8 research outputs found

    Automated Image Registration And Mosaicking For Multi-Sensor Images Acquired By A Miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform

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    Algorithms for automatic image registration and mosaicking are developed for a miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MINI-UAV) platform, assembled by Air-O-Space International (AOSI) L.L.C.. Three cameras onboard this MINI-UAV platform acquire images in a single frame simultaneously at green (550nm), red (650 nm), and near infrared (820nm) wavelengths, but with shifting and rotational misalignment. The area-based method is employed in the developed algorithms for control point detection, which is applicable when no prominent feature details are present in image scenes. Because the three images to be registered have different spectral characteristics, region of interest determination and control point selection are the two key steps that ensure the quality of control points. Affine transformation is adopted for spatial transformation, followed by bilinear interpolation for image resampling. Mosaicking is conducted between adjacent frames after three-band co-registration. Pre-introducing the rotation makes the area-based method feasible when the rotational misalignment cannot be ignored. The algorithms are tested on three image sets collected at Stennis Space Center, Greenwood, and Oswalt in Mississippi. Manual evaluation confirms the effectiveness of the developed algorithms. The codes are converted into a software package, which is executable under the Microsoft Windows environment of personal computer platforms without the requirement of MATLAB or other special software support for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product. The near real-time decision-making support is achievable with final data after its installation into the ground control station. The final products are color-infrared (CIR) composite and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) images, which are used in agriculture, forestry, and environmental monitoring

    A new asymmetrical corner detector(ACD) for a semi-automatic image co-registration scheme

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    Co-registration of multi-sensor and multi-temporal images is essential for remote sensing applications. In the image co-registration process, automatic Ground Control Points (GCPs) selection is a key technical issue and the accuracy of GCPs localization largely accounts for the final image co-registration accuracy. In this thesis, a novel Asymmetrical Corner Detector (ACD) algorithm based on auto-correlation is presented and a semi-automatic image co-registration scheme is proposed. The ACD is designed with the consideration of the fact that asymmetrical corner points are the most common reality in remotely sensed imagery data. The ACD selects points more favourable to asymmetrical points rather than symmetrical points to avoid incorrect selection of flat points which are often highly symmetrical. The experimental results using images taken by different sensors indicate that the ACD has obtained excellent performance in terms of point localization and computation efficiency. It is more capable of selecting high quality GCPs than some well established corner detectors favourable to symmetrical corner points such as the Harris Corner Detector (Harris and Stephens, 1988). A semi-automatic image co-registration scheme is then proposed, which employs the ACD algorithm to extract evenly distributed GCPs across the overlapped area in the reference image. The scheme uses three manually selected pairs of GCPs to determine the initial transformation model and the overlapped area. Grid-control and nonmaximum suppression methods are used to secure the high quality and spread distribution of GCPs selected. It also involves the FNCC (fast normalised crosscorrelation) algorithm (Lewis, 1995) to refine the corresponding point locations in the input image and thus the GCPs are semi-automatically selected to proceed to the polynomial fitting image rectification. The performance of the proposed coregistration scheme has been demonstrated by registering multi-temporal, multi-sensor and multi-resolution images taken by Landsat TM, ETM+ and SPOT sensors. Experimental results show that consistent high registration accuracy of less than 0.7 pixels RMSE has been achieved. Keywords: Asymmetrical corner points, image co-registration, AC

    Geo-rectification and cloud-cover correction of multi-temporal Earth observation imagery

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    Over the past decades, improvements in remote sensing technology have led to mass proliferation of aerial imagery. This, in turn, opened vast new possibilities relating to land cover classification, cartography, and so forth. As applications in these fields became increasingly more complex, the amount of data required also rose accordingly and so, to satisfy these new needs, automated systems had to be developed. Geometric distortions in raw imagery must be rectified, otherwise the high accuracy requirements of the newest applications will not be attained. This dissertation proposes an automated solution for the pre-stages of multi-spectral satellite imagery classification, focusing on Fast Fourier Shift theorem based geo-rectification and multi-temporal cloud-cover correction. By automatizing the first stages of image processing, automatic classifiers can take advantage of a larger supply of image data, eventually allowing for the creation of semi-real-time mapping applications

    Multi-Modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predicts Regional Amyloid Burden in the Brain

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia and identifying early markers of this disease is important for prevention and treatment strategies. Amyloid- β (Aβ) protein deposition is one of the earliest detectable pathological changes in AD. But in-vivo detection of Aβ using positron emission tomography (PET) is hampered by high cost and limited geographical accessibility. These factors can become limiting when PET is used to screen large numbers of subjects into prevention trials when only a minority are expected to be amyloid-positive. Structural MRI is advantageous; as it is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and more accessible. Thus it could be widely used in large studies, even when frequent or repetitive imaging is necessary. We used a machine learning, pattern recognition, approach using intensity-based features from individual and combination of MR modalities (T1 weighted, T2 weighted, T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR], susceptibility weighted imaging) to predict voxel-level amyloid in the brain. The MR- Aβ relation was learned within each subject and generalized across subjects using subject–specific features (demographic, clinical, and summary MR features). When compared to other modalities, combination of T1-weighted, T2-weighted FLAIR, and SWI performed best in predicting the amyloid status as positive or negative. A combination of T2-weighted and SWI imaging performed the best in predicting change in amyloid over two timepoints. Overall, our results show feasibility of amyloid prediction by MRI and its potential use as an amyloid-screening tool

    Attitude determination through registration of earth observational imagery

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    With the increasing resolution of Earth observational sensors there is an increasing need for reliable, frequent and accurate attitude knowledge. Typically, high accuracy attitude systems incur large mass and costs, limiting the potential missions to which small or inexpensive satellites may apply. A neea tnererore exists tor low-mass, low-cost attitude systems capable or obtaining high accuracy attitude telemetry, especially during image capture and onboard small satellites. Towards such ends, this research investigates the potential use of a narrow stereo angle between pushbroom sensors for determining the attitude of a spacecraft.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Contribution au recalage d'images de modalités différentes à travers la mise en correspondance de nuages de points (Application à la télédétection)

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    L'utilisation d'images de modalités différentes est très répandue dans la résolution de problèmes liés aux applications de la télédétection. La raison principale est que chaque image d'une certaine modalité contient des informations spécifiques qui peuvent être intégrées en un modèle unique, afin d'améliorer notre connaissance à propos d'une scène spécifique. A cause du grand volume de données disponibles, ces intégrations doivent être réalisées de manière automatique. Cependant, un problème apparaît dès les premiers stades du processus : la recherche, dans des images de modalités différentes, de régions en correspondance. Ce problème est difficile à résoudre car la décision de regrouper des régions doit nécessairement reposer sur la part d'information commune aux images, même si les modalités sont différentes. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons donc d'apporter une contribution à la résolution de ce problèmeThe use of several images of various modalities has been proved to be quite useful for solving problems arising in many different applications of remote sensing. The main reason is that each image of a given modality conveys its own part of specific information, which can be integrated into a single model in order to improve our knowledge on a given area. With the large amount of available data, any task of integration must be performed automatically. At the very first stage of an automated integration process, a rather direct problem arises : given a region of interest within a first image, the question is to find out its equivalent within a second image acquired over the same scene but with a different modality. This problem is difficult because the decision to match two regions must rely on the common part of information supported by the two images, even if their modalities are quite different. This is the problem that we wish to address in this thesisAIX-MARSEILLE2-Bib.electronique (130559901) / SudocSudocFranceF