51,710 research outputs found

    High-speed imaging in fluids

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    High-speed imaging is in popular demand for a broad range of experiments in fluids. It allows for a detailed visualization of the event under study by acquiring a series of image frames captured at high temporal and spatial resolution. This review covers high-speed imaging basics, by defining criteria for high-speed imaging experiments in fluids and to give rule-of-thumbs for a series of cases. It also considers stroboscopic imaging, triggering and illumination, and scaling issues. It provides guidelines for testing and calibration. Ultra high-speed imaging at frame rates exceeding 1 million frames per second is reviewed, and the combination of conventional experiments in fluids techniques with high-speed imaging techniques are discussed. The review is concluded with a high-speed imaging chart, which summarizes criteria for temporal scale and spatial scale and which facilitates the selection of a high-speed imaging system for the applicatio

    Electro-kinetically enhanced nano-metric material removal

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    This project is a fundamental proof of concept to look at the feasibility of using field activated abrasive particles to achieve material removal on a substrate. There are a few different goals for this project. The first goal is to prove through visualization that particle movement can be influenced and controlled by changes in electric field. The second goal is to fundamentally prove that particles controlled by electric field can remove material from a substrate. Third, it should be shown that changes in electric field can control the amount of material being removed in a given amount of time. A mathematical model will be presented which predicts metallic material removal rates based on changes in electric field strength. In this project, a technique combining concepts from electrokinetics, electrochemical mechanical planarization, and contact mechanics is proposed, aiming at enhancing planarization performance. By introducing an AC electric field with a DC offset, we try to achieve not only a better control of metallic material removal but also more flexible manipulation of the dynamic behaviour of abrasive particles. The presence of electric field will lead to electrokinetic phenomena including electroosmotic flow of an electrolyte solution and electrophoretic motion of abrasive particles. As a result, we aim to improve both the mechanical performance of planarization that is largely determined by the polishing parameters (e.g. down pressure, rotation speed, pads, and types of abrasives) and the chemical performance of planarization that is governed by selective and collective reactions of different chemical ingrediants of the slurry with the sample surface. The aim is also to understand and improve the interactions of abrasive particles with the sample.M.S.Committee Chair: Danyluk, Steven; Committee Member: Butler, David; Committee Member: Hesketh, Peter; Committee Member: Yoda, Minam

    A Phase Field Model for Continuous Clustering on Vector Fields

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    A new method for the simplification of flow fields is presented. It is based on continuous clustering. A well-known physical clustering model, the Cahn Hilliard model, which describes phase separation, is modified to reflect the properties of the data to be visualized. Clusters are defined implicitly as connected components of the positivity set of a density function. An evolution equation for this function is obtained as a suitable gradient flow of an underlying anisotropic energy functional. Here, time serves as the scale parameter. The evolution is characterized by a successive coarsening of patterns-the actual clustering-during which the underlying simulation data specifies preferable pattern boundaries. We introduce specific physical quantities in the simulation to control the shape, orientation and distribution of the clusters as a function of the underlying flow field. In addition, the model is expanded, involving elastic effects. In the early stages of the evolution shear layer type representation of the flow field can thereby be generated, whereas, for later stages, the distribution of clusters can be influenced. Furthermore, we incorporate upwind ideas to give the clusters an oriented drop-shaped appearance. Here, we discuss the applicability of this new type of approach mainly for flow fields, where the cluster energy penalizes cross streamline boundaries. However, the method also carries provisions for other fields as well. The clusters can be displayed directly as a flow texture. Alternatively, the clusters can be visualized by iconic representations, which are positioned by using a skeletonization algorithm.

