48 research outputs found

    Set optimization - a rather short introduction

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    Recent developments in set optimization are surveyed and extended including various set relations as well as fundamental constructions of a convex analysis for set- and vector-valued functions, and duality for set optimization problems. Extensive sections with bibliographical comments summarize the state of the art. Applications to vector optimization and financial risk measures are discussed along with algorithmic approaches to set optimization problems

    Lagrange Duality in Set Optimization

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    Based on the complete-lattice approach, a new Lagrangian duality theory for set-valued optimization problems is presented. In contrast to previous approaches, set-valued versions for the known scalar formulas involving infimum and supremum are obtained. In particular, a strong duality theorem, which includes the existence of the dual solution, is given under very weak assumptions: The ordering cone may have an empty interior or may not be pointed. "Saddle sets" replace the usual notion of saddle points for the Lagrangian, and this concept is proven to be sufficient to show the equivalence between the existence of primal/dual solutions and strong duality on the one hand and the existence of a saddle set for the Lagrangian on the other hand

    Multiobjective Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints

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    The paper is devoted to new applications of advanced tools of modern variational analysis and generalized differentiation to the study of broad classes of multiobjective optimization problems subject to equilibrium constraints in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings. Performance criteria in multiobjectivejvector optimization are defined by general preference relationships satisfying natural requirements, while equilibrium constraints are described by parameterized generalized equations/variational conditions in the sense of Robinson. Such problems are intrinsically nonsmooth and are handled in this paper via appropriate normal/coderivativejsubdifferential constructions that exhibit full calculi. Most of the results obtained are new even in finite dimensions, while the case of infinite-dimensional spaces is significantly more involved requiring in addition certain sequential normal compactness properties of sets and mappings that are preserved under a broad spectrum of operations

    A Minty variational principle for set optimization

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    Extremal problems are studied involving an objective function with values in (order) complete lattices of sets generated by so called set relations. Contrary to the popular paradigm in vector optimization, the solution concept for such problems, introduced by F. Heyde and A. L\"ohne, comprises the attainment of the infimum as well as a minimality property. The main result is a Minty type variational inequality for set optimization problems which provides a sufficient optimality condition under lower semicontinuity assumptions and a necessary condition under appropriate generalized convexity assumptions. The variational inequality is based on a new Dini directional derivative for set-valued functions which is defined in terms of a "lattice difference quotient": A residual operation in a lattice of sets replaces the inverse addition in linear spaces. Relationships to families of scalar problems are pointed out and used for proofs: The appearance of improper scalarizations poses a major difficulty which is dealt with by extending known scalar results such as Diewert's theorem to improper functions

    An Inequality Approach to Approximate Solutions of Set Optimization Problems in Real Linear Spaces

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    This paper explores new notions of approximate minimality in set optimization using a set approach. We propose characterizations of several approximate minimal elements of families of sets in real linear spaces by means of general functionals, which can be unified in an inequality approach. As particular cases, we investigate the use of the prominent Tammer–Weidner nonlinear scalarizing functionals, without assuming any topology, in our context. We also derive numerical methods to obtain approximate minimal elements of families of finitely many sets by means of our obtained results

    Scalable Pareto set generation for multiobjective co-design problems in water distribution networks: a continuous relaxation approach

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    In this paper, we study the multiobjective co-design problem of optimal valve placement and operation in water distribution networks, addressing the minimization of average pressure and pressure variability indices. The presented formulation considers nodal pressures, pipe flows and valve locations as decision variables, where binary variables are used to model the placement of control valves. The resulting optimization problem is a multiobjective mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem. As conflicting objectives, average zone pressure and pressure variability can not be simultaneously optimized. Therefore, we present the concept of Pareto optima sets to investigate the trade-offs between the two conflicting objectives and evaluate the best compromise. We focus on the approximation of the Pareto front, the image of the Pareto optima set through the objective functions, using the weighted sum, normal boundary intersection and normalized normal constraint scalarization techniques. Each of the three methods relies on the solution of a series of single-objective optimization problems, which are mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) in our case. For the solution of each single-objective optimization problem, we implement a relaxation method that solves a sequence of nonlinear programs (NLPs) whose stationary points converge to a stationary point of the original MINLP. The relaxed NLPs have a sparse structure that come from the sparse water network graph constraints. In solving the large number of relaxed NLPs, sparsity is exploited by tailored techniques to improve the performance of the algorithms further and render the approaches scalable for large scale networks. The features of the proposed scalarization approaches are evaluated using a published benchmarking network model

    Optimization and Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces

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    The paper is devoted to applications of modern variational f).nalysis to the study of constrained optimization and equilibrium problems in infinite-dimensional spaces. We pay a particular attention to the remarkable classes of optimization and equilibrium problems identified as MPECs (mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints) and EPECs (equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints) treated from the viewpoint of multiobjective optimization. Their underlying feature is that the major constraints are governed by parametric generalized equations/variational conditions in the sense of Robinson. Such problems are intrinsically nonsmooth and can be handled by using an appropriate machinery of generalized differentiation exhibiting a rich/full calculus. The case of infinite-dimensional spaces is significantly more involved in comparison with finite dimensions, requiring in addition a certain sufficient amount of compactness and an efficient calculus of the corresponding sequential normal compactness (SNC) properties

    Applying multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in industrial projects

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    During the recent years, multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have matured as a flexible optimization tool which can be used in various areas of reallife applications. Practical experiences showed that typically the algorithms need an essential adaptation to the specific problem for a successful application. Considering these requirements, we discuss various issues of the design and application of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to real-life optimization problems. In particular, questions on problem-specific data structures and evolutionary operators and the determination of method parameters are treated. As a major issue, the handling of infeasible intermediate solutions is pointed out. Three application examples in the areas of constrained global optimization (electronic circuit design), semi-infinite programming (design centering problems), and discrete optimization (project scheduling) are discussed