650 research outputs found

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    Unsupervised Generative Modeling Using Matrix Product States

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    Generative modeling, which learns joint probability distribution from data and generates samples according to it, is an important task in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Inspired by probabilistic interpretation of quantum physics, we propose a generative model using matrix product states, which is a tensor network originally proposed for describing (particularly one-dimensional) entangled quantum states. Our model enjoys efficient learning analogous to the density matrix renormalization group method, which allows dynamically adjusting dimensions of the tensors and offers an efficient direct sampling approach for generative tasks. We apply our method to generative modeling of several standard datasets including the Bars and Stripes, random binary patterns and the MNIST handwritten digits to illustrate the abilities, features and drawbacks of our model over popular generative models such as Hopfield model, Boltzmann machines and generative adversarial networks. Our work sheds light on many interesting directions of future exploration on the development of quantum-inspired algorithms for unsupervised machine learning, which are promisingly possible to be realized on quantum devices.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures (not including the TNs) GitHub Page: https://congzlwag.github.io/UnsupGenModbyMPS

    NASA JSC neural network survey results

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    A survey of Artificial Neural Systems in support of NASA's (Johnson Space Center) Automatic Perception for Mission Planning and Flight Control Research Program was conducted. Several of the world's leading researchers contributed papers containing their most recent results on artificial neural systems. These papers were broken into categories and descriptive accounts of the results make up a large part of this report. Also included is material on sources of information on artificial neural systems such as books, technical reports, software tools, etc

    Adaptive Image Restoration: Perception Based Neural Nework Models and Algorithms.

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    Abstract This thesis describes research into the field of image restoration. Restoration is a process by which an image suffering some form of distortion or degradation can be recovered to its original form. Two primary concepts within this field have been investigated. The first concept is the use of a Hopfield neural network to implement the constrained least square error method of image restoration. In this thesis, the author reviews previous neural network restoration algorithms in the literature and builds on these algorithms to develop a new faster version of the Hopfield neural network algorithm for image restoration. The versatility of the neural network approach is then extended by the author to deal with the cases of spatially variant distortion and adaptive regularisation. It is found that using the Hopfield-based neural network approach, an image suffering spatially variant degradation can be accurately restored without a substantial penalty in restoration time. In addition, the adaptive regularisation restoration technique presented in this thesis is shown to produce superior results when compared to non-adaptive techniques and is particularly effective when applied to the difficult, yet important, problem of semi-blind deconvolution. The second concept investigated in this thesis, is the difficult problem of incorporating concepts involved in human visual perception into image restoration techniques. In this thesis, the author develops a novel image error measure which compares two images based on the differences between local regional statistics rather than pixel level differences. This measure more closely corresponds to the way humans perceive the differences between two images. Two restoration algorithms are developed by the author based on versions of the novel image error measure. It is shown that the algorithms which utilise this error measure have improved performance and produce visually more pleasing images in the cases of colour and grayscale images under high noise conditions. Most importantly, the perception based algorithms are shown to be extremely tolerant of faults in the restoration algorithm and hence are very robust. A number of experiments have been performed to demonstrate the performance of the various algorithms presented

    Restorasi Citra Blur Dengan Algoritma Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Hopfield

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    Kebutuhan terhadap citra digital dalam masyarakat kita dewasa ini semakin meningkat dan merambah di berbagai bidang kehidupan seperti dalam pendidikan, bisnis, fotografi, bahkan kriminologi. Pengolahan citra digital merupakan teknologi yang dapat digunakan dalam memanipulasi citra untuk mengatasi ketrbatasan alat akuisisi citra atau untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra tersebut. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan restorasi terhadap citra kabur. Citra digital akan didegradasi dengan menggunakan Gaussian blur , kemudian direstorasi menggunakan jaringan Hopfield yang merupakan salah satu cabang dari jaringan saraf tiruan. Tujuan akhir dari proses restorasi adalah memperbaiki citra yang diberikan. Teknik restorasi secara umum berorientasi ke arah pemodelan degradasi dan penerapan proses kebalikannya (invers) untuk kembali mendapatkan citra asli. Berdasarkan analisis dari hasil uji coba hasil restorasi yang diperoleh belum optimal mendekati citra aslinya karena citra hasil perbaikan cenderung lebih gelap dan masih mengalamai degradasi atau kerusakan. Kemungkinan hal ini terjadi pada proses normalisasi yang kurang tepat

    Modified Hopfield Neural Network Classification Algorithm For Satellite Images

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    Air adalah bahan yang penting bagi kehidupan mahkluk di atas muka bumi ini. Aktiviti manusia dan pengaruh alam semula jadi memberi kesan terhadap kualiti air, dan ia dianggap satu daripada masalah terbesar yang membelenggui kehidupan. Water is an essential material for living creatures. Human activities and natural influences have an effecting on water quality, and this is considered one of the largest problems facing living forms