29 research outputs found

    Advances in Groupwise Image Registration

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    Advances in Groupwise Image Registration

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    Groupwise non-rigid registration for automatic construction of appearance models of the human craniofacial complex for analysis, synthesis and simulation

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    Finally, a novel application of 3D appearance modelling is proposed: a faster than real-time algorithm for statistically constrained quasi-mechanical simulation. Experiments demonstrate superior realism, achieved in the proposed method by employing statistical appearance models to drive the simulation, in comparison with the comparable state-of-the-art quasi-mechanical approaches.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Groupwise non-rigid registration for automatic construction of appearance models of the human craniofacial complex for analysis, synthesis and simulation

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    Finally, a novel application of 3D appearance modelling is proposed: a faster than real-time algorithm for statistically constrained quasi-mechanical simulation. Experiments demonstrate superior realism, achieved in the proposed method by employing statistical appearance models to drive the simulation, in comparison with the comparable state-of-the-art quasi-mechanical approaches

    On motion in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: Applications in cardiac function and abdominal diffusion

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    La imagen por resonancia magnética (MRI), hoy en día, representa una potente herramienta para el diagnóstico clínico debido a su flexibilidad y sensibilidad a un amplio rango de propiedades del tejido. Sus principales ventajas son su sobresaliente versatilidad y su capacidad para proporcionar alto contraste entre tejidos blandos. Gracias a esa versatilidad, la MRI se puede emplear para observar diferentes fenómenos físicos dentro del cuerpo humano combinando distintos tipos de pulsos dentro de la secuencia. Esto ha permitido crear distintas modalidades con múltiples aplicaciones tanto biológicas como clínicas. La adquisición de MR es, sin embargo, un proceso lento, lo que conlleva una solución de compromiso entre resolución y tiempo de adquisición (Lima da Cruz, 2016; Royuela-del Val, 2017). Debido a esto, la presencia de movimiento fisiológico durante la adquisición puede conllevar una grave degradación de la calidad de imagen, así como un incremento del tiempo de adquisición, aumentando así tambien la incomodidad del paciente. Esta limitación práctica representa un gran obstáculo para la viabilidad clínica de la MRI. En esta Tesis Doctoral se abordan dos problemas de interés en el campo de la MRI en los que el movimiento fisiológico tiene un papel protagonista. Éstos son, por un lado, la estimación robusta de parámetros de rotación y esfuerzo miocárdico a partir de imágenes de MR-Tagging dinámica para el diagnóstico y clasificación de cardiomiopatías y, por otro, la reconstrucción de mapas del coeficiente de difusión aparente (ADC) a alta resolución y con alta relación señal a ruido (SNR) a partir de adquisiciones de imagen ponderada en difusión (DWI) multiparamétrica en el hígado.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDoctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicacione

    Towards Robust and Accurate Image Registration by Incorporating Anatomical and Appearance Priors

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    Automated retinal layer segmentation and pre-apoptotic monitoring for three-dimensional optical coherence tomography

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    The aim of this PhD thesis was to develop segmentation algorithm adapted and optimized to retinal OCT data that will provide objective 3D layer thickness which might be used to improve diagnosis and monitoring of retinal pathologies. Additionally, a 3D stack registration method was produced by modifying an existing algorithm. A related project was to develop a pre-apoptotic retinal monitoring based on the changes in texture parameters of the OCT scans in order to enable treatment before the changes become irreversible; apoptosis refers to the programmed cell death that can occur in retinal tissue and lead to blindness. These issues can be critical for the examination of tissues within the central nervous system. A novel statistical model for segmentation has been created and successfully applied to a large data set. A broad range of future research possibilities into advanced pathologies has been created by the results obtained. A separate model has been created for choroid segmentation located deep in retina, as the appearance of choroid is very different from the top retinal layers. Choroid thickness and structure is an important index of various pathologies (diabetes etc.). As part of the pre-apoptotic monitoring project it was shown that an increase in proportion of apoptotic cells in vitro can be accurately quantified. Moreover, the data obtained indicates a similar increase in neuronal scatter in retinal explants following axotomy (removal of retinas from the eye), suggesting that UHR-OCT can be a novel non-invasive technique for the in vivo assessment of neuronal health. Additionally, an independent project within the computer science department in collaboration with the school of psychology has been successfully carried out, improving analysis of facial dynamics and behaviour transfer between individuals. Also, important improvements to a general signal processing algorithm, dynamic time warping (DTW), have been made, allowing potential application in a broad signal processing field.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Automated retinal layer segmentation and pre-apoptotic monitoring for three-dimensional optical coherence tomography

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    The aim of this PhD thesis was to develop segmentation algorithm adapted and optimized to retinal OCT data that will provide objective 3D layer thickness which might be used to improve diagnosis and monitoring of retinal pathologies. Additionally, a 3D stack registration method was produced by modifying an existing algorithm. A related project was to develop a pre-apoptotic retinal monitoring based on the changes in texture parameters of the OCT scans in order to enable treatment before the changes become irreversible; apoptosis refers to the programmed cell death that can occur in retinal tissue and lead to blindness. These issues can be critical for the examination of tissues within the central nervous system. A novel statistical model for segmentation has been created and successfully applied to a large data set. A broad range of future research possibilities into advanced pathologies has been created by the results obtained. A separate model has been created for choroid segmentation located deep in retina, as the appearance of choroid is very different from the top retinal layers. Choroid thickness and structure is an important index of various pathologies (diabetes etc.). As part of the pre-apoptotic monitoring project it was shown that an increase in proportion of apoptotic cells in vitro can be accurately quantified. Moreover, the data obtained indicates a similar increase in neuronal scatter in retinal explants following axotomy (removal of retinas from the eye), suggesting that UHR-OCT can be a novel non-invasive technique for the in vivo assessment of neuronal health. Additionally, an independent project within the computer science department in collaboration with the school of psychology has been successfully carried out, improving analysis of facial dynamics and behaviour transfer between individuals. Also, important improvements to a general signal processing algorithm, dynamic time warping (DTW), have been made, allowing potential application in a broad signal processing field

    Advanced Medical Image Registration Methods for Quantitative Imaging and Multi-Channel Images

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    This thesis proposes advanced medical image registration methods for applications that can be grouped in two broad themes. The first theme focuses on registration techniques increasing the reliability of _quantitative measurements_ extracted from sets of medical images. The second theme that is considered in this thesis is the registration of _multi-channel_ images

    NuMorph: Tools for cortical cellular phenotyping in tissue-cleared whole-brain images

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    Tissue-clearing methods allow every cell in the mouse brain to be imaged without physical sectioning. However, the computational tools currently available for cell quantification in cleared tissue images have been limited to counting sparse cell populations in stereotypical mice. Here, we introduce NuMorph, a group of analysis tools to quantify all nuclei and nuclear markers within the mouse cortex after clearing and imaging by light-sheet microscopy. We apply NuMorph to investigate two distinct mouse models: a Topoisomerase 1 (Top1) model with severe neurodegenerative deficits and a Neurofibromin 1 (Nf1) model with a more subtle brain overgrowth phenotype. In each case, we identify differential effects of gene deletion on individual cell-type counts and distribution across cortical regions that manifest as alterations of gross brain morphology. These results underline the value of whole-brain imaging approaches, and the tools are widely applicable for studying brain structure phenotypes at cellular resolution