1,069 research outputs found

    SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis

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    Studying free-standing conversational groups (FCGs) in unstructured social settings (e.g., cocktail party ) is gratifying due to the wealth of information available at the group (mining social networks) and individual (recognizing native behavioral and personality traits) levels. However, analyzing social scenes involving FCGs is also highly challenging due to the difficulty in extracting behavioral cues such as target locations, their speaking activity and head/body pose due to crowdedness and presence of extreme occlusions. To this end, we propose SALSA, a novel dataset facilitating multimodal and Synergetic sociAL Scene Analysis, and make two main contributions to research on automated social interaction analysis: (1) SALSA records social interactions among 18 participants in a natural, indoor environment for over 60 minutes, under the poster presentation and cocktail party contexts presenting difficulties in the form of low-resolution images, lighting variations, numerous occlusions, reverberations and interfering sound sources; (2) To alleviate these problems we facilitate multimodal analysis by recording the social interplay using four static surveillance cameras and sociometric badges worn by each participant, comprising the microphone, accelerometer, bluetooth and infrared sensors. In addition to raw data, we also provide annotations concerning individuals' personality as well as their position, head, body orientation and F-formation information over the entire event duration. Through extensive experiments with state-of-the-art approaches, we show (a) the limitations of current methods and (b) how the recorded multiple cues synergetically aid automatic analysis of social interactions. SALSA is available at http://tev.fbk.eu/salsa.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Multimodal Egocentric Analysis of Focused Interactions

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    Continuous detection of social interactions from wearable sensor data streams has a range of potential applications in domains, including health and social care, security, and assistive technology. We contribute an annotated, multimodal data set capturing such interactions using video, audio, GPS, and inertial sensing. We present methods for automatic detection and temporal segmentation of focused interactions using support vector machines and recurrent neural networks with features extracted from both audio and video streams. The focused interaction occurs when the co-present individuals, having the mutual focus of attention, interact by first establishing the face-to-face engagement and direct conversation. We describe an evaluation protocol, including framewise, extended framewise, and event-based measures, and provide empirical evidence that the fusion of visual face track scores with audio voice activity scores provides an effective combination. The methods, contributed data set, and protocol together provide a benchmark for the future research on this problem

    Use of nonintrusive sensor-based information and communication technology for real-world evidence for clinical trials in dementia

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    Cognitive function is an important end point of treatments in dementia clinical trials. Measuring cognitive function by standardized tests, however, is biased toward highly constrained environments (such as hospitals) in selected samples. Patient-powered real-world evidence using information and communication technology devices, including environmental and wearable sensors, may help to overcome these limitations. This position paper describes current and novel information and communication technology devices and algorithms to monitor behavior and function in people with prodromal and manifest stages of dementia continuously, and discusses clinical, technological, ethical, regulatory, and user-centered requirements for collecting real-world evidence in future randomized controlled trials. Challenges of data safety, quality, and privacy and regulatory requirements need to be addressed by future smart sensor technologies. When these requirements are satisfied, these technologies will provide access to truly user relevant outcomes and broader cohorts of participants than currently sampled in clinical trials

    Tailoring Interaction. Sensing Social Signals with Textiles.

