3,351 research outputs found

    Improved Stroke Detection at Early Stages Using Haar Wavelets and Laplacian Pyramid

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    Stroke merupakan pembunuh nomor tiga di dunia, namun hanya sedikit metode tentang deteksi dini. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode untuk mendeteksi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah metode gabungan untuk mendeteksi dua jenis stroke secara simultan. Haar wavelets untuk mendeteksi stroke hemoragik dan Laplacian pyramid untuk mendeteksi stroke iskemik. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari pra proses tahap 1 dan 2, Haar wavelets, Laplacian pyramid, dan perbaikan kualitas citra. Pra proses adalah menghilangkan bagian tulang tengkorak, reduksi derau, perbaikan kontras, dan menghilangkan bagian selain citra otak. Kemudian dilakukan perbaikan citra. Selanjutnya Haar wavelet digunakan untuk ekstraksi daerah hemoragik sedangkan Laplacian pyramid untuk ekstraksi daerah iskemik. Tahapan terakhir adalah menghitung fitur Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) sebagai fitur untuk proses klasifikasi. Hasil visualisasi diproses lanjut untuk ekstrasi fitur menggunakan GLCM dengan 12 fitur dan kemudian GLCM dengan 4 fitur. Untuk proses klasifikasi digunakan SVM dan KNN, sedangkan pengukuran performa menggunakan akurasi. Jumlah data hemoragik dan iskemik adalah 45 citra yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, 28 citra untuk pengujian dan 17 citra untuk pelatihan. Hasil akhir menunjukkan akurasi tertinggi yang dicapai menggunakan SVM adalah 82% dan KNN adalah 88%

    Piano Crossing - Walking on a Keyboard

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    Piano Crossing is an interactive art installation which turns a pedestrian crossing marked with white stripes into a piano keyboard so that pedestrians can generate music by walking over it. Matching tones are generated when a pedestrian is over a particular stripe or key. A digital camera is directed at the crossing from above. A special computer vision application was developed that maps the stripes of the pedestrian crossing to piano keys and which detects over which key is the center of gravity of every pedestrian in the image at any given moment. Special black stripes are added to the crossing, which represent also the black piano keys. The application consists of two parts: (1) initialization, where the model of the abstract piano keyboard is mapped to the image of the pedestrian crossing and (2) the detection of pedestrians on the crossing so that musical tones can be generated according to their locations. The art installation Piano crossing was presented to the public for the first time during the 51st Jazz Festival in Ljubljana in July 2010

    Motion Deblurring in the Wild

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    The task of image deblurring is a very ill-posed problem as both the image and the blur are unknown. Moreover, when pictures are taken in the wild, this task becomes even more challenging due to the blur varying spatially and the occlusions between the object. Due to the complexity of the general image model we propose a novel convolutional network architecture which directly generates the sharp image.This network is built in three stages, and exploits the benefits of pyramid schemes often used in blind deconvolution. One of the main difficulties in training such a network is to design a suitable dataset. While useful data can be obtained by synthetically blurring a collection of images, more realistic data must be collected in the wild. To obtain such data we use a high frame rate video camera and keep one frame as the sharp image and frame average as the corresponding blurred image. We show that this realistic dataset is key in achieving state-of-the-art performance and dealing with occlusions

    Semi-Supervised Self-Taught Deep Learning for Finger Bones Segmentation

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    Segmentation stands at the forefront of many high-level vision tasks. In this study, we focus on segmenting finger bones within a newly introduced semi-supervised self-taught deep learning framework which consists of a student network and a stand-alone teacher module. The whole system is boosted in a life-long learning manner wherein each step the teacher module provides a refinement for the student network to learn with newly unlabeled data. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over conventional supervised deep learning methods.Comment: IEEE BHI 2019 accepte

    Machine vision and the OMV

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    The orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (OMV) is intended to close with orbiting targets for relocation or servicing. It will be controlled via video signals and thruster activation based upon Earth or space station directives. A human operator is squarely in the middle of the control loop for close work. Without directly addressing future, more autonomous versions of a remote servicer, several techniques that will doubtless be important in a future increase of autonomy also have some direct application to the current situation, particularly in the area of image enhancement and predictive analysis. Several techniques are presentet, and some few have been implemented, which support a machine vision capability proposed to be adequate for detection, recognition, and tracking. Once feasibly implemented, they must then be further modified to operate together in real time. This may be achieved by two courses, the use of an array processor and some initial steps toward data reduction. The methodology or adapting to a vector architecture is discussed in preliminary form, and a highly tentative rationale for data reduction at the front end is also discussed. As a by-product, a working implementation of the most advanced graphic display technique, ray-casting, is described