12 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives on Using Virtual Reality to Improve the Periprocedural Experience in Children and Adolescents: Survey Study

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    Background: Virtual reality (VR) technology is a powerful tool for augmenting patient experience in pediatric settings. Incorporating the needs and values of stakeholders in the design of VR apps in health care can contribute to better outcomes and meaningful experiences for patients. Objective: We used a multiperspective approach to investigate how VR apps can be designed to improve the periprocedural experiences of children and adolescents, particularly those with severe anxiety. Methods: This study included a focus group (n=4) and a survey (n=56) of clinicians. Semistructured interviews were conducted with children and adolescents in an immunization clinic (n=3) and perioperative setting (n=65) and with parents and carers in an immunization clinic (n=3) and perioperative setting (n=35). Results: Qualitative data were examined to determine the experience and psychological needs and intervention and design strategies that may contribute to better experiences for children in three age groups (4-7, 8-11, and 12-17 years). Quantitative data were used to identify areas of priority for future VR interventions. Conclusions: We propose a set of ten design considerations for the creation of future VR experiences for pediatric patients. Enhancing patient experience may be achieved by combining multiple VR solutions through a holistic approach considering the roles of clinicians and carers and the temporality of the patient’s experience. These situations require personalized solutions to fulfill the needs of pediatric patients before and during the medical procedure. In particular, communication should be placed at the center of preprocedure solutions, while emotional goals can be embedded into a procedure-focused VR app to help patients shift their focus in a meaningful way to build skills to manage their anxiety

    Upper limb rehabilitation interventions using virtual reality for people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review

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    Background Research on Virtual Reality (VR) based motor rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) is rapidly growing in popularity, although few studies have focused on the upper limb (UL). The aims of this review were to investigate the effect of VR interventions on UL function in people with MS and determine if the type of VR intervention influences intervention effect. Method Five databases (IEEE Xplore, MEDLINE, ProQuest Central (Health & Medical Collection), Science Direct and Web of Science Core Collection) were searched using keywords that relating to MS, VR and UL. Results Ten articles were included, six randomised controlled trials, three cohort studies and one pilot observational study. Both commercial and custom VR technologies were used in interventions, along with combination approaches using robotics, electrical stimulation and occupational therapy. Using the Nine Hole Peg Test, two studies found significant improvements within groups, one found that VR was more effective than another gaming approach. Significant improvements in other UL measures were in the Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the proximal arm; handgrip; perceived strength; Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test; Wolf Motor Function Test; active range of motion and trajectory measures after VR intervention. There were conflicting results regarding if VR was more effective than conventional approaches. Conclusion There is therefore some evidence that VR is effective in improving motor function in the UL, however, there is no clear consensus on which VR based approaches are the most effective, or the optimum intervention duration and intensity. Moreover, as many of the studies had non-immersive approaches it is hard to determine how effective immersion based approaches maybe in such specific context

    A low cost virtual reality interface for educational games

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    Mobile virtual reality has the potential to improve learning experiences by making them more immersive and engaging for students. This type of virtual reality also aims to be more cost effective by using a smartphone to drive the virtual reality experience. One issue with mobile virtual reality is that the screen (i.e. main interface) of the smartphone is occluded by the virtual reality headset. To investigate solutions to this issue, this project details the development and testing of a computer vision based controller that aims to have a cheaper per unit cost when compared to a conventional electronic controller by making use of 3D printing and the built-in camera of a smartphone. Reducing the cost per unit is useful for educational contexts as solutions would need to scale to classrooms sizes. The research question for this project is thus, “can a computer vision based virtual reality controller provide comparable immersion to a conventional electronic controller”. It was found that a computer vision based controller can provide comparable immersion, though it is more challenging to use. This challenge was found to contribute more towards engagement as it did not diminish the performance of users in terms of question scores

    Go! À caça de Pokémons: um estudo qualitativo sobre as vivências associadas ao jogo junto de jovens adultos

