503 research outputs found

    Sampled-Data PID Control and Anti-aliasing Filters

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    Design, control and error analysis of a fast tool positioning system for ultra-precision machining of freeform surfaces

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    This thesis was previously held under moratorium from 03/12/19 to 03/12/21Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis.Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis

    Theory, Simulation, and Implementation of Grid Connected Back to Back Converters Utilizing Voltage Oriented Control

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    This work presents a back to back converter topology with the ability to connect two power systems of different voltages and frequencies for the exchange of power. By utilizing indirect AC/AC conversion decoupling is achieved between the power systems with one of the three-phase, two-level voltage source converters performing the AC/DC conversion that maintains the required DC bus voltage level at unity power factor while the other converter operates in all four quadrants supplying/consuming active and/or reactive power with the other power system. The prototype implementation resides at UW-Milwaukee’s USR Building microgrid test bed facility. A possible application topology would be the converter that maintains the DC bus voltage to be connected to the microgrid’s electrical bus of distributed energy sources while the other converter is connected to the utility in order to supply the required active and/or reactive power to support the needs of the grid

    Computer Control: An Overview

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    Computer control is entering all facets of life from home electronics to production of different products and material. Many of the computers are embedded and thus ``hidden'' for the user. In many situations it is not necessary to know anything about computer control or real-time systems to implement a simple controller. There are, however, many situations where the result will be much better when the sampled-data aspects of the system are taken into consideration when the controller is designed. Also, it is very important that the real-time aspects are regarded. The real-time system influences the timing in the computer and can thus minimize latency and delays in the feedback controller. The paper introduces different aspects of computer-controlled systems from simple approximation of continuous time controllers to design aspects of optimal sampled-data controllers. We also point out some of the pitfalls of computer control and discusses the practical aspects as well as the implementation issues of computer control. Published as a Professional Briefs by IFAC

    Estimation and control techniques in power converters

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    This thesis develops estimation and control techniques in power converters. The target applications are voltage regulators for modern microprocessors (VRM) and distributed DC power systems (DPS). A method for the on-line calibration of a circuit board trace resistance at the output of a buck converter is described. This method is applied to obtain an accurate and high-bandwidth measurement of the load current in the VRM applications, thus enabling an accurate DC load-line regulation as well as a fast transient response. Experimental results show an accuracy well within the tolerance band of this application, and exceeding all other popular methods. A method for estimating the phase current unbalance in a multi-phase buck converter is presented. The method uses the information contained in the voltage drop at the input capacitor's ESR to estimate the average current in each phase. The method can be implemented with a low-rate down-sampling A/D converter and is not computationally intensive. Experimental results are presented, showing good agreement between the estimates and the measured values. An online adaptation method of the gain of an output current feedforward path in VRM applications is developed. The feedforward path can improve substantially the converter's response to load transients but it depends on parameters of the power train that are not known with precision. By analyzing the error voltage and finding its correlation with the parameter error, a gradient algorithm is derived that makes the latter vanish. Experimental results show a substantial improvement of the transient response to a load current step in a prototype VRM. Impedance interactions between interconnected power subsystems are analyzed. Typical examples of these interconnections are a power converter with a dynamic load, a power converter with an input line filter, power converters connected in parallel or cascade, and combinations of the above. A survey of the most relevant results in this area is presented together with detailed examples. Fundamental limits on the performance of the interconnected systems are exposed and a system-level design approach is proposed and corroborated with simulations

    RF applications in digital signal processing

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    Ever higher demands for stability, accuracy, reproducibility, and monitoring capability are being placed on Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) systems of particle accelerators. Meanwhile, continuing rapid advances in digital signal processing technology are being exploited to meet these demands, thus leading to development of digital LLRF systems. The rst part of this course will begin by focusing on some of the important building-blocks of RF signal processing including mixer theory and down-conversion, I/Q (amplitude and phase) detection, digital down-conversion (DDC) and decimation, concluding with a survey of I/Q modulators. The second part of the course will introduce basic concepts of feedback systems, including examples of digital cavity eld and phase control, followed by radial loop architectures. Adaptive feed-forward systems used for the suppression of repetitive beam disturbances will be examined. Finally, applications and principles of system identi cation approaches will be summarized

    Cavity Field Control for Linear Particle Accelerators

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    High-energy linear particle accelerators enable exploration of the microscopic structure of pharmaceuticals, solar cells, fuel cells, high-temperature superconductors, and the universe itself. These accelerators accelerate charged particles using oscillating magnetic fields that are confined in metal cavities. The amplitudes and phases of the electromagnetic fields need to be accurately controlled by fast feedback loops for proper accelerator operation.This thesis is based on the author's work on performance analysis and control design for the field control loops of the linear accelerator at the European Spallation Source (ESS), a neutron microscope that is under construction in Lund, Sweden. The main contribution of the thesis is a comprehensive treatment of the field control problem during flat-top, which gives more insight into the control aspects than previous work. The thesis demonstrates that a key to understand the dynamics of the field control loop is to represent it as a single-input single-output system with complex coefficients. This representation is not new itself but has seen limited use for field control analysis.The thesis starts by developing practical and theoretical tools for analysis and control design for complex-coefficients systems. This is followed by two main parts on cavity field control. The first part introduces parametrizations that enable a better understanding of the cavity dynamics and discusses the most essential aspects of cavity field control. The second part builds on the first one and treats a selection of more advanced topics that all benefit from the complex-coefficient representation: analysis of a polar controller structure, field control design in the presence of parasitic cavity resonances, digital downconversion for low-latency feedback, energy-optimal excitation of accelerating cavities, and an intuitive design method for narrowband disturbance rejection. The results of the investigations in this thesis provide a better understanding of the field control problem and have influenced the design of the field controllers at ESS

    Development of a Flexible FPGA-Based Platform for Flight Control System Research

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    This work is part of ongoing research conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University relating to unmanned aerial vehicles. The primary objective of this thesis was to develop a flexible, high-performance autopilot platform in order to facilitate research on advanced flight control algorithms. A dual FPGA-based system architecture utilizing a stacked, multi-board design was created to meet this goal. Processing tasks were split between the two FPGA devices, allowing for improved system timing and increased throughput. A combination of analog and digital filtering techniques were employed in the new system, resulting in enhanced sensor accuracy and precision compared to the previous generation autopilot system. Several important improvements to the safety and reliability of the overall system were also achieved

    Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC

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    The low-noise operation of readout electronics in a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) is critical to properly extract the distribution of ionization charge deposited on the wire planes of the TPC, especially for the induction planes. This paper describes the characteristics and mitigation of the observed noise in the MicroBooNE detector. The MicroBooNE's single-phase LArTPC comprises two induction planes and one collection sense wire plane with a total of 8256 wires. Current induced on each TPC wire is amplified and shaped by custom low-power, low-noise ASICs immersed in the liquid argon. The digitization of the signal waveform occurs outside the cryostat. Using data from the first year of MicroBooNE operations, several excess noise sources in the TPC were identified and mitigated. The residual equivalent noise charge (ENC) after noise filtering varies with wire length and is found to be below 400 electrons for the longest wires (4.7 m). The response is consistent with the cold electronics design expectations and is found to be stable with time and uniform over the functioning channels. This noise level is significantly lower than previous experiments utilizing warm front-end electronics.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figure

    Automated Manufacture of Fertilizing Agglomerates from Burnt Wood Ash

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    In Sweden, extensive research is conducted to find alternative sources of energy that should partly replace the electric power production from nuclear power. With the ambition to create a sustainable system for producing energy, the use of renewable energy is expected to grow further and biofuels are expected to account for a significant part of this increase. However, when biofuels are burned or gasified, ash appears as a by-product. In order to overcome the problems related to deposition in land fills, the idea is to transform the ashes into a product – agglomerates – that easily could be recycled back to the forest grounds; as a fertilizer, or as a tool to reduce the acidification in the forest soil at the spreading area. This work considers the control of a transformation process, which transforms wood ash produced at a district heating plant into fertilizing agglomerates. A robust machine, built to comply with the industrial requirements for continuous operation, has been developed and is controlled by an industrial control system in order to enable an automated manufacture
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