39 research outputs found

    Communication Protocol Design Considerations For Highway Vehicle Platoons And Enhanced Networked Robustness By Stochastic Dithers

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    Highway platooning of vehicles has been identified as a promising framework in developing intelligent transportation systems. By autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle control and inter-vehicle coordination, an appropriately managed platoon can potentially offer enhanced safety, improved highway utility, increased fuel economy, and reduced emission. This thesis is focused on quantitative characterization of impact of communication information structures and contents on platoon safety. By comparing different information structures which combine front sensors, rear sensors, and wireless communication channels, and different information contents such as distances, speeds, and drivers\u27 actions, we reveal a number of intrinsic relationships between vehicle coordination and communications in platoons. Typical communication standards and related communication latency and package loss are used as benchmark cases in our study. These findings provide useful guidelines for information harmonization module (IHM) design in sensor selections, communication resource allocations, and vehicle coordination. Two new weighted multi-information structure control and information data rate control are proposed. Both control methods have been validated by experimental simulation and finite element analysis, and also show a surprising improvement of communication resources usage with data rate control. The results for the proposed module are new in the literature for vehicle platoon control. A new method is introduced to enhance feedback robustness against communication gain uncertainties. The method employs a fundamental property in stochastic differential equations to add a scaled stochastic dither under which tolerable gain uncertainties can be much enlarged, beyond the traditional deterministic optimal gain margin. Algorithms, stability, convergence, and robustness are presented for first-order systems. Extension to higher-dimensional systems is further discussed. Simulation results are used to illustrate the merits of this methodology

    Cognitive Vehicle Platooning in the Era of Automated Electric Transportation

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    Vehicle platooning is an important innovation in the automotive industry that aims at improving safety, mileage, efficiency, and the time needed to travel. This research focuses on the various aspects of vehicle platooning, one of the important aspects being analysis of different control strategies that lead to a stable and robust platoon. Safety of passengers being a very important consideration, the control design should be such that the controller remains robust under uncertain environments. As a part of the Department of Energy (DOE) project, this research also tries to show a demonstration of vehicle platooning using robots. In an automated highway scenario, a vehicle platoon can be thought of as a string of vehicles, following one another as a platoon. Being equipped by wireless communication capabilities, these vehicles communicate with one another to maintain their formation as a platoon, hence are cognitive. Autonomous capable vehicles in tightly spaced, computer-controlled platoons will lead to savings in energy due to reduced aerodynamic forces, as well as increased passenger comfort since there will be no sudden accelerations or decelerations. Impacts in the occurrence of collisions, if any, will be very low. The greatest benefit obtained is, however, an increase in highway capacity, along with reduction in traffic congestion, pollution, and energy consumption. Another aspect of this project is the automated electric transportation (AET). This aims at providing energy directly to vehicles from electric highways, thus reducing their energy consumption and CO2 emission. By eliminating the use of overhead wires, infrastructure can be upgraded by electrifying highways and providing energy on demand and in real time to moving vehicles via a wireless energy transfer phenomenon known as wireless inductive coupling. The work done in this research will help to gain an insight into vehicle platooning and the control system related to maintaining the vehicles in this formation

    Wireless Communication Technologies for Safe Cooperative Cyber Physical Systems

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    Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems (Co-CPSs) can be enabled using wireless communication technologies, which in principle should address reliability and safety challenges. Safety for Co-CPS enabled by wireless communication technologies is a crucial aspect and requires new dedicated design approaches. In this paper, we provide an overview of five Co-CPS use cases, as introduced in our SafeCOP EU project, and analyze their safety design requirements. Next, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the main existing wireless communication technologies giving details about the protocols developed within particular standardization bodies. We also investigate to what extent they address the non-functional requirements in terms of safety, security and real time, in the different application domains of each use case. Finally, we discuss general recommendations about the use of different wireless communication technologies showing their potentials in the selected real-world use cases. The discussion is provided under consideration in the 5G standardization process within 3GPP, whose current efforts are inline to current gaps in wireless communications protocols for Co-CPSs including many future use casesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information Theory and Cooperative Control in Networked Multi-Agent Systems with Applications to Smart Grid

