636 research outputs found

    Automated REA (AREA): a software toolset for a machine-readable resource-event-agent (REA) ontology specification

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    This paper demonstrates a toolset developed by the authors to enable a machine-readable REA ontology specification. Information modelling tech-niques are used to provide a unified enterprise ontology by capturing the busi-ness semantics using Conceptual Graphs (CGs) using Common Logic (CL) and the Conceptual Graph Interchange Format (CGIF) dialect for information ex-change and transmission. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is used for model verification, knowledge discovery and extraction. The enterprise design follows the Open Groups definition of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) to define the system architecture and subsequently provide a method for defining and automating the (REA) design models for; Business Architecture, Information System Architecture and Technology Architecture

    Activity-on-arc network graphic editor

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    This paper presents an application developed to visualize and edit Activity-On-Arc (AoA) project networks. It is part of a larger project that has the goal to study the resource allocation problem in stochastic multimodal activity networks. This application was developed in Java programming language and uses the open source libraries JGraph and JGrapht. It enables one to visualize and edit AoA networks with multiple resources, and save it into one of the two types of files available (TXT or XML).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Activity-on-arc network graphic editor

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    This paper presents an application developed to visualize and edit Activity-On-Arc (AoA) project networks. It is part of a larger project that has the goal to study the resource allocation problem in stochastic multimodal activity networks. This application was developed in Java programming language and uses the open source libraries JGraph and JGrapht. It enables one to visualize and edit AoA networks with multiple resources, and save them into one of the two types of files available (TXT or XML)

    Information management in work organization domain in network organizations

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    CGs to FCA Including Peirce's Cuts

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    Previous work has demonstrated a straightforward mapping from Conceptual Graphs (CGs) to Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), and the combined benefits these types of Conceptual Structures bring in capturing and reasoning about the semantics in system design. As in that work, a CGs Transaction Model (or `Transaction Graph') exemplar is used, but in the form of a richer Financial Trading (FT) case study that has its business rules visualised in Peirce's cuts. The FT case study highlights that cuts can meaningfully be included in the CGs to FCA mapping. Accordingly, the case study's CGs Transaction Graph with its cuts is translated into a form suitable for the CGtoFCA algorithm described in that previous work. The process is tested through the CG-FCA software that implements the CGtoFCA algorithm. The algorithm describes how a Conceptual Graph (CG), represented by triples of the form source-concept, relation, target-concept can be transformed into a set of binary relations of the form target-concept, source-conceptnrelation thus creating a formal context in FCA. Cuts though can now be included in the same formal, rigorous, reproducible and general way. The mapping develops the Transaction Graph into a Transaction Concept, capturing and unifying the features of Conceptual Structures that CGs and FCA collectively embody

    Grafitos: un editor didactico para grafos conceptuales

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    En este documento se describen las principales particularidades de Grafitos, un editor didáctico para grafos conceptuales, el cual hace parte del proyecto de grado INTRODUCCIÓN A LOS GRAFOS CONCEPTUALES: UN EDITOR DIDÁCTICO, en el programa Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación, de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Con este editor se pretende presentar a la comunidad universitaria y al publico en general, una herramienta didáctica que facilite una introducción clara y precisa a lo que son los grafos conceptuales y sus principales características

    The EMPRISES pan-European Framework:

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    There is a need for further integration of information systems globally for tackling Serious Organised Economic Crime (SOEC). Taking Europe as the illustration, and levering existing pan-EU (European Union) systems such as Europol's SIENA and the FIU.NET as well as national systems, further steps can be taken to provide a more coherent and coordinated approach for detecting and deterring SOEC. This aim is achievable through the EMPRISES framework, which adds value to national, SIENA and FIU.NET systems by increasing the effectiveness of communication across Europe. EMPRISES would introduce an agreed common language (taxonomy) of SOEC, including multi-lingual support. Moreover, by enriching the taxonomy with current business tools and analysis techniques through the SOEC Architecture that EMPRISES embodies, the illegitimate businesses of SOEC can be monitored and combatted

