282 research outputs found

    Designing SSI clusters with hierarchical checkpointing and single I/O space

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    Adopting a new hierarchical checkpointing architecture, the authors develop a single I/O address space for building highly available clusters of computers. They propose a systematic approach to achieving a single system image by integrating existing middleware support with the newly developed features.published_or_final_versio

    Distributed Preemptive Process Management With Checkpointing And Migration For A Linux-Based Grid Operating System

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    Kemunculan perkomputeran grid telah membolehkan perkongsian sumber perkomputeran teragih antara peserta-peserta organisasi maya. Walau bagaimanapun, sistem pengoperasian kini tidak memberi sokongan paras rendah secukupnya untuk perlaksanaan perisian grid. Kemunculan suatu kelas sistem pengoperasian yang dipanggil sistem pengoperasian grid memberikan pengabstrakan peringkat sistem untuk sumber-sumber grid The advent of grid computing has enabled distributed computing resources to be shared amongst participants of virtual organisations. However, current operating systems do not adequately provide enough low-level facilities to accommodate grid software. There is an emerging class of operating systems called grid operating systems which provide systemslevel abstractions for grid resources

    Before-Commit Client State Management Services for AJAX Applications

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    Heavily script-based browser applications change the manner in which users interact with Web browsers. Instead of downloading a succession of HTML pages, users download a single application and use that application for a long period of time. The application is not a set of HTML pages, but rather a single page that can possible modify its own presentation based on data exchanged with a server. In such an environment, it is necessary to provide some means for the client to manage its own state. We describe the initial results of our work in providing client-side state management services for these script-based applications. We focus on browser-based services that can help the user before any data is committed on the server. Our services include state checkpointing, property binding, operation logging, operational replay, ATOM/RSS data updates, and application-controlled persistence

    CompuP2P: a light-weight architecture for Internet computing

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    Internet computing is emerging as an important new paradigm in which resource intensive computing is integrated over Internet-scale networks. Over these large networks, different users and organizations have potential to share their computing resources, and computations can take place in a distributed fashion. In such an environment, a framework is needed in which the resource providers are given incentives to share their resources. In this research we propose CompuP2P, which is a light-weight architecture for enabling Internet computing. It uses peer-to-peer networks for sharing of computing resources. CompuP2P creates dynamic markets of network accessible computing resources, such as processing power, memory storage, disk space, etc., in a completely distributed, scalable, and fault-tolerant manner. We discuss the system architecture, functionality, and applications of the proposed CompuP2P architecture. We have implemented a Java based prototype of CompuP2P. We ran several algorithms with coarse grained parallelism on CompuP2P. Our results show that the system is light-weight and can provide almost a perfect speedup for applications that contain several independent compute-intensive tasks

    Workload Schedulers - Genesis, Algorithms and Comparisons

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    In this article we provide brief descriptions of three classes of schedulers: Operating Systems Process Schedulers, Cluster Systems, Jobs Schedulers and Big Data Schedulers. We describe their evolution from early adoptions to modern implementations, considering both the use and features of algorithms. In summary, we discuss differences between all presented classes of schedulers and discuss their chronological development. In conclusion, we highlight similarities in the focus of scheduling strategies design, applicable to both local and distributed systems

    The Java Management Extensions (JMX): Is Your Cluster Ready for Evolution?

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    The arrival of commodity hardware configurations with performance rivaling that offered by RISC workstations is resulting in important advances in the state of the art of building and running very large scalable clusters at "mass market" pricing levels. However, cluster middleware layers are still considered as static infrastructures which are not ready for evolution. In this paper, we claim that middleware layers based on both agent and Java technologies offer new opportunities to support clusters where services can be dynamically added, removed and reconfigured. To support this claim, we present the Java Management Extensions (JMX), a new Java agent based technology, and its application to implement two disjoint cluster management middleware services (a remote reboot service and a distributed infrastructure for collecting Log events) which share a unique agent-based infrastructure

    Cluster Computing Review

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    In the past decade there has been a dramatic shift from mainframe or ‘host−centric’ computing to a distributed ‘client−server’ approach. In the next few years this trend is likely to continue with further shifts towards ‘network−centric’ computing becoming apparent. All these trends were set in motion by the invention of the mass−reproducible microprocessor by Ted Hoff of Intel some twenty−odd years ago. The present generation of RISC microprocessors are now more than a match for mainframes in terms of cost and performance. The long−foreseen day when collections of RISC microprocessors assembled together as a parallel computer could out perform the vector supercomputers has finally arrived. Such high−performance parallel computers incorporate proprietary interconnection networks allowing low−latency, high bandwidth inter−processor communications. However, for certain types of applications such interconnect optimization is unnecessary and conventional LAN technology is sufficient. This has led to the realization that clusters of high−performance workstations can be realistically used for a variety of applications either to replace mainframes, vector supercomputers and parallel computers or to better manage already installed collections of workstations. Whilst it is clear that ‘cluster computers’ have limitations, many institutions and companies are exploring this option. Software to manage such clusters is at an early stage of development and this report reviews the current state−of−the−art. Cluster computing is a rapidly maturing technology that seems certain to play an important part in the ‘network−centric’ computing future