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    This dissertation focuses on information theoretic aspects of and cooperative control techniques in networked multi-agent systems (NMAS) with communication constraints. In the first part of the dissertation, information theoretic limitations of tracking problems in networked control systems, especially leader-follower systems with communication constraints, are studied. Necessary conditions on the data rate of each communication link for tracking of the leader-follower systems are provided. By considering the forward and feedback channels as one cascade channel, we also provide a lower bound for the data rate of the cascade channel for the system to track a reference signal such that the tracking error has finite second moment. Finally, the aforementioned results are extended to the case in which the leader system and follower system have different system models. In the second part, we propose an easily scalable hierarchical decision-making and control architecture for smart grid with communication constraints in which distributed customers equipped with renewable distributed generation (RDG) interact and trade energy in the grid. We introduce the key components and their interactions in the proposed control architecture and discuss the design of distributed controllers which deal with short-term and long-term grid stability, power load balancing and energy routing. At microgrid level, under the assumption of user cooperation and inter-user communications, we propose a distributed networked control strategy to solve the demand-side management problem in microgrids. Moreover, by considering communication delays between users and microgrid central controller, we propose a distributed networked control strategy with prediction to solve the demand-side management problem with communication delays. In the third part, we consider the disturbance attenuation and stabilization problem in networked control systems. To be specific, we consider the string stability in a large group of interconnected systems over a communication network. Its potential applications could be found in formation tracking control in groups of robots, as well as uncertainty reduction and disturbance attenuation in smart grid. We propose a leader-following consensus protocol for such interconnected systems and derive the sufficient conditions, in terms of communication topology and control parameters, for string stability. Simulation results and performance in terms of disturbance propagation are also given. In the fourth part, we consider distributed tracking and consensus in networked multi-agent systems with noisy time-varying graphs and incomplete data. In particular, a distributed tracking with consensus algorithm is developed for the space-object tracking with a satellite surveillance network. We also intend to investigate the possible application of such methods in smart grid networks. Later, conditions for achieving distributed consensus are discussed and the rate of convergence is quantified for noisy time-varying graphs with incomplete data. We also provide detailed simulation results and performance comparison of the proposed distributed tracking with consensus algorithm in the case of space-object tracking problem and that of distributed local Kalman filtering with centralized fusion and centralized Kalman filter. The information theoretic limitations developed in the first part of this dissertation provide guildlines for design and analysis of tracking problems in networked control systems. The results reveal the mutual interaction and joint application of information theory and control theory in networked control systems. Second, the proposed architectures and approaches enable scalability in smart grid design and allow resource pooling among distributed energy resources (DER) so that the grid stability and optimality is maintained. The proposed distributed networked control strategy with prediction provides an approach for cooperative control at RDG-equipped customers within a self-contained microgrid with different feedback delays. Our string stability analysis in the third part of this dissertation allows a single networked control system to be extended to a large group of interconnected subsystems while system stability is still maintained. It also reveals the disturbance propagation through the network and the effect of disturbance in one subsystem on other subsystems. The proposed leader-following consensus protocol in the constrained communication among users reveals the effect of communication in stabilization of networked control systems and the interaction between communication and control over a network. Finally, the distributed tracking and consensus in networked multi-agent systems problem shows that information sharing among users improves the quality of local estimates and helps avoid conflicting and inefficient distributed decisions. It also reveals the effect of the graph topologies and incomplete node measurements on the speed of achieving distributed decision and final consensus accuracy

    Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks: Survey and Research Challenges

