2,586 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of the Projection-based Force Reflection Algorithms for Haptic Interaction with Virtual Environment

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    Haptic interaction with virtual environments is currently a major and growing area of research with a number of emerging applications, particularly in the field of robotics. Digital implementation of the virtual environments, however, introduces errors which may result in instability of the haptic displays. This thesis deals with experimental investigation of the Projection-Based Force Reflection Algorithms (PFRAs) for haptic interaction with virtual environments, focusing on their performance in terms of stability and transparency. Experiments were performed to compare the PFRA in terms of performance for both non-delayed and delayed haptic interactions with more conventional haptic rendering methods, such as the Virtual Coupling (VC) and Wave Variables (WV). The results demonstrated that the PFRA is more stable, guarantees higher levels of transparency, and is less sensitive to decrease in update rates

    Design and implementation of haptic interactions

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    This thesis addresses current haptic display technology where the user interacts with a virtual environment by means of specialized interface devices. The user manipulates computer generated virtual objects and is able to feel the sense of touch through haptic feedback. The objective of this work is to design high performance haptic interactions by developing multi-purpose virtual tools and new control schemes to implement a PUMA 560 robotic manipulator as the haptic interface device. The interactions are modeled by coupling the motions of the virtual tool with those of the PUMA 560 robotic manipulator;The work presented in this dissertation uses both kinematic and dynamic based virtual manipulators as virtual simulators to address problems associated in both free and constrained motions. Both implementations are general enough to allow researchers with any six degree-of-freedom robot to apply the approaches and continue in this area of research. The results are expected to improve on the current haptic display technology by a new type of optimal position controller and better algorithms to handle both holonomic and nonholonomic constraints;Kane\u27s method is introduced to model dynamics of multibody systems. Multibody dynamics of a virtual simulator, a dumbbell, is developed and the advantages of the Kane\u27s method in handling the non-holonomic constraints are presented. The resulting model is used to develop an approach to dynamic simulation for use in interacting haptic display, including switching constraints. Experimental data is collected to show various contact configurations;A two-degree of freedom virtual manipulator is modeled to feel the surface of a taurus shape. An optimal position controller is designed to achieve kinematic coupling between the virtual manipulator and the haptic display device to impose motion constraints and the virtual interactions. Stability of the haptic interface is studied and proved using Lyapunov\u27s direct method. Experimental data in various positions of the robotic manipulator is obtained to justify theoretical results. A shift mechanism is then implemented on the taurus shape, thus the motions of the robotic manipulator is further constrained. The difficulties in handling the motion constraints are discussed and an alternative approach is presented

    Perceptual Issues Improve Haptic Systems Performance

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    Interacting With Grasped Objects in Expanded Haptic Workspaces Using the Bubble Technique

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    Haptic force-feedback can provide useful cues to users of virtual environments. Body-based haptic devices are portable but the more commonly used ground-based devices have workspaces that are limited by their physical grounding to a single base position and their operation as purely position-control devices. The “bubble technique” has recently been presented as one method of expanding a user\u27s haptic workspace. The bubble technique is a hybrid position-rate control system in which a volume, or “bubble,” is defined entirely within the physical workspace of the haptic device. When the device\u27s end effector is within this bubble, interaction is through position control. When the end effector moves outside this volume, an elastic restoring force is rendered, and a rate is applied that moves the virtual accessible workspace. Publications have described the use of the bubble technique for point-based touching tasks. However, when this technique is applied to simulations where the user is grasping virtual objects with part-to-part collision detection, unforeseen interaction problems surface. Methods of addressing these challenges are introduced, along with discussion of their implementation and an informal investigation

