582 research outputs found

    The Use of Virtual Reality in the Science of Psychology

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    With the evolution of technology, digital gaming became a more holistic and realistic experience that engages all senses. This novel capacity was seized by Psychological Science. The aim of this literature review was to describe some of the usages of Virtual Reality (VR), specifically in the domains of Developmental, Clinical, Social, Organizational, Athletic Psychology and Neuropsychology. Some of the findings were that VR can promote children’s socialization and self-control in the case of Developmental Psychology. Research on Clinical Psychology has shown that VRT contributes to phobia treatment and can help analyze negative self-image in individuals with eating disorders. In the area of Social Psychology, it can reduce prejudice and enhance prosocial behavior, by providing the ability to manipulate variables and achieving high experimental control and ecological validity. Furthermore, it can enhance employees’ productivity and help them cope with stress in Organizational Psychology and boost athletes’ motivation and decision making in Athletic Psychology. In Neuropsychology, VR gives the potential of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of neuropsychological complications of Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and facilitates the reduction of Autism Index. Overall, psychological research, diagnosis and treatment via VR seems so far to be a rich and promising field for further investigation that will possibly improve different people’s quality of life

    Study and experimentation of cognitive decline measurements in a virtual reality environment

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    À l’heure où le numérique s’est totalement imposé dans notre quotidien, nous pouvons nous demander comment évolue notre bien-être. La réalité virtuelle hautement immersive permet de développer des environnements propices à la relaxation qui peuvent améliorer les capacités cognitives et la qualité de vie de nombreuses personnes. Le premier objectif de cette étude est de réduire les émotions négatives et améliorer les capacités cognitives des personnes souffrant de déclin cognitif subjectif (DCS). À cette fin, nous avons développé un environnement de réalité virtuelle appelé Savannah VR, où les participants ont suivi un avatar à travers une savane. Nous avons recruté dix-neuf personnes atteintes de DCS pour participer à l’expérience virtuelle de la savane. Le casque Emotiv Epoc a capturé les émotions des participants pendant toute l’expérience virtuelle. Les résultats montrent que l’immersion dans la savane virtuelle a réduit les émotions négatives des participants et que les effets positifs ont continué par la suite. Les participants ont également amélioré leur performance cognitive. La confusion se manifeste souvent au cours de l’apprentissage lorsque les élèves ne comprennent pas de nouvelles connaissances. C’est un état qui est également très présent chez les personnes atteintes de démence à cause du déclin de leurs capacités cognitives. Détecter et surmonter la confusion pourrait ainsi améliorer le bien-être et les performances cognitives des personnes atteintes de troubles cognitifs. Le deuxième objectif de ce mémoire est donc de développer un outil pour détecter la confusion. Nous avons mené deux expérimentations et obtenu un modèle d’apprentissage automatique basé sur les signaux du cerveau pour reconnaître quatre niveaux de confusion (90% de précision). De plus, nous avons créé un autre modèle pour reconnaître la fonction cognitive liée à la confusion (82 % de précision).At a time when digital technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, we can ask ourselves how our well-being is evolving. Highly immersive virtual reality allows the development of environments that promote relaxation and can improve the cognitive abilities and quality of life of many people. The first aim of this study is to reduce the negative emotions and improve the cognitive abilities of people suffering from subjective cognitive decline (SCD). To this end, we have developed a virtual reality environment called Savannah VR, where participants followed an avatar across a savannah. We recruited nineteen people with SCD to participate in the virtual savannah experience. The Emotiv Epoc headset captured their emotions for the entire virtual experience. The results show that immersion in the virtual savannah reduced the negative emotions of the participants and that the positive effects continued afterward. Participants also improved their cognitive performance. Confusion often occurs during learning when students do not understand new knowledge. It is a state that is also very present in people with dementia because of the decline in their cognitive abilities. Detecting and overcoming confusion could thus improve the well-being and cognitive performance of people with cognitive impairment. The second objective of this paper is, therefore, to develop a tool to detect confusion. We conducted two experiments and obtained a machine learning model based on brain signals to recognize four levels of confusion (90% accuracy). In addition, we created another model to recognize the cognitive function related to the confusion (82% accuracy)

    Virtual Reality and Its Application in Education

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    Virtual reality is a set of technologies that enables two-way communication, from computer to user and vice versa. In one direction, technologies are used to synthesize visual, auditory, tactile, and sometimes other sensory experiences in order to provide the illusion that practically non-existent things can be seen, heard, touched, or otherwise felt. In the other direction, technologies are used to adequately record human movements, sounds, or other potential input data that computers can process and use. This book contains six chapters that cover topics including definitions and principles of VR, devices, educational design principles for effective use of VR, technology education, and use of VR in technical and natural sciences

    Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality: potential clinical and training applications in pediatrics

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    Background COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the field of medical training, necessitating innovative approaches to education and practice. During this period, the use of novel technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) has become increasingly vital. These technologies offer the advantage of transcending the limitations of time and space, thus enabling medical professionals to access various personalized programs for both education and service delivery. This shift is particularly relevant in the realm of pediatric medicine, where traditional training and clinical methods face unique challenges. Purpose The primary aim of this study is to explore the application of VR, AR, and MR technologies in pediatric medical settings, with a focus on both clinical applications and the training of pediatric medical professionals. We aim to comprehensively search and review studies that have utilized these technologies in the treatment of pediatric patients and the education of healthcare providers in this field. Methods Peer-reviewed articles published in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and Scopus from January 1, 2018, to March 1, 2023, were comprehensively searched. The review was conducted according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Among the 89 studies, 63 investigated the clinical applications of VR (n=60) or AR (n=3) in pediatric patients, and 25 investigated the applications of VR (n=19), AR (n=5), or MR (n=1) for training medical professionals. Results A total of 36 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for clinical application (n=31) and medical training (n=5) were retrieved. Among the RCTs, 21 reported significant improvements in clinical applications (n=17) and medical training (n=4). Conclusion Despite a few limitations in conducting research on innovative technology, such research has rapidly expanded, indicating that an increasing number of researchers are involved in pediatric research using these technologies

    Social VR design features and experiential outcomes:narrative review and relationship map for dyadic agent conversations

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    The application of virtual reality to the study of conversation and social interaction is a relatively new field of study. While the affordances of VR in the domain compared to traditional methods are promising, the current state of the field is plagued by a lack of methodological standards and shared understanding of how design features of the immersive experience impact participants. In order to address this, this paper develops a relationship map between design features and experiential outcomes, along with expectations for how those features interact with each other. Based on the results of a narrative review drawing from diverse fields, this relationship map focuses on dyadic conversations with agents. The experiential outcomes chosen include presence &amp; engagement, psychological discomfort, and simulator sickness. The relevant design features contained in the framework include scenario agency, visual fidelity, agent automation, environmental context, and audio features. We conclude by discussing the findings of the review and framework, such as the multimodal nature of social VR being highlighted, and the importance of environmental context, and lastly provide recommendations for future research in social VR.</p

    The Most Current Solutions using Virtual-Reality-Based Methods in Cardiac Surgery -- A Survey

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    There is a widespread belief that VR technologies can provide controlled, multi-sensory, interactive 3D stimulus environments that engage patients in interventions and measure, record and motivate required human performance. In order to investigate state-of-the-art and associated occupations we provided a careful review of 6 leading medical and technical bibliometric databases. Despite the apparent popularity of the topic of VR use in cardiac surgery, only 47 articles published between 2002 and 2022 met the inclusion criteria. Based on them VR-based solutions in cardiac surgery are useful both for medical specialists and for the patients themselves. The new lifestyle required from cardiac surgery patients is easier to implement thanks to VR-based educational and motivational tools. However, it is necessary to develop the above-mentioned tools and compare their effectiveness with Augmented Reality (AR). With the aforementioned reasons, interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists, clinicians and engineers is necessary

    Determining principles for the development of virtual environments for future clinical applications

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    The aim of the present research was to determine a range of principles for the development of virtual natural environments (VNEs), using low-cost commercial-off-the-shelf simulation technologies, for bedside and clinical healthcare applications. A series of studies have been conducted to systematically investigate different aspects of the VNEs on a wide variety of participants, ranging from undergraduate and postgraduate students, hospital patients and clinicians, to West Country villagers. The results of these studies suggest that naturalistic environmental spatial sounds can have a positive impact on user ratings of presence and stress levels. High visual fidelity and real-world-based VNEs can increase participants’ reported ratings of presence, quality and realism. The choice of input devices also has a significant impact on usability with these types of virtual environment (VE). Overall, the findings provide a strong set of principles supporting the future development of VNEs. Highly transferrable tools and techniques have also been developed in order to investigate the exploitation of new digital technology approaches in the generation of believable and engaging real-time, interactive virtual natural environments that can be modified and updated relatively easily, thereby delivering a system that can be regularly modified and updated to meet the needs of individual patients
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