6 research outputs found

    How Much Are Machine Assistants Worth? Willingness to Pay for Machine Learning-Based Software Testing

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    Machine Learning (ML) technologies have become the foundation of a plethora of products and services. While the economic potential of such ML-infused solutions has become irrefutable, there is still uncertainty on pricing. Currently, software testing is one area to benefit from ML services assisting in the creation of test cases; a task both complex and demanding human-like outputs. Yet, little is known on the willingness to pay of users, inhibiting the suppliers\u27 incentive to develop suitable tools. To provide insights into desired features and willingness to pay for such ML-based tools, we perform a choice-based conjoint analysis with 119 participants in Germany. Our results show that a high level of accuracy is particularly important for users, followed by ease of use and integration into existing environments. Thus, we not only guide future developers on which attributes to prioritize but also which characteristics of ML-based services are relevant for future research

    Economic opportunities of AMI implementation : a review

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    Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is rapidly becoming a key element for the modernization and disruption of power grids, generating benefits and opportunities to all actors involved in its implementation. In order to guarantee a correct deployment of AMI, a wide knowledge of its advantages and challenges is needed, that takes into account previous experiences and latest advances that have been made in the field. In this paper, a review of literature is used as a mean to collect the relevant information concerning AMI, so as to conclude which are the opportunities that AMI provides to all parties involved. This is achieved by searching in the most important data bases and specialized sources such as IEEE and IEA. It was found that this infrastructure, does indeed help improve efficiency and leads to positive economic effects impacting variables like costs and prices

    Leveraging Market Research Techniques in IS: A Review and Framework of Conjoint Analysis Studies in the IS Discipline

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    With cloud and mobile computing, information systems (IS) have evolved towards mass-market services. While IS success requires user involvement, the IS discipline lacks methods that allow organizations to integrate the “voice of the customer” into mass-market services with individual and dispersed users. Conjoint analysis (CA), from marketing research, provides insights into user preferences and measures user trade-offs for multiple product features simultaneously. While CA has gained popularity in the IS domain, existing studies have mostly been one-time efforts, which has resulted in little knowledge accumulation about CA’s applications in IS. We argue that CA could have a significant impact on IS research (and practice) if this method was further developed and adopted for IS application areas. From reviewing 70 CA studies published between 1999 and 2019 in the IS discipline, we found that CA supports in initially conceptualizing, iteratively designing, and evaluating IS and their business models. We critically assess the methodological choices along the CA procedure to provide recommendations and guidance on “how” to leverage CA techniques in future IS research. We then synthesize our findings into a framework for conjoint analysis studies in IS that outlines “where” researchers and practitioners can apply CA along the IS lifecycle

    Die Nutzung von Daten aus dem Smart Metering für innovative Zusatzprodukte: Eine angebots- und nachfrageseitige Analyse im deutschen Markt