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    O conceito de adicção ao jogo é um constructo que remete aos primórdios da investigação neste âmbito, sustentado com características que se associam a dependências de carácter essencialmente clássico. Nesta perspetiva, torna-se imperativo investir em estudos que promovam a análise de adições contemporâneas, relacionadas à evolução das novas tecnologias, nomeadamente, jogos de realidade aumentada. É nesta lógica que o presente este estudo pretende aceder às vivências de jovens adultos jogadores de Pokémon Go, descrevendo as experiências que estes apresentam, enquanto jogadores regulares de um Role-Playing Game. Da presente dissertação resulta um discurso grupal que espelha a complexidade deste fenómeno e as vivências subjetivas experienciadas pelos participantes. Para tal, recorreu-se ao método de amostragem por “snowball”, no qual participaram 14 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 33. As entrevistas semiestruturadas decorreram por intermédio de ferramentas de mensagens instantâneas online. Posteriormente, foram transcritas e submetidas a uma análise de conteúdo, fundamentada na Grounded-Theory, através da qual foi possível sistematizar um conjunto de categorias organizadoras dos discursos. Os resultados evidenciaram que as motivações primordiais para a utilização do Pokémon Go se centram na evocação das memórias de infância que se encontram associadas ao jogo e à curiosidade de experienciar uma nova realidade do mesmo. Contrariamente ao referenciado pela literatura, os participantes destacam que a app em análise gerou maiores níveis de sociabilidade, relaxamento e exercício físico. O número de horas de utilização do jogo foi heterogéneo, podendo este estar compreendido num intervalo de 15 minutos a um período superior a 24 horas. Tendo em conta a modernidade do jogo em questão, uma vez que este foi lançado em 2016, achou-se pertinente o estudo das consequências que poderiam advir do seu uso compulsivo. Deste modo, considera-se que a investigação sustentada neste domínio poderá ser benéfica para os utilizadores, numa lógica reflexiva por parte dos mesmos.The concept of gaming addiction is a construct that refers to the beginnings of research in this field, supported by characteristics that are associated with essentially classic dependencies. In this perspective, it is imperative to invest in studies that promote the analysis of contemporary additions related to the evolution of new technologies, namely, augmented reality games. It is within this logic that the present study aims to contact with the experiences of young adult Pokémon Go players, describing the experiences they present as regular players of a Role-Playing Game. From the present dissertation, we acquire a group speech that reflects the complexity of this phenomenon and the subjective experiences lived by the participants. For this purpose, it was used a "snowball" sampling method, in which participated 14 subjects of both sexes, aged between 19 and 33. The semi-structured interviews were conducted through online instant messaging tools. Subsequently, they were transcribed and submitted to a content analysis, based on the Grounded-Theory, through which it was possible to systematize a set of categories that organizes the speeches. The results showed that the primary motivations for the use of Pokémon Go were focused on evoking the childhood memories that were associated with the game and the curiosity to experience a new reality of it. Contrary to the literature, participants emphasized that the app in analysis generated higher levels of sociability, relaxation and physical exercise. The number of hours of game use was heterogeneous, which could be comprised in a range of 15 minutes to a period exceeding 24 hours. Given the modernity of the game in question, once it was launched in 2016, it was considered relevant to study the consequences that could arise from its compulsive use. This way, it is considered that sustained research in this area could be beneficial for users, in a reflexive logic on the behalf

    Go! À caça de Pokémons: um estudo qualitativo sobre as vivências associadas ao jogo junto de jovens adultos

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    O conceito de adicção ao jogo é um constructo que remete aos primórdios da investigação neste âmbito, sustentado com características que se associam a dependências de carácter essencialmente clássico. Nesta perspetiva, torna-se imperativo investir em estudos que promovam a análise de adições contemporâneas, relacionadas à evolução das novas tecnologias, nomeadamente, jogos de realidade aumentada. É nesta lógica que o presente este estudo pretende aceder às vivências de jovens adultos jogadores de Pokémon Go, descrevendo as experiências que estes apresentam, enquanto jogadores regulares de um Role-Playing Game. Da presente dissertação resulta um discurso grupal que espelha a complexidade deste fenómeno e as vivências subjetivas experienciadas pelos participantes. Para tal, recorreu-se ao método de amostragem por “snowball”, no qual participaram 14 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 33. As entrevistas semiestruturadas decorreram por intermédio de ferramentas de mensagens instantâneas online. Posteriormente, foram transcritas e submetidas a uma análise de conteúdo, fundamentada na Grounded-Theory, através da qual foi possível sistematizar um conjunto de categorias organizadoras dos discursos. Os resultados evidenciaram que as motivações primordiais para a utilização do Pokémon Go se centram na evocação das memórias de infância que se encontram associadas ao jogo e à curiosidade de experienciar uma nova realidade do mesmo. Contrariamente ao referenciado pela literatura, os participantes destacam que a app em análise gerou maiores níveis de sociabilidade, relaxamento e exercício físico. O número de horas de utilização do jogo foi heterogéneo, podendo este estar compreendido num intervalo de 15 minutos a um período superior a 24 horas. Tendo em conta a modernidade do jogo em questão, uma vez que este foi lançado em 2016, achou-se pertinente o estudo das consequências que poderiam advir do seu uso compulsivo. Deste modo, considera-se que a investigação sustentada neste domínio poderá ser benéfica para os utilizadores, numa lógica reflexiva por parte dos mesmos.The concept of gaming addiction is a construct that refers to the beginnings of research in this field, supported by characteristics that are associated with essentially classic dependencies. In this perspective, it is imperative to invest in studies that promote the analysis of contemporary additions related to the evolution of new technologies, namely, augmented reality games. It is within this logic that the present study aims to contact with the experiences of young adult Pokémon Go players, describing the experiences they present as regular players of a Role-Playing Game. From the present dissertation, we acquire a group speech that reflects the complexity of this phenomenon and the subjective experiences lived by the participants. For this purpose, it was used a "snowball" sampling method, in which participated 14 subjects of both sexes, aged between 19 and 33. The semi-structured interviews were conducted through online instant messaging tools. Subsequently, they were transcribed and submitted to a content analysis, based on the Grounded-Theory, through which it was possible to systematize a set of categories that organizes the speeches. The results showed that the primary motivations for the use of Pokémon Go were focused on evoking the childhood memories that were associated with the game and the curiosity to experience a new reality of it. Contrary to the literature, participants emphasized that the app in analysis generated higher levels of sociability, relaxation and physical exercise. The number of hours of game use was heterogeneous, which could be comprised in a range of 15 minutes to a period exceeding 24 hours. Given the modernity of the game in question, once it was launched in 2016, it was considered relevant to study the consequences that could arise from its compulsive use. This way, it is considered that sustained research in this area could be beneficial for users, in a reflexive logic on the behalf