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    Nonverbal behaviour is an important part of conversation and can reveal much about the nature of an interaction. It includes phenomena ranging from large-scale posture shifts to small scale nods. Capturing these often spontaneous phenomena requires unobtrusive sensing techniques that do not interfere with the interaction. We propose an underexploited sensing modality for sensing nonverbal behaviours: textiles. As a material in close contact with the body, they provide ubiquitous, large surfaces that make them a suitable soft interface. Although the literature on nonverbal communication focuses on upper body movements such as gestures, observations of multi-party, seated conversations suggest that sitting postures, leg and foot movements are also systematically related to patterns of social interaction. This thesis addressees the following questions: Can the textiles surrounding us measure social engagement? Can they tell who is speaking, and who, if anyone, is listening? Furthermore, how should wearable textile sensing systems be designed and what behavioural signals could textiles reveal? To address these questions, we have designed and manufactured bespoke chairs and trousers with integrated textile pressure sensors, that are introduced here. The designs are evaluated in three user studies that produce multi-modal datasets for the exploration of fine-grained interactional signals. Two approaches to using these bespoke textile sensors are explored. First, hand crafted sensor patches in chair covers serve to distinguish speakers and listeners. Second, a pressure sensitive matrix in custom-made smart trousers is developed to detect static sitting postures, dynamic bodily movement, as well as basic conversational states. Statistical analyses, machine learning approaches, and ethnographic methods show that by moni- toring patterns of pressure change alone it is possible to not only classify postures with high accuracy, but also to identify a wide range of behaviours reliably in individuals and groups. These findings es- tablish textiles as a novel, wearable sensing system for applications in social sciences, and contribute towards a better understanding of nonverbal communication, especially the significance of posture shifts when seated. If chairs know who is speaking, if our trousers can capture our social engagement, what role can smart textiles have in the future of human interaction? How can we build new ways to map social ecologies and tailor interactions

    FaceLooks: A Smart Headband for Signaling Face-to-Face Behavior

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    Eye-to-eye contact and facial expressions are key communicators, yet there has been little done to evaluate the basic properties of face-to-face; mutual head orientation behaviors. This may be because there is no practical device available to measure the behavior. This paper presents a novel headband-type wearable device called FaceLooks, used for measuring the time of the face-to-face state with identity of the partner, using an infrared emitter and receiver. It can also be used for behavioral healthcare applications, such as for children with developmental disorders who exhibit difficulties with the behavior, by providing awareness through the visual feedback from the partner’s device. Two laboratory experiments showed the device’s detection range and response time, tested with a pair of dummy heads. Another laboratory experiment was done with human participants with gaze trackers and showed the device’s substantial agreement with a human observer. We then conducted two field studies involving children with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorders. The first study showed that the devices could be used in the school setting, observing the children did not remove the devices. The second study showed that the durations of children’s face-to-face behavior could be increased under a visual feedback condition. The device shows its potential to be used in therapy and experimental fields because of its wearability and its ability to quantify and shape face-to-face behavior

    ConfLab: A Rich Multimodal Multisensor Dataset of Free-Standing Social Interactions in the Wild

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    Recording the dynamics of unscripted human interactions in the wild is challenging due to the delicate trade-offs between several factors: participant privacy, ecological validity, data fidelity, and logistical overheads. To address these, following a 'datasets for the community by the community' ethos, we propose the Conference Living Lab (ConfLab): a new concept for multimodal multisensor data collection of in-the-wild free-standing social conversations. For the first instantiation of ConfLab described here, we organized a real-life professional networking event at a major international conference. Involving 48 conference attendees, the dataset captures a diverse mix of status, acquaintance, and networking motivations. Our capture setup improves upon the data fidelity of prior in-the-wild datasets while retaining privacy sensitivity: 8 videos (1920x1080, 60 fps) from a non-invasive overhead view, and custom wearable sensors with onboard recording of body motion (full 9-axis IMU), privacy-preserving low-frequency audio (1250 Hz), and Bluetooth-based proximity. Additionally, we developed custom solutions for distributed hardware synchronization at acquisition, and time-efficient continuous annotation of body keypoints and actions at high sampling rates. Our benchmarks showcase some of the open research tasks related to in-the-wild privacy-preserving social data analysis: keypoints detection from overhead camera views, skeleton-based no-audio speaker detection, and F-formation detection.Comment: v2 is the version submitted to Neurips 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Trac