    An experimental investigation of meniscus roll coating

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    A two-roll apparatus is used to explore experimentally the detailed fluid mechanics of meniscus roll coating in which inlets are starved and flow rates are small. Both forward and reverse modes of operation (with contra- and co-rotating rolls) are investigated using optical sectioning combined with dye injection and particle imaging techniques. That part of parameter space where meniscus coating occurs is identified by varying the roll separation and roll speeds and hence flow rate and capillary number. Key features of the flow structures identified in the forward mode include two large eddies (each with saddle point, separatrix and sub-eddies), a primary fluid transfer jet and the existence of two critical flow rates associated with the switching-on of a second fluid transfer jet and the switching-off of the primary transfer jet followed by a change in the flow structure. In the reverse mode, the key features are a single large eddy consisting of two sub-eddies, a saddle point and separatrix, a primary fluid transfer jet and once again two critical flow rates. These correspond to (i) the switching-on of a secondary transfer jet and (ii) the disappearance of a saddle point at the nip resulting in the merger of the primary and secondary transfer jets. Measurements of film thickness and meniscus location made over a range of speed ratios and capillary numbers are compared with theoretical predictions. A plate-roll apparatus is used to confirm the presence, for very small flow rates, of a sub-ambient, almost linear, pressure profile across the bead. Investigated also is the transition from inlet-starved to fully flooded roll coating as flow rate is increased and the changes in flow structure and pressure profile are observed

    On the Scalability of Data Reduction Techniques in Current and Upcoming HPC Systems from an Application Perspective

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    We implement and benchmark parallel I/O methods for the fully-manycore driven particle-in-cell code PIConGPU. Identifying throughput and overall I/O size as a major challenge for applications on today's and future HPC systems, we present a scaling law characterizing performance bottlenecks in state-of-the-art approaches for data reduction. Consequently, we propose, implement and verify multi-threaded data-transformations for the I/O library ADIOS as a feasible way to trade underutilized host-side compute potential on heterogeneous systems for reduced I/O latency.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for DRBSD-1 in conjunction with ISC'1

    Designing Improved Sediment Transport Visualizations

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    Monitoring, or more commonly, modeling of sediment transport in the coastal environment is a critical task with relevance to coastline stability, beach erosion, tracking environmental contaminants, and safety of navigation. Increased intensity and regularity of storms such as Superstorm Sandy heighten the importance of our understanding of sediment transport processes. A weakness of current modeling capabilities is the ability to easily visualize the result in an intuitive manner. Many of the available visualization software packages display only a single variable at once, usually as a two-dimensional, plan-view cross-section. With such limited display capabilities, sophisticated 3D models are undermined in both the interpretation of results and dissemination of information to the public. Here we explore a subset of existing modeling capabilities (specifically, modeling scour around man-made structures) and visualization solutions, examine their shortcomings and present a design for a 4D visualization for sediment transport studies that is based on perceptually-focused data visualization research and recent and ongoing developments in multivariate displays. Vector and scalar fields are co-displayed, yet kept independently identifiable utilizing human perception\u27s separation of color, texture, and motion. Bathymetry, sediment grain-size distribution, and forcing hydrodynamics are a subset of the variables investigated for simultaneous representation. Direct interaction with field data is tested to support rapid validation of sediment transport model results. Our goal is a tight integration of both simulated data and real world observations to support analysis and simulation of the impact of major sediment transport events such as hurricanes. We unite modeled results and field observations within a geodatabase designed as an application schema of the Arc Marine Data Model. Our real-world focus is on the Redbird Artificial Reef Site, roughly 18 nautical miles offshor- Delaware Bay, Delaware, where repeated surveys have identified active scour and bedform migration in 27 m water depth amongst the more than 900 deliberately sunken subway cars and vessels. Coincidently collected high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and side-scan sonar data from surface and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) systems along with complementary sub-bottom, grab sample, bottom imagery, and wave and current (via ADCP) datasets provide the basis for analysis. This site is particularly attractive due to overlap with the Delaware Bay Operational Forecast System (DBOFS), a model that provides historical and forecast oceanographic data that can be tested in hindcast against significant changes observed at the site during Superstorm Sandy and in predicting future changes through small-scale modeling around the individual reef objects

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes