3,246 research outputs found

    Design of variation-tolerant synchronizers for multiple clock and voltage domains

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    PhD ThesisParametric variability increasingly affects the performance of electronic circuits as the fabrication technology has reached the level of 32nm and beyond. These parameters may include transistor Process parameters (such as threshold voltage), supply Voltage and Temperature (PVT), all of which could have a significant impact on the speed and power consumption of the circuit, particularly if the variations exceed the design margins. As systems are designed with more asynchronous protocols, there is a need for highly robust synchronizers and arbiters. These components are often used as interfaces between communication links of different timing domains as well as sampling devices for asynchronous inputs coming from external components. These applications have created a need for new robust designs of synchronizers and arbiters that can tolerate process, voltage and temperature variations. The aim of this study was to investigate how synchronizers and arbiters should be designed to tolerate parametric variations. All investigations focused mainly on circuit-level and transistor level designs and were modeled and simulated in the UMC90nm CMOS technology process. Analog simulations were used to measure timing parameters and power consumption along with a “Monte Carlo” statistical analysis to account for process variations. Two main components of synchronizers and arbiters were primarily investigated: flip-flop and mutual-exclusion element (MUTEX). Both components can violate the input timing conditions, setup and hold window times, which could cause metastability inside their bistable elements and possibly end in failures. The mean-time between failures is an important reliability feature of any synchronizer delay through the synchronizer. The MUTEX study focused on the classical circuit, in addition to a number of tolerance, based on increasing internal gain by adding current sources, reducing the capacitive loading, boosting the transconductance of the latch, compensating the existing Miller capacitance, and adding asymmetry to maneuver the metastable point. The results showed that some circuits had little or almost no improvements, while five techniques showed significant improvements by reducing τ and maintaining high tolerance. Three design approaches are proposed to provide variation-tolerant synchronizers. wagging synchronizer proposed to First, the is significantly increase reliability over that of the conventional two flip-flop synchronizer. The robustness of the wagging technique can be enhanced by using robust τ latches or adding one more cycle of synchronization. The second approach is the Metastability Auto-Detection and Correction (MADAC) latch which relies on swiftly detecting a metastable event and correcting it by enforcing the previously stored logic value. This technique significantly reduces the resolution time down from uncertain synchronization technique is proposed to transfer signals between Multiple- Voltage Multiple-Clock Domains (MVD/MCD) that do not require conventional level-shifters between the domains or multiple power supplies within each domain. This interface circuit uses a synchronous set and feedback reset protocol which provides level-shifting and synchronization of all signals between the domains, from a wide range of voltage-supplies and clock frequencies. Overall, synchronizer circuits can tolerate variations to a greater extent by employing the wagging technique or using a MADAC latch, while MUTEX tolerance can suffice with small circuit modifications. Communication between MVD/MCD can be achieved by an asynchronous handshake without a need for adding level-shifters.The Saudi Arabian Embassy in London, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabi

    Voltage stacking for near/sub-threshold operation

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    Robust Circuit Design for Low-Voltage VLSI.

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    Voltage scaling is an effective way to reduce the overall power consumption, but the major challenges in low voltage operations include performance degradation and reliability issues due to PVT variations. This dissertation discusses three key circuit components that are critical in low-voltage VLSI. Level converters must be a reliable interface between two voltage domains, but the reduced on/off-current ratio makes it extremely difficult to achieve robust conversions at low voltages. Two static designs are proposed: LC2 adopts a novel pulsed-operation and modulates its pull-up strength depending on its state. A 3-sigma robustness is guaranteed using a current margin plot; SLC inherently reduces the contention by diode-insertion. Improvements in performance, power, and robustness are measured from 130nm CMOS test chips. SRAM is a major bottleneck in voltage-scaling due to its inherent ratioed-bitcell design. The proposed 7T SRAM alleviates the area overhead incurred by 8T bitcells and provides robust operation down to 0.32V in 180nm CMOS test chips with 3.35fW/bit leakage. Auto-Shut-Off provides a 6.8x READ energy reduction, and its innate Quasi-Static READ has been demonstrated which shows a much improved READ error rate. A use of PMOS Pass-Gate improves the half-select robustness by directly modulating the device strength through bitline voltage. Clocked sequential elements, flip-flops in short, are ubiquitous in today’s digital systems. The proposed S2CFF is static, single-phase, contention-free, and has the same number of devices as in TGFF. It shows a 40% power reduction as well as robust low-voltage operations in fabricated 45nm SOI test chips. Its simple hold-time path and the 3.4x improvement in 3-sigma hold-time is presented. A new on-chip flip-flop testing harness is also proposed, and measured hold-time variations of flip-flops are presented.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111525/1/yejoong_1.pd

    Design and modelling of variability tolerant on-chip communication structures for future high performance system on chip designs

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    The incessant technology scaling has enabled the integration of functionally complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs with a large number of heterogeneous systems on a single chip. The processing elements on these chips are integrated through on-chip communication structures which provide the infrastructure necessary for the exchange of data and control signals, while meeting the strenuous physical and design constraints. The use of vast amounts of on chip communications will be central to future designs where variability is an inherent characteristic. For this reason, in this thesis we investigate the performance and variability tolerance of typical on-chip communication structures. Understanding of the relationship between variability and communication is paramount for the designers; i.e. to devise new methods and techniques for designing performance and power efficient communication circuits in the forefront of challenges presented by deep sub-micron (DSM) technologies. The initial part of this work investigates the impact of device variability due to Random Dopant Fluctuations (RDF) on the timing characteristics of basic communication elements. The characterization data so obtained can be used to estimate the performance and failure probability of simple links through the methodology proposed in this work. For the Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) of larger circuits, a method for accurate estimation of the probability density functions of different circuit parameters is proposed. Moreover, its significance on pipelined circuits is highlighted. Power and area are one of the most important design metrics for any integrated circuit (IC) design. This thesis emphasises the consideration of communication reliability while optimizing for power and area. A methodology has been proposed for the simultaneous optimization of performance, area, power and delay variability for a repeater inserted interconnect. Similarly for multi-bit parallel links, bandwidth driven optimizations have also been performed. Power and area efficient semi-serial links, less vulnerable to delay variations than the corresponding fully parallel links are introduced. Furthermore, due to technology scaling, the coupling noise between the link lines has become an important issue. With ever decreasing supply voltages, and the corresponding reduction in noise margins, severe challenges are introduced for performing timing verification in the presence of variability. For this reason an accurate model for crosstalk noise in an interconnection as a function of time and skew is introduced in this work. This model can be used for the identification of skew condition that gives maximum delay noise, and also for efficient design verification

    Latch-based RISC-V core with popcount instruction for CNN acceleration

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    Energy-efficiency is essential for vast majority of mobile and embedded battery-powered systems. Internet-of-Things paradigm combines requirements for high computational capabilities, extreme energy-efficiency and low-cost. Increasing manufacturing process variations pose formidable challenges for deep-submicron integrated circuit designs. The effects of variation are further exacerbated by lowered voltages in energy-efficient designs. Compared to traditional flip-flop-based design, latch-based design offers area, energy-efficiency and variation tolerance benefits at the cost of increased timing behavior complexity. A method for converting flip-flop-based processor core to latch-based core at register-transfer-level is presented in this work. Convolutional neural networks have enabled image recognition in the field of computer vision at unprecedented accuracy. Performance and memory requirements of canonical convolutional neural networks have been out of reach for low-cost IoT devices. In collaboration with Tampere University, a custom popcount instruction was added to the cores for accelerating IoT optimized vehicle classification convolutional neural network. This work compares simulation results from synthesized flip-flop-based and latch-based versions of a SCR1 RISC-V processor core and the effects of custom instruction for CNN acceleration. The latch core achieved roughly 50\% smaller energy per operation than the flip-flop core and 2.1x speedup was observed in the execution of the CNN when using the custom instruction

    Reliable Low-Power High Performance Spintronic Memories

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    Moores Gesetz folgend, ist es der Chipindustrie in den letzten fĂŒnf Jahrzehnten gelungen, ein explosionsartiges Wachstum zu erreichen. Dies hatte ebenso einen exponentiellen Anstieg der Nachfrage von Speicherkomponenten zur Folge, was wiederum zu speicherlastigen Chips in den heutigen Computersystemen fĂŒhrt. Allerdings stellen traditionelle on-Chip Speichertech- nologien wie Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs), Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs) und Flip-Flops eine Herausforderung in Bezug auf Skalierbarkeit, Verlustleistung und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit dar. Eben jene Herausforderungen und die ĂŒberwĂ€ltigende Nachfrage nach höherer Performanz und Integrationsdichte des on-Chip Speichers motivieren Forscher, nach neuen nichtflĂŒchtigen Speichertechnologien zu suchen. Aufkommende spintronische Spe- ichertechnologien wie Spin Orbit Torque (SOT) und Spin Transfer Torque (STT) erhielten in den letzten Jahren eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit, da sie eine Reihe an Vorteilen bieten. Dazu gehören NichtflĂŒchtigkeit, Skalierbarkeit, hohe BestĂ€ndigkeit, CMOS KompatibilitĂ€t und Unan- fĂ€lligkeit gegenĂŒber Soft-Errors. In der Spintronik reprĂ€sentiert der Spin eines Elektrons dessen Information. Das Datum wird durch die Höhe des Widerstandes gespeichert, welche sich durch das Anlegen eines polarisierten Stroms an das Speichermedium verĂ€ndern lĂ€sst. Das Prob- lem der statischen Leistung gehen die SpeichergerĂ€te sowohl durch deren verlustleistungsfreie Eigenschaft, als auch durch ihr Standard- Aus/Sofort-Ein Verhalten an. Nichtsdestotrotz sind noch andere Probleme, wie die hohe Zugriffslatenz und die Energieaufnahme zu lösen, bevor sie eine verbreitete Anwendung finden können. Um diesen Problemen gerecht zu werden, sind neue Computerparadigmen, -architekturen und -entwurfsphilosophien notwendig. Die hohe Zugriffslatenz der Spintroniktechnologie ist auf eine vergleichsweise lange Schalt- dauer zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, welche die von konventionellem SRAM ĂŒbersteigt. Des Weiteren ist auf Grund des stochastischen Schaltvorgangs der Speicherzelle und des Einflusses der Prozessvari- ation ein nicht zu vernachlĂ€ssigender Zeitraum dafĂŒr erforderlich. In diesem Zeitraum wird ein konstanter Schreibstrom durch die Bitzelle geleitet, um den Schaltvorgang zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Dieser Vorgang verursacht eine hohe Energieaufnahme. FĂŒr die Leseoperation wird gleicher- maßen ein beachtliches Zeitfenster benötigt, ebenfalls bedingt durch den Einfluss der Prozess- variation. Dem gegenĂŒber stehen diverse ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsprobleme. Dazu gehören unter An- derem die Leseintereferenz und andere Degenerationspobleme, wie das des Time Dependent Di- electric Breakdowns (TDDB). Diese ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsprobleme sind wiederum auf die benötigten lĂ€ngeren Schaltzeiten zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, welche in der Folge auch einen ĂŒber lĂ€ngere Zeit an- liegenden Lese- bzw. Schreibstrom implizieren. Es ist daher notwendig, sowohl die Energie, als auch die Latenz zur Steigerung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit zu reduzieren, um daraus einen potenziellen Kandidaten fĂŒr ein on-Chip Speichersystem zu machen. In dieser Dissertation werden wir Entwurfsstrategien vorstellen, welche das Ziel verfolgen, die Herausforderungen des Cache-, Register- und Flip-Flop-Entwurfs anzugehen. Dies erre- ichen wir unter Zuhilfenahme eines Cross-Layer Ansatzes. FĂŒr Caches entwickelten wir ver- schiedene AnsĂ€tze auf Schaltkreisebene, welche sowohl auf der Speicherarchitekturebene, als auch auf der Systemebene in Bezug auf Energieaufnahme, Performanzsteigerung und Zuver- lĂ€ssigkeitverbesserung evaluiert werden. Wir entwickeln eine Selbstabschalttechnik, sowohl fĂŒr die Lese-, als auch die Schreiboperation von Caches. Diese ist in der Lage, den Abschluss der entsprechenden Operation dynamisch zu ermitteln. Nachdem der Abschluss erkannt wurde, wird die Lese- bzw. Schreiboperation sofort gestoppt, um Energie zu sparen. ZusĂ€tzlich limitiert die Selbstabschalttechnik die Dauer des Stromflusses durch die Speicherzelle, was wiederum das Auftreten von TDDB und Leseinterferenz bei Schreib- bzw. Leseoperationen re- duziert. Zur Verbesserung der Schreiblatenz heben wir den Schreibstrom an der Bitzelle an, um den magnetischen Schaltprozess zu beschleunigen. Um registerbankspezifische Anforderungen zu berĂŒcksichtigen, haben wir zusĂ€tzlich eine Multiport-Speicherarchitektur entworfen, welche eine einzigartige Eigenschaft der SOT-Zelle ausnutzt, um simultan Lese- und Schreiboperatio- nen auszufĂŒhren. Es ist daher möglich Lese/Schreib- Konfilkte auf Bitzellen-Ebene zu lösen, was sich wiederum in einer sehr viel einfacheren Multiport- Registerbankarchitektur nieder- schlĂ€gt. ZusĂ€tzlich zu den SpeicheransĂ€tzen haben wir ebenfalls zwei Flip-Flop-Architekturen vorgestellt. Die erste ist eine nichtflĂŒchtige non-Shadow Flip-Flop-Architektur, welche die Speicherzelle als aktive Komponente nutzt. Dies ermöglicht das sofortige An- und Ausschalten der Versorgungss- pannung und ist daher besonders gut fĂŒr aggressives Powergating geeignet. Alles in Allem zeigt der vorgestellte Flip-Flop-Entwurf eine Ă€hnliche Timing-Charakteristik wie die konventioneller CMOS Flip-Flops auf. Jedoch erlaubt er zur selben Zeit eine signifikante Reduktion der statis- chen Leistungsaufnahme im Vergleich zu nichtflĂŒchtigen Shadow- Flip-Flops. Die zweite ist eine fehlertolerante Flip-Flop-Architektur, welche sich unanfĂ€llig gegenĂŒber diversen Defekten und Fehlern verhĂ€lt. Die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit aller vorgestellten Techniken wird durch ausfĂŒhrliche Simulationen auf Schaltkreisebene verdeutlicht, welche weiter durch detaillierte Evaluationen auf Systemebene untermauert werden. Im Allgemeinen konnten wir verschiedene Techniken en- twickeln, die erhebliche Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Performanz, Energie und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von spintronischen on-Chip Speichern, wie Caches, Register und Flip-Flops erreichen

    inSense: A Variation and Fault Tolerant Architecture for Nanoscale Devices

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    Transistor technology scaling has been the driving force in improving the size, speed, and power consumption of digital systems. As devices approach atomic size, however, their reliability and performance are increasingly compromised due to reduced noise margins, difficulties in fabrication, and emergent nano-scale phenomena. Scaled CMOS devices, in particular, suffer from process variations such as random dopant fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER), transistor degradation mechanisms such as negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot-carrier injection (HCI), and increased sensitivity to single event upsets (SEUs). Consequently, future devices may exhibit reduced performance, diminished lifetimes, and poor reliability. This research proposes a variation and fault tolerant architecture, the inSense architecture, as a circuit-level solution to the problems induced by the aforementioned phenomena. The inSense architecture entails augmenting circuits with introspective and sensory capabilities which are able to dynamically detect and compensate for process variations, transistor degradation, and soft errors. This approach creates ``smart\u27\u27 circuits able to function despite the use of unreliable devices and is applicable to current CMOS technology as well as next-generation devices using new materials and structures. Furthermore, this work presents an automated prototype implementation of the inSense architecture targeted to CMOS devices and is evaluated via implementation in ISCAS \u2785 benchmark circuits. The automated prototype implementation is functionally verified and characterized: it is found that error detection capability (with error windows from ≈\approx30-400ps) can be added for less than 2\% area overhead for circuits of non-trivial complexity. Single event transient (SET) detection capability (configurable with target set-points) is found to be functional, although it generally tracks the standard DMR implementation with respect to overheads

    Adiabatic Approach for Low-Power Passive Near Field Communication Systems

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    This thesis tackles the need of ultra-low power electronics in the power limited passive Near Field Communication (NFC) systems. One of the techniques that has proven the potential of delivering low power operation is the Adiabatic Logic Technique. However, the low power benefits of the adiabatic circuits come with the challenges due to the absence of single opinion on the most energy efficient adiabatic logic family which constitute appropriate trade-offs between computation time, area and complexity based on the circuit and the power-clocking schemes. Therefore, five energy efficient adiabatic logic families working in single-phase, 2-phase and 4-phase power-clocking schemes were chosen. Since flip-flops are the basic building blocks of any sequential circuit and the existing flip-flops are MUX-based (having more transistors) design, therefore a novel single-phase, 2-phase and 4-phase reset based flip-flops were proposed. The performance of the multi-phase adiabatic families was evaluated and compared based on the design examples such as 2-bit ring counter, 3-bit Up-Down counter and 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) circuit (benchmark circuit) based on ISO 14443-3A standard. Several trade-offs, design rules, and an appropriate range for the supply voltage scaling for multi-phase adiabatic logic are proposed. Furthermore, based on the NFC standard (ISO 14443-3A), data is frequently encoded using Manchester coding technique before transmitting it to the reader. Therefore, if Manchester encoding can be implemented using adiabatic logic technique, energy benefits are expected. However, adiabatic implementation of Manchester encoding presents a challenge. Therefore, a novel method for implementing Manchester encoding using adiabatic logic is proposed overcoming the challenges arising due to the AC power-clock. Other challenges that come with the dynamic nature of the adiabatic gates and the complexity of the 4-phase power-clocking scheme is in synchronizing the power-clock v phases and the time spent in designing, validation and debugging of errors. This requires a specific modelling approach to describe the adiabatic logic behaviour at the higher level of abstraction. However, describing adiabatic logic behaviour using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) is a challenging problem due to the requirement of modelling the AC power-clock and the dual-rail inputs and outputs. Therefore, a VHDL-based modelling approach for the 4-phase adiabatic logic technique is developed for functional simulation, precise timing analysis and as an improvement over the previously described approaches
