814 research outputs found

    Topological approaches for 3D object processing and applications

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    The great challenge in 3D object processing is to devise computationally efficient algorithms for recovering 3D models contaminated by noise and preserving their geometrical structure. The first problem addressed in this thesis is object denoising formulated in the discrete variational framework. We introduce a 3D mesh denoising method based on kernel density estimation. The proposed approach is able to reduce the over-smoothing effect and effectively remove undesirable noise while preserving prominent geometric features of a 3D mesh such as sharp features and fine details. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated through extensive experiments. The rest of the thesis is devoted to a joint exploitation of geometry and topology of 3D objects for as parsimonious as possible representation of models and its subsequent application in object modeling, compression, and hashing problems. We introduce a 3D mesh compression technique using the centroidal mesh neighborhood information. The key idea is to apply eigen-decomposition to the mesh umbrella matrix, and then discard the smallest eigenvalues/eigenvectors in order to reduce the dimensionality of the new spectral basis so that most of the energy is concentrated in the low frequency coefficients. We also present a hashing technique for 3D models using spectral graph theory and entropic spanning trees by partitioning a 3D triangle mesh into an ensemble of submeshes, and then applying eigen-decomposition to the Laplace-Beltrami matrix of each sub-mesh, followed by computing the hash value of each sub-mesh. Moreover, we introduce several statistical distributions to analyze the topological properties of 3D objects. These probabilistic distributions provide useful information about the way 3D mesh models are connected. Illustrating experiments with synthetic and real data are provided to demonstrate the feasibility and the much improved performance of the proposed approaches in 3D object compression, hashing, and modeling

    Statistical Tools for Digital Image Forensics

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    A digitally altered image, often leaving no visual clues of having been tampered with, can be indistinguishable from an authentic image. The tampering, however, may disturb some underlying statistical properties of the image. Under this assumption, we propose five techniques that quantify and detect statistical perturbations found in different forms of tampered images: (1) re-sampled images (e.g., scaled or rotated); (2) manipulated color filter array interpolated images; (3) double JPEG compressed images; (4) images with duplicated regions; and (5) images with inconsistent noise patterns. These techniques work in the absence of any embedded watermarks or signatures. For each technique we develop the theoretical foundation, show its effectiveness on credible forgeries, and analyze its sensitivity and robustness to simple counter-attacks

    Geometric modeling of non-rigid 3D shapes : theory and application to object recognition.

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    One of the major goals of computer vision is the development of flexible and efficient methods for shape representation. This is true, especially for non-rigid 3D shapes where a great variety of shapes are produced as a result of deformations of a non-rigid object. Modeling these non-rigid shapes is a very challenging problem. Being able to analyze the properties of such shapes and describe their behavior is the key issue in research. Also, considering photometric features can play an important role in many shape analysis applications, such as shape matching and correspondence because it contains rich information about the visual appearance of real objects. This new information (contained in photometric features) and its important applications add another, new dimension to the problem\u27s difficulty. Two main approaches have been adopted in the literature for shape modeling for the matching and retrieval problem, local and global approaches. Local matching is performed between sparse points or regions of the shape, while the global shape approaches similarity is measured among entire models. These methods have an underlying assumption that shapes are rigidly transformed. And Most descriptors proposed so far are confined to shape, that is, they analyze only geometric and/or topological properties of 3D models. A shape descriptor or model should be isometry invariant, scale invariant, be able to capture the fine details of the shape, computationally efficient, and have many other good properties. A shape descriptor or model is needed. This shape descriptor should be: able to deal with the non-rigid shape deformation, able to handle the scale variation problem with less sensitivity to noise, able to match shapes related to the same class even if these shapes have missing parts, and able to encode both the photometric, and geometric information in one descriptor. This dissertation will address the problem of 3D non-rigid shape representation and textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on local features. Two approaches will be proposed for non-rigid shape matching and retrieval based on Heat Kernel (HK), and Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel (SI-HK) and one approach for modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on scale-invariant Weighted Heat Kernel Signature (WHKS). For the first approach, the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions is used to detect a small number of critical points on the shape surface. Then a shape descriptor is formed based on the heat kernels at the detected critical points for different scales. Sparse representation is used to reduce the dimensionality of the calculated descriptor. The proposed descriptor is used for classification via the Collaborative Representation-based Classification with a Regularized Least Square (CRC-RLS) algorithm. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve state-of-the-art results on two benchmark data sets. For the second approach, an improved method to introduce scale-invariance has been also proposed to avoid noise-sensitive operations in the original transformation method. Then a new 3D shape descriptor is formed based on the histograms of the scale-invariant HK for a number of critical points on the shape at different time scales. A Collaborative Classification (CC) scheme is then employed for object classification. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve high performance on the two benchmark data sets. An important observation from the experiments is that the proposed approach is more able to handle data under several distortion scenarios (noise, shot-noise, scale, and under missing parts) than the well-known approaches. For modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes, this dissertation introduces, for the first time, a mathematical framework for the diffusion geometry on textured shapes. This dissertation presents an approach for shape matching and retrieval based on a weighted heat kernel signature. It shows how to include photometric information as a weight over the shape manifold, and it also propose a novel formulation for heat diffusion over weighted manifolds. Then this dissertation presents a new discretization method for the weighted heat kernel induced by the linear FEM weights. Finally, the weighted heat kernel signature is used as a shape descriptor. The proposed descriptor encodes both the photometric, and geometric information based on the solution of one equation. Finally, this dissertation proposes an approach for 3D face recognition based on the front contours of heat propagation over the face surface. The front contours are extracted automatically as heat is propagating starting from a detected set of landmarks. The propagation contours are used to successfully discriminate the various faces. The proposed approach is evaluated on the largest publicly available database of 3D facial images and successfully compared to the state-of-the-art approaches in the literature. This work can be extended to the problem of dense correspondence between non-rigid shapes. The proposed approaches with the properties of the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction can be utilized for 3D mesh segmentation. Another possible application of the proposed approach is the view point selection for 3D objects by selecting the most informative views that collectively provide the most descriptive presentation of the surface

