8 research outputs found

    Exploring the telemedicine implementation challenges through the process innovation approach: A case study research in the French healthcare sector

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    Telemedicine is not a simple technology but a context-dependent innovation implying significant process modifications. Despite the growing interest in telemedicine implementation, it still does not form part of the healthcare organizations' recurrent activities due to several obstacles. The neglect of process change is one of the renowned barriers. This work's originality lies in using the “process innovation” concept as an analytical tool to understand the telemedicine implementation issues from the process change perspective. The qualitative method is chosen based on five telemedicine acts through two case studies in France, a university hospital, and a network of expertise. Findings indicate that implementation requires context adaptation at the level of technology, culture, and strategy. The interaction of these determinants with change enablers and hinders creates the implementation paradigm. In conclusion, we should emphasize the implementation as a whole rather than distinct elements. Managers may prepare the context and integrate the enablers, but the main task is defining an implementation strategy benefiting the stakeholders. This work fills the literature gap in using the process innovation concept to analyze telemedicine implementation challenges and contributes to understanding the context adaptation. It also provides practical implications about the implementation conditions from the process change perspective. © 2021 Elsevier Lt


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    Does the quest for ‘the right information in the right place at the right time’ create a blind spot in development and implementation of ICT support for complex work practices by spurring wild-goose-chases for ‘the one, right representation’? Could resources be spent more fruitfully by shifting focus towards the multiplicities of information practices in such settings, and how to support rather than attempting to obliterate them? Based on the study of a hospital ICT implementation, this paper challenges the notion of a singular and linear precision. Illustrated by the measuring and (re)presentation of blood pressure, precision emerges as a multiplicity, enacted in different socio-material practices; blood pressure is not only a function of how it is produced, but also of the diverse purposes it serves. It is argued that this should have implications for how we think about information and its representations in all phases of the system lifecycle

    Effectiveness of Health Communication Technology on Compliance Disposition of Covid-19 Guidelines

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    Recent research has mostly examined the role of health communication technology (HCT) in patient empowerment and in producing patient-focused outcomes. This study examines HCT in a larger context where it is used as a tool to improve public health. The objective is to examine how HCT is used to monitor Covid-19’s spread, and how social factors affect individual assessment of HCT and individual compliance disposition of Covid-19 guidelines. Analyzing data collected from 360 HCT users suggests that the information and system quality of HCT indeed impact users’ assessment of its effectiveness and their compliance disposition. However, such effects are strongly mediated by social factors: Peer influence and government trust can sway an individual’s cognitive judgments of Covid-19 regardless of HCT’s impacts. The findings highlight the importance of social factors in pandemic management and the need to socialize health informatics to make them more effective

    Knowledge Management and Politics at the Highest Level: An Exploratory Analysis

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    This paper analyses Knowledge Management (KM) as a political activity, made by the great political leaders of the world. We try to examine if at the macro political level KM is made, and how. The research is interesting because given that we live in a Knowledge Society, in the Information Era, it is more or less obvious that the political leaders should also do KM. However we don’t know of any previous study on KM and world leaders and this paper wants to be a first step to fill that gap. As a methodology we use literature review: given this one is a first preliminary study we use data we found online and in databases like EBSCO. We divide the analysis in two main parts: theoretical ideas, and application. In the theoretical part we aim at distinguishing KM as made by managers from KM made by politicians. The second part is itself divided in two segments: the past and the present times; in the second segment we illustrate our ideas with the example of President Barack Obama. We observe, rather surprisingly, how much it has been over-looked by scholars; KM always was and nowadays is pervasive in the activity of the world political leaders. Furthermore, the importance of KM made by world political leaders is so great that it should prompt the making of detailed studies in order to improve the world governance. The study has the limitation of relying on documents, insights and texts, and not on interviews. It should be followed by studies of a more qualitative and participative nature. We believe it would be very interesting to make such studies and that they would help improving the democracies in the 21st century and beyond

    Knowledge Management and Politics at the Highest Level: An Exploratory Analysis

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    This paper analyses Knowledge Management (KM) as a political activity, made by the great political leaders of the world. We try to examine if at the macro political level KM is made, and how. The research is interesting because given that we live in a Knowledge Society, in the Information Era, it is more or less obvious that the political leaders should also do KM. However we don’t know of any previous study on KM and world leaders and this paper wants to be a first step to fill that gap. As a methodology we use literature review: given this one is a first preliminary study we use data we found online and in databases like EBSCO. We divide the analysis in two main parts: theoretical ideas, and application. In the theoretical part we aim at distinguishing KM as made by managers from KM made by politicians. The second part is itself divided in two segments: the past and the present times; in the second segment we illustrate our ideas with the example of President Barack Obama. We observe, rather surprisingly, how much it has been over-looked by scholars; KM always was and nowadays is pervasive in the activity of the world political leaders. Furthermore, the importance of KM made by world political leaders is so great that it should prompt the making of detailed studies in order to improve the world governance. The study has the limitation of relying on documents, insights and texts, and not on interviews. It should be followed by studies of a more qualitative and participative nature. We believe it would be very interesting to make such studies and that they would help improving the democracies in the 21st century and beyond

    Digitaalisuus terveydenhuollon palvelun kehittämisessä : kuntoutuspalvelun sosiomateriaalinen verkosto

