1,503 research outputs found

    Adicción al teléfono móvil y ansiedad social entre adolescentes chinos: papel mediador de los problemas interpersonales

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    Objectives:Mobile phone addiction (MPA) has frequently report-ed to be correlated with psychological disorders such as depression, stress and anxiety among young population. However, the extent to which these factors are correlated with MPA and the potential mechanism underlying those relationships are conclusive. This study aimed to investigate the as-sociation between MPA level and social anxiety among Chinese adolescents, and examined the mediation effect of interpersonal problems between them. Methods: A sample of 1027 school-based students selected by a stratified-cluster random sampling method responded to questionnaires regarding MPA Index, Social Interaction Anxiousness Scale, Interpersonal Problems Inventory, and demographic variables. Spearman correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the extent of the association between MPA and social anxiety, and Sobel test and bootstrapping sampling confirmed the mediating role ofinterpersonal problems.Results: Of all students in our study, 5.9% were MPA, and MPA score was positively correlated with social anxiety after controlled for de-mographic variables in the adjusted model. Multiple mediation regression analysis revealed that the interpersonal problem was a significant partial mediator between MPA and social anxiety. Conclusion:The MPA adolescents were a subgroup population who need to pay more attention to prevent social anxiety. Improving interpersonal problems might be aneffec-tive approach to deal with MPA-induced social anxiety in adolescents.Objetivos: Con frecuencia se ha informado que la adicción al teléfono móvil (MPA) está correlacionada con trastornos psicológicos como la depresión, el estrés y la ansiedad entre la población joven. Sin embargo, el grado en que estos factores se correlacionan con el AMP y el mecanismo potencial subyacente a esas relaciones son concluyentes. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la asociación entre el nivel de AMP y la ansiedad social entre adolescentes chinos y examinó el efecto de mediación de los problemas interpersonales entre ellos. Métodos: Una muestra de 1027 estudiantes escolares seleccionados mediante un método de muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados estratificados respondió a cuestionarios sobre el índice MPA, la escala de ansiedad por interacción social, el inventario de problemas interpersonales y variables demográficas. Se realizaron análisis de correlación de Spearman y de regresión lineal múltiple para investigar el alcance de la asociación entre la AMP y la ansiedad social, y la prueba de Sobel y el muestreo de arranque confirmaron el papel mediador de los problemas interpersonales. Resultados: De todos los estudiantes de nuestro estudio, el 5,9% tenían AMP, y la puntuación de AMP se correlacionó positivamente con la ansiedad social después de controlar las variables demográficas en el modelo ajustado. El análisis de regresión de mediación múltiple reveló que el problema interpersonal era un mediador parcial significativo entre la AMP y la ansiedad social. Conclusión: Los adolescentes del AMP fueron un subgrupo de población que necesita prestar más atención para prevenir la ansiedad social. Mejorar los problemas interpersonales podría ser un enfoque eficaz para abordar la ansiedad social inducida por el AMP en los adolescentes

    Mobile addiction and its relationship with quality of life in medical students

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    Background: Quality of life is one of the most important health-related outcomes that can be affected by mobile phone addiction. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of mobile phone addiction and its relationship with quality of life in students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences (BUMS). Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 360 students in BUMS in 2018. The sample was randomly selected from each faculty using proportional stratified sampling. To collect data, a questionnaire containing the demographic variables, the PMPAS questionnaire for mobile addiction and SF-12 for quality of life were used. Data were analyzed by independent t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient in SPSS (V.18). Results: The mean age of the students was 25.1 ± 6.3 years that 75.5 were female. In terms of marital status, 60.6 were single. Nearly 75 of students were with moderate or severe mobile phone addiction. The score of mobile phone addiction was higher in single and younger students (p < 0.001). The mean score of quality of life for the students in two aspects of the physical and mental component were 50.81 and 42.86 respectively. Based on the results, there was a significant inverse relationship between scores of mental function and mobile phone addiction (r = �0.35, p < 0.001), this relation was not significant for physical function (r = �0.60, p = 0.25). Conclusions: According to the results, the prevalence of mobile phone addiction among students was high and mobile phone addiction has a negative effect on the quality of life of students, which has a negative effect on psychological performance. © 2019 INDIACLE

    Mobile phone use amongst students in a university in Malaysia: its correlates and relationship to psychological health

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    The study explored the extent of mobile phone use amongst students of Universiti Putra Malaysia. Additionally, the study determined personal and family factors related to the mobile phone use and, the relationship between problem mobile phone use and psychological health of the students. The multi-stage cluster sampling was employed to identify the students (N=386) who completed a self-administered questionnaire. The students were found to spend on average 6 hours daily and USD18.70 monthly on their mobiles. Text message was the most used feature and peers were the most frequently contacted person. Older students used more voice calls while females text message more frequently. Male and younger students were more interested with other features (MMS and GPRS) of the mobiles. Students from higher income families spent more time and money on their mobile phone. Additional analyses showed that students with lower self-esteem and spent more time on the phone were more likely to be problem phone users. Adolescents who spend more time on their mobile phone were also more vulnerable to psychological disturbances. There is a need to further uncover underlying factors that influence students' mobile phone behavior, and the consequences of intense mobile phone use on their psychological well-being