    Intelligent Global Face Recognition

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    Effectiveness of machine learning algorithms as a tool to meat traceability system. A case study to classify Spanish Mediterranean lamb carcasses

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    Establishing the traceability of meat products has been a major focus of food science in recent decades. In this context, recent advances in food nutritional biomarker identification and improvements in statistical technology have allowed for more accurate identification and classification of food products. Moreover, artificial intelligence has now provided a new opportunity for optimizing existing methods to identify animal products. This study presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different machine learning algorithms based on raw data from analyses of organoleptic, sensory and nutritional meat traits to differentiate categories of commercial lamb from an indigenous Spanish breed (Mallorquina breed) obtained from the following production systems: suckling lambs; light lambs from grazing; and light lambs from grazing supplemented with grain. Six machine learning algorithms were evaluated: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Naive Bayes, Multinomial Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). For each algorithm, we tested three datasets, namely organoleptic traits and sensorial traits (CIELAB colour, water holding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear force, volatile compounds and trained tasters), and nutritional traits (proximate composition and fatty acid profile). We also tested a combination of all three datasets. All the data were combined into a dataset with 144 variables resulting from the meat characterization, which included 11,232 event records. The ANN algorithm stood out for its high score with each of the three datasets used. In fact, we obtained an overall accuracy of 0.88, 0.83, and 0.88 for the organoleptic-sensory, nutritional, and combined datasets, respectively. The effectiveness of using the SVM algorithm to assign categories of lambs according to its production system performed better with nutritional traits and the full characterization, with performances equal to those obtained with ANN. The KNN algorithm showed the worst performance, with overall accuracies of 0.54 or lower for each of the datasets used. The results of this study demonstrate that machine learning is a useful tool for classifying commercial lamb carcasses. In fact, the ANN and SVM algorithms could be proposed as tools for differentiating categories of lamb production based on the organoleptic, sensory and nutritional characteristics of Mediterranean light lambs' meat. However, in order to improve the traceability methods of lamb meat production systems as a guarantee for consumers and to improve the learning processes used by these algorithms, more studies along these lines with other lamb breeds are required.This research has been financed by the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IRFAP) of the Government of the Balearic Islands (PRJ201502671-0781), the Spanish National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology and the European Social Fund (FPI2014-00013). Particular gratefulness to PhD Oliva Polvillo Polo (CITIUS, University of Seville’s Centre for Research) for contributing her knowledge in chromatography analysisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Privacy-Protecting Techniques for Behavioral Data: A Survey

