18,343 research outputs found

    Inferring the photometric and size evolution of galaxies from image simulations

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    Current constraints on models of galaxy evolution rely on morphometric catalogs extracted from multi-band photometric surveys. However, these catalogs are altered by selection effects that are difficult to model, that correlate in non trivial ways, and that can lead to contradictory predictions if not taken into account carefully. To address this issue, we have developed a new approach combining parametric Bayesian indirect likelihood (pBIL) techniques and empirical modeling with realistic image simulations that reproduce a large fraction of these selection effects. This allows us to perform a direct comparison between observed and simulated images and to infer robust constraints on model parameters. We use a semi-empirical forward model to generate a distribution of mock galaxies from a set of physical parameters. These galaxies are passed through an image simulator reproducing the instrumental characteristics of any survey and are then extracted in the same way as the observed data. The discrepancy between the simulated and observed data is quantified, and minimized with a custom sampling process based on adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods. Using synthetic data matching most of the properties of a CFHTLS Deep field, we demonstrate the robustness and internal consistency of our approach by inferring the parameters governing the size and luminosity functions and their evolutions for different realistic populations of galaxies. We also compare the results of our approach with those obtained from the classical spectral energy distribution fitting and photometric redshift approach.Our pipeline infers efficiently the luminosity and size distribution and evolution parameters with a very limited number of observables (3 photometric bands). When compared to SED fitting based on the same set of observables, our method yields results that are more accurate and free from systematic biases.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    FERENGI: Redshifting galaxies from SDSS to GEMS, STAGES and COSMOS

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    We describe the creation of a set of artificially "redshifted" galaxies in the range 0.1<z<1.1 using a set of ~100 SDSS low redshift (v<7000 km/s) images as input. The intention is to generate a training set of realistic images of galaxies of diverse morphologies and a large range of redshifts for the GEMS and COSMOS galaxy evolution projects. This training set allows other studies to investigate and quantify the effects of cosmological redshift on the determination of galaxy morphologies, distortions and other galaxy properties that are potentially sensitive to resolution, surface brightness and bandpass issues. We use galaxy images from the SDSS in the u, g, r, i, z filter bands as input, and computed new galaxy images from these data, resembling the same galaxies as located at redshifts 0.1<z<1.1 and viewed with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST ACS). In this process we take into account angular size change, cosmological surface brightness dimming, and spectral change. The latter is achieved by interpolating a spectral energy distribution that is fit to the input images on a pixel-to-pixel basis. The output images are created for the specific HST ACS point spread function and the filters used for GEMS (F606W and F850LP) and COSMOS (F814W). All images are binned onto the desired pixel grids (0.03" for GEMS and 0.05" for COSMOS) and corrected to an appropriate point spread function. Noise is added corresponding to the data quality of the two projects and the images are added onto empty sky pieces of real data images. We make these datasets available from our website, as well as the code - FERENGI: "Full and Efficient Redshifting of Ensembles of Nearby Galaxy Images" - to produce datasets for other redshifts and/or instruments.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    The ESO-Sculptor Survey: Luminosity functions of galaxies per spectral type at redshifts 0.1-0.5

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    [ABRIDGED] We present the first statistical analysis of the complete ESO-Sculptor redshift survey (ESS). The flux-calibrated sample of 617 galaxy spectra with R_c<20.5 is separated into 3 spectral classes (early, intermediate, and late). We report in detail on the spectral classification, the polynomial K-corrections, and all sources of corresponding random and systematic errors. The derived luminosity functions (LF) in the Johnson-Cousins B and Rc bands are in agreement with the results from the comparable CNOC2 survey (Lin et al. 1999), whereas the ESS provides the first estimates of LFs per spectral type in the Johnson V band. A renewed interpretation of the galaxy LFs from a redshift survey are obtained by fitting the ESS LFs with composite functions based on the local LFs per morphological type (Sandage, Binggeli & Tammann 1985; Jerjen & Tammann 1997). As good or better fits than with pure Schechter functions are obtained using: for the early-type LF, a two-wing Gaussian; for the intermediate-type LF, the sum of a Gaussian modeling the Spiral galaxies and a steep Schechter function (alpha=-1.5) representing the dwarf elliptical galaxies; for the late-type LF, a similar composite function with a flat or weaker slope (-0.8<alpha<-0.3) for the Schechter component which represents the dwarf Irregular galaxies. This analysis illustrates how LFs per spectral type may be affected by morphological type mixing, and emphasizes the need for a quantitative morphological classification at z>0.1 which separates the giant and dwarf galaxy populations.Comment: 33 Pages, 13 color figures, A&A Latex macro. Published in A&