    Influence of cell phone email use on characteristics of gait

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    Previously, gait had been considered an automatic and rhythmical movement that uses minimal attentional resources. The relationship between attention and gait has been revealed in recent research. However, in young adults in particular, the influence of using a cell phone - which is used frequently in daily life and considered to require high attentional demands - on gait has not been demonstrated. In this study, we examined the influence of mobile phone use on gait. Thirty healthy college students (15 males, 15 females) walked through a normal straight course with or without an obstacle under two different walking conditions while either using the email function of the cell phone or walking without a cell phone. The participants walked at a normal speed on a 10-m walkway. In walking conditions with an obstacle, an obstacle (17 cm in height) was set at the mid-point of the walkway. The following gait parameters were calculated: velocity, stride length, stride width (cm), and stance phase of one foot (just before an obstacle, one and two steps before the obstacle). Velocity and stride width decreased and the stance phase increased during walking while operating a cell phone. The stance phase just before an obstacle and stride length increased while operating a cell phone with an obstacle in the way. Gaze fixations and the high attention required to use the email function of the device may result in greatly disturbed gait. © 2009 European College of Sport Science

    The relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University

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    Background: Cell phone plays an essential role in communications throughout the world. This question has been raised whether the over use of the cell-phone could lead to addiction. Addiction to cell phone use is characterized by the overuse and preoccupation with the mobile phone. So, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, 200 students of Kashan University in the academic year 2016-2017 were selected by the cluster sampling method. The research tools included the cell-phone over-use scale (COS, 2007(, Beck depression inventory (BDI), difficulty in emotion regulation scale (DERS), and distress tolerance scale (DTS). Results: The results of the regression analysis showed that depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation explained more than 33 of the changes in addiction to cell-phone use. Also, there was a significant correlation between depression and addiction to cell-phone use (r=0.22, P&lt;0.05). In addition, there was a significant correlation between distress tolerance (r=-0.47, P&lt;0.05) and difficulty in emotion regulation (r=0.50, P&lt;0.05) with cell-phone addiction in Kashan University students. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, addiction to cell-phone use can be predicted by three variables of depression, distress tolerance, and difficulty in emotion regulation. The difficulty in emotion regulation played a stronger role in this prediction

    Development of a program to prevent sexual violence among teens in Japan: education using DVD video teaching materials and web-based learning

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    BackgroundThis study aimed to develop an education system using DVD video-based teaching materials or web-based learning to reduce sexual violence among teens in Japan.MethodsDuring the first stage, June 2018 to March 2019, an education program using DVD video teaching materials was carried out at three high schools and four universities with research consent from the director of the facility. From 1337 high school students and first- and second-year university students, subjects in their teen years were targeted for analysis. A survey was conducted at baseline and after the DVD video teaching. During the second stage, November 2019 to March 2020, web-based learning using improved video teaching materials was developed and carried out. From the adolescents who participated in the web-based learning, subjects in their teen years were targeted for analysis. A survey was conducted at baseline and after the web-based learning.ResultsIn the first stage, 876 students consented to and participated in the education using DVD video teaching materials and baseline and after surveys (collection rate 65.5%). Among these, the number of respondents in their teens both baseline and after education was 705 persons (valid response rate 80.4%). In the second stage, the number of respondents in their teens both baseline and after education was 250 respondents in their teens who received web-based learning using the improved video teaching materials (valid response rate 87.1%). The improvement effect of the two programs was observed in attitudes that lead to physical violence, attitudes that lead to mental violence, attitudes that promote healthy conflict resolution, and dangerous attitudes that lead to sexual violence from persons in the community or through the Internet. The web-based learning program achieved an improvement of preventive attitudes toward sexual violence.ConclusionsThe education program using DVD video teaching materials or web-based learning may help prevent sexual violence among teens in Japan.Research articl

    Are we evolved to live with mobiles? An evolutionary view of mobile communication

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    By providing ultimate explanations for human behaviors, an evolutionary perspective lends itself to understanding why and how mobile communication occupies an ever increasingly critical role in modern life. From the perspective of evolution, human behaviors - in interaction with the environment - are driven by, and can be made understandable through the pursuit of physical and social survival and reproductive success. An evolutionary perspective can yield insight into commonalities observed in mobile communication across societies and cultures. To achieve these objectives, we revisit and reanalyze existing research on mobile communication through an evolutionary lens. In the process, we demonstrate that seemingly inexplicable activities from a conventional communication perspective can be meaningfully interpreted from an evolutionary perspective. We extend the evolutionary perspective on mobile communication to examine implications for social policy and further research