proven for differentiable functions and indicated in several experiments for analytic functions. So far, these rational interpolants have been used mainly with a constant parameter usually denoted by d, the degree of the blended polynomials, which leads to small condition numbers but to merely algebraic convergence. With the help of logarithmic potential theory we derive asymptotic convergence results for analytic functions when this parameter varies with the number of nodes. Moreover, we present suggestions on how to choose d in order to observe fast and stable convergence, even in equispaced nodes where stable geometric convergence is provably impossible. We demonstrate our results with several numerical examples

    On the constrained mock-Chebyshev least-squares

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    The algebraic polynomial interpolation on uniformly distributed nodes is affected by the Runge phenomenon, also when the function to be interpolated is analytic. Among all techniques that have been proposed to defeat this phenomenon, there is the mock-Chebyshev interpolation which is an interpolation made on a subset of the given nodes whose elements mimic as well as possible the Chebyshev-Lobatto points. In this work we use the simultaneous approximation theory to combine the previous technique with a polynomial regression in order to increase the accuracy of the approximation of a given analytic function. We give indications on how to select the degree of the simultaneous regression in order to obtain polynomial approximant good in the uniform norm and provide a sufficient condition to improve, in that norm, the accuracy of the mock-Chebyshev interpolation with a simultaneous regression. Numerical results are provided.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Improved conditioning of the Floater--Hormann interpolants

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    The Floater--Hormann family of rational interpolants do not have spurious poles or unattainable points, are efficient to calculate, and have arbitrarily high approximation orders. One concern when using them is that the amplification of rounding errors increases with approximation order, and can make balancing the interpolation error and rounding error difficult. This article proposes to modify the Floater--Hormann interpolants by including additional local polynomial interpolants at the ends of the interval. This appears to improve the conditioning of the interpolants and allow higher approximation orders to be used in practice.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
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