    Detecting head movement using gyroscope data collected via in-ear wearables

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    Abstract. Head movement is considered as an effective, natural, and simple method to determine the pointing towards an object. Head movement detection technology has significant potentiality in diverse field of applications and studies in this field verify such claim. The application includes fields like users interaction with computers, controlling many devices externally, power wheelchair operation, detecting drivers’ drowsiness while they drive, video surveillance system, and many more. Due to the diversity in application, the method of detecting head movement is also wide-ranging. A number of approaches such as acoustic-based, video-based, computer-vision based, inertial sensor data based head movement detection methods have been introduced by researchers over the years. In order to generate inertial sensor data, various types of wearables are available for example wrist band, smart watch, head-mounted device, and so on. For this thesis, eSense — a representative earable device — that has built-in inertial sensor to generate gyroscope data is employed. This eSense device is a True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbud. It is augmented with some key equipment such as a 6-axis inertial motion unit, a microphone, and dual mode Bluetooth (Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy). Features are extracted from gyroscope data collected via eSense device. Subsequently, four machine learning models — Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes, and Perceptron — are applied aiming to detect head movement. The performance of these models is evaluated by four different evaluation metrics such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 score. Result shows that machine learning models that have been applied in this thesis are able to detect head movement. Comparing the performance of all these machine learning models, Random Forest performs better than others, it is able to detect head movement with approximately 77% accuracy. The accuracy rate of other three models such as Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, and Perceptron is close to each other, where these models detect head movement with about 42%, 40%, and 39% accuracy, respectively. Besides, the result of other evaluation metrics like Precision, Recall, and F1 score verifies that using these machine learning models, different head direction such as left, right, or straight can be detected

    Multimodal Emotion Recognition among Couples from Lab Settings to Daily Life using Smartwatches

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    Couples generally manage chronic diseases together and the management takes an emotional toll on both patients and their romantic partners. Consequently, recognizing the emotions of each partner in daily life could provide an insight into their emotional well-being in chronic disease management. The emotions of partners are currently inferred in the lab and daily life using self-reports which are not practical for continuous emotion assessment or observer reports which are manual, time-intensive, and costly. Currently, there exists no comprehensive overview of works on emotion recognition among couples. Furthermore, approaches for emotion recognition among couples have (1) focused on English-speaking couples in the U.S., (2) used data collected from the lab, and (3) performed recognition using observer ratings rather than partner's self-reported / subjective emotions. In this body of work contained in this thesis (8 papers - 5 published and 3 currently under review in various journals), we fill the current literature gap on couples' emotion recognition, develop emotion recognition systems using 161 hours of data from a total of 1,051 individuals, and make contributions towards taking couples' emotion recognition from the lab which is the status quo, to daily life. This thesis contributes toward building automated emotion recognition systems that would eventually enable partners to monitor their emotions in daily life and enable the delivery of interventions to improve their emotional well-being.Comment: PhD Thesis, 2022 - ETH Zuric

    A longitudinal observational study of home-based conversations for detecting early dementia:protocol for the CUBOId TV task

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    INTRODUCTION: Limitations in effective dementia therapies mean that early diagnosis and monitoring are critical for disease management, but current clinical tools are impractical and/or unreliable, and disregard short-term symptom variability. Behavioural biomarkers of cognitive decline, such as speech, sleep and activity patterns, can manifest prodromal pathological changes. They can be continuously measured at home with smart sensing technologies, and permit leveraging of interpersonal interactions for optimising diagnostic and prognostic performance. Here we describe the ContinUous behavioural Biomarkers Of cognitive Impairment (CUBOId) study, which explores the feasibility of multimodal data fusion for in-home monitoring of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The report focuses on a subset of CUBOId participants who perform a novel speech task, the ‘TV task’, designed to track changes in ecologically valid conversations with disease progression. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: CUBOId is a longitudinal observational study. Participants have diagnoses of MCI or AD, and controls are their live-in partners with no such diagnosis. Multimodal activity data were passively acquired from wearables and in-home fixed sensors over timespans of 8–25 months. At two time points participants completed the TV task over 5 days by recording audio of their conversations as they watched a favourite TV programme, with further testing to be completed after removal of the sensor installations. Behavioural testing is supported by neuropsychological assessment for deriving ground truths on cognitive status. Deep learning will be used to generate fused multimodal activity-speech embeddings for optimisation of diagnostic and predictive performance from speech alone. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: CUBOId was approved by an NHS Research Ethics Committee (Wales REC; ref: 18/WA/0158) and is sponsored by University of Bristol. It is supported by the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network West of England. Results will be reported at conferences and in peer-reviewed scientific journals