11,996 research outputs found

    Implementing Intranet for Social and Cognitive Knowledge Processes

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    Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and diffusion: A case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger

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    There is a paucity of theory for the effective management of knowledge transfer within large organisations. Practitioners continue to rely upon ‘experimental’ approaches to address the problem. This research attempts to reduce the gap between theory and application, thereby improving conceptual clarity for the transfer of knowledge. The paper, through an in-depth case analysis conducted within Schlumberger, studies the adoption of an intranet-based knowledge management (KM) system (called InTouch) to support, strategically align and transfer knowledge resources. The investigation was undertaken through the adoption of a robust methodological approach (abductive strategy) incorporating the role of technology as an enabler of knowledge management application. Consequently, the study addressed the important question of translating theoretical benefits of KM into practical reality. The research formulates a set of theoretical propositions which are seen as key to the development of an effective knowledge based infrastructure. The findings identify 30 generic attributes that are essential to the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of organisational knowledge. The research makes a significant contribution to identifying a theoretical and empirically based agenda for successful intranet-based KM which will be of benefit to both the academic and practitioner communities. The paper also highlights and proposes important areas for further research

    Knowledge Management Practice at a Bulgarian Bank: A Case Study

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    This paper reports on knowledge management (KM) practices in the customer service and lending departments of one of Bulgaria's top retail banks and investigates how KM processes can be further improved. The Bank's KM activities have been studied using observations, interviews and informal discussions for data collection. Findings were compared and contrasted with existing literature in similar contexts. Although rudiments of knowledge sharing are evident from the KM activities in different departments of the bank, the limitations such as resistance to change of the implemented KM systems are impeding the effectiveness of the knowledge management process. More training and incentives are needed to increase knowledge creation and sharing. Moreover, a clearly articulated KM strategy along with success criteria and commitment and support from senior management is needed. There is a severe lack of knowledge management studies in Bulgarian context in general and Bulgarian banking sector in particular. The authors' findings will potentially help in improving knowledge sharing practice as well as provide a valuable insight into knowledge management related issues in the Bulgarian context. The findings from this research can be useful to companies from Eastern Europe and other regions in improving their knowledge sharing practice

    Text and artefacts for creating a "World of Investment Decision-Making" : an empirical study into investment procedures

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    The investment procedure prescribes the stages and tests through which all investment projects must pass before being accepted or not. It governs the conditions of acceptability and constitutes a powerful device of a priori control. In this paper, we intend to understand how investment procedures enable grand ideals regarding investment to be institutionalised. In particular, over and above the assumed effectiveness and rationale of these procedures, we identify the mechanisms through which these procedures construct social roles. In this respect, this research goes beyond the procedures’ technical functions and focuses on the very form of procedures. Indeed, the form of a procedure presents two features: it is written, generally consigned to a “manual”; and it relies on “cognitive artefacts” (Norman, 1991) or “technologies of the intellect” (Goody, 1977) such as lists, tables and formulae like Discounted Cash Flow. This paper shows how this specific form takes effect during the process of institutionalisation, through which grand investment ideals (e.g. competitiveness, value creation) are transformed into concrete devices and into roles (Miller, 1991). Thanks to an enquiry conducted in 2003 and 2004, investment procedures in six large companies in a French context are analysed. It is argued that (1) the formalisation of the objectives of the procedures, as well as the definitions of investment through typologies shape the actors’ boundaries of action; (2) valuation methods based on the domination of economic-mathematical formula favour short-term over long-term reflection; (3) the setting of decision-making thresholds formalise individuals’ tasks and responsibilities. Therefore, the very form of procedures shape each phase of the institutionalisation process as defined by Hasselbladh and Kallinikos (2000) and contribute to creates a singular world – that of investment decisions.procedure; investment; written text; artefacts; technologies of the intellect; institutionalisation

    Knowledge Management

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    The main aim of European Union is "to become the most competitive and dynamic world economy based on knowledge, capable for viable economic growth with better work places and greater social cohesion". Competitive advantage in "new economy" has passed from material and financial assets on (to) non-material and non-financial belongings. The key challenge for 21st century companies is knowledge defining, measuring, advancing, valuing and controlling. Characteristics of economy based on knowledge are: • knowledge is used as input and as output, • in the most developed countries i the world, more than half gross of domestic product is based on knowledge, • high technology Industries nearly have doubled their share in output in last two decades, while services based on knowledge increase faster, too, • in new employing number of " knowledge " workers brings on an overage 80% of new jobs, and • increasing of information and knowledge portions in production technologies, but in products, too.knowledge management

