24 research outputs found

    Origin of Charge Separation at Organic Photovoltaic Heterojunctions: A Mesoscale Quantum Mechanical View

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    The high efficiency of charge generation within organic photovoltaic blends apparently contrasts with the strong “classical” attraction between newly formed electron–hole pairs. Several factors have been identified as possible facilitators of charge dissociation, such as quantum mechanical coherence and delocalization, structural and energetic disorder, built-in electric fields, and nanoscale intermixing of the donor and acceptor components of the blends. Our mesoscale quantum-chemical model allows an unbiased assessment of their relative importance, through excited-state calculations on systems containing thousands of donor and acceptor sites. The results on several model heterojunctions confirm that the classical model severely overestimates the binding energy of the electron–hole pairs, produced by vertical excitation from the electronic ground state. Using physically sensible parameters for the individual materials, we find that the quantum mechanical energy difference between the lowest interfacial charge transfer states and the fully separated electron and hole is of the order of the thermal energy

    Analyzing dynamical disorder for charge transport in organic semiconductors via machine learning

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    Organic semiconductors are indispensable for today's display technologies in form of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and further optoelectronic applications. However, organic materials do not reach the same charge carrier mobility as inorganic semiconductors, limiting the efficiency of devices. To find or even design new organic semiconductors with higher charge carrier mobility, computational approaches, in particular multiscale models, are becoming increasingly important. However, such models are computationally very costly, especially when large systems and long time scales are required, which is the case to compute static and dynamic energy disorder, i.e. dominant factor to determine charge transport. Here we overcome this drawback by integrating machine learning models into multiscale simulations. This allows us to obtain unprecedented insight into relevant microscopic materials properties, in particular static and dynamic disorder contributions for a series of application-relevant molecules. We find that static disorder and thus the distribution of shallow traps is highly asymmetrical for many materials, impacting widely considered Gaussian disorder models. We furthermore analyse characteristic energy level fluctuation times and compare them to typical hopping rates to evaluate the importance of dynamic disorder for charge transport. We hope that our findings will significantly improve the accuracy of computational methods used to predict application relevant materials properties of organic semiconductors, and thus make these methods applicable for virtual materials design

    Analyzing Dynamical Disorder for Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors via Machine Learning

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    Organic semiconductors are indispensable for today’s display technologies in the form of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and further optoelectronic applications. However, organic materials do not reach the same charge carrier mobility as inorganic semiconductors, limiting the efficiency of devices. To find or even design new organic semiconductors with higher charge carrier mobility, computational approaches, in particular multiscale models, are becoming increasingly important. However, such models are computationally very costly, especially when large systems and long timescales are required, which is the case to compute static and dynamic energy disorder, i.e., the dominant factor to determine charge transport. Here, we overcome this drawback by integrating machine learning models into multiscale simulations. This allows us to obtain unprecedented insight into relevant microscopic materials properties, in particular static and dynamic disorder contributions for a series of application-relevant molecules. We find that static disorder and thus the distribution of shallow traps are highly asymmetrical for many materials, impacting widely considered Gaussian disorder models. We furthermore analyze characteristic energy level fluctuation times and compare them to typical hopping rates to evaluate the importance of dynamic disorder for charge transport. We hope that our findings will significantly improve the accuracy of computational methods used to predict application-relevant materials properties of organic semiconductors and thus make these methods applicable for virtual materials design

    Intrinsic efficiency limits in low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor organic solar cells

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    In bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cells (OSCs) both the electron affinity (EA) and ionization energy (IE) offsets at the donor–acceptor interface should equally control exciton dissociation. Here, we demonstrate that in low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) BHJs ultrafast donor-to-acceptor energy transfer precedes hole transfer from the acceptor to the donor and thus renders the EA offset virtually unimportant. Moreover, sizeable bulk IE offsets of about 0.5 eV are needed for efficient charge transfer and high internal quantum efficiencies, since energy level bending at the donor–NFA interface caused by the acceptors’ quadrupole moments prevents efficient exciton-to-charge-transfer state conversion at low IE offsets. The same bending, however, is the origin of the barrier-less charge transfer state to free charge conversion. Our results provide a comprehensive picture of the photophysics of NFA-based blends, and show that sizeable bulk IE offsets are essential to design efficient BHJ OSCs based on low-bandgap NFAs

    Understanding the open circuit voltage in organic solar cells on the basis of a donor-acceptor abrupt (p-n++) heterojunction

