715 research outputs found

    A Naïve Visual Cryptographic Algorithm for the Transfer of Compressed Medical Images

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    The transmission of a suitably compressed image over a bandwidth, over long distances, gives rise towards a new era in the field of information technology. A gradual increase in this appending scenic application, involving the transfer of the images securely over the Ethernet has become an increasingly important aspect to be addressed during thou phenomenon, especially in the transfer of the digital medical images vividly, encapsulated with abundant information related to these images. The compressed medical images of the DICOM format contain certain amount of confidential data, pertaining to a clinical research or to an individual, and the confidentiality of the same has to be preserved from various security threats and eves-dropping. With a widespread applications among various multimedia applicative systems, telemedicine, medical imaging, military and certain safety-critical applications, inter-net and intra-net communicative applications, etc, a reliable transfer of suitable information, efficiently & securely is considered as one of the revolutionary aims in today’s communication technology and visual cryptographic methodologies. Real-time applications as such detailed above majorly is concerned with the security measures and many algorithms have been developed as a proof for various visual cryptographic methodologies. In this paper we propose an efficient and a reliable visual cryptographic methodology which focuses on the encryption and decryption of the two-dimensional DICOM standard compressed medical image, effectively.  This paper discusses an efficient design of 192 bit encoder using AES Rijndael Algorithm with the decomposition of an image into square image size blocks and the image blocks are shuffled using 2D CAT map. The shuffling of the image blocks/pixels employs a Logistic map of these image pixels coupled with 2D mapping of the pixels of the DICOM standard medical image, generated randomly, being the control parameter thereby creating a confusion between the cipher and the plain image, gradually increasing the resistive factor against the significant attacks. This paper proposes various analytical metrics such as correlation analysis, entropy analysis, homogeneity analysis, energy analysis, contrast and mean of absolute deviation analysis, to evaluate the proposed algorithm, and their suitability in image encryption applications

    Medical image encryption techniques: a technical survey and potential challenges

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    Among the most sensitive and important data in telemedicine systems are medical images. It is necessary to use a robust encryption method that is resistant to cryptographic assaults while transferring medical images over the internet. Confidentiality is the most crucial of the three security goals for protecting information systems, along with availability, integrity, and compliance. Encryption and watermarking of medical images address problems with confidentiality and integrity in telemedicine applications. The need to prioritize security issues in telemedicine applications makes the choice of a trustworthy and efficient strategy or framework all the more crucial. The paper examines various security issues and cutting-edge methods to secure medical images for use with telemedicine systems

    Asymmetric image encryption scheme based on Massey Omura scheme

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    Asymmetric image encryption schemes have shown high resistance against modern cryptanalysis. Massey Omura scheme is one of the popular asymmetric key cryptosystems based on the hard mathematical problem which is discrete logarithm problem. This system is more secure and efficient since there is no exchange of keys during the protocols of encryption and decryption. Thus, this work tried to use this fact to propose a secure asymmetric image encryption scheme. In this scheme the sender and receiver agree on public parameters, then the scheme begin deal with image using Massey Omura scheme to encrypt it by the sender and then decrypted it by the receiver. The proposed scheme tested using peak signal to noise ratio, and unified average changing intensity to prove that it is fast and has high security

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Implementation of a Symmetric Chaotic Encryption Scheme

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    Voice over Internet Protocol technology (VoIP) is progressing commendably, but packet loss, propagation delay, jitter, unreliable IP networks, and vulnerability to attacks by Internet hackers are among critical issues that have been identified. Voice privacy and security needs to focused upon and data encryption techniques are the answers in providing the security needed. However, traditional cryptosystems demand high computational complexity andhigh digital signal processors which in return increases the cost of implementation. There is parallel growth in cryptographic techniques which originated anintense research activity and the search for new directions in cryptography such as chaotic encryption. Due to its deterministic nature and its sensitivity to initial conditions, chaos has a certain potential in creating a newway of securing information to be transmitted or stored. There are two main objectives to this project. First is study the feasibility of the chaotic encryption scheme in providing a solution in to preserve data security while maintaining the voice quality for voice over Internet Protocol. Secondly, a new scheme based on a chaos system will be implemented for voice data. In order to achieve the second objective, a study had been carried out on other proposed schemes mainly the Hierarchical Data Security Protection (HDSP) for VoIP. This scheme performs two main operations which is the data-frame interleaving and intra-frame data encryption using bit swapping. Based onthe HDSP scheme, the author suggests a new scheme using two level encryption techniques, based on chaos. In this scheme, the author uses the bit swapping technique as the second encryption-decryption level and enhances it with a first level encryption-decryption scheme using the two's compliment overflow nonlinearity encoder-decoder pair. The implementation ofthis scheme is specified to do real time processing ofvoice data. It can also be used to read, encrypt and write a wave file. The entire system is implemented, tested and validated using MATLAB and Visual C++. Due to the promising prospect ofchaotic encryption in the field ofcryptography, and the lack ofimplementation ofthis new encryption-decryption algorithm, this project focuses on introducing a new symmetric encryption-decryption scheme based on a chaos system for VoIP


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Algorithms and Architectures for Secure Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    Embedded multimedia systems provide real-time video support for applications in entertainment (mobile phones, internet video websites), defense (video-surveillance and tracking) and public-domain (tele-medicine, remote and distant learning, traffic monitoring and management). With the widespread deployment of such real-time embedded systems, there has been an increasing concern over the security and authentication of concerned multimedia data. While several (software) algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed in the research literature to support multimedia security, these fail to address embedded applications whose performance specifications have tighter constraints on computational power and available hardware resources. The goals of this dissertation research are two fold: 1. To develop novel algorithms for joint video compression and encryption. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational requirements of multimedia encryption algorithms. We propose an approach that uses the compression parameters instead of compressed bitstream for video encryption. 2. Hardware acceleration of proposed algorithms over reconfigurable computing platforms such as FPGA and over VLSI circuits. We use signal processing knowledge to make the algorithms suitable for hardware optimizations and try to reduce the critical path of circuits using hardware-specific optimizations. The proposed algorithms ensures a considerable level of security for low-power embedded systems such as portable video players and surveillance cameras. These schemes have zero or little compression losses and preserve the desired properties of compressed bitstream in encrypted bitstream to ensure secure and scalable transmission of videos over heterogeneous networks. They also support indexing, search and retrieval in secure multimedia digital libraries. This property is crucial not only for police and armed forces to retrieve information about a suspect from a large video database of surveillance feeds, but extremely helpful for data centers (such as those used by youtube, aol and metacafe) in reducing the computation cost in search and retrieval of desired videos
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