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    Lisääntyvä digitaalisuus ja palveluiden kehittäminen ovat terveydenhuollon toimialalla erittäin keskeisiä teemoja. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee liikkeenjohdon tutkimuksessa suosituksi tullutta ajankohtaista sosiomateriaalista näkemystä palveluun. Palvelun ymmärretään syntyvän käytäntöjen kautta inhimillisten ja ei-inhimillisten toimijoiden jatkuvasti muuttuvana verkkona. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan ja analysoidaan terveydenhuollon palvelun sosiomateriaalista verkostoa sekä digitaalisuuden vaikutuksia nykyiseen toimijaverkkoon. Tutkimuskohteena on neurologinen aivovammakuntoutuspalvelu. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka pohjautuu toimijaverkkoteoreettiseen lähestymistapaan. Valittu lähestymistapa perustuu palvelukehittämisen tutkimuskentän hajanaisuuteen, uusien näkökulmien tarpeeseen ja teknologian rajoittuneeseen rooliin kulutettavana resurssina aktiivisen toimijan roolin sijaan. Toimijaverkkoteorian avulla voidaan hahmottaa toimijoiden välisiä suhteita ilman tyypillisiä rajauksia ihmisten ja laitteiden välillä. Tutkimuksessa on sovellettu abduktiivista päättelyä ja teoriasidonnaista sisällönanalyysia. Asetettuihin tutkimuskysymyksiin on vastattu sekä teoreettisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen että empiirisen aineiston analyysin avulla. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin ensisijaisesti teemahaastatteluilla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään kattava kuvaus aivovammakuntoutuspalvelun sosiomateriaalisesta toimijaverkosta, joka on lähtökohta palvelun kehittämiselle. Tutkimuksessa on analysoitu palvelun toimijoita, vaiheita, haasteita ja kehittämistä. Keskeisimpänä tieteellisenä kontribuutiona on esitetty kolme tapaa, joilla lisääntyvä digitaalisuus muuttaa terveydenhuollon palvelun toimijaverkkoa. Muutosvaikutukset liittyivät palvelun toimijoihin, verkoston liikkeeseen ja verkoston muodostumiseen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on koottu yhteen aiemmin enimmäkseen erillään käsiteltyä kirjallisuutta toimijaverkkoteoriasta ja palvelukehittämisestä. Synteesinä muodostettiin viitekehys lähtökohdista verkottuneen palvelun kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella todettiin jatkotutkimusta varten mielenkiintoisia aiheita sekä palvelukehittämisen ja sosiomateriaalisuuden kirjallisuuden että terveydenhuollon kontekstin näkökulmista. Tutkimuksella syvennettiin käsitystä verkottuneesta terveydenhuollon palvelusta sekä moninaisista tavoista, joilla digitaalisuus palvelukehittämiseen linkittyy

    Calidad de servicio electrónica a través del cibermarketing

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    [ESP] La experiencia muestra que gestionar la calidad del servicio, resulta un factor clave desde el punto de vista de la capacidad creadora de valor de las organizaciones y por ende de su competitividad. La presente Tesis se centra en el estudio de la calidad de servicio electrónica, circunscribiéndose al sector del transporte aéreo, y más concretamente a la red de aeropuertos europeos ACI (Airports Council International) Europa. En un entorno cada vez más competitivo, ya no resulta suficiente la medición de la calidad del servicio desde una perspectiva tradicional o basada en la mecánica clásica, al margen de otros factores como los analizados en esta investigación. Para ello, se hace cada vez más necesaria una adecuación de los modelos conceptuales y operativos no solo al sector de actividad en cuestión, sino además a la actividad concreta desarrollada por la organización. Este enfoque, aunque también reto apenas explotado, aportaría importantes ventajas en cuanto a la calidad y robustez de la información, al permitir realizar una aproximación más técnica u objetiva sobre la definición y evaluación de la calidad de servicio en general. Desplegando para ello y en la medida de lo posible, enfoques con tintes internos pero desde una perspectiva externa, en línea con la figura del “comprador misterioso” entre otras en términos de auditoría externa, como sistema de información para la calidad de escucha. Partiendo del modelo piramidal de Parasuraman (2000) inicialmente y posteriormente de los trabajos de Halpern (2012) sobre contenido de las páginas Web de aeropuertos europeos entre otros autores, se relaciona la calidad de servicio electrónica con la presencia tecnológica en torno al marketing externo a nivel empresa-cliente en sus vertientes tecnológica y de infraestructuras físicas por un lado, y con el marketing interactivo a nivel empleado-cliente por otro, sin olvidar el papel de carácter crucial que juegan las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) al amparo de las interrelaciones de este modelo en el seno del cibermarketing, con el objeto de identificar qué aspectos o regresores en términos de presencia tecnológica a nivel de rango de servicios en general y en particular de los aeropuertos europeos, son susceptibles de proporcionar mayores niveles de calidad de servicio electrónica y por ende de competitividad. [ENG] Experience shows that service quality is a key factor from the point of view of value creation and competitiveness among organizations. The present investigation focuses in the study of e-service quality, taking as field of study the transport industry, and specifically the airport one in Europe through Airport Council International (ACI) in that setting. The pressures driving competitiveness further and further, make the measurement of service quality from a traditional point of view independently from other factors not enough. In this respect, there is a growing need for the adaptation of conceptual and operative frameworks, not only regarding the activity sector but the specific company activities. This challenging focus, not commonly implemented, would bring interesting advantages regarding information reliability through a more technical and objective approach to the definition and assessment of service quality, deploying as far as possible internal focuses but from an external view, following the figure of mystery shopping among others in terms of external audit as e-listening information systems. Following the pyramid model of Parasuraman (2000), e-service quality on one side and external (technological and physical infrastructures) in terms of company-customer relations and interactive marketing in terms of employeecustomer relations regarding technological presence on the other are analysed, taking also into account the deep role that information and communication technologies play within this model in the cybermarketing setting and previous works of Halpern (2012) regarding European airports Web content analysis, with the aim of identifying mainly what aspects among airports in terms of service portfolio regarding technological presence foster higher quality and competitiveness levels.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen