27 research outputs found

    Important Cautions Research about Chinese-Funded Construction Companies Bidding on Omani Construction Project

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    Guiding the Invisible Hand: Making Migration Intermediaries Work for Development

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    Intermediaries are key actors that facilitate, and sometimes drive, migration within and across borders. By providing information and extending critical services in many stages of migration and in places of origin, transit and destination, legitimate intermediaries build migrants’ capabilities and expand their range of choice — the very essence of human development. However their value is, in many cases, overshadowed by the costs they impose on migrants, from charging exorbitant fees to outright abuse of basic human rights. Clearly, there is much room for intervention to shape intermediaries’ operations in more positive directions. Available policy levers are many, from imposing a system of regulation to fostering government-mediated migration. In weighing these policy options, there is rarely a bright line separating legitimate services and reasonable costs on one hand, and exploitative fees or practices on the other. This can be addressed by adopting a framework that recognizes the importance of identifying the nature of scarcity and recognizing how migrants can best overcome the constraints of scarce information, access and employment opportunities. Success will also depend on introducing parallel efforts centered on empowering migrants, monitoring the intermediating industries, building institutional capacity and drafting migration policies that reflect realities on the ground.migration intermediaries, recruitment agencies, regulation, self-regulation, development, migration policy, temporary labor migration

    Trust as a Competitive Parameter in the Construction Industry

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    Kenya in Motion 2000-2020

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    This edited volume offers a broad understanding and particular visions of Kenya in the first quarter of the twenty-first century. By bringing together rigorous yet accessible contributions, it shows how, since the 2002 transition, Kenya has been striving for change through economic modernisation and political liberalisation. The planned transformations are coming to fruition, even if the legacies of the past and political habits are slowing down the process. The various chapters take us from developmental capitalism to extreme poverty and enduring inequalities, from reforms on paper to mixed results in multiple sectors: decentralised governance, natural resources, land, and education. They also explore Kenya’s ancient and colonial history and the diversity of its population. Thus, the book helps understand contemporary political, religious and community cleavages, the asymmetries between towns and the countryside, between Nairobi and the coast, in a country open to the world, as much through trade and finance as through art networks

    The drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility in the supply chain. A case study.

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    Purpose: The paper studies the way in which a SME integrates CSR into its corporate strategy, the practices it puts in place and how its CSR strategies reflect on its suppliers and customers relations. Methodology/Research limitations: A qualitative case study methodology is used. The use of a single case study limits the generalizing capacity of these findings. Findings: The entrepreneur’s ethical beliefs and value system play a fundamental role in shaping sustainable corporate strategy. Furthermore, the type of competitive strategy selected based on innovation, quality and responsibility clearly emerges both in terms of well defined management procedures and supply chain relations as a whole aimed at involving partners in the process of sustainable innovation. Originality/value: The paper presents a SME that has devised an original innovative business model. The study pivots on the issues of innovation and eco-sustainability in a context of drivers for CRS and business ethics. These values are considered fundamental at International level; the United Nations has declared 2011 the “International Year of Forestry”

    African Studies Abstracts Online: number 31, 2010

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    ASA Online provides a quarterly overview of journal articles and edited works on Africa in the field of the social sciences and the humanities available in the ASC library. Issue 31 (2010). African Studies Centre, Leiden.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Kenya in Motion 2000-2020

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    This edited volume offers a broad understanding and particular visions of Kenya in the first quarter of the twenty-first century. By bringing together rigorous yet accessible contributions, it shows how, since the 2002 transition, Kenya has been striving for change through economic modernisation and political liberalisation. The planned transformations are coming to fruition, even if the legacies of the past and political habits are slowing down the process. The various chapters take us from developmental capitalism to extreme poverty and enduring inequalities, from reforms on paper to mixed results in multiple sectors: decentralised governance, natural resources, land, and education. They also explore Kenya’s ancient and colonial history and the diversity of its population. Thus, the book helps understand contemporary political, religious and community cleavages, the asymmetries between towns and the countryside, between Nairobi and the coast, in a country open to the world, as much through trade and finance as through art networks.Cet ouvrage offre une saisie synthétique et des visions particulières du Kenya en ce premier quart du XXIe siècle. Il rassemble des contributions rigoureuses et accessibles pour montrer comment, depuis l’alternance de 2002, le Kenya s’efforce de changer par la modernisation économique et la libéralisation politique. Les transformations annoncées voient le jour, même si les legs du passé et les habitus politiques en ralentissent la marche. Les différents chapitres nous mènent du capitalisme développemental kényan à la grande pauvreté et aux inégalités vivaces, des réformes sur le papier aux mises en œuvre en demi-teinte dans de multiples secteurs : gouvernance décentralisée, ressources naturelles, foncier, éducation. L’histoire ancienne et coloniale, la diversité du peuplement au Kenya permettent de mieux comprendre les clivages politiques, religieux et communautaires, les asymétries entre villes et campagnes, entre Nairobi et la côte, dans un Kenya ouvert sur le monde, autant par le commerce et la finance que par les réseaux de l’art