65 research outputs found

    Comparison of different cue-based swarm aggregation strategies

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    In this paper, we compare different aggregation strategies for cue-based aggregation with a mobile robot swarm. We used a sound source as the cue in the environment and performed real robot and simulation based experiments. We compared the performance of two proposed aggregation algorithms we called as the vector averaging and naïve with the state-of-the-art cue-based aggregation strategy BEECLUST. We showed that the proposed strategies outperform BEECLUST method. We also illustrated the feasibility of the method in the presence of noise. The results showed that the vector averaging algorithm is more robust to noise when compared to the naïve method

    Encoderless position estimation and error correction techniques for miniature mobile robots

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    This paper presents an encoderless position estimation technique for miniature-sized mobile robots. Odometry techniques, which are based on the hardware components, are commonly used for calculating the geometric location of mobile robots. Therefore, the robot must be equipped with an appropriate sensor to measure the motion. However, due to the hardware limitations of some robots, employing extra hardware is impossible. On the other hand, in swarm robotic research, which uses a large number of mobile robots, equipping the robots with motion sensors might be costly. In this study, the trajectory of the robot is divided into several small displacements over short spans of time. Therefore, the position of the robot is calculated within a short period, using the speed equations of the robot's wheel. In addition, an error correction function is proposed that estimates the errors of the motion using a current monitoring technique. The experiments illustrate the feasibility of the proposed position estimation and error correction techniques to be used in miniature-sized mobile robots without requiring an additional sensor

    Colias-Φ: an autonomous micro robot for artificial pheromone communication

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    Ants pheromone communication is an efficient mechanism which took inspiration from nature. It has been used in various artificial intelligence and multi robotics researches. This paper presents the development of an autonomous micro robot to be used in swarm robotic researches especially in pheromone based communication systems. The robot is an extended version of Colias micro robot with capability of decoding and following artificial pheromone trails. We utilize a low-cost experimental setup to implement pheromone-based scenarios using a flat LCD screen and a USB camera. The results of the performed experiments with group of robots demonstrated the feasibility of Colias-Φ to be used in pheromone based experiments

    Power-law distribution of long-term experimental data in swarm robotics

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    Bio-inspired aggregation is one of the most fundamental behaviours that has been studied in swarm robotic for more than two decades. Biology revealed that the environmental characteristics are very important factors in aggregation of social insects and other animals. In this paper, we study the effects of different environmental factors such as size and texture of aggregation cues using real robots. In addition, we propose a mathematical model to predict the behaviour of the aggregation during an experiment
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