    Distributed Learning System Design: A New Approach and an Agenda for Future Research

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    This article presents a theoretical framework designed to guide distributed learning design, with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of distributed learning systems. The authors begin with a review of the extant research on distributed learning design, and themes embedded in this literature are extracted and discussed to identify critical gaps that should be addressed by future work in this area. A conceptual framework that integrates instructional objectives, targeted competencies, instructional design considerations, and technological features is then developed to address the most pressing gaps in current research and practice. The rationale and logic underlying this framework is explicated. The framework is designed to help guide trainers and instructional designers through critical stages of the distributed learning system design process. In addition, it is intended to help researchers identify critical issues that should serve as the focus of future research efforts. Recommendations and future research directions are presented and discussed

    Organizing Knowledge in Implementation of Knowledge Management as Strategy for Competitive Bussiness at PT Telkom

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    This study is entitled Organizing Knowledge in Implementation of Knowledge Management. The research was conducted in bussines organization. The research objectives are to find out new concept in coverage of knowledge by knowledge management implementation at Telkom organizing explicit knowledge ; to analysis personal characteristic knowledge manager. This research use by qualitative methode with case study approach at Telkom Japati 1st street Bandung. Technique of gathering data uses observation, archived record, interview, documentation dan physical ware. From the results of studies that have been done, so the conclusion can be drawn as follows: Knowledge management which is done by making taxonomy based processes and business operations is called as knowledge centers that are stored on the intranet while competency-based stream called virtual competency center. Organizing knowledge in virtual storage by creating taxonomy of knowledge toward process and operating bussines, tree types of knowledge are:Structure knowledge: unstructure knowledge and less structure knowledge. For other media are managed by a special unit that is the library. The technology media support information and communications intended to improve information transfer and sharing of knowledge organization as a whole through cooperation and communication between individuals. Recomendation: It is better to make guidelines of writing articles on KM Tool, in order to avoid a flood of information that is not need. For example the text have been made by others. .It is better also to make the theme of writing, so that the contributors will more focus in creating the knowledge. Therefore, it will give deep exploration a theme. Form of virtual communication in KM should also explore the tacit knowledge. It is appropriate if the contributors are also allowed to create works that are audio-visual format. For example how to use technology in the 3.5 G DAT file format, or how to assemble the satellite Telkom2. Keyword: Business communication; Knowledge management; Organizational Communication; Organizing knowledge; Knowledge strorag

    The role and effectiveness of e-learning: key issues in an industrial context

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    This paper identifies the current role and effectiveness of e-learning and its key issues in an industrial context. The first objective is to identify the role of e-learning, particularly in staff training and executive education, where e-learning (online, computer-based or videoconferencing learning) has made significant impacts and contributions to several organisations such as the Royal Bank of Scotland, Cisco and Cap Gemini Earnst Young. With e-learning, staff training and executive education provides more benefits and better efficiency than traditional means. The second objective of this research is to understand the effectiveness of e-learning. This can be classified into two key issues: (1) methods of e-learning implementations; and (2) factors influencing effective and ineffective e-learning implementations. One learning point from (1) is that centralized e-learning implementations may prevail for big organizations. How-ever, more organizations adopt decentralized e-learning implementations due to various reasons, which will be discussed in this paper. From the research results, a proposed way is to retain the decentralized way. The second learning point is about interactive learning (IL), the combination of both e-learning and face-to-face learning. IL has been making contributions to several organizations, including the increase in motivation, learning interests and also efficiency. The popular issues about IL are (a) how to minimize the disadvantages of IL and (b) the degree of interactivity for maximizing learning efficiency. One learning point from (2) is to analyze the factors influencing effective and ineffective implementations, which reflect the different focuses between industrialists and academics. In terms of effective e-learning implementations, factors identified by both groups can map to particular cases in industry. In contrast, factors causing ineffective implementations rely more on primary source data. In order to find out these factors and analyze the rationale behind, case studies and interviews were used as research methodology that matched the objective of the research

    Knowledge management : a learning mix perspective

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    How can an organization define policy for managing its knowledge ? In this article, an integrative model is proposed : the Learning Mix. It consists of 4 interacting facets: Information Technology, Learning Structure, Knowledge Portfolio and Learning Identity.knowledge management; learning; learning model
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