14 research outputs found

    Assessment of a polygenic hazard score for the onset of pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: With a growing number of loci associated with late-onset (sporadic) Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the polygenic contribution to AD is now well established. The development of polygenic risk score approaches have shown promising results for identifying individuals at higher risk of developing AD, thereby facilitating the development of preventative and therapeutic strategies. A polygenic hazard score (PHS) has been proposed to quantify age-specific genetic risk for AD. In this study, we assessed the predictive power and transferability of this PHS in an independent cohort, to support its clinical utility. Results: Using genotype and imaging data from 780 individuals enrolled in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study, we investigated associations between the PHS and several AD-related traits, including 1) cross-sectional Aβ-amyloid (Aβ) deposition, 2) longitudinal brain atrophy, 3) longitudinal cognitive decline, 4) age of onset. Except in the cognitive domain, we obtained results that were consistent with previously published findings. The PHS was associated with increased Aβ burden, faster regional brain atrophy and an earlier age of onset. Conclusion: Overall, the results support the predictive power of a PHS, however, with only marginal improvement compared to apolipoprotein E alone

    Association of β-amyloid level, clinical progression and longitudinal cognitive change in normal older individuals

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    Objective To determine the effect of β-amyloid (Aβ) level on progression risk to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia and longitudinal cognitive change in cognitively normal (CN) older individuals. Methods All CN from the Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle study with Aβ PET and ≥ 3 years follow-up were included (n = 534; age 72 ± 6 years; 27% Aβ positive; follow-up 5.3 ± 1.7 years). Aβ level was divided using the standardized 0–100 Centiloid scale: \u3c 15 CL negative, 15–25 CL uncertain, 26–50 CL moderate, 51–100 CL high, \u3e 100 CL very high, noting \u3e 25 CL approximates a positive scan. Cox proportional hazards analysis and linear mixed effect models were used to assess risk of progression and cognitive decline. Results Aβ levels in 63% were negative, 10% uncertain, 10% moderate, 14% high, and 3% very high. Fifty-seven (11%) progressed to MCI or dementia. Compared to negative Aβ, the hazard ratio for progression for moderate Aβ was 3.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3–7.6; p \u3c 0.05), for high was 7.0 (95% CI 3.7–13.3; p \u3c 0.001), and for very high was 11.4 (95% CI 5.1–25.8; p \u3c 0.001). Decline in cognitive composite score was minimal in the moderate group (−0.02 SD/year, p = 0.05), while the high and very high declined substantially (high −0.08 SD/year, p \u3c 0.001; very high −0.35 SD/year, p \u3c 0.001). Conclusion The risk of MCI or dementia over 5 years in older CN is related to Aβ level on PET, 5% if negative vs 25% if positive but ranging from 12% if 26–50 CL to 28% if 51–100 CL and 50% if \u3e 100 CL. This information may be useful for dementia risk counseling and aid design of preclinical AD trials

    Validation of a priori candidate Alzheimer’s disease SNPs with brain amyloid-beta deposition

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    The accumulation of brain amyloid β (Aβ) is one of the main pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the role of brain amyloid deposition in the development of AD and the genetic variants associated with this process remain unclear. In this study, we sought to identify associations between Aβ deposition and an a priori evidence based set of 1610 genetic markers, genotyped from 505 unrelated individuals (258 Aβ+ and 247 Aβ−) enrolled in the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle (AIBL) study. We found statistically significant associations for 6 markers located within intronic regions of 6 genes, including AC103796.1-BDNF, PPP3R1, NGFR, KL, ABCA7 & CALHM1. Although functional studies are required to elucidate the role of these genes in the accumulation of Aβ and their potential implication in AD pathophysiology, our findings are consistent with results obtained in previous GWAS efforts

    Elecsys CSF biomarker immunoassays demonstrate concordance with amyloid-PET imaging

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    Background: β-amyloid (Aβ) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is currently the only Food and Drug Administration-approved method to support clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). However, numerous research studies support the use of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, as a cost-efficient, quick and equally valid method to define AD pathology. Methods: Using automated Elecsys® assays (Roche Diagnostics) for Aβ (1-42) (Aβ42), Aβ (1-40) (Aβ40), total tau (tTau) and phosphorylated tau (181P) (pTau), we examined CSF samples from 202 participants of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of ageing cohort, to demonstrate the concordance with pathological AD via PET imaging. Results: Ratios Aβ42/Aβ40, tTau/Aβ42 and pTau/Aβ42 had higher receiver operator characteristic - area under the curve (all 0.94), and greater concordance with Aβ-PET (overall percentage agreement ~ 90%), compared with individual biomarkers. Conclusion: Strong concordance between CSF biomarkers and Aβ-PET status was observed overall, including for cognitively normal participants, further strengthening the association between these markers of AD neuropathological burden for both developmental research studies and for use in clinical trials. © 2020 The Author(s)

    Core Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker assays are not affected by aspiration or gravity drip extraction methods

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    Background CSF biomarkers are well-established for routine clinical use, yet a paucity of comparative assessment exists regarding CSF extraction methods during lumbar puncture. Here, we compare in detail biomarker profiles in CSF extracted using either gravity drip or aspiration. Methods Biomarkers for β-amyloidopathy (Aβ1–42, Aβ1–40), tauopathy (total tau), or synapse pathology (BACE1, Neurogranin Trunc-p75, α-synuclein) were assessed between gravity or aspiration extraction methods in a sub-population of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study (cognitively normal, N = 36; mild cognitive impairment, N = 8; Alzheimer’s disease, N = 6). Results High biomarker concordance between extraction methods was seen (concordance correlation > 0.85). Passing Bablock regression defined low beta coefficients indicating high scalability. Conclusions Levels of these commonly assessed CSF biomarkers are not influenced by extraction method. Results of this study should be incorporated into new consensus guidelines for CSF collection, storage, and analysis of biomarkers

    Two-year prognostic utility of plasma p217+tau across the Alzheimer’s continuum

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    Background: Plasma p217+tau has shown high concordance with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and positron emission tomography (PET) measures of amyloid- (A ) and tau in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, its association with longitudinal cognition and comparative performance to PET A and tau in predicting cognitive decline are unknown. Objectives: To evaluate whether p217+tau can predict the rate of cognitive decline observed over two-year average follow-up and compare this to prediction based on A (18F-NAV4694) and tau (18F-MK6240) PET. We also explored the sample size required to detect a 30% slowing in cognitive decline in a 2-year trial and selection test cost using p217+tau (pT+) as compared to PET A (A+) and tau (T+) with and without p217+tau pre-screening. Design: A prospective observational cohort study. Setting: Participants of the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL) and Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT). Participants: 153 cognitively unimpaired (CU) and 50 cognitively impaired (CI) individuals. Measurements: Baseline p217+tau Simoa assay 18F-MK6240 tau-PET and 18F-NAV4694 A -PET with neuropsychological follow-up (MMSE, CDR-SB, AIBL-PACC) over 2.4 ± 0.8 years. Results: In CI, p217+tau was a significant predictor of change in MMSE ( = −0.55, p \u3c 0.001) and CDR-SB ( =0.61, p \u3c 0.001) with an effect size similar to A Centiloid (MMSE = −0.48, p = 0.002; CDR-SB = 0.43, p = 0.004) and meta-temporal (MetaT) tau SUVR (MMSE: = −0.62, p \u3c 0.001; CDR-SB: = 0.65, p \u3c 0.001). In CU, only MetaT tau SUVR was significantly associated with change in AIBL-PACC ( = −0.22, p = 0.008). Screening pT+ CI participants into a trial could lead to 24% reduction in sample size compared to screening with PET for A+ and 6–13% compared to screening with PET for T+ (different regions). This would translate to an 81–83% biomarker test cost-saving assuming the p217+tau test cost one-fifth of a PET scan. In a trial requiring PET A+ or T+, p217+tau pre-screening followed by PET in those who were pT+ would cost more in the CI group, compared to 26–38% biomarker test cost-saving in the CU. Conclusions: Substantial cost reduction can be achieved using p217+tau alone to select participants with MCI or mild dementia for a clinical trial designed to slow cognitive decline over two years, compared to participant selection by PET. In pre-clinical AD trials, p217+tau provides significant cost-saving if used as a pre-screening measure for PET A+ or T+ but in MCI/mild dementia trials this may add to cost both in testing and in the increased number of participants needed for testing

    Systemic perturbations of the kynurenine pathway precede progression to dementia independently of amyloid-β

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    Increasing evidence suggests that kynurenine pathway (KP) dyshomeostasis may promote disease progression in dementia. Studies in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients confirm KP dyshomeostasis in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which correlates with amyloid-β and tau pathology. Herein, we performed the first comprehensive study assessing baseline levels of KP metabolites in participants enrolling in the Australian Imaging Biomarkers Flagship Study of Aging. Our purpose was to test the hypothesis that changes in KP metabolites may be biomarkers of dementia processes that are largely silent. We used a cross-sectional analytical approach to assess non-progressors (N = 73); cognitively normal (CN) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) participants at baseline and throughout the study, and progressors (N = 166); CN or MCI at baseline but progressing to either MCI or AD during the study. Significant KP changes in progressors included increased 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid/anthranilic acid (3-HAA/AA) ratio, the latter having the largest effect on the odds of an individual being a progressor (OR 35.3; 95% CI between 14 and 104). 3-HAA levels were hence surprisingly bi-phasic, high in progressors but low in non-progressors or participants who had already transitioned to MCI or dementia. This is a new, unexpected and interesting result, as most studies of the KP in neurodegenerative disease show reduced 3-HAA/AA ratio after diagnosis. The neuroprotective metabolite picolinic acid was also significantly decreased while the neurotoxic metabolite 3-hydroxykynurenine increased in progressors. These results were significant even after adjustment for confounders. Considering the magnitude of the OR to predict change in cognition, it is important that these findings are replicated in other populations. Independent validation of our findings may confirm the utility of 3-HAA/AA ratio to predict change in cognition leading to dementia in clinical settings

    Systemic perturbations of the kynurenine pathway precede progression to dementia independently of amyloid-β

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    Increasing evidence suggests that kynurenine pathway (KP) dyshomeostasis may promote disease progression in dementia. Studies in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) patients confirm KP dyshomeostasis in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which correlates with amyloid-β and tau pathology. Herein, we performed the first comprehensive study assessing baseline levels of KP metabolites in participants enrolling in the Australian Imaging Biomarkers Flagship Study of Aging. Our purpose was to test the hypothesis that changes in KP metabolites may be biomarkers of dementia processes that are largely silent. We used a cross-sectional analytical approach to assess non-progressors (N = 73); cognitively normal (CN) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) participants at baseline and throughout the study, and progressors (N = 166); CN or MCI at baseline but progressing to either MCI or AD during the study. Significant KP changes in progressors included increased 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid/anthranilic acid (3-HAA/AA) ratio, the latter having the largest effect on the odds of an individual being a progressor (OR 35.3; 95% CI between 14 and 104). 3-HAA levels were hence surprisingly bi-phasic, high in progressors but low in non-progressors or participants who had already transitioned to MCI or dementia. This is a new, unexpected and interesting result, as most studies of the KP in neurodegenerative disease show reduced 3-HAA/AA ratio after diagnosis. The neuroprotective metabolite picolinic acid was also significantly decreased while the neurotoxic metabolite 3-hydroxykynurenine increased in progressors. These results were significant even after adjustment for confounders. Considering the magnitude of the OR to predict change in cognition, it is important that these findings are replicated in other populations. Independent validation of our findings may confirm the utility of 3-HAA/AA ratio to predict change in cognition leading to dementia in clinical settings

    Core Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker assays are not affected by aspiration or gravity drip extraction methods

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    Background: CSF biomarkers are well-established for routine clinical use, yet a paucity of comparative assessment exists regarding CSF extraction methods during lumbar puncture. Here, we compare in detail biomarker profiles in CSF extracted using either gravity drip or aspiration. Methods: Biomarkers for β-amyloidopathy (Aβ1–42, Aβ1–40), tauopathy (total tau), or synapse pathology (BACE1, Neurogranin Trunc-p75, α-synuclein) were assessed between gravity or aspiration extraction methods in a sub-population of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study (cognitively normal, N = 36; mild cognitive impairment, N = 8; Alzheimer’s disease, N = 6). Results: High biomarker concordance between extraction methods was seen (concordance correlation \u3e 0.85). Passing Bablock regression defined low beta coefficients indicating high scalability. Conclusions: Levels of these commonly assessed CSF biomarkers are not influenced by extraction method. Results of this study should be incorporated into new consensus guidelines for CSF collection, storage, and analysis of biomarkers