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    Der deutsche Energiemarkt befindet sich weiterhin in einem transformativen Wandel. Insbesondere der Begriff „Smart Metering“ wird seit etlichen Jahren immer wieder durch die Medien getragen. Anfang 2020 wurde nun die erforderliche Rechtssicherheit geschaffen, sodass Investitionen durch Energieversorger in die entsprechende Hardware erfolgen können, und der Rollout von digitalen Stromzählern ins Rollen kommt. Damit einher geht das Potential der Erzeugung von zahlreichen neuen Daten über das Verbrauchsverhalten der privaten Endverbraucher. Diese können zur Vereinfachung von Abrechnungsprozessen genutzt werden, aber auch die Basis zur Visualisierung und Analyse des Verbrauchs bilden. Ebenfalls sind sie eine mögliche Grundlage für neue innovative Dienstleistungen, die insb. im Kontext der Verbrauchstransparenz vom Kunden auch gefordert werden. Für den Energieversorger können sich neue Einnahmequellen ergeben, sowie Optionen zur Festigung der Kundenbeziehung. Die vorliegende Publikation hat das Ziel einen besseren Einblick in die zwei wesentlichen Stakeholder zum Themenfeld Smart Metering zu vermitteln: in die Sichtweisen und Absichten der Energieversorger, sowie in die Bedürfnisse der privaten Endverbraucher. Die Informationen dazu werden nach einem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz literaturbasiert und durch weitere Methoden, bspw. Befragungen, erhoben. Diese Ergebnisse sind wichtig, um die Ausgangssituation umfassend zu verstehen und damit eine sinnvolle Grundlage für weitere Forschungsarbeiten zu legen. Dabei werden zunächst Webseiten der Energieversorger einer Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen und verfügbare Informationen extrahiert. Als Vertiefung wurde eine Befragung als quantitative Querschnittsanalyse mit der Zielgruppe deutsche Energieversorger aufgesetzt, und ein Stand zur aktuellen und geplanten Nutzung von Kundenportalen, Smart Metering und möglichen Zusatzangebote erhoben. Kundenbedürfnisse wurden zunächst literaturbasiert als Review erhoben, und systematisieren den Bedarf an Lösungen zur Verbrauchstransparenz sowie die konkreten Informationsbedürfnisse. Eine Erhebung unter 1.000 privaten Haushalten zeigt weitere Indikationen zum Umgang mit dem Stromverbrauch. Damit bestätigt die Untersuchung die Informationsbedarfe und damit die Relevanz von entsprechenden Zusatzangeboten.:Abstract I Inhaltsverzeichnis II Abbildungsverzeichnis V Tabellenverzeichnis VII 1 Einleitung 8 1.1 Hardware zur Umsetzung von Smart Metering 8 1.2 Zeitliche Entwicklung des Rollouts in Deutschland 9 1.3 Datennutzung aus dem Smart Metering 12 1.4 Vorhergehende Untersuchungen zur Vorbereitung des Forschungsfeldes 13 1.5 Forschungsdesign und Konzeption der Publikation 14 2 Analyse der Energieversorger in Deutschland 17 2.1 Aufbau der Untersuchung 17 2.2 Quantitative Inhaltsanalyse der Webseiten deutscher Energieversorger 17 2.2.1 Untersuchungsziel 17 2.2.2 Methodik 18 2.2.3 Ergebnisse 22 2.2.4 Zusammenfassung 25 2.3 Durchführung einer Befragung unter Energieversorgern 26 2.3.1 Untersuchungsziel 26 2.3.2 Methodik 26 2.3.3 Ergebnisse 30 Kundenportal vorhanden oder geplant (Block 1, G1Q00001-4) 30 Funktionen des Kundenportals (Block 1, G1Q00001-4) 32 Stand der Einführung von Smart Metering (Block 2, G2Q0001-20) 34 Hintergründe zur Einführung von SM (Block 2, G2Q0001-20) 35 Umfang der Einführung von SM (Block 2, G2Q0001-20) 39 Verarbeitung der Daten aus dem SM (Block 2, G2Q0001-20) 41 Zusatzangebote mit Daten aus dem SM (Block 2, G2Q0001-20) 44 Daten über die Befragungsteilnehmer (Block 3, G1Q00001-4) 46 2.3.4 Zusammenfassung 49 2.4 Durchführung der Wiederholung der Erhebung (2020) 51 2.4.1 Untersuchungsziel und Methodik 51 2.4.2 Struktur der Befragung 51 2.4.3 Ergebnisse 55 Block 1: Nutzung und Funktionen des Kundenportals 55 Block 2: Einführung und Umfänge von Smart Metering 57 Block 3: Verarbeitung und Nutzung von Daten aus dem SM 61 Block 4: Abschließende Informationen 64 2.4.4 Zusammenfassung 66 3 Analyse der privaten Haushalte 68 3.1 Aufbau der Untersuchung 68 3.2 Literaturbasierte Analyse der Kundenbedürfnisse 68 3.2.1 Untersuchungsziel 68 3.2.2 Methodik 69 3.2.3 Ergebnisse 71 3.2.4 Zusammenfassung 80 3.3 Durchführung einer Erhebung unter privaten Haushalten 81 3.3.1 Untersuchungsziel 81 3.3.2 Methodik 82 3.3.3 Ergebnisse 82 3.3.4 Zusammenfassung 84 4 Zusammenführung 85 4.1 Ergebnisse der Teiluntersuchungen 85 4.2 Nächste Schritte 89 4.3 Weitere Limitationen 89 5 Literatur 91 6 Anhang 101 6.1 Fragebogen-Items des Online-Fragebogens 2015 101 6.2 Einladungstexte zur Befragung 103 6.2.1 Einführungstext 103 6.2.2 Text zum Nachfassen / Erinnerung 104 6.2.3 Einführungstext der Wiederholung der Studie 2020 10

