7 research outputs found

    Dynamic Allocation for Resource Protection in Decentralized Cloud Storage

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    Decentralized Cloud Storage (DCS) networks represent an interesting solution for data storage and management. DCS networks rely on the voluntary effort of a considerable number of (possibly untrusted) nodes, which may dynamically join and leave the network at any time. To profitably rely on DCS for data storage, data owners therefore need solutions that guarantee confidentiality and availability of their data. In this paper, we present an approach enabling data owners to keep data confidentiality and availability under control, limiting the owners intervention with corrective actions when availability or confidentiality is at risk. Our approach is based on the combined adoption of AONT (All-Or-Nothing-Transform) and fountain codes. It provides confidentiality of outsourced data also against malicious coalitions of nodes, and guarantees data availability even in case of node failures. Our experimental evaluation clearly shows the benefits of using fountain codes with respect to other approaches adopted by current DCS networks

    Codificaci贸n a nivel de paquete para comunicaciones m贸viles por sat茅lite

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    Una de les opcions que es contemplen per transmetre continguts multim猫dia i proporcionar acc茅s a Internet a grups de usuaris m貌bils 茅s fer servir sat猫l路lits. Les condiciones de propagaci贸 del canal m貌bil impliquen que d'una manera o altra haurem de garantir la qualitat de servei. Aix貌 t茅 fins i tot m茅s import脿ncia si tenim en compte que, en el cas d'acc茅s a Internet, no es t茅 la capacitat d'assumir cert percentatge de p猫rdua de dades que tenim, per exemple, en la transmissi贸 de so o v铆deo (rebaixant la qualitat). Entre les principals alternatives per a aquesta classe d'entorns es troba la inclusi贸 de codificacions a nivell de paquet. El funcionament d'aquesta t猫cnica es basa en incloure a la transmissi贸 paquets redundants, obtinguts mitjan莽ant un determinat algoritme. El receptor podr脿 recuperar la informaci贸 original que es volia enviar, sempre que hagi rebut una certa quantitat de paquets, similar a la quantitat de paquets originals. A aquest mecanisme se'l coneix com Forward Error Correction (FEC) a nivell de paquet. En aquesta mem貌ria es valoren breument les alternatives existents i s'expliquen algunes de les codificacions per a FEC m茅s importants. A continuaci贸 es realitza un estudi compartiu d'algunes d'elles: les variants de LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) conegudes com LDGM (Low Density Generator Matrix), i la codificaci贸 RaptorUna de las opciones contempladas para transmitir contenidos multimedia y proporcionar acceso a Internet a grupos de usuarios m贸viles es el uso de sat茅lites. Las condiciones de propagaci贸n del canal m贸vil implican que de alguna manera deberemos garantizar la calidad de servicio. Esto cobra incluso m谩s importancia si tenemos en cuenta que, en el caso de acceso a Internet, no se tiene la capacidad de asumir cierto porcentaje de p茅rdida de datos que tenemos, por ejemplo, en la transmisi贸n de sonido o v铆deo (rebajando la calidad). Entre las principales alternativas estudiadas para esta clase de entornos est谩 la inclusi贸n de codificaciones a nivel paquete. El funcionamiento de esta t茅cnica se basa en incluir en la transmisi贸n paquetes redundantes, obtenidos mediante un determinado algoritmo. El receptor ser谩 capaz de recuperar la informaci贸n original que se quer铆a enviar, siempre y cuando haya recibido correctamente una cierta cantidad de paquetes, similar a la cantidad de paquetes originales. A este mecanismo se le conoce como Forward Error Correction (FEC) a nivel de paquete. En esta memoria se valora brevemente las alternativas existentes y se explican algunas de las codificaciones para FEC m谩s importantes. A continuaci贸n se realiza un estudio comparativo de algunas de ellas: las variantes de LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) conocidas como LDGM (Low Density Generator Matrix), y la codificaci贸n Raptor.The use of satellites is one of the options considered to broadcast multimedia contents and to provide access to the Internet for groups of mobile users. The propagation conditions of mobile channel make necessary to guarantee the quality of service. This is even more important if we note that no data loss is allowed in the case of providing Internet access, while in sound or video transmissions it is (reducing the quality). One of the main alternatives which is being studied for this environments is the inclusion of packet level codifications. The basic idea of this technique is to include redundant packets in the transmission. These redundant packets can be obtained using a codification algorithm. The receiver will be able to recover all the original information provided it has received a certain amount of packets which will be similar to the amount of original packets. This technique is known as packet level Forward Error Correction (FEC). In this dissertation, the alternatives to FEC are briefly explained. Next, some of the most important packet level FEC codifications are explained. After that, a comparative study of some of them will be done, specifically the LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) variants known as LDGM (Low Density Generator Matrix) and the Raptor codification.Nota: Aquest document cont茅 origin脿riament altre material i/o programari nom茅s consultable a la Biblioteca de Ci猫ncia i Tecnologia

    Implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de la codificaci贸n LDPC para la transmisi贸n de ficheros en entornos unidireccionales

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    [ES] La utilizaci贸n de mecanismos FEC (Forward Error Correction) proporciona una mayor fiabilidad en la transmisi贸n de contenido IP en entornos con p茅rdidas. De entre los distintos tipos de c贸digos FEC existentes, esta tesina presenta una completa evaluaci贸n sobre la codificaci贸n LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) basada en una implementaci贸n propia de dicha codificaci贸n, seg煤n las caracter铆sticas definidas por la RFC 5170. Dicha evaluaci贸n muestra las ventajas que supone el empleo de codificaci贸n a nivel de paquete en la transmisi贸n de ficheros en entornos unidireccionales, y realiza una comparaci贸n entre dos tipos de estructuras LDPC: Staircase y Triangle.[EN] FEC (Forward Error Correction) mechanisms improve IP content transmission reliability in the event of packet loss. Among different types of existing FEC codes, this dissertation presents a thorough evaluation of LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) coding, based on an implementation developed within this research project, according to the specifications defined by RFC 5170. The evaluation shows the advantages that packet level encoding provides to file transmission in unidirectional networks, and performs a comparison between two kinds of LDPC structures: Staircase and Triangle.De Fez Lava, I. (2010). Implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de la codificaci贸n LDPC para la transmisi贸n de ficheros en entornos unidireccionales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27228.Archivo delegad

    Implementation and Performance Evaluation of LT and Raptor Codes for Multimedia Applications

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    Digital fountains have changed the standard transmission paradigm. A digital fountain can encode and transmit an unlimited number of data packets until every user gets enough information to guarantee correct decoding. Multimedia broadcasting, emerging peer-to-peer applications are only two examples of many other scenarios where digital fountains can be successfully applied. In this paper practical implementation issues of two class of digital fountain codes, namely LT and Raptor codes, are analyzed. Moreover, the performance in terms of coding and decoding complexity is measured experimentally.

    Implementation and performance evaluation of LT and Raptor codes for multimedia applications

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    Digital fountains have changed the standard transmission paradigm. A digital fountain can encode and transmit an unlimited number of data packets until every user gets enough information to guarantee correct decoding. Multimedia broadcasting, emerging peer-to-peer applications are only two examples of many other scenarios where digital fountains can be successfully applied. In this paper practical implementation issues of two class of digital fountain codes, namely LT and Raptor codes, are analyzed. Moreover, the performance in terms of coding and decoding complexity is measured experimentally