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    By using electrical characterization and classical solid state semiconductor device theory, we demonstrate that the open circuit voltage (V oc ) in organic solar cells based on non-intentional doped semiconductors is fundamentally limited by the built-in potential (V bi ) originated at a donor-acceptor abrupt (p-n ++ ) heterojunction in case of selective contacts. Our analysis is validated using P3HT:PCBM devices fabricated in our research group. We also demonstrate that such a result can be generalized using data already reported in literature for fullerene-based solar cells. Finally, we show that the dependence of V oc on the device contacts can be understood in terms of the potential barriers formed by the Fermi level alignment of semiconductors at the heterojunction and at the Schottky junctions

    On the molecular origin of charge separation at the donor-acceptor interface

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    C.R. thanks the University of Kentucky Vice President for Research and the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research (Award No. N00014-16-1-2985) for support. V.C. thanks the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research (Awards Nos. N00014-14-1-0580 and N00014-16-1-2520) for support. M.S. and D.D. acknowledge funding by the German Science Foundation through the SPP 1355 “Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics.” The research data supporting this paper can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.17630/a6935caf-f7ed-48b2-b131-68ae72a26629.Fullerene-based acceptors have dominated organic solar cells for almost two decades. It is only within the last few years that alternative acceptors rival their dominance, introducing much more flexibility in the optoelectronic properties of these material blends. However, a fundamental physical understanding of the processes that drive charge separation at organic heterojunctions is still missing but urgently needed to direct further material improvements. Here we use a combined experimental and theoretical approach to understand the intimate mechanisms by which molecular structure contributes to exciton dissociation, charge separation, and charge recombination at the donor-acceptor (D-A) interface. We use model systems comprised of polythiophene-based donor and rylene diimide-based acceptor polymers and perform a detailed density functional theory (DFT) investigation. The results point to the roles that geometric deformations and direct-contact intermolecular polarization play in establishing a driving force (energy gradient) for the optoelectronic processes taking place at the interface. A substantial impact for this driving force is found to stem from polymer deformations at the interface, a finding that can clearly lead to new design approaches in the development of the next generation of conjugated polymers and small molecules.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Investigation of Trap States in Organic Semiconductors for Organic Solar Cells Applications

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    Energy is an essential resource for supporting everyday life and economic development. Among numerous approaches which people use to collect energy, photovoltaics stands out for two factors: it allows to obtain electricity by exploiting an abundant source of solar energy and it does it in an environmentally friendly way. In recent years, the development of organic solar cells gained a large interest as this technology offers low-cost, light-weight and flexible devices. Moreover, in contrast to inorganic semiconductors, organics offers a variety of materials with optoelectronic properties tailored in a wide range. To further increase the solar cell efficiency, it is important to study charge-carrier transport, that is strongly influenced by the presence of trap states. Organic semiconductors are particularly prone to the formation of such states due to the weak attraction between molecules. No investigation of trap states has been done for oligothiophenes so far in spite of their excellent performance in organic solar cells. In this work, the blend of the dicyanovinyl end-capped oligothiophene DCV5T-Me and C60 is studied on the presence of trap states. This material showed high efficiencies in vacuum-processed small-molecule organic solar cells with a PCE of the best single-junction cell of 8.3% and a fill factor (FF) of 65.8%. The traps are investigated by using impedance spectroscopy (IS) and thermally stimulated currents (TSC) measurements. The blend DCV5T-Me:C60 (2:1, 80°C) contains two types of electron and a set of hole trap states. A deep Gaussian distributed electron trap at 470 meV (with respect to the transport level) is observed in the blend by IS measurements. Its origin is attributed to the distortion of the natural morphology in the C60 phase due to the intermixing of donor and acceptor molecules. Moreover, a shallow Gaussian distributed electron trap at 100 meV (with respect to the transport level) is observed in neat C60 by IS measurements. Finally, a distribution of shallow trap states with depth below 200 meV (with respect to the transport level) and overall trap density of Nt > 8.7E+16 cm^−3 is indicated in the blend by TSC measurements. The majority of these defects is attributed to hole trap states in the DCV5T-Me phase. The deep electron traps at 470 meV reduce the free charge carrier density and act as recombination centers, leading to trap-assisted recombination. According to drift-diffusion simulations, these deep traps lead to the relative reduction of FF of about 10%. The hole trap states in DCV5T-Me can explain a reduced hole mobility of ÎŒh=7E−5 cm^2/(Vs), which is limiting for the solar cell performance as it is two orders of magnitude lower than the electron mobility