    Guia de boas práticas de eficiência energética no setor residencial

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, em 2018O tema da eficiência energética atinge níveis de importância cada vez mais relevantes. Não só porque é preciso reduzir os consumos de energia para uma maior sustentabilidade do nosso planeta, bem como é importante capacitar os consumidores para a análise do seu consumo, de forma a que possam existir poupanças económicas, e introduzir ferramentas que os tornem aptos a monitorizar esse consumo. A análise experimental deste conceito embora intensiva tem gerado conclusões diversas, dado que difere consoante características pessoais de cada consumidor, sendo que o objetivo final é sempre habilitar o consumidor para uma gestão de energia mais consciente e eficiente. O presente estudo, pretende implementar metodologias de esclarecimento e informação sobre eficiência energética, e procura estabelecer uma correlação entre a resposta e adaptação das pessoas às ferramentas disponibilizadas bem como aos conceitos associados a um consumo de energia eficiente, no âmbito do envolvimento da cooperativa Coopérnico no projeto europeu RESCoop PLUS. Este estudo tem como finalidade a introdução de medidas de eficiência energética para o consumidor no setor residencial através da elaboração de um guia prático, bem como da realização de reuniões informativas em diversas cidades portuguesas. O guia prático elaborado engloba um conjunto de sugestões que permitirão ao consumidor a utilização adequada dos equipamentos mais comuns associados ao setor residencial, bem como a compra de equipamentos mais eficientes. Na óptica da divulgação e informação sobre eficiência energética, as reuniões informativas mostraram-se importantes para a aprendizagem do consumidor em geral. Para além destas abordagens, foi ainda desenvolvido um inquérito, tendo como objectivos analisar os conhecimentos e interesses dos consumidores neste tema, e procurar uma possível diferenciação entre os consumidores associados à Coopérnico e o consumidor comum. De uma forma geral, a análise dos dados obtidos nesse inquérito permitiu evidenciar a importância de uma abordagem mais personalizada e conjugada com a apresentação de valores de poupança específicos como forma de suscitar um maior interesse dos consumidores, uma vez que se verificou falta de informação em termos gerais relativamente ao tema em si e às tecnologias a ele associadas. Para além disso, verificou-se que os consumidores ligados à Coopérnico têm um interesse e conhecimento geral superiores aos do consumidor comum, estando mais aptos a utilizar ferramentas associadas ao tema da eficiência energética, movidos pelo interesse em questões ambientais e sustentáveis.The topic about energy efficiency is reaching high levels of importance. Not only because we need to reduce energy consumption for greater sustainability of our planet, but also it is important to empower consumers to analyze their consumption, so that there are economic savings and introduce tools that enable them to monitor consumption. The experimental analysis of this concept, although intensive, has generated several conclusions, since it differs according to the personal characteristics of each consumer, being that the goal is always to enable the consumer to manage energy more consciously and efficiently. The present study intends to implement methodologies of enlightenment and information on energy efficiency, and tries to establish a correlation between the response and adaptation of the people to the available tools as well as the concepts associated to an efficient energy consumption, within the scope of the Coopérnico cooperative’s involvement in the RESCoop PLUS European project. This study aims to introduce measures of energy efficiency for the consumer in the residential sector through the elaboration of a practical guide, as well as informational meetings in several Portuguese cities. The elaborated practical guide includes a set of suggestions that will allow the consumer to use properly the housing equipments, as well as the purchase of more efficient equipments. In terms of divulgation and information on energy efficiency, information meetings were important for consumer learning in general. In addition to these approaches, a survey was also developed, aiming to analyze the knowledge and interest of consumers in this area, and to search a possible differentiation between consumers associated with Coopérnico and the common consumer. In general, the analysis of the data obtained in this survey showed the importance of a more personalized approach conjugated with the presentation of specific savings values as a means of attracting greater consumer interest, since there was a lack of information about the theme and the technologies associated with it. In addition, it has been found that consumers associated to Coopérnico have a greater interest and general knowledge than ordinary consumers, and are more apt to use energy efficiency tools moved by interest in environmental and sustainable issues

    Aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente: um estudo transversal com potenciais clientes do Brasil

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2023.O desenvolvimento de tecnologias associadas a produtos inteligentes tem se difundido globalmente e em diversas áreas, incluindo empreendimentos residenciais. Nesse contexto, as casas inteligentes surgem como um novo produto e se tornam o foco de diversos estudos, do mercado da construção civil e de discussões tecnológicas, políticas e ambientais. Porém, o processo de disseminação da casa inteligente para uso dos clientes vem ocorrendo de forma lenta e distinta conforme a região que se desenvolvem as tecnologias da casa inteligente. Existem os benefícios percebidos pelo usuário que promovem o uso dessas tecnologias, mas existem fatores que interferem como barreiras no processo de aceitação da casa inteligente. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho é propor um modelo e estimar o efeito dos fatores que determinam a aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente pelos usuários. A fim de alcançar este objetivo, foram utilizadas algumas técnicas e ferramentas como método para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. A revisão sistemática da literatura e a meta análise foram utilizadas para análise e síntese do portfólio dos estudos. Para identificação dos fatores que interferem na aceitação de tecnologias da casa inteligente por parte do usuário, foi utilizada a abordagem de Strucutural Equation Modeling. Por meio desse estudo, foi possível identificar que os constructos Expectativa de Esforço e Expectativa de Performance apresentam efeito significativo em relação a Atitude e que os constructos Influência Social, Motivação Hedônica, Valor de Preço e Atitude são significativos para a Intenção de Uso. Para identificação do valor percebido pelo cliente diante das funcionalidades da casa inteligente foi utilizada a técnica de preferência declarada e o Willingness to Pay. Esse estudo permitiu identificar que as funcionalidades Eletrodomésticos, Iluminação, Ar Condicionado, Segurança, Medidor, TV e Som e Janelas e Cortinas possuem utilidade significativa pela percepção do usuário. O maior valor médio disposto a pagar pelo usuário é em relação a funcionalidade Segurança, R3.059,30,eomenorvalormeˊdiodispostoapagareˊemrelac\ca~oafuncionalidadeJanelaseCortinas,R3.059,30, e o menor valor médio disposto a pagar é em relação a funcionalidade Janelas e Cortinas, R501,70. Contudo, esta tese apresenta o ineditismo da realização da meta análise sobre aceitação de tecnologias da casa inteligente, da estimação de aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente com potenciais clientes da América do Sul, mais precisamente do sul e sudeste do Brasil, e da estimação conjunta da utilidade de diversas funcionalidades integrantes da casa inteligente e incluindo a disposição a pagar por estas funcionalidades.Abstract: The new technologies associated with smart products have spread globally and in several areas, including residential developments. In this context, smart homes emerge as a new product and become the focus of research in many areas, such as the civil construction market, technological innovation, political and environmental. However, the dissemination of smart home technologies to the customer has been taking place slowly and differently depending on the region of the country. There are many benefits perceived by the user that promote the use of these technologies. However, there are still numerous barriers to accepting the smart home. Thus, this work aims to propose a model and estimate the effect of factors that determine the acceptance of smart home technologies by users. The current research utilized some techniques and tools to reach the thesis goal. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were used to analyze and synthesize the study portfolio. The Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to identify the factors that interfere with the user's acceptance of smart home technologies. Through this study, it was possible to identify that the Effort Expectation and Performance Expectation constructs have a significant effect on Attitude and that the Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, and Attitude constructs are significant for Intention to Use. The stated preference technique and the Willingness to Pay were used to identify the value perceived by the customer of the features of the smart home. This study allowed us to identify that the functionalities of Appliances, Lighting, Air Conditioning, Security, Meter, TV and Sound, and Windows and Curtains have significant utility in the user's perception. The highest average amount willing to pay by the user is for the Security feature, R3,059.30,andthelowestaverageamountisfortheWindowsandCurtainsfeature,R3,059.30, and the lowest average amount is for the Windows and Curtains feature, R501.70. Moreover, this thesis presents some innovative contributions to the literature, such as the meta-analysis of acceptance of smart home technologies, the estimation of acceptance of smart home technologies with potential customers in South America, more precisely in the south and southeast of Brazil, and estimation of the utility of several functionalities that are part of the smart home, including the willingness to pay for these functionalities