    Modelling and use of SysML behaviour models for achieving dynamic use cases of technical products in different VR-systems

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    Digital methods and models help the product designers in performing early evaluations on a product that eventually help to gain understanding about a product’s behaviour and its interactions with neighbouring systems in its later life-phases. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that can facilitate the early evaluation process by showing later life situations of a product as early as at the design stage. However, the application of VR in the industry is currently limited due to high model preparation effort and poor reusability of already prepared models. Therefore, this thesis pursues towards the development of a method that can facilitate the early evaluations of the product in VR and thus, facilitate the use of VR in the product development process. This method aims at achieving generic behavioural descriptions for use in VR that can be reused as well to form dynamic use cases of a product in different VR-systems. The focus lies on reducing the overall preparation effort of VR-models and on achieving high reusability of already created models. The core components of the thesis consist of the use of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to develop generic behavioural model descriptions, their use in building different use cases of a product in one VR-system and their reuse in different VR-systems as well. The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is used to describe the behavioural models, the modelling process is described systematically and is also summarized in the form of general-purpose guidelines for later use. Furthermore, a dedicated physics engine is used to perform the physical calculations on virtual objects in VR and is integrated with the SysML. These SysML behaviour models together with the physics engine are used to achieve a real-time product use case simulation inside VR. The same SysML behaviour models are used across different VR-systems to achieve real-time simulations and to validate their reuse. Two VR prototypes are developed to demonstrate the effectivity and use of the presented method. Finally, one of the prototypes is put to the empirical evaluation performed with the help of experts from academia as well as the industry.Digitale Methode und Modellen ermöglichen den Produktdesignern eine frühzeitige Evaluierung des Produkts, damit sie das Verhalten des Produkts und seine Interaktionen mit benachbarten Systemen in seinen späteren Lebensphasen besser verstehen können. Virtual Reality (VR) ist eine Technologie, die zum frühen Evaluierungsprozess beitragen kann, indem spätere Lebenssituationen eines Produkts schon in der Entwurfsphase angezeigt werden können. Die Anwendung von VR in der Industrie ist jedoch derzeit aufgrund des hohen Modellaufbereitungsaufwands und der limitierten Wiederverwendbarkeit vorhandener Modelle begrenzt. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Entwicklung einer Methode, die die frühzeitige Evaluierung des Produkts innerhalb von VR und die Verwendung von VR im Produktentwicklungsprozess erleichtern kann. Diese Methode befasst sich mit dem Prozess der Entwicklung allgemeiner Verhaltensbeschreibungen zur Verwendung in VR, die auch wiederverwendet werden können, um dynamische Anwendungsfälle eines Produkts in den verschiedenen VR-Systemen abzubilden. Der Fokus liegt auf der Reduzierung des gesamten Aufbereitungsaufwands von VR-Modellen und auf das Verwirklichen einer hohen Wiederverwendbarkeit bereits vorhandener Modelle. Die Kernkomponenten der Arbeit bestehen in der Verwendung von Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) zur Entwicklung allgemeingültiger Verhaltensmodellbeschreibungen, ihrer Verwendung beim Erstellen verschiedener Anwendungsfälle eines Produkts in einem VR-System und ihrer Wiederverwendung in den verschiedenen VR-Systemen. Die Systems Modeling Language (SysML) wird zur Beschreibung der Verhaltensmodelle verwendet, der Modellierungsprozess wird systematisch beschrieben und auch in Form allgemeiner Anwendungsrichtlinien für die spätere Verwendung zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus wird eine dedizierte Physik-Engine verwendet, um die physikalischen Berechnungen für virtuelle Objekte in VR durchzuführen, welche auch mit SysML integriert ist. Diese SysML-Verhaltensmodelle zusammen mit der Physik-Engine bilden eine echtzeitfähige Produktanwendungssimulation in VR. Dieselben SysML-Verhaltensmodelle werden für verschiedene VR-Systeme verwendet, um Echtzeitsimulationen abzubilden und ihre Wiederverwendung zu validieren. Zwei VR-Prototypen wurden entwickelt, um die Wirksamkeit und Verwendung der vorgestellten Methoden zu demonstrieren. Schließlich wurde einer der Prototypen einer empirischen Untersuchung unterzogen, die mithilfe von Experten aus Wissenschaft und Industrie durchgeführt wurde