5 research outputs found

    An Architecture Approach for 3D Render Distribution using Mobile Devices in Real Time

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    Nowadays, video games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) have become cultural mediators. Mobile games contribute to a large number of downloads and potential benefits in the applications market. Although processing power of mobile devices increases the bandwidth transmission, a poor network connectivity may bottleneck Gaming as a Service (GaaS). In order to enhance performance in digital ecosystem, processing tasks are distributed among thin client devices and robust servers. This research is based on the method ‘divide and rule’, that is, volumetric surfaces are subdivided using a tree-KD of sequence of scenes in a game, so reducing the surface into small sets of points. Reconstruction efficiency is improved, because the search of data is performed in local and small regions. Processes are modeled through a finite set of states that are built using Hidden Markov Models with domains configured by heuristics. Six test that control the states of each heuristic, including the number of intervals are carried out to validate the proposed model. This validation concludes that the proposed model optimizes response frames per second, in a sequence of interactions

    Propuesta arquitectural para la interoperabilidad entre sistemas multiagente y mundos virtuales 3D

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    El término Web 3D hace referencia a lenguajes de programación, protocolos, formatos de archivos y tecnologías utilizadas para la creación y presentación de universos tridimensionales interactivos a través de Internet. Por medio de interfaces tridimensionales se logra una aproximación a la realidad virtual, permitiendo la creación de escenarios de simulación, que facilitan la interacción de los seres humanos con ambientes de aprendizaje enriquecidos similares al mundo real. Sin embargo, un entorno grafico llamativo en sí, no garantiza el aprendizaje efectivo, se necesita un seguimiento, evaluación y retroalimentación. Por lo tanto, se propone la integración de entornos tridimensionales con sistemas multi-agentes, que permitan personalizar elproceso de aprendizaje a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, organizar y distribuir contenidos de manera eficiente y apoyar reflexiones de los estudiantes sobre su aprendizaje. Diferentes estudios han realizado implementaciones específicas de agentes en mundos virtuales a través de lenguajes de marcas de hipertexto; sin embargo, los modelos propuestos no permiten implementaciones de propósito general. Nuestro modelo dearquitectura integra los comportamientos de los sistemas multi-agente y los mundos virtuales 3D. La validación se realizó a través de una aplicación que integra Java Development Framework Agent desarrollado por Telecom Italia Lab y OpenSimulator

    Is it worthwhile going immersive? : evaluating the performance of virtual simulated stores for shopper research : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2020 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesAdvances in simulation technology offer the possibility of more authentic shopper environments for virtual store experiments. Criticisms of subjective measures of consumer behavior previously led to the use of test markets or simulated stores for consumer experimental research. As cost implications made such experiments unavailable to the wider market research community, virtual simulated stores (VSSs) were developed as an alternative. However, the adoption of VSSs has been slow as traditional desktop-operated VSSs do not provide an authentic multicategory shopper experience. New simulation technologies offer the opportunity for more immersive and authentic VSS environments. Yet there has been little research on how authenticity of VSSs is impacted by newly available technology such as head-mounted displays, motion tracking, force feedback controllers, and application of place and plausibility cues. Thus, this dissertation asks whether immersive technologies have potential to provide highly authentic VSS environments. Of the many factors that may determine authenticity, this dissertation examines three; participants’ sense of telepresence, the realism of shopper behaviour, and the effects of shopper locomotion alternatives. An immersive VSS incorporating new virtual technologies was specifically designed and built for this research. Three studies were undertaken. The first compared perceived telepresence and usability between a desktop-operated VSS and an equivalent immersive walk-around VSS. The second examined the authenticity of shopper behaviour in the immersive walk-around VSS by comparing observed shopping patterns to those previously reported in the marketing literature. The third tested whether walk-around locomotion was necessary for authenticity, or whether a simpler teleportation method would result in equivalent shopper behaviour and emotions. Results showed that immersive VSS systems are preferable to traditional desktop-operated systems with regards to telepresence and usability. Further, authentic behavioural patterns can be found in immersive walk-around store experiments, including plausibility of private label shares, pack inspection times, shelf-height effects and impulse purchases. Lastly, there were no differences in shopper emotions and purchase behaviour between walk-around locomotion and controller-based instant teleportation, implying that the teleportation technique can be used, thereby reducing the required physical footprint for immersive VSS simulations. Collectively, the findings imply that marketers who study in-store shopper behavior can be confident using immersive VSS for their research as opposed to outdated desktop VSS technology