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    Our behavior (the way we talk, walk, or think) is unique and can be used as a biometric trait. It also correlates with sensitive attributes like emotions. Hence, techniques to protect individuals privacy against unwanted inferences are required. To consolidate knowledge in this area, we systematically reviewed applicable anonymization techniques. We taxonomize and compare existing solutions regarding privacy goals, conceptual operation, advantages, and limitations. Our analysis shows that some behavioral traits (e.g., voice) have received much attention, while others (e.g., eye-gaze, brainwaves) are mostly neglected. We also find that the evaluation methodology of behavioral anonymization techniques can be further improved

    Application of spectroscopic and multispectral imaging technologies on the assessment of ready-to-eat pineapple quality: A performance evaluation study of machine learning models generated from two commercial data analytics tools

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    Recently, rapid, non-invasive analytical methods relying on vibrational spectroscopy and hyper/multispectral imaging, are increasingly gaining popularity in food science. Although such instruments offer a promising alternative to the conventional methods, the analysis of generated data demands complex multidisciplinary approaches based on data analytics tools utilization. Therefore, the objective of this work was to (i) assess the predictive power of different analytical platforms (sensors) coupled with machine learning algorithms in evaluating quality of ready-to-eat (RTE) pineapple (Ananas comosus) and (ii) explore the potentials of The Unscrambler software and the online machine-learning ranking platform, SorfML, in developing the predictive models required by such instruments to assess quality indices. Pineapple samples were stored at 4, 8, 12 °C and dynamic temperatures and were subjected to microbiological (total mesophilic microbial populations, TVC) and sensory analysis (colour, odour, texture) with parallel acquisition of spectral data. Fourier-transform infrared, fluorescence (FLUO) and visible sensors, as well as Videometer instrument were used. For TVC, almost all the combinations of sensors and Partial-least squares regression (PLSR) algorithm from both analytics tools reached values of root mean square error of prediction (RMSE) up to 0.63 log CFU/g, as well as the highest coefficient of determination values (R2). Moreover, Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM Linear) combined with each one of the sensors reached similar performance. For odour, FLUO sensor achieved the highest overall performance, when combined with Partial-least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) in both platforms with accuracy close to 85%, but also with values of sensitivity and specificity above 85%. The SVM Linear and MSI combination also achieved similar performance. On the other hand, all models developed for colour and texture showed poor prediction performance. Overall, the use of both analytics tools, resulted in similar trends concerning the feasibility of the different analytical platforms and algorithms on quality evaluation of RTE pineapple

    Intelligent Local Face Recognition

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    Spectroscopic Sensor Data Fusion to Improve the Prediction of Soil Nutrient Contents

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    This study aims to advance the understanding and application of spectroscopic sensor data fusion for improving soil nutrient content predictions. In addition to presenting an extensive review of studies on the spectroscopic sensor data fusion, a research investigation was conducted to assess the effectiveness of five fusion algorithms in predicting three primary nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium) and two secondary nutrients (Calcium and Magnesium) in soil using Visible and Near-Infrared, Mid-Infrared, and X-ray Fluorescence data. Among the five fusion algorithms, one was a low-level fusion involving data concatenation. Two were mid-level fusions, incorporating feature extraction by applying (i) Principal Component reduction and (ii) Partial Least Squares reduction. The other two were high-level fusions, namely (i) Simple Averaging and (ii) Granger Ramanathan Averaging. The results indicate that Low-Level Fusion may not be suitable for inherently incompatible data. Mid-level fusion improved the R² by 0.1-18%, RMSE by 0-8%, and RPIQ by 0-11.5%, while high-level fusion enhanced the R² by 0-12.5%, RMSE by 0-12%, and RPIQ by 2.3-13.4%, depending on the nutrients and fusion algorithms. Despite these improvements, predictions were only satisfactory for primary nutrients, and none of the algorithms could notably enhance predictions for Phosphorous. The study also finds that fusion algorithms do not significantly improve bias. The study provided evidence of improvement in prediction accuracy with data fusion which can aid in delineating management zones for precision agriculture. It also encourages further research on novel approaches of sensor fusion and algorithms that can effectively handle non-linearity introduced due to the fusion of data. Advisor: Yufeng G
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