    The Distance and Morphology of V723 Cassiopeiae (NOVA CASSIOPEIA 1995)

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    We present spatially resolved infrared spectra of V723 Cas (Nova Cassiopeia 1995) obtained over four years with the integral field spectrograph OSIRIS on Keck II. Also presented are one epoch of spatially unresolved spectra from the long slit spectrograph NIRSPEC on Keck II. The OSIRIS observations made use of the laser guide star adaptive optics facility that produced diffraction-limited spatial resolution of the strong coronal emission features in the nova ejecta. We remove the point-like continuum from V723 Cas data cubes to reveal details of the extended nebula and find that emission due to [Si VI] and [Ca VIII] has an equatorial ring structure with polar nodules-a strikingly different morphology than emission due to [Al IX], which appears as a prolate spheroid. The contrast in structure may indicate separate ejection events. Using the angular expansion and Doppler velocities observed over four epochs spaced at one year intervals, we determine the distance to V723 Cas to be 3.85+0.23-0.21 kpc. We present the OSIRIS three-dimensional data here in many ways: as narrowband images, one- and two-dimensional spectra, and a volume rendering that reveals the true shape of the ejecta.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Study of a homogeneous QSO sample: relations between the QSO and its host galaxy

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    We analyse a sample of 69 QSOs which have been randomly selected in a complete sample of 104 QSOs (R<18, 0.142 < z < 0.198). 60 have been observed with the NTT/SUSI2 at La Silla, through two filters in the optical band (WB#655 and V#812), and the remaining 9 are taken from archive databases. The filter V#812 contains the redshifted Hbeta and forbidden [OIII] emission lines, while WB#655 covers a spectral region devoid of emission lines, thus measuring the QSO and stellar continua. The contributions of the QSO and the host are separated thanks to the MCS deconvolution algorithm, allowing a morphological classification of the host, and the computation of several parameters such as the host and nucleus absolute V-magnitude, distance between the luminosity center of the host and the QSO, and colour of the host and nucleus. We define a new asymmetry coefficient, independent of any galaxy models and well suited for QSO host studies. The main results from this study are: (i) 25% of the total number of QSO hosts are spirals, 51% are ellipticals and 60% show signs of interaction; (ii) Highly asymmetric systems tend to have a higher gas ionization level (iii) Elliptical hosts contain a substantial amount of ionized gas, and some show off-nuclear activity. These results agree with hierarchical models merger driven evolution.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 19 pages, 22 figures, 8 table

    Image Process of Rock Size Distribution Using DexiNed-Based Neural Network

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    In an aggregate crushing plant, the crusher performances will be affected by the variation from the incoming feed size distribution. Collecting accurate measurements of the size distribution on the conveyors can help both operators and control systems to make the right decisions in order to reduce overall power consumption and avoid undesirable operating conditions. In this work, a particle size distribution estimation method based on a DexiNed edge detection network, followed by the application of contour optimization, is proposed. The proposed framework was carried out in the four main steps. The first step, after image preprocessing, was to utilize a modified DexiNed convolutional neural network to predict the edge map of the rock image. Next, morphological transformation and watershed transformation from the OpenCV library were applied. Then, in the last step, the mass distribution was estimated from the pixel contour area. The accuracy and efficiency of the DexiNed method were demonstrated by comparing it with the ground-truth segmentation. The PSD estimation was validated with the laboratory screened rock sample

