4 research outputs found

    Density functional dependence of molecular geometries in lanthanide(III) complexes relevant to bioanalytical and biomedical applications

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    [Abstract] A set of 15 lanthanide-containing model systems was used to evaluate the performance of 15 commonly available density functionals (SVWN, SPL, BLYP, G96LYP, mPWLYP, B3LYP, BH&HLYP, B3PW91, BB95, mPWB95, TPSS, TPSSh, M06, CAM-B3LYP and wB97XD) in geometry determination, benchmarked against MP2 calculations. The best agreement between DFT optimized geometries and those obtained from MP2 calculations is provided by meta-GGA and hybrid meta-GGA functionals. The use of hybrid-GGA functionals such as BH&HLYP and B3PW91 also provide reasonably good results, while B3LYP provides an important overestimation of the metal–ligand bonds. The performance of different basis sets to describe the ligand(s) atoms, as well as the use of large-core (LC) RECPs and small-core (SC) RECPs, has been also assessed. Our calculations show that SCRECP calculations provide somewhat shorter GdIII–donor distances than the LCRECP approach, the average contraction of bond distances for the systems investigated amounting to 0.033 Å. However, geometry optimizations with the SCRECP (in combination with the mPWB95 functional and the 6-31G(d) basis set for the ligand atoms) take about 15 times longer than the LC counterparts, and about four times longer than MP2/LCRECP/6-31G(d) calculations. The 6-31G(d), 6-311G(d), 6-311G(d,p) or cc-pVDZ basis sets, in combination with LCRECPs, appear to offer an adequate balance between accuracy and computational cost for the description of molecular geometries of LnIII complexes. Electronic energies calculated with the the cc-pVxZ family (x = D-6) indicate a relative fast convergence to the complete basis set (CBS) limit with basis set size. The inclusion of bulk solvent effects (IEFPCM) was shown to provoke an important impact on the calculated geometries, particularly on the metal–nitrogen distances. Calculations performed on lanthanide complexes relevant for practical applications confirmed the important effect of the solvent on the calculated geometries.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; CTQ2009-10721Xunta de Galicia; IN845B-2010/06

    Computational investigations of the spectroscopy, vibronic coupling, and photo(stereo)chemistry in inorganic systems

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    This thesis focuses on the spectroscopy and photo-stereochemistry of relatively large closed-shell and open-shell transition metal complexes, investigated with an array of modern computational methodologies. The presence of the metal electrons/orbitals results in a greater number of low-lying excited states, and these states are vibronically coupled resulting in Jahn-Teller or pseudo-Jahn-Teller (pJT) effects, or general surface crossings. These features are very challenging to calculate but are vitally important to explain the observed behavior in such systems. Computational investigations using the multiconfigurational CASSCF method on the pJT effect occurring in ammonia, and Mo2(DXylF)2(O2CCH3)2(μ2-O)2 complex are presented. These definitively show that in the latter case the experimentally observed structure is due to a vibronic coupling of the ground electronic state with that of a nondegenerate 1πδ* state, resulting in a rhomboidal rather than square motif at the bimetallic centre. The (BQA)PtMe2I (BQA= bis(8-quinolinyl)amide) complex has been found to undergo unexpected meridial to facial isomerisation induced by light. The TD-DFT method was used to examine the spectroscopy of this system, and the CASSCF method was used to examine excited state relaxation pathways. The system relaxes on an excited state potential energy surface, of an essentially localised ππ* excited state of the BQA ligand, and reaches a facial excited minimum that is located adjacent to a sloped conical intersection connecting the excited and ground electronic states. Chromium (III) complexes have been investigated for many years and many aspects of their photochemistry are still not very well understood. The photochemistry of paradigm Cr (III) complexes, such as chromium oxalate [Cr(C2O4)3]3-, chromium tris- (1,3diaminopropane) [Cr(tn)3]3+ and Cr(tn)2(CN)2, have been investigated using TDDFT and CASSCF methods. Non-radiative relaxation pathways have been documented showing mechanism of both internal conversion in the quartet manifold, as well as inter-system crossing into the doublet manifold. The results explain photostereochemical features of the photo-induced racemization of [Cr(C2O4)3]3- and the photoaquation of [Cr(tn)3]3+ and Cr(tn)2(CN)2.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant No. EP/F01709