1,253 research outputs found

    Impacts of safety on the design of light remotely-piloted helicopter flight control systems

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    This paper deals with the architecture definition and the safety assessment of flight control systems for light remotely-piloted helicopters for civil applications. The methods and tools to be used for these activities are standardised for conventional piloted aircraft, while they are currently a matter of discussion in case of light remotely-piloted systems flying into unsegregated airspaces. Certification concerns are particularly problematic for aerial systems weighing from 20 to 150 kgf, since the airworthiness permission is granted by national authorities. The lack of specific requirements actually requires to analyse both the existing standards for military applications and the certification guidelines for civil systems, up to derive the adequate safety objectives. In this work, after a survey on applicable certification documents for the safety objectives definition, the most relevant functional failures of a light remotely-piloted helicopter are identified and analysed via Functional Hazard Assessment. Different architectures are then compared by means of Fault-Tree Analysis, highlighting the contributions to the safety level of the main elements of the flight control system (control computers, servoactuators, antenna) and providing basic guidelines on the required redundancy level

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 54

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    This bibliography lists 316 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1975

    Riskiperusteinen lÀhestyminen miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun kehittÀmiseen Suomessa

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    This work explored different unmanned aircraft types and the technology they use including the latest safety systems. A review of research on unmanned aircraft safety was conducted and the latest collision test results were summarized. The results of the latest research were a base from where a survey for all unmanned aircraft operators who flew in Finland during 2016 was conducted. The goal of the survey was to find out new information of unmanned aircraft operations in Finland and the risks associated with those operations, because this information was not available before in reliable enough form. Aviation safety is measured using statistics of past yearly activity and this study aimed at gathering the necessary statistics of unmanned aviation in Finland to calculate these safety metrics. The gathered statistics of general unmanned aviation activity were used to find out accident and crash probabilities in Finland. Technical fault probability was also surveyed and the most common technical fault types. All of these probabilities can be used when conducting risk assessment of unmanned aircraft operations. This work also assessed different aerial work types to measure which one is the riskiest. Results from this work can be used in assessing the total risk level of unmanned aviation in Finland and the development of regulations. the current aviation act regulating unmanned aviation in Finland was drafted in a situation where there was no safety statistics of unmanned aviation. This work aims to start the gathering of general and safety statistics of unmanned aviation in Finland.TyössÀ kÀytiin lÀpi miehittÀmÀttömien ilma-aluksien erilaisia tyyppejÀ ja niiden kÀyttÀmÀÀ tekniikkaa mukaan lukien uusimmat turvallisuutta parantavat jÀrjestelmÀt. Katselmus uusimmista tutkimuksia miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun turvallisuudesta sisÀlsi uusimpien törmÀys testien tulokset, jotka pohjustivat tÀmÀn työn luotaavaa kyselytutkimusta Suomessa vuonna 2016 toimineista miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun operaattoreista ja heidÀn toiminnastaan. Tavoite oli saada selville uutta tietoa miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun toiminnasta ja siihen liittyvistÀ riskeistÀ Suomessa, koska kyseistÀ tietoa ei ole ollut saatavilla riittÀvÀsti tai tarpeeksi luotettavassa muodossa aikaisemmin. Ilmailun turvallisuuden mittaamisessa kÀytetÀÀn vakiintuneita arvoja, jotka on muodostettu vuosittaisista toiminnan tilastotiedoista. TÀssÀ työssÀ kerÀttiin miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun turvallisuuden mittaamiseen tarvittavia yleisen toiminnan tilastoja. Kyselytutkimuksen avulla kerÀtyistÀ tilastoista selvitettiin arviot onnettomuus ja törmÀys todennÀköisyyksistÀ miehittÀmÀttömille ilma-aluksille Suomessa, joita voidaan vertailla jatkossa vuosittain turvallisuustilanteen kehittymisen seuraamiseksi. KerÀtyistÀ tilastoista selvitettiin myös miehittÀmÀttömien ilma-aluksien teknisten vikojen todennÀköisyydet ja yleisimmÀt vikojen tyypit. Teknisten vikojen sekÀ törmÀysten todennÀköisyyksien arviota voidaan kÀyttÀÀ Suomessa miehittÀmÀttömien ilma-aluksien operaatioiden riskiarvioiden tekemiseen. TyössÀ tehtiin myös analyysi erilaisista miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun toimintamuodoista kaikista riskialteimman toiminnan tunnistamiseksi. TÀmÀn työn tuloksia voidaan kÀyttÀÀ Suomalaisen miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun kokonaisturvallisuuden arvioinnissa ja miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun lainsÀÀdÀnnön kehittÀmisessÀ. Nykyinen miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun ilmailumÀÀrÀys on luotu tilanteessa, jossa tÀmÀn työn kerÀÀmÀÀ turvallisuus tilastoa ei ollut saatavilla. TÀllÀ työllÀ pyritÀÀn aloittamaan miehittÀmÀttömÀn ilmailun turvallisuustilanteen sekÀ yleisen toiminnan seuranta ja tilastointi Suomessa

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 90

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    This bibliography lists 351 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November 1977

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 182, July 1978

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    This bibliography lists 165 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in June 1978

    UAS Pilots Code – Annotated Version 1.0

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    The UAS PILOTS CODE (UASPC) offers recommendations to advance flight safety, ground safety, airmanship, and professionalism.6 It presents a vision of excellence for UAS pilots and operators, and includes general guidance for all types of UAS. The UASPC offers broad guidance—a set of values—to help a pilot interpret and apply standards and regulations, and to confront real world challenges to avoid incidents and accidents. It is designed to help UAS pilots develop standard operating procedures (SOPs), effective risk management,7 safety management systems (SMS), and to encourage UAS pilots to consider themselves aviators and participants in the broader aviation community

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 120

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    This bibliography contains abstracts for 297 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1980

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 154

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    This bibliography lists 511 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in October 1982

    Study of operational requirements in hostile and congested areas with unmanned air vehicles (UAV/RPAS)

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    The target of this study is analyse the operational requirement of UAV/RPAS activities in special conditionsThis study analyses and determines the operational requirements for unmanned aerial vehicles and remotely piloted aircrafts when operating in congested and hostile areas. In order to do so, a study of present regulatory framework from different countries is done and proposals published by regulating authorities from Europe and America as well, concluding this initial approach to unmanned aerial vehicle’s regulations with a benchmark of best practices. Afterwards, a risk analysis and a safe study are done by identifying potential risks, taking into account all possible situations and scenarios that can be produced during an operation in a congested area. Once the risks are adequately identified, an evaluation of them is performed, obtaining as a result a safety level which is acceptable or unacceptable in order to ensure the integrity of people on ground, and consequently developing the operation or not. Finally, for those operations associated to a risk that result in an unacceptable safety level, mitigation measures are proposed to reduce the likelihood of hazard happening and the severity of the consequences. It may be noted that these mitigation measures consist in adding technology to unmanned aircraft systems and establishing operational procedures
