21 research outputs found

    A proximal approach for constrained cosparse modelling

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    International audienceThe concept of cosparsity has been recently introduced in the arena of compressed sensing. In cosparse modelling, the ℓ0 (or ℓ1) cost of an analysis-based representation of the target signal is minimized under a data fidelity constraint. By taking benefit from recent advances in proximal algorithms, we show that it is possible to efficiently address a more general framework where a convex block sparsity measure is minimized under various convex constraints. The main contribution of this work is the introduction of a new epigraphical projection technique, which allows us to consider more flexible data fidelity constraints than the standard linear or quadratic ones. The validity of our approach is illustrated through an application to an image reconstruction problem in the presence of Poisson noise

    A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Frame Representation

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    In many signal processing problems, it may be fruitful to represent the signal under study in a frame. If a probabilistic approach is adopted, it becomes then necessary to estimate the hyper-parameters characterizing the probability distribution of the frame coefficients. This problem is difficult since in general the frame synthesis operator is not bijective. Consequently, the frame coefficients are not directly observable. This paper introduces a hierarchical Bayesian model for frame representation. The posterior distribution of the frame coefficients and model hyper-parameters is derived. Hybrid Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are subsequently proposed to sample from this posterior distribution. The generated samples are then exploited to estimate the hyper-parameters and the frame coefficients of the target signal. Validation experiments show that the proposed algorithms provide an accurate estimation of the frame coefficients and hyper-parameters. Application to practical problems of image denoising show the impact of the resulting Bayesian estimation on the recovered signal quality

    Wavelet primal sketch representation using Marr wavelet pyramid and its reconstruction

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    Relaxing Tight Frame Condition in Parallel Proximal Methods for Signal Restoration

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    A fruitful approach for solving signal deconvolution problems consists of resorting to a frame-based convex variational formulation. In this context, parallel proximal algorithms and related alternating direction methods of multipliers have become popular optimization techniques to approximate iteratively the desired solution. Until now, in most of these methods, either Lipschitz differentiability properties or tight frame representations were assumed. In this paper, it is shown that it is possible to relax these assumptions by considering a class of non necessarily tight frame representations, thus offering the possibility of addressing a broader class of signal restoration problems. In particular, it is possible to use non necessarily maximally decimated filter banks with perfect reconstruction, which are common tools in digital signal processing. The proposed approach allows us to solve both frame analysis and frame synthesis problems for various noise distributions. In our simulations, it is applied to the deconvolution of data corrupted with Poisson noise or Laplacian noise by using (non-tight) discrete dual-tree wavelet representations and filter bank structures

    Construction of Hilbert Transform Pairs of Wavelet Bases and Gabor-like Transforms

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    We propose a novel method for constructing Hilbert transform (HT) pairs of wavelet bases based on a fundamental approximation-theoretic characterization of scaling functions--the B-spline factorization theorem. In particular, starting from well-localized scaling functions, we construct HT pairs of biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R) by relating the corresponding wavelet filters via a discrete form of the continuous HT filter. As a concrete application of this methodology, we identify HT pairs of spline wavelets of a specific flavor, which are then combined to realize a family of complex wavelets that resemble the optimally-localized Gabor function for sufficiently large orders. Analytic wavelets, derived from the complexification of HT wavelet pairs, exhibit a one-sided spectrum. Based on the tensor-product of such analytic wavelets, and, in effect, by appropriately combining four separable biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R^2), we then discuss a methodology for constructing 2D directional-selective complex wavelets. In particular, analogous to the HT correspondence between the components of the 1D counterpart, we relate the real and imaginary components of these complex wavelets using a multi-dimensional extension of the HT--the directional HT. Next, we construct a family of complex spline wavelets that resemble the directional Gabor functions proposed by Daugman. Finally, we present an efficient FFT-based filterbank algorithm for implementing the associated complex wavelet transform.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    A nonlinear Stein based estimator for multichannel image denoising

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    The use of multicomponent images has become widespread with the improvement of multisensor systems having increased spatial and spectral resolutions. However, the observed images are often corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise. In this paper, we are interested in multichannel image denoising based on a multiscale representation of the images. A multivariate statistical approach is adopted to take into account both the spatial and the inter-component correlations existing between the different wavelet subbands. More precisely, we propose a new parametric nonlinear estimator which generalizes many reported denoising methods. The derivation of the optimal parameters is achieved by applying Stein's principle in the multivariate case. Experiments performed on multispectral remote sensing images clearly indicate that our method outperforms conventional wavelet denoising technique

    A SURE Approach for Digital Signal/Image Deconvolution Problems

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    In this paper, we are interested in the classical problem of restoring data degraded by a convolution and the addition of a white Gaussian noise. The originality of the proposed approach is two-fold. Firstly, we formulate the restoration problem as a nonlinear estimation problem leading to the minimization of a criterion derived from Stein's unbiased quadratic risk estimate. Secondly, the deconvolution procedure is performed using any analysis and synthesis frames that can be overcomplete or not. New theoretical results concerning the calculation of the variance of the Stein's risk estimate are also provided in this work. Simulations carried out on natural images show the good performance of our method w.r.t. conventional wavelet-based restoration methods