14 research outputs found

    Investigation and Analysis of People Preferences in Choosing Public Transportation During COVID-19 Pandemic: Statistical Approach and Case Study in Malang City

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    The transportation condition in Malang City during COVID-19 pandemic has been the subject of this research, with one study proposing to support information about public transportation services in the city. This policy encourages people to participate in activities such as working from home and school during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another concern is that the availability of public transportation facilities is being limited by a lack of conventional transportation as result of this policy. The greatest impact on this variable is the appropriateness of the price, as customers of the service are typically users on a daily basis. Online transportation is considered more effective in terms of distance because there is a mapping application or location that is provided by service providers or drivers in specific areas. The coefficient of determination is a statistical measure used to evaluate the accuracy of a model in predicting future outcomes. The model is generally accurate because all of the variables are significant and have a direct effect on the dependent variables. The F-test value associated with the coefficient was 33.927, and the level of significance was >0.0001. The following describes the results of the t-test regarding the effect of variables on variables: Reliability The value of the t-count is 2.358 > 1.68, and the significance value is 0.013 < 0.05. Responsiveness The t-count of 9.513 is greater than 1.68, and the associated significance level is 0.0001 which is less than 0.05

    Perspectivas do uso de planilhas eletrônicas no ensino de estatística

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    Muitos professores acreditam que uma planilha eletrônica fornece um melhor ambiente educacional para ensinar estatística em nível elementar. a planilha eletrônica pode ser uma ferramenta facilitadora para o aluno, permitindo que particione os cálculos para que possa entender conceitos estatísticos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama geral do uso de planilhas eletrônicas, em especial a planilha eletrônica Microsoft Excel® no ensino de Estatística através de um conjunto de trabalhos que tratam do referido tema, bem como a possibilidade do uso da planilha eletrônica para simulação com o emprego de imagens. Os resultados do levantamento realizado evidenciam diversas possibilidades para o desenvolvimento de atividades no campo do ensino da estatística, desde os mais simples, com uso de medidas sintéticas e gráficos, até o uso de experimentos e modelagem. não há um consenso sobre o uso de planilhas eletrônicas para ensino de estatística e críticas são comuns, no entanto, diversas aplicações e atividades, em especial, a facilidade de desenvolver simulações, podem contribuir para a o processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    Goat Milk Nutritional Quality Software-Automatized Individual Curve Model Fitting, Shape Parameters Calculation and Bayesian Flexibility Criteria Comparison

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    SPSS syntax was described to evaluate the individual performance of 49 linear and non-linear models to fit the milk component evolution curve of 159 Murciano-Granadina does selected for genotyping analyses. Peak and persistence for protein, fat, dry matter, lactose, and somatic cell counts were evaluated using 3107 controls (3.91 ± 2.01 average lactations/goat). Best-fit (adjusted R2) values (0.548, 0.374, 0.429, and 0.624 for protein, fat, dry matter, and lactose content, respectively) were reached by the five-parameter logarithmic model of Ali and Schaeffer (ALISCH), and for the three-parameter model of parabolic yield-density (PARYLDENS) for somatic cell counts (0.481). Cross-validation was performed using the Minimum Mean-Square Error (MMSE). Model comparison was performed using Residual Sum of Squares (RSS), Mean-Squared Prediction Error (MSPE), adjusted R2 and its standard deviation (SD), Akaike (AIC), corrected Akaike (AICc), and Bayesian information criteria (BIC). The adjusted R2 SD across individuals was around 0.2 for all models. Thirty-nine models successfully fitted the individual lactation curve for all components. Parametric and computational complexity promote variability-capturing properties, while model flexibility does not significantly (p > 0.05) improve the predictive and explanatory potential. Conclusively, ALISCH and PARYLDENS can be used to study goat milk composition genetic variability as trustable evaluation models to face future challenges of the goat dairy industry

    ¿Utilizarán los futuros docentes las tecnologías móviles? Validación de una propuesta de modelo TAM extendido

