1,112 research outputs found

    Birnbaum’s measure of component importance for noncoherent systems

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    Importance analysis of noncoherent systems is limited, and is generally inaccurate because all measures of importance that have been developed are strictly for coherent analysis. This paper considers the probabilistic measure of component importance developed by Birnbaum (1969). An extension of this measure is proposed which enables noncoherent importance analysis. As a result of the proposed extension the average number of system failures in a given interval for noncoherent systems can be calculated more efficiently. Furthermore, because Birnbaum’s measure of component importance is central to many other measures of importance; its extension should make the derivation of other measures possible

    Importance measures for non-coherent-system analysis

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    Component importance analysis is a key part of the system reliability quantification process. It enables the weakest areas of a system to be identified and indicates modifications, which will improve the system reliability. Although a wide range of importance measures have been developed, the majority of these measures are strictly for coherent system analysis. Non-coherent systems can occur and accurate importance analysis is essential. This paper extends four commonly used measures of importance, using the noncoherent extension of Birnbaum’s measure of component reliability importance. Since both component failure and repair can contribute to system failure in a noncoherent system, both of these influences need to be considered. This paper highlights that it is crucial to choose appropriate measures to analyze component importance. First the aims of the analysis must be outlined and then the roles that component failures and repairs can play in system state deterioration can be considered. For example, the failure/repair of components in safety systems can play only a passive role in system failure, since it is usually inactive, hence measures that consider initiator importance are not appropriate to analyze the importance of these components. Measures of importance must be chosen carefully to ensure analysis is meaningful and useful conclusions can be drawn

    Geometric and dynamic perspectives on phase-coherent and noncoherent chaos

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    Statistically distinguishing between phase-coherent and noncoherent chaotic dynamics from time series is a contemporary problem in nonlinear sciences. In this work, we propose different measures based on recurrence properties of recorded trajectories, which characterize the underlying systems from both geometric and dynamic viewpoints. The potentials of the individual measures for discriminating phase-coherent and noncoherent chaotic oscillations are discussed. A detailed numerical analysis is performed for the chaotic R\"ossler system, which displays both types of chaos as one control parameter is varied, and the Mackey-Glass system as an example of a time-delay system with noncoherent chaos. Our results demonstrate that especially geometric measures from recurrence network analysis are well suited for tracing transitions between spiral- and screw-type chaos, a common route from phase-coherent to noncoherent chaos also found in other nonlinear oscillators. A detailed explanation of the observed behavior in terms of attractor geometry is given.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Complex-Valued Random Vectors and Channels: Entropy, Divergence, and Capacity

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    Recent research has demonstrated significant achievable performance gains by exploiting circularity/non-circularity or propeness/improperness of complex-valued signals. In this paper, we investigate the influence of these properties on important information theoretic quantities such as entropy, divergence, and capacity. We prove two maximum entropy theorems that strengthen previously known results. The proof of the former theorem is based on the so-called circular analog of a given complex-valued random vector. Its introduction is supported by a characterization theorem that employs a minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence criterion. In the proof of latter theorem, on the other hand, results about the second-order structure of complex-valued random vectors are exploited. Furthermore, we address the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. Regardless of the specific distribution of the channel parameters (noise vector and channel matrix, if modeled as random), we show that the capacity-achieving input vector is circular for a broad range of MIMO channels (including coherent and noncoherent scenarios). Finally, we investigate the situation of an improper and Gaussian distributed noise vector. We compute both capacity and capacity-achieving input vector and show that improperness increases capacity, provided that the complementary covariance matrix is exploited. Otherwise, a capacity loss occurs, for which we derive an explicit expression.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure, slightly modified version of first paper revision submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory on October 31, 201

    Recognition and reconstruction of coherent energy with application to deep seismic reflection data

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    Reflections in deep seismic reflection data tend to be visible on only a limited number of traces in a common midpoint gather. To prevent stack degeneration, any noncoherent reflection energy has to be removed. In this paper, a standard classification technique in remote sensing is presented to enhance data quality. It consists of a recognition technique to detect and extract coherent energy in both common shot gathers and fi- nal stacks. This technique uses the statistics of a picked seismic phase to obtain the likelihood distribution of its presence. Multiplication of this likelihood distribution with the original data results in a “cleaned up” section. Application of the technique to data from a deep seismic reflection experiment enhanced the visibility of all reflectors considerably. Because the recognition technique cannot produce an estimate of “missing” data, it is extended with a reconstruction method. Two methods are proposed: application of semblance weighted local slant stacks after recognition, and direct recognition in the linear tau-p domain. In both cases, the power of the stacking process to increase the signal-to-noise ratio is combined with the direct selection of only specific seismic phases. The joint application of recognition and reconstruction resulted in data images which showed reflectors more clearly than application of a single technique

    SPS pilot signal design and power transponder analysis, volume 2, phase 3

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    The problem of pilot signal parameter optimization and the related problem of power transponder performance analysis for the Solar Power Satellite reference phase control system are addressed. Signal and interference models were established to enable specifications of the front end filters including both the notch filter and the antenna frequency response. A simulation program package was developed to be included in SOLARSIM to perform tradeoffs of system parameters based on minimizing the phase error for the pilot phase extraction. An analytical model that characterizes the overall power transponder operation was developed. From this model, the effects of different phase noise disturbance sources that contribute to phase variations at the output of the power transponders were studied and quantified. Results indicate that it is feasible to hold the antenna array phase error to less than one degree per power module for the type of disturbances modeled