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    A Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a type of wireless ad hoc network that facilitates ubiquitous connectivity between vehicles in the absence of fixed infrastructure. Mul ti-hop routing and beaconing approaches are two important research challenges in high mobility vehicular networks. Routing protocols are divided into two categories of topology-based and position-based routing protocols. In this article, we perform a comparative study among the existing routing solutions, which explores the main advantages and drawbacks behind their design. After implementing the representatives of geographical and topology routing protocols, we analyze the simulation results and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these routing protocols with regard to their suitability to vehicular networks. Lastly, we discuss the open issues and research directions related to VANET routing protocols.Ghafoor, KZ.; Mohammed, M.; Lloret, J.; Abu Bakar, K.; Zainuddin, ZM. (2013). Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks: Survey and Research Challenges. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 5(4):39-83. doi:10.5296/npa.v5i4.4134S39835

    Topics in Distributed Algorithms: On Wireless Networks, Distributed Storage and Streaming

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    Distributed algorithms are executed on a set of computational instances. Werefer to these instances as nodes. Nodes are runningconcurrently and are independent from each other. Furthermore, they have their own instructions and information. In this context, the challenges are to show thatthe algorithm is correct, regardless of computational, or communication delaysand to show bounds on the usage of communication.We are especially interested the behaviour after transient faults and underthe existence of Byzantine nodes.This thesis discusses fundamental communication models for distributed algorithms. These models are implementing abstract communication methods. First, we address medium access control for a wireless medium with guaranteeson the communication delay. We discuss time division multiple access(TDMA) protocols for ad-hoc networks and we introduce an algorithm that creates aTDMA schedule without using external references for localisation, or time. We justify our algorithm by experimental results.The second topic is the emulation of shared memory on message passingnetworks. Both, shared memory and message passing are basic interprocessorcommunication models for distributed algorithms. We are providing a way ofemulating shared memory on top of an existing message passing network underthe presence of data corruption and stop-failed nodes. Additionally, we ensurethe privacy of the data that is stored in the shared memory. The third topic looks into streaming algorithms and optimisation. We study the problem of sorting a stream ofvehicles on a highway with severallanes so that each vehicle reaches its target lane. We look into optimality interms of minimising the number of move operations, as well as, minimising the length of the output stream. We present an exact algorithm for the case oftwo lanes and show that NP-Hardness for a increasing number of lanes

    Predictable Reliability In Inter-Vehicle Communications

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    Predictably reliable communication in wireless networked sensing and control systems (WSC) is a basic enabler for performance guarantee. Yet current research efforts are either focus on maximizing throughput or based on inaccurate interference modelling methods, which yield unsatisfactory results in terms of communication reliability. In this dissertation, we discuss techniques that enable reliable communication in both traditional wireless sensor networks and highly mobile inter-vehicle communication networks. We focus our discussion on traditional wireless sensor networks in Chapter 2 where we discuss mechanisms that enable predictable and reliable communications with no centralized infrastructures. With the promising results in Chapter 2, we extend our methods to inter-vehicle communication networks in Chapter 3. We focus on the broadcast communication paradigm and the unique challenges in applying the PRK interference model into broadcast problems in highly mobile inter-vehicle communication networks. While Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 focus on average reliability, we switch our problem to a more challenging aspect: guaranteeing short-term per-packet reception probability in Chapter 4. Specifically, we describe the PRKS protocol in Chapter 2 which considers unicast transmission paradigm in traditional static wireless sensor networks. PRKS uses the PRK interference model as a basis for interference relation identification that captures characteristics of wireless communications. For communication reliability control, we design a controller that runs at each link receiver and is able to control the average link reliability to be no lower than an application requirement as well as minimizing reliability variation. We further evaluate PRKS with extensive ns-3 simulations. The CPS protocol described in Chapter 3 considers an one-hop broadcast problem in multi-hop inter-vehicle communication networks. We analyze the challenges of applying the PRK model in this particular setting and propose an approximated PRK model, i.e., gPRK model, that addresses the challenges. We further design principles that CPS uses to instantiate the gPRK model in inter-vehicle communications. We implement the CPS scheduling framework in an integrated platform with SUMO and ns-3 to evaluate our design. In Chapter 4, we conservatively estimate the background interference plus noise while nodes are receiving packets. In the meantime, receivers decide minimum power levels their sender should use and feedback their decisions to their senders. Senders fuse feedbacks and choose a power level that guarantees expected packet reception probability at each receivers’ side. We notice in our evaluation that guaranteeing short-term reliability causes extra concurrency loss