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    The development of technology acceptance models for their implementation in the field of education constitutes an increasingly interesting trend. A common practice in this kind of research is to develop TAM-based models expanded with other constructs. This paper belongs to this line, presenting a proposal analyzing the effects of resistance to change and compatibility on the intention of using mobile technologies in pre-service teachers’ future practice. To this end, we conducted a study with 678 students from the Primary Education Teacher Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Salamanca, and we subjected the model to a factorial analysis to confirm its validity. The results show the students’ favorable intention of using mobile technologies. The hypothesis test revealed some significant differences according to student gender, year and school, and the factor analysis we carried out reflected adequate goodness of fit indices despise some validity issues.El desarrollo de modelos de adopción tecnológica para su aplicación dentro del campo educativo constituye una tendencia de creciente interés. Una práctica habitual dentro de estas investigaciones es la aplicación de modelos basados en TAM expandidos con otros constructos. El presente artículo se enmarca dentro de esta línea, presentando una propuesta que analiza los efectos de la resistencia al cambio y la compatibilidad sobre la intención de uso de tecnologías móviles en la futura práctica docente entre los maestros en formación. Con este objetivo se realizó un estudio en el que participaron 678 estudiantes del Grado de Maestro de Primaria de la Universidad de Salamanca y se sometió al modelo a un análisis factorial para confirmar su validez. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una intención de uso favorable hacia el uso de tecnologías móviles por parte de los estudiantes, el contraste de hipótesis reveló algunas diferencias significativas en función del género, curso y centro de pertenencia de los estudiantes y el análisis factorial llevado a cabo reflejó unos adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste, pese a los problemas de validación

    Integracija i primjena interdisciplinarnoga znanja iz područja ekonomije i prostorne znanosti

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    This research arises from the importance of integrating knowledge of economic/business and spatial sciences for graduates who must think and act in interdisciplinary contexts. The systematic literature review revealed that this interdisciplinary field is richly present in original scientific research, and is undoubtedly topical and worthy of research efforts. The main objective of this paper is to analyze important factors that contribute to the attitudes of students towards interdisciplinary knowledge, and factors that shape their intentions to use and integrate this knowledge in the future. The conceptual model formed was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). Research results confirm the importance of integrating economic/business and spatial sciences’ knowledge, for graduates. As presented in the paper, results of the study have important implications for higher education institutions, for reform and update of their study programs, as well as for educators in the field of spatial sciences and economic/business sciences, in research and in education.Ovo je istraživanje nastalo zbog važnosti integracije znanja iz područja ekonomskih i prostornih znanosti za studente koji moraju razmišljati i djelovati u interdisciplinarnim kontekstima. Sustavni pregled literature pokazao je da je ovo interdisciplinarno područje u velikoj mjeri prisutno u izvornim znanstvenim istraživanjima te je bez svake sumnje aktualno i vrijedno istraživanja. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada analizirati važne čimbenike koji doprinose izgradnji stavova studenata prema interdisciplinarnom znanju, kao i čimbenike koji utječu na njihove namjere da se u budućnosti koriste takvim znanjima i i integriraju ih. Izrađeni konceptualni model testiran je s pomoću modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM). Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je integracija znanja iz područja ekonomije i prostornih znanosti važna za studente. Kako je prikazano u radu, rezultati istraživanja imaju važne implikacije za institucije visokoga obrazovanja, za reformu i nadogradnju njihovih studijskih programa te za obrazovne djelatnike koji se bave područjima ekonomije i prostorne znanosti, kako u istraživanjima, tako i u obrazovanju

    Impact of support of teacher and compatibility with needs of study on usefulness of SPSS by students

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    Item not available in this repository.The aim of this study is to expand the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) in the research of different aspects of acceptance of software packages used for statistical analysis (SPSS), by including three factors: perceived support from the teacher, perceived compatibility with the academic needs of students of economics and business and perceived usefulness of statistics. The study shows that (i) the perceived usefulness of statistics plays an important role in perceiving the usefulness of SPSS and the ease of its use; (ii) support of teacher significantly contributes to the easier use of SPSS; (iii) that perceived compatibility with the academic needs of students positively impacts the perceived usefulness of SPSS and the intention to use it in the future, and (iv) higher the perceived ease of use of SPSS, higher on average its perceived usefulness. We also found that there are almost no significant differences between the conceptual model for undergraduate and postgraduate students. However we found that there are statistically significant differences between undergraduate and postgraduate students regarding perception of the usefulness of SPSS and usefulness of statistics.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.07.02253pubpu