    Diverse Structural Evolution at z > 1 in Cosmologically Simulated Galaxies

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    From mock Hubble Space Telescope images, we quantify non-parametric statistics of galaxy morphology, thereby predicting the emergence of relationships among stellar mass, star formation, and observed rest-frame optical structure at 1 < z < 3. We measure automated diagnostics of galaxy morphology in cosmological simulations of the formation of 22 central galaxies with 9.3 < log10 M_*/M_sun < 10.7. These high-spatial-resolution zoom-in calculations enable accurate modeling of the rest-frame UV and optical morphology. Even with small numbers of galaxies, we find that structural evolution is neither universal nor monotonic: galaxy interactions can trigger either bulge or disc formation, and optically bulge-dominated galaxies at this mass may not remain so forever. Simulated galaxies with M_* > 10^10 M_sun contain relatively more disc-dominated light profiles than those with lower mass, reflecting significant disc brightening in some haloes at 1 < z < 2. By this epoch, simulated galaxies with specific star formation rates below 10^-9.7 yr^-1 are more likely than normal star-formers to have a broader mix of structural types, especially at M_* > 10^10 M_sun. We analyze a cosmological major merger at z ~ 1.5 and find that the newly proposed MID morphology diagnostics trace later merger stages while G-M20 trace earlier ones. MID is sensitive also to clumpy star-forming discs. The observability time of typical MID-enhanced events in our simulation sample is less than 100 Myr. A larger sample of cosmological assembly histories may be required to calibrate such diagnostics in the face of their sensitivity to viewing angle, segmentation algorithm, and various phenomena such as clumpy star formation and minor mergers.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, MNRAS accepted versio

    GEMS: Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs

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    GEMS, Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs, is a large-area (800 arcmin2) two-color (F606W and F850LP) imaging survey with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on HST. Centered on the Chandra Deep Field South, it covers an area of ~28'x28', or about 120 Hubble Deep Field areas, to a depth of m_AB(F606W)=28.3 (5sigma and m_AB(F850LP)=27.1 (5sigma) for compact sources. In its central ~1/4, GEMS incorporates ACS imaging from the GOODS project. Focusing on the redshift range 0.2<=z<=1.1, GEMS provides morphologies and structural parameters for nearly 10,000 galaxies where redshift estimates, luminosities and SEDs exist from COMBO-17. At the same time, GEMS contains detectable host galaxy images for several hundred faint AGN. This paper provides an overview of the science goals, the experiment design, the data reduction and the science analysis plan for GEMS.Comment: 24 pages, TeX with 6 eps Figures; to appear in ApJ Supplement. Low resolution figures only. Full resolution at http://zwicky.as.arizona.edu/~rix/Misc/GEMS.ps.g

    HST/NICMOS Imaging of Disks and Envelopes Around Very Young Stars

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    We present HST/NICMOS observations with 0.1" (15 AU) resolution of six young stellar objects in the Taurus star-formation region. The targets of our survey are three Class I IRAS sources (IRAS 04016+2610, IRAS 04248+2612, and IRAS 04302+2247) and three low-luminosity stars (DG Tau B, Haro 6-5B, and CoKu Tau/1) associated with Herbig Haro jets. The broad-band images show that the near-infrared radiation from these sources is dominated by light scattered from dusty circumstellar material distributed in a region 10 - 15 times the size of our solar system. Although the detailed morphologies of the individual objects are unique, the observed young stellar objects share common features. All of the circumstellar reflection nebulae are crossed by dark lanes from 500 - 900 AU in extent and from less than 50 to 350 AU in apparent thickness. The absorption lanes extend perpendicular to known optical and millimeter outflows in these sources. We interpret the dark lanes as optically thick circumstellar disks seen in silhouette against bright reflection nebulosity. The bipolar reflection nebulae extending perpendicular to the dust lanes appear to be produced by scattering from the upper and lower surfaces of the disks and from dusty material within or on the walls of the outflow cavities. Out of five objects in which the central source is directly detected, two are found to be subarcsecond binaries. This mini-survey is the highest resolution near-infrared study to date of circumstellar environments around solar-type stars with age <= 1 Myr.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures; also available at http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/brandner/topics/disks/disks.html ; accepted for publication in AJ (March 1999 issue