    Predictable Reliability In Inter-Vehicle Communications

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    Predictably reliable communication in wireless networked sensing and control systems (WSC) is a basic enabler for performance guarantee. Yet current research efforts are either focus on maximizing throughput or based on inaccurate interference modelling methods, which yield unsatisfactory results in terms of communication reliability. In this dissertation, we discuss techniques that enable reliable communication in both traditional wireless sensor networks and highly mobile inter-vehicle communication networks. We focus our discussion on traditional wireless sensor networks in Chapter 2 where we discuss mechanisms that enable predictable and reliable communications with no centralized infrastructures. With the promising results in Chapter 2, we extend our methods to inter-vehicle communication networks in Chapter 3. We focus on the broadcast communication paradigm and the unique challenges in applying the PRK interference model into broadcast problems in highly mobile inter-vehicle communication networks. While Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 focus on average reliability, we switch our problem to a more challenging aspect: guaranteeing short-term per-packet reception probability in Chapter 4. Specifically, we describe the PRKS protocol in Chapter 2 which considers unicast transmission paradigm in traditional static wireless sensor networks. PRKS uses the PRK interference model as a basis for interference relation identification that captures characteristics of wireless communications. For communication reliability control, we design a controller that runs at each link receiver and is able to control the average link reliability to be no lower than an application requirement as well as minimizing reliability variation. We further evaluate PRKS with extensive ns-3 simulations. The CPS protocol described in Chapter 3 considers an one-hop broadcast problem in multi-hop inter-vehicle communication networks. We analyze the challenges of applying the PRK model in this particular setting and propose an approximated PRK model, i.e., gPRK model, that addresses the challenges. We further design principles that CPS uses to instantiate the gPRK model in inter-vehicle communications. We implement the CPS scheduling framework in an integrated platform with SUMO and ns-3 to evaluate our design. In Chapter 4, we conservatively estimate the background interference plus noise while nodes are receiving packets. In the meantime, receivers decide minimum power levels their sender should use and feedback their decisions to their senders. Senders fuse feedbacks and choose a power level that guarantees expected packet reception probability at each receivers’ side. We notice in our evaluation that guaranteeing short-term reliability causes extra concurrency loss

    Data privacy threat modelling for autonomous systems: a survey from the GDPR’s perspective

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    Artificial Intelligence-based applications have been increasingly deployed in every field of life including smart homes, smart cities, healthcare services, and autonomous systems where personal data is collected across heterogeneous sources and processed using ”black-box” algorithms in opaque centralised servers. As a consequence, preserving the data privacy and security of these applications is of utmost importance. In this respect, a modelling technique for identifying potential data privacy threats and specifying countermeasures to mitigate the related vulnerabilities in such AI-based systems plays a significant role in preserving and securing personal data. Various threat modelling techniques have been proposed such as STRIDE, LINDDUN, and PASTA but none of them is sufficient to model the data privacy threats in autonomous systems. Furthermore, they are not designed to model compliance with data protection legislation like the EU/UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is fundamental to protecting data owners' privacy as well as to preventing personal data from potential privacy-related attacks. In this article, we survey the existing threat modelling techniques for data privacy threats in autonomous systems and then analyse such techniques from the viewpoint of GDPR compliance. Following the analysis, We employ STRIDE and LINDDUN in autonomous cars, a specific use-case of autonomous systems, to scrutinise the challenges and gaps of the existing techniques when modelling data privacy threats. Prospective research directions for refining data privacy threats & GDPR-compliance modelling techniques for autonomous systems are also presented