    Warehouse monitoring, data logging and interface implementation based on internet of things application

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    Mestrado em ESTG-IPBDue to the high demand for wood around the world, wood warehouses are becoming increasingly popular. As a result, the large amount of stored wood requires special attention to maintain its quality, as well as, the protection of wood warehouses, which can now be accomplished thanks to the Internet of Things platforms and applications, therefore, this project aims to develop a system capable of real-time monitoring of the wood warehouse, based on the ATMEGA328P microcontroller, LoRa technology for data transmission, as well as, flame, gas, humidity, and temperature sensors, in order to prevent any disaster that could affect the warehouse operators, as well as, it can due to a significant losses of stored wood and its quality, Finally, to preserve the environment from the fire ignitions.Devido à grande procura de madeira em todo o mundo, os armazéns de madeira estão a tornar-se cada vez mais populares. Como resultado, a grande quantidade de madeira armazenada requer uma atenção especial para manter a sua qualidade, bem como a protecção dos armazéns de madeira, o que agora pode ser conseguido graças às plataformas e aplicações da Internet das Coisas, portanto, Este projecto visa desenvolver um sistema capaz de monitorização em tempo real do armazém de madeira, baseado no microcontrolador ATMEGA328P, tecnologia LoRa para transmissão de dados, bem como sensores de chama, gás, humidade e temperatura, a fim de evitar qualquer catástrofe que possa afectar os operadores do armazém, bem como perdas significativas de madeira armazenada e da sua qualidade, finalmente, para preservar o ambiente do risco de incêndio

    Behavior based autonomous mobile Robot for industrial logistics

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    The design of robot behaviors to meet the requirements of the new industrial era - Industry 4.0 - has grown significantly in recent years. Especially the demand for flexible and adaptable systems has increased exponentially since intelligent robots started to be integrated into assembly lines and replace human activities. Tools such as Finite State Machines have proven to be an understandable and quick way to solve high-level problems in robotics; however, unmanageable when complexity rises. They become confusing and unreadable, making their modification and mainte- nance a problem. New tools, such as Behavior Trees, have emerged, creating modular, flexible, and adaptable systems without sacrificing readability with the increased com- plexity. The proposed architecture follows a hierarchical layered approach taking advantage of Behavior Trees, developing modular robot skills and system interfaces to create an autonomous behavior-based system. The software was implemented and tested in an Autonomous Mobile Robot capable of navigating complex environments and executing basic tasks. The results showed real advantages in using the layer-based approach, particularly giving the system modularity and increased flexibility capable of being easily improved and used in other systems. It was also concluded that Behavior Trees are an adequate tool for reactive systems in highly dynamic environments.Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um crescimentos na modelação de comportamen- tos robóticos com o objetivo de satisfazer necessidades dos novos paradigmas da indústria. Em particular, na indústria 4.0, com a integração de robôs nas linhas de produção e a subs- tituição dos humanos em diversas atividades, tem-se verificado um aumento na exigência de sistemas mais adaptáveis e flexíveis. Ferramentas tais como as máquinas de estado provaram ser percetíveis e de fácil uti- lização na resolução de problemas na área da robótica. No entanto, com o aumento da complexidade, tornam-se problemáticas pela sua desorganização e ilegibilidade. Por con- seguinte, emergiram novas estruturas, tais como as árvores de comportamento, capazes de tornar os sistemas mais modulares e flexíveis. A arquitetura por hierarquisação de camadas proposta, tira partido das vantagens das árvores de comportamento, com o desenvolvimento de comportamentos e interfaces de modo a criar um sistema reativo e autónomo. O software foi implementado e testado num robô móvel autónomo, capaz de navegar em ambientes complexos e de executar tarefas basicas. Os resultados mostraram vantagens na utilização da arquitetura proposta, em parti- cular, trazendo modularidade e flexibilidade ao sistema robótico, permitindo uma futura melhoria de cada um dos módulos, tal como, a sua utilização noutros sistemas