    The Relationship between Nonprofit Organizations and Cloud Adoption Concerns

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    Many leaders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the United States do not have plans to adopt cloud computing. However, the factors accounting for their decisions is not known. This correlational study used the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit can predict behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) of NPO information technology (IT) managers towards adopting cloud computing within the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona of the U.S. An existing UTAUT2 survey instrument was used with a sample of IT managers (N = 106) from NPOs. A multiple regression analysis confirmed a positive statistically significant relationship between predictors and the dependent variables of BI and UB. The first model significantly predicted BI, F (7,99) =54.239, p -?¤ .001, R^2=.795. Performance expectancy (β = .295, p = .004), social influence (β = .148, p = .033), facilitating conditions (β = .246, p = .007), and habit (β = .245, p = .002) were statistically significant predictors of BI at the .05 level. The second model significantly predicted UB, F (3,103) = 37.845, p -?¤ .001, R^2 = .527. Habit (β = .430, p = .001) was a statistically significant predictor for UB at a .05 level. Using the study results, NPO IT managers may be able to develop strategies to improve the adoption of cloud computing within their organization. The implication for positive social change is that, by using the study results, NPO leaders may be able to improve their IT infrastructure and services for those in need, while also reducing their organization\u27s carbon footprint through use of shared data centers for processing

    Teachers\u27 Perceptions of School District Professional Development Alignment with National Standards

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    Despite ongoing delivery of teacher professional development (PD), educational leaders in the local district did not have an objective evaluation whether their implementation of the Marzano causal teacher evaluation model and the iObservation tool training were aligned with accepted national standards for PD effectiveness. Using Vygotsky\u27s constructivist theory as the theoretical framework, the purpose of this quantitative descriptive, correlational study was to describe teachers\u27 perceptions of the alignment of the district\u27s PD with national standards and the relationship between teachers\u27 reported self-efficacy and attitudes toward the PD program. A purposive sample of 80 middle school teachers completed the Learning Forward\u27s Standard Assessment Inventory and Kao, Tsai, and Shih\u27s Self-Efficacy and Attitude Survey. The response rate was 33%. Descriptive analysis indicated that teachers perceived and were satisfied with the alignment of the PD to national standards. Correlation analysis revealed strong positive correlations (p \u3c .01) between teachers\u27 self-efficacy ratings and their attitudes toward the PD\u27s alignment with national standards. These findings informed development of a training promoting a shared vision among educational leaders and teachers about the necessity of following national standards when designing and implementing PD. Alignment of teacher PD with national standards might result in positive social change by creating effective trainings for teachers which could, in turn, have a positive influence on educational outcomes over time

    The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Sustainability in Small Businesses

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    Since the 2008 financial crisis, business leaders\u27 ethical behaviors have been under scrutiny. These leaders face uncertainty regarding ethical leadership behaviors and their impact. Because small business leadership involves multiple facets of behavior and decision-making, small business leaders may have an insufficient understanding of the impact of ethical leadership behaviors on the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between ethical leadership and financial, social, and environmental sustainability in small businesses. Integrated social contracts theory was the theoretical framework. The participants consisted of 80 members of a chamber of commerce located in Miami, Florida who had experience with ethical leadership and more than 1 year of ownership or management of a business. The data collection instrument was a self-designed Likert scale survey with items based on the research literature and also included financial measures such as return on assets, net profit margin, and net revenue. Correlation analysis and Bonferroni corrected significance calculation indicated significant relationships (p \u3c .001) between some ethical leadership behaviors and social and environmental sustainability; however, no statistically significant correlations were identified between ethical leadership and financial sustainability. The implications for positive social change include small business leaders partnering with local leaders to implement ethics and sustainability into community programs to create a basis for increased trust in local business leaders to improve consumer confidence

    Leadership, Perceptions, and Turnover in Fire and Emergency New Zealand

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    Fire and Emergency New Zealand experiences voluntary turnover at local volunteer fire brigades. The purpose of the quantitative component of this sequential explanatory study was to examine the relationship between volunteer chief fire officers\u27 leadership styles, perceptions of organizational support, and voluntary firefighter turnover; the purpose of the qualitative component was to explore strategies that volunteer chief fire officers used to reduce volunteer firefighter turnover. The population for the quantitative study was 21 volunteer chief fire officers, and the population for the qualitative study was 6 volunteer firefighters. The theoretical frameworks that grounded this study were transformational leadership theory (TL) and organizational support theory (OST). The data collection process for the quantitative component was 2 surveys, and the data analysis process was Pearson\u27s correlation. The data collection process for the qualitative component was face-to-face, semistructured interviews, and the data analysis process was thematic analysis. The quantitative results showed a significant statistical relationship between OST and turnover (p.001). The qualitative results yielded 5 themes for strategies that reduce firefighter turnover: family acknowledgment and involvement, a positive culture and satisfaction, robust vetting and induction processes, flexibility in training, and communication and recognition. The implications for positive social change included the identification of strategies for fire service leaders to use in promoting the worth, dignity, and development of volunteers, to foster unity and enhance safety within communities