47 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Views of Vectorized Polynomial Multipliers – NTRU Prime

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    In this paper, we explore the cost of vectorization for polynomial multiplication with coefficients in Zq\mathbb{Z}_q for an odd prime qq. If there is a large power of two dividing q−1q−1, we can apply radix-2 Cooley–Tukey fast Fourier transforms to multiply polynomials in Zq[x]\mathbb{Z}_q[x]. The radix-2 nature admits efficient vectorization. Conversely, if 2 is the only power of two dividing q−1q−1, we can apply Schönhage’s and Nussbaumer’s FFTs to craft radix-2 roots of unity, but these double the number of coefficients. We show how to avoid this doubling while maintaining vectorization friendliness with Good–Thomas, Rader’s, and Bruun’s FFTs. In particular, we exploit the existing Fermat-prime factor of q−1q − 1 for Rader’s FFT and the power-of-two factor of q+1q + 1 for Bruun’s FFT. We implement these ideas for the NTRU Prime instances ntrulpr761/sntrup761, operating over the coefficient ring Z4591\mathbb{Z}_{4591} on a Cortex-A72. sntrup761 is currently used in OpenSSH 9.0 by default. Our polynomial multiplication outperforms the state-of-the-art vector-optimized implementation by 6.1×. For ntrulpr761, our keygen, encap, and decap are 2.98×, 2.79×, and 3.07× faster than the state-of-the-art vector-optimized implementation. For sntrup761, we outperform the reference implementation significantly

    SoK: Polynomial Multiplications for Lattice-Based Cryptosystems

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    We survey various mathematical tools used in software works multiplying polynomials in Zq[x]/⟨xn−αx−β⟩\mathbb{Z}_q [x] / ⟨x^n −αx−β⟩. In particular, we survey implementation works targeting polynomial multiplications in lattice-based cryptosystems Dilithium, Kyber, NTRU, NTRU Prime, and Saber with instruction set architectures/extensions Armv7-M, Armv7E-M, Armv8-A, and AVX2. There are three emphases in this paper: (i) modular arithmetic, (ii) homomorphisms, and (iii) vectorization. For modular arithmetic, we survey Montgomery, Barrett, and Plantard multiplications. For homomorphisms, we survey (a) various homomorphisms such as Cooley–Tukey FFT, Bruun’s FFT, Rader’s FFT, Karatsuba, and Toom– Cook; (b) various algebraic techniques for adjoining nice properties to the coefficient rings, including injections, Schönhage’s FFT, Nussbaumer’s FFT, and localization; and (c) various algebraic techniques related to the polynomial moduli, including twisting, composed multiplication, evaluation at ∞, Good–Thomas FFT, truncation, incomplete transformation, and Toeplitz matrix-vector product. For vectorization, we survey the relations between homomorphisms and the support of vector arithmetic. We then go through several case studies: We compare the implementations of modular multiplications used in Dilithium and Kyber, explain how the matrix-to-vector structure was exploited in Saber, and review the design choices of transformations for NTRU and NTRU Prime with vectorization. Finally, we outline several interesting implementation projects

    Area and Power Efficient FFT/IFFT Processor for FALCON Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    Quantum computing is an emerging technology on the verge of reshaping industries, while simultaneously challenging existing cryptographic algorithms. FALCON, a recent standard quantum-resistant digital signature, presents a challenging hardware implementation due to its extensive non-integer polynomial operations, necessitating FFT over the ring Q[x]/(xn+1)\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^n+1). This paper introduces an ultra-low power and compact processor tailored for FFT/IFFT operations over the ring, specifically optimized for FALCON applications on resource-constrained edge devices. The proposed processor incorporates various optimization techniques, including twiddle factor compression and conflict-free scheduling. In an ASIC implementation using a 22 nm GF process, the proposed processor demonstrates an area occupancy of 0.15 mm2^2 and a power consumption of 12.6 mW at an operating frequency of 167 MHz. Since a hardware implementation of FFT/IFFT over the ring is currently non-existent, the execution time achieved by this processor is compared to the software implementation of FFT/IFFT of FALCON on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Cortex-A72, where the proposed processor achieves a speedup of up to 2.3×\times. Furthermore, in comparison to dedicated state-of-the-art hardware accelerators for classic FFT, this processor occupies 42\% less area and consumes 83\% less power, on average. This suggests that the proposed hardware design offers a promising solution for implementing FALCON on resource-constrained devices.Comment: 14 page

    Algorithmic Views of Vectorized Polynomial Multipliers for NTRU and NTRU Prime (Long Paper)