    An exploration of virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety

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    The first part of this thesis was a meta-analysis examining the efficacy of virtual reality exposure The first part of this thesis was a meta-analysis examining the efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) for social anxiety. Effect sizes suggested that VRET was more effective than waiting list controls, and at least as effective as traditional therapeutic interventions. Some concerns were identified with regards to potential for bias. It was also noted that VRET involved the individual viewing a virtual reality (VR) scenario from a first-person perspective. As a recent study has investigated the use of third-person VR doppelgängers for public-speaking anxiety (PSA), this was identified as a key area of further research for the thesis to address. Some research has suggested that individuals who struggle to form vivid mental imagery (MI) are more likely to experience high levels of social anxiety, and may not benefit from visualisation techniques used in therapy. The next part of the thesis found that MI ability was a significant predictor of PSA. Five students with high PSA and low MI were then invited to engage in an enhanced version of the VR doppelgänger intervention, in order to examine the feasibility of incorporating this into the undergraduate psychology programme. The study suggested that the intervention could feasibly be rolled out as part of the course. Participants reported that they struggled with a standard visualisation script due to difficulties associated with MI, but the VR intervention compensated for this. They also discussed noticing significant improvements outside of the VR sessions, and that they felt safe and present in the simulation. A decline in PSA was recorded over time for all participants. The thesis concludes with a review of the theoretical implications of these findings and provides some suggestions for future research, before outlining the implications for clinical practice

    Brand placement en videojuegos con y sin realidad virtual: eficacia en el consumidor adolescente

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    El veloz desarrollo de la tecnología ha propiciado cambios en la forma EN QUE SE comunican no solo los individuos, sino también las empresas. Un claro ejemplo es la publicidad, que ha tenido que acudir a estrategias menos tradicionales. Es el caso del brand placement (BPL), una estrategia publicitaria poco convencional que consiste en emplazar marcas de manera integrada y poco intrusiva en contextos no propios de la publicidad. Aunque se originó en el cine, actualmente su uso se ha extendido a otros medios, como los videojuegos, donde la presencia de marcas es cada vez más notoria. Se trata de un sector en auge a nivel mundial, europeo y español, y una novedosa forma de entretenimiento, lo que lo convierte en un vehículo excelente para que las marcas lleguen a sus audiencias objetivo. Hasta la fecha, los estudios del BPL en videojuegos se han centrado en adultos pero, en esta tesis doctoral, se analizan los efectos de esta estrategia sobre adolescentes por ser principales usuarios de videojuegos. Asimismo, se contempla como valor adicional la influencia de la tecnología de Realidad Virtual (VR) en smartphones como dispositivo de juego. El objetivo principal es, por tanto, conocer las consecuencias, en términos de eficacia publicitaria, del BPL en videojuegos con adolescentes. Las variables objeto de estudio (recuerdo y reconocimiento de marca, actitud hacia la marca y hacia el BPL, e intención de compra) se analizan a partir de la manipulación de las variables proximidad del BPL en el videojuego (focal o periférica), congruencia entre el BPL y el contexto del videojuego (congruente o incongruente), y su uso o no de la VR en el videojuego. Como base para la propuesta de las hipótesis de este trabajo, se toma como referencia el Modelo de Capacidad Limitada de Atención de Kahneman (1973). A través de un enfoque experimental, se elaboraron cinco versiones de un mismo videojuego. En cada uno, se emplazaba una de las dos marcas reales consideradas (Amazon, marca incongruente y Nike, marca congruente), en distinta ubicación (focal o periférica), así como con y sin VR en el videojuego. El estudio de campo se implementó en tres centros de educación secundaria sobre una muestra de 286 individuos. Los resultados, en términos generales, mostraron que la combinación de un BPL Congruente-Focal en videojuegos con VR, es la opción que ofrece mejores resultados, en cuanto a la eficacia publicitaria, sobre el colectivo estudiado. Asimismo, el uso de la VR no siempre beneficia los efectos sobre las variables analizadas. Cuando se comparan los resultados del BPL en videojuegos con VR y sin VR, deben considerarse también otros factores que pueden ejercer una mayor influencia, como la propia congruencia y la proximidad del BPL, o el efecto innovación, entre otros