    Haptics in Robot-Assisted Surgery: Challenges and Benefits

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    Robotic surgery is transforming the current surgical practice, not only by improving the conventional surgical methods but also by introducing innovative robot-enhanced approaches that broaden the capabilities of clinicians. Being mainly of man-machine collaborative type, surgical robots are seen as media that transfer pre- and intra-operative information to the operator and reproduce his/her motion, with appropriate filtering, scaling, or limitation, to physically interact with the patient. The field, however, is far from maturity and, more critically, is still a subject of controversy in medical communities. Limited or absent haptic feedback is reputed to be among reasons that impede further spread of surgical robots. In this paper objectives and challenges of deploying haptic technologies in surgical robotics is discussed and a systematic review is performed on works that have studied the effects of providing haptic information to the users in major branches of robotic surgery. It has been tried to encompass both classical works and the state of the art approaches, aiming at delivering a comprehensive and balanced survey both for researchers starting their work in this field and for the experts

    Expanding Haptic Workspace for Coupled-Object Manipulation

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    Haptic force-feedback offers a valuable cue in exploration and manipulation of virtual environments. However, grounding of many commercial kinesthetic haptic devices limits the workspace accessible using a purely position-control scheme. The bubble technique has been recently presented as a method for expanding the user’s haptic workspace. The bubble technique is a hybrid position-rate control system in which a volume, or “bubble,” is defined entirely within the physical workspace of the haptic device. When the device’s end effector is within this bubble, interaction is through position control. When exiting this volume, an elastic restoring force is rendered, and a rate is applied that moves the virtual accessible workspace. Existing work on the bubble technique focuses on point-based touching tasks. When the bubble technique is applied to simulations where the user is grasping virtual objects with part-part collision detection, unforeseen interaction problems surface. This paper discusses three details of the user experience of coupled-object manipulation with the bubble technique. A few preliminary methods of addressing these interaction challenges are introduced

    Docking Haptics: Extending the Reach of Haptics by Dynamic Combinations of Grounded and Worn Devices

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    Grounded haptic devices can provide a variety of forces but have limited working volumes. Wearable haptic devices operate over a large volume but are relatively restricted in the types of stimuli they can generate. We propose the concept of docking haptics, in which different types of haptic devices are dynamically docked at run time. This creates a hybrid system, where the potential feedback depends on the user's location. We show a prototype docking haptic workspace, combining a grounded six degree-of-freedom force feedback arm with a hand exoskeleton. We are able to create the sensation of weight on the hand when it is within reach of the grounded device, but away from the grounded device, hand-referenced force feedback is still available. A user study demonstrates that users can successfully discriminate weight when using docking haptics, but not with the exoskeleton alone. Such hybrid systems would be able to change configuration further, for example docking two grounded devices to a hand in order to deliver twice the force, or extend the working volume. We suggest that the docking haptics concept can thus extend the practical utility of haptics in user interfaces

    Bridging the gap between passivity and transparency

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    In this paper a structure will be given which in a remarkably simple way offers a solution to the implementation of different telemanipulation schemes for discrete time varying delays by preserving passivity and allowing the highest trans- parency possible. This is achieved by splitting the communication channel in two separate ones, one for the energy balance which will ensure passivity and one for the haptic information between master and slave and which will address transparency. The authors believe that this structure is the most general up to date which preserves passivity under discrete time varying delays allowing different control schemes to address transparency

    Control system design for robots used in simulating dynamic force and moment interaction in virtual reality applications

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    This dissertation presents an approach to simulating the dynamic force and moment interaction between a human and a virtual object using a robotic manipulator as the force transmitter. Accurate control of the linear and angular accelerations of the robot end effector is required in order for the correct forces and moments to be imparted on a human operating in a computer generated virtual environment. A control system has been designed which is robust in terms of stability and performance. This control system is derived from abbreviated linear and nonlinear models of the manipulator dynamics which are efficient enough for real-time implementation yet retain a sufficient level of complexity for accurate calculations. An efficient multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) pole placement scheme has also been devised which locates the pre-specified system eigenvalues. The controller gains are given as explicit functions of a desired trajectory to be followed and, thus, are time varying such that the overall closed-loop system is rendered time-invariant. Key software elements were automatically derived and output in compiler-ready form demonstrating the feasibility of automatic, computer generated control laws for complex robotic systems. Test results are given for a PUMA 560 used to impart dynamic forces on a user operating in a virtual environment
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