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    This paper explores the design space of vector-optimized polynomial multiplications in the lattice-based key-encapsulation mechanisms NTRU and NTRU Prime. Since NTRU and NTRU Prime do not support straightforward applications of number– theoretic transforms, the state-of-the-art vector code either resorted to Toom–Cook, or introduced various techniques for coefficient ring extensions. All these techniques lead to a large number of small-degree polynomial multiplications, which is the bottleneck in our experiments. For NTRU Prime, we show how to reduce the number of small-degree polynomial multiplications to nearly 1/4 times compared to the previous vectorized code with the same functionality. Our transformations are based on careful choices of FFTs, including Good–Thomas, Rader’s, Schönhage’s, and Bruun’s FFTs. For NTRU, we show how to deploy Toom-5 with 3-bit losses. Furthermore, we show that the Toeplitz matrix–vector product naturally translates into efficient implementations with vector-by-scalar multiplication instructions which do not appear in all prior vector-optimized implementations. We choose the ARM Cortex-A72 CPU which implements the Armv8-A architecture for experiments, because of its wide uses in smartphones, and also the Neon vector instruction set implementing vector-by-scalar multiplications that do not appear in most other vector instruction sets like Intel’s AVX2. Even for platforms without vector-by-scalar multiplications, we expect significant improvements compared to the state of the art, since our transformations reduce the number of multiplication instructions by a large margin. Compared to the state-of-the-art optimized implementations, we achieve 2.18× and 6.7× faster polynomial multiplications for NTRU and NTRU Prime, respectively. For full schemes, we additionally vectorize the polynomial inversions, sorting network, and encoding/decoding subroutines in NTRU and NTRU Prime. For ntruhps2048677, we achieve 7.67×, 2.48×, and 1.77× faster key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation, respectively. For ntrulpr761, we achieve 3×, 2.87×, and 3.25× faster key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation, respectively. For sntrup761, there are no previously optimized implementations and we significantly outperform the reference implementation

    Toward Reliable and Efficient Message Passing Software for HPC Systems: Fault Tolerance and Vector Extension

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    As the scale of High-performance Computing (HPC) systems continues to grow, researchers are devoted themselves to achieve the best performance of running long computing jobs on these systems. My research focus on reliability and efficiency study for HPC software. First, as systems become larger, mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) of these HPC systems is negatively impacted and tends to decrease. Handling system failures becomes a prime challenge. My research aims to present a general design and implementation of an efficient runtime-level failure detection and propagation strategy targeting large-scale, dynamic systems that is able to detect both node and process failures. Using multiple overlapping topologies to optimize the detection and propagation, minimizing the incurred overhead sand guaranteeing the scalability of the entire framework. Results from different machines and benchmarks compared to related works shows that my design and implementation outperforms non-HPC solutions significantly, and is competitive with specialized HPC solutions that can manage only MPI applications. Second, I endeavor to implore instruction level parallelization to achieve optimal performance. Novel processors support long vector extensions, which enables researchers to exploit the potential peak performance of target architectures. Intel introduced Advanced Vector Extension (AVX512 and AVX2) instructions for x86 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Arm introduced Scalable Vector Extension (SVE) with a new set of A64 instructions. Both enable greater parallelisms. My research utilizes long vector reduction instructions to improve the performance of MPI reduction operations. Also, I use gather and scatter feature to speed up the packing and unpacking operation in MPI. The evaluation of the resulting software stack under different scenarios demonstrates that the approach is not only efficient but also generalizable to many vector architecture and efficient

    Enabling the use of embedded and mobile technologies for high-performance computing

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    In the late 1990s, powerful economic forces led to the adoption of commodity desktop processors in High-Performance Computing(HPC). This transformation has been so effective that the November 2016 TOP500 list is still dominated by x86 architecture. In 2016, the largest commodity market in computing is not PCs or servers, but mobile computing, comprising smartphones andtablets, most of which are built with ARM-based Systems on Chips (SoC). This suggests that once mobile SoCs deliver sufficient performance, mobile SoCs can help reduce the cost of HPC. This thesis addresses this question in detail.We analyze the trend in mobile SoC performance, comparing it with the similar trend in the 1990s. Through development of real system prototypes and their performance analysis we assess the feasibility of building an HPCsystem based on mobile SoCs. Through simulation of the future mobile SoC, we identify the missing features and suggest improvements that would enable theuse of future mobile SoCs in HPC environment. Thus, we present design guidelines for future generations mobile SoCs, and HPC systems built around them, enabling the newclass of cheap supercomputers.A finales de la década de los 90, razones económicas llevaron a la adopción de procesadores de uso general en sistemas de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (HPC). Esta transformación ha sido tan efectiva que la lista TOP500 de noviembre de 2016 sigue aun dominada por la arquitectura x86. En 2016, el mayor mercado de productos básicos en computación no son los ordenadores de sobremesa o los servidores, sino la computación móvil, que incluye teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas, la mayoría de los cuales están construidos con sistemas en chip(SoC) de arquitectura ARM. Esto sugiere que una vez que los SoC móviles ofrezcan un rendimiento suficiente, podrán utilizarse para reducir el costo desistemas HPC. Esta tesis aborda esta cuestión en detalle. Analizamos la tendencia del rendimiento de los SoC para móvil, comparándola con la tendencia similar ocurrida en los añosnoventa. A través del desarrollo de prototipos de sistemas reales y su análisis de rendimiento, evaluamos la factibilidad de construir unsistema HPC basado en SoCs móviles. A través de la simulación de SoCs móviles futuros, identificamos las características que faltan y sugerimos mejoras quepermitirían su uso en entornos HPC. Por lo tanto, presentamos directrices de diseño para futuras generaciones de SoCs móviles y sistemas HPC construidos a sualrededor, para permitir la construcción de una nueva